Shut-in Magician

334 Seriously classes, then to the royal palace

Coors ended up getting drunk and staying after dinner when he started drinking.

The next morning, he dropped Siu off with a hungover face.

Siu only had class in the morning, so I went to school, but Kilik frightened me.

I wish I could rest on a day like this, it seems.

Teodoro said he would be ready, too, but he never stopped. Instead, he praised me for being good for my students.

When we arrived at the Dome Gymnasium, Clarissa and the others came and played flexible gymnastics.


"Oh, have you noticed?

Raynald looked at Clarissa laughing.

"He didn't like being out of company. Looks like he asked around and eventually decided to wrap his skirt around his riding clothes"

"I don't see any body lines, and that would be good."

"... siu"

"Oh, excuse me. This isn't good either, is it? Hmm, that's hard."

"You're still small enough to be forgiven. How old are you?

"I'm thirteen."

"... you can't see. No, you're thirteen. I treat you like an adult because I'm familiar with you, but you look young, and I feel like you're either."

"How can I answer that?"

"Ha! Well, that's good."

Laughing and being deluded, class began.

Continuing to train each one, including how to add magic to the weapon, the second time limit went into turmoil.

It's a battle drill to change combinations with each other.

Look for bad combinations and practice thoroughly.

In Siu's case, he struggled without knowing how to handle the humans.

If you do too much, you'll kill them, so you're too scared to hit a decision. Even spinning sticks don't kill you, but they definitely make you suffer injuries. Conversely, there was a dilemma that if you didn't let them get hurt, you wouldn't be able to catch them.

"I have a captive net or something."

"That's good too, but you can't use it if it's a narrow staircase, can you?

"What about the mass projectiles?

"Nothing. That's fine. It's just, you know, it's kind of powerful, right?

"That's right...... I used this the other day."

I took out the special gel and showed it to Reynald.

"What the hell?"

"It's a specially formulated gel. There's a lot going on and I haven't patented it, so I can only use it in confidence."

"You can't do that either. I mean, it sounds like an interesting material. What did you use it for? A big warcraft hunt for example?

Asked, oh, I remembered that and talked about the crusade of Gracchiace Gigas.

What did you then use the special gel for?

"... you used it to pay back the court magician you've been trying to assassinate"

"Yes, just in time to catch it"

"What happened to the rest of them?

"Likewise. And then I made monkeys out of the crawl, bound and locked them away. I was silent inside, so I can prevent chanting in case. If I freeze to death, I'll be in trouble, so it was a bit of a hassle to keep it warm inside."

"... well. Wouldn't you rather not use your weapon?


"No, if that's all you can do, you don't have to control it with weapons anywhere"

"... then there's the meaning of the class"

"Oh well."

Edgar, who was listening to the two of them, grinned.

"It's not a comedy story. It's a weird interaction."

"Leave me alone. Oh, more than that, Edgar, you need to be brazen enough to step into your female opponent any more."

"... Yes"

Edgar, who had just gotten away with it, was being organized against Gemma again.

Gemma is Clarissa's squire, but most people don't like her because she uses a whip.

The motion of a whip that is unusual and the movement of a female opponent slows it down. Gemma understands that well, too, and if she does, she makes it look feminine.

Other things like having a long spear-held Uberto pair with a dagger izotta, which is hilarious.

I was reluctant to take this class first, but when I came in it was fun.

At the end of class, he returned to the mansion at first sight.

I wanted to finish in the school cafeteria for about lunch, but I hurried that I would be ready.

When I got home, Susa and the others were waiting, and they put on their clothes to go up to the royal palace.

She said it was because she had something she had received before, but for some reason it seemed like she was flattering me.

"I don't know, it's a good idea to keep it Latrician."

When the maid length Sabine confirmed in all directions the sensation rounded siu worn, she nodded one as if to acknowledge it.

"Well, that would be nice. Lisa, your hair is yours."


He still can't do it in Susa.

"Well, I'm coming to pick you up, boy. Mr. Roland and Mr. Theodoro will check the rest, but we'll finish it right away."

"Yes. I'm in awe"

When Sabine disappeared, a small sigh leaked from nowhere.

"It was like an exam."

"Master Siu. Yes, it is. It was an exam. But I couldn't even let him have my hair."

"It's soft hair, so I can't do it for Susa yet. Master Siu, please wait a while longer."

Even so, Lisa combs her hair handily. He shaped it using oil and so on.

I laughed when I saw something funny in the mirror, like a little kid stretched out his best.

Next door, Ferres was cleansed by Sorol.

It seems nice to have it combed with your favorite shave. But I couldn't get it out.

"Nyah. Nyah."

I'm not used to it as much as Siu or Susa, so I can't reach the itch, I guess it feels like that.

I'm sorry I didn't know what you were talking about, but I was working so hard on them.

"Where is it? Here?"

Sorol asked me where it was, looked at Ferres' gaze, and then blamed me for brushing, so I got a beautiful hairy look.

"Well, you're cute now"

Praised by Susa, Ferres was moving his mustache perfectly.

"Nah, nah. Ha Ni."

"Oh, what is it?

"To Sorol, thank you. He said it felt good."

"Oh, no."

Sorol laughed in the light. Rico smiled, too, and stroked Ferres.

"Ferres, thank you too."

I left it to Solol, who hasn't had any experience yet, so I guess that's what I said. Ferres replied, "Nyah," not sure.

On a luxurious carriage, Siu headed with Kilik and Theodoro to the royal palace.

Two dragon knights rode their horses in the front and Theodoro's secretaries and escorts advanced in the carriage in the rear.

Not that there was anything in particular on the road, but I was able to get into the royal palace.

Instead, the exchange in front of the main entrance was a big surprise.

By the Kingsguard knight I was waiting for, the answer was interesting.

"Steyburn Country, Oscarius Borderline Uncle and you are on your way!!

"Here you are!!

"I accept. My name is Knight Georges-Agrel!

Everything was fine, I screamed, so it was going to blow out.

So much so that I thought I might have to name this one out loud.

Then Georges and his companions took him on a walk in the royal palace.

It was during a surprisingly large glance that I was guided.

Looks like a lot of people are waiting inside. That's just the magic powers, and the magic ceremony is amazing. I thought I shouldn't have a bad sensory metastasis, but there's a hole unexpectedly.

Maybe it's a trap, so I kept analyzing it carefully.

I thought I might be planting it on the floor like a delf country, but I didn't have any of those.

By the end of the analysis, loud interaction had ended and he was led into the room.

There was no particularly aggressive sorcery ceremony, and it was just somewhat thoroughly guarded.

"Welcome, come"

In a friendly voice since then, it was a man of such a style as a great nobleman, much older than Kilik, who came close in a good mood.

"This is it. Aren't you Lord Vixtreme?"

Kilik is greeting me with a disappointing handshake.

I heard the name and understood it. It's Amalia's grandfather, the Duke of Augilio-Vixtreme.

"Were you not retired yet"

"I'd like to hide quickly and adore my grandson. I don't think so."

I look back in chills and look at the men who would be ministers.

Sooner rather than later, it seemed that the aristocratic reward was beginning.

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