Shut-in Magician

The fuss between the 335th sight

Between the glances, the chairs were provided.

I had recommended it to Kilik, a noble nobleman, although it was just not recommended to Siu the common man.

but Kirik didn't sit down.

"I don't want to get into long stories with my adopted child standing up. I want to finish what I was invited to do today."

"Hmm. It's the same as always."

"Let's get a hold of it. Because it's very serious. Well, this is Viscount Theodoro-Grossi. You accompanied me to protect my adopted son, Siu-Aquila. Do you mind?"

"Of course, we don't have a hobby for spearing innocent children."

"No sin, say it"


The story seemed to follow between them already. It must have been too late to be called.

"Let's get you a seat. Come on, boy, come here."

"Lord Vixtreme!

Someone raised a critical voice, but silenced at the gaze of a staring duke.

"O boy with a holy name, be magnificent"

He was told in a whisper, and Siu was guided to the chair in front while he could be taken.

There is also a glass water drain on the small table, but for some reason there was no vessel.

"Now, if you explain what happened, some of you don't understand."

I looked at Siu and urged him.

"It'll be a hassle twice, but will you tell me what was in the report and let me hear it?


Once I got up from the chair I sat in, bowed my head to no one before I started talking.

Ferres sits beside Siu in silence the whole time.

Nobody said anything about bringing him here because they know Ferres was the beginning in the first place.

Now and again during the explanation, everyone was watching Siu and Ferres alternately.

When I told him everything that happened chronologically and made him listen, several people came up with critical words.

"Isn't it because kids wander around with horsebacks in the first place?

"Count Fermer must have mistaken me for my country's child"

"You must have been a bad mouth because you're an adventurer. The Count got angry because of it."

But most of them were embarrassed by what they said.

"In case you do, yes. How about saying 'I'll kill you' to my kids"

"It's natural that adventurers from other countries don't know how to treat our country about rare beasts?

"I say the way you speak, but to see the answer now, aren't you much more courteous than the noble children of that place"


I was listening in silence, but there was one, someone who made strange moves.

I'm trying to activate a demon prop.


"Hmm? What's up?"

"He's trying to do something weird."

Pointing to him, one of the Kingsguards threw out a demon prop and fled.

At the same time he fell on the floor, a black one appeared, so Kilik tried to run out. Siu stopped it, took out the special gel and threw it.

In a flash of events, some seemed not to understand the flow, but Auziglio and Georges and others who were escorting them through the room were stroking their breasts.

"I locked you in, it's okay. Oh, but I'd rather not touch that magic tool."


The soldier tried to pick it up, so he stopped in a hurry.

"It's a spellware. I feel like an ancient demonic prop, though I'm not sure if I don't properly appraise it. I remember reading it in a book."

I can't tell you because it's a forbidden library source, but when I actually appraised it, I found out it was a spell instrument close to Warcraft Caller.

"You've been able to bring this stuff in a lot. Is there no bond here?"

I whined casually, but some of them were stuffing their throats in a gut.

You received it as disgusting, one of you came back to me.

"Isn't that a selfie? Isn't it strange to notice at the outset that no one realizes"

"Oh, that's the way you see it, too"

Yeah, I appraised the black pigeon in the gel, responding raw.

It was still like a curse.

Though not a great deal of power, I would panic.

I was also concerned that there was no wizard here.

"... you don't have a court magician. If I had been here, I would have dealt with this right away."

"Hey, what!

"Speaking of which, There's probably about one person in these places."

Auziglio looked around strangely.

"I met Count Hasse earlier. You know, you have to go back when you're offered an emergency."

"Third level, I don't know what you said, that court magician was yelling at someone, too, but what if he was planning to wait here?

"... apparently, someone did it. Did you even try to sin in the earthen pit? Do something that's not even Roku"

Auziglio stared abominably at the magic props with a spitting momentum.

"In the first place, it's strange to shelter, such as the inferior species that try to take away an already Lord's horseman. Not to mention trying to kill him. What a heart to gain from nobility. Besides, I thought they were repeatedly playing the request to crusade the Great Warcraft. Trying to make kids do that, etc."

I'm trembling. I'm afraid I'm going to fall if I keep getting angry like this.

Kilik slapped Auzilio in the arm if he was worried.

"Well, it turned out to be a crusade."

"Yes, that's right. I could crusade. But it wasn't done by our court magicians and soldiers."

"Lord Vixtreme, that's different! My country's adventurers crusaded it."

"No, you don't. You haven't seen the report."

The discourse has begun.

Siu glanced up at Kilik with his shoulders flaunted, and Kilik was also a few steps back with zero sigh.

It's the truth that I don't want to get involved.

For some reason, I derailed along the way and made a fuss when I said who had bad policies about it, who had problems with the horseback arrangement, and who was going to poke at the royal family that made the final decision?

As he shrugged, he carried the chair back and sat down with three of Kilik and Theodoro.

Ferres is in the position of falling asleep beside the chair with a huge stretch of phew.

There finally came the Kingsguard and others.

Late came the court magician too.

Seeing the magic props, I'm surprised. I was wondering why this was here.

"Oh, that, when you remove the gel, it flies, but what do you want me to do?


"I surrounded myself with a special gel with junctional function to trap it. I need it back because I'm in trouble if they take it with me."

"Oh, but"

"Anyone, Holy Separate Magic owner, or able to purify?

"… I am the third class"

"If I do it, they'll call me a do-it-yourself again, so I'd like someone to do it to a third party."


The Kingsguards are also far-fetched without knowing what to do with the magic props.

In the meantime, the pay of ministers and nobles continued even as the topic shifted. It frightens me.

Eventually another court magician came and was purifying it on the spot. I looked at the remaining gel and it looked interesting, but it recovers.

The demonic props took it with a firm bond.

The close guards left again in search of the soldiers who had fled, leaving only the noble arguments.

After a while, the royal family came because of the noise, or because the Kingsguard earlier called me.

As soon as I entered the room, the pittance subsided, so I thought it was funny.

"Easy, I just wanted to say, you guys seemed to talk quite easily. I didn't expect you to leave your guests alone and get into a discussion. Were you exposing our country to shame?

There is no annihilation, Your Highness.

The first prince of this country says his name is Vincent.

He had a well-groomed blonde face that was common in royalty, but with a slightly colder face, his eyes looking cold at Siu. It is as if there is dust or rags there.

"Didn't you just converge the noise, Lord Vixtreme?"

"Ha. I meant to, but there seemed to be a slight mistake"

"That's a mistake. So? Yeah, the details are good. Anyway, I just sat over here at the Oscarius Border Uncle."

I wave my hands flashy and order that. A man like his secretary came and just prepared a chair to guide him.

Kilik, however, did not sit down to it and walked slowly to it with his big crotch before the prince, greeting him politely.

"Nice to meet you, Prince Vincent. It's Kilik-Oscarius."

"My name is Vincent-Elvestam-Latricia. As much as I'm ashamed to show you the ugly part."

I said something I didn't even think about at all, something like that, and I was answering without changing my expression.

Siu has also seen a lot of faceless people so far, but I ranked him as the best in the heart.

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