Shut-in Magician

325 Post-reporting and mysterious rituals at school

The night dawned and it was a day of fire.

Kilik wears a back shield or something to power (?) I wasted until just before I wanted to go to Seeker's School of Magic, but I ended up staying at the Mansion.

Cyril seems to have contacted me, because my original deputy in the Latrician state came early in the morning. I'm so sorry for the Brad family, but the noise like this typhoon was going to last for a while.

Siu also only said hello in the morning rush, but the deputy was a man named Viscount Theodoro-Grossi, a man who seemed serene.

They say your wife hits Kilik's cousin, so it's a remote relationship.

You think he seemed to have been entrusted with legal relations in the House of Lords, but now he doesn't belong in the House of Lords, and he's a lawyer with a secret hobby? He relaxed when he told me that he did not need to work in vain because he also had an aristocratic pension. Besides, it's a hobby, so Shiu is a pompous one because he said the opening best that he didn't need the cost this time either.

Kilik told me, softly, that he was good at investing more wealth and that the inner truth, though the Viscount, was quite moist. He seems to have a lot more fortune than a bad Count family. Is it also because you can call your job a hobby?

Theodoro told me that the best way to save money was not to look good.

We were running out of time, so I took my seat off and headed to school.

Some students slipped into the classroom of Ancient Site Studies but had not yet arrived.

Milt and craft are the same.

"You were late."

"Yeah. I need a customer to get out."

"To you?

"Yes, I wonder if it will. My guardian, Uncle Borderline, came so quickly that the deputy came to greet me accordingly."

"... he said during this time, is it rubbing?

They also listened and knew, so they asked worryingly.

"Yeah. I got some pieces on it, but he said it was just fine because the other side is going to be lying 800 lines and they all need to complain from the guild. I left the school on my way, so I left it all to my guardian."

"Well, you could take a break from school."

'Cause I like this class.

Where I said, Alberik moistened his eyes and held them from behind. I was aware that I had come in late, but I laughed bitterly at what I was going to do.

"Mr. Siu! What a good boy you are!

He's so unfamiliar with being told. He seems thrilled and genuinely happy with Siu's words. Florent will tear that up.

"Doctor, if you hold a child, you'll be defamed of perverts."

He grinned and spit poison, and, come on, he brought the shocked teacher back to the lecture.

"Class, shall we?

"... that's right"

Soothingly, the class began.

After the second time-limited class, Alberik was explained how it depended.

I rooted for a name I would call consultation after my last class, so reporting is an obligation. For some reason, Milt and the others were listening.

"So, Gracchiace Gigas was crusaded? Wow."

"Is the Iceberg ruin safe?"

"You want to go, for once."

As the stream becomes a relic story as it is, I can peek at the geekiness of this subject.

Floran was also there, so the story went into a thick geek story about how to stop the ruin destruction at once.

In the afternoon, he stayed in the research building because it was a Warcraft Demon Ecology Study and moved the classroom before noon.

The Rufinas are already here, and they look at Siu and say, "Yay! I was happy."

"Did you bring lunch?

Siu snorted bitterly at the palpable question.

"There's more."

When I answered, I just started arranging desks.

While doing so, the other students showed their faces and we all had an adorable lunch.

Ferres apparently told his buddies rare beasts to show him the pebbles after dinner, and he had received them from Siu to show them.

The rare beasts circle and look at the pebbles they put on the floor and say something.

"I wish I knew what they were talking about."

"This could be bullshit."

"Ustersh, interpret."

"Fine, but Mr. Rufina's right. Really crap, huh?

After hearing the words, everyone looked at each other, Rufina answered in the representative.

"I knew it would be fine. It's better not to shatter your dreams."


Ustash was laughing bitterly at her shoulders.

A group that had mysterious movements and conversations around the pebble, but when Bartolome arrived, it was dissolved immediately.

Ferres also brought two pebbles, cleverly pinched by the mouth.

When I put it in my stomach, I felt a slightly warm, relieved relief.

I wondered if I was scared to be surrounded by everyone, a little pathetic, and then I went crazy and laughed.

I'll report it to Bartolome after class.

Since the last class, he told me that he really seemed to talk all over the place, and that he was fond of me.

Many nobles seem to question the presence of rare beasts today.

Especially nobles with local territories and their associates, they wondered if there was any manoeuvre in combating warcraft.

In fact, the adventurers are not the knights, soldiers, etc. who are surrounded by territory hunting warcraft. If it gets out of hand, there will be knights and soldiers, but few among the nobles of the province, such as those with horsemen.

They also exploded accumulating daily discontent about not releasing that encircled horseman when it was critical.

"I decided to use this as an opportunity to play. It's a bunch of names to make sure you don't eat for it."

He meditated on one eye and laughed in the tea eye, telling me so.

Returning to the mansion, there were more people.

Theodoro called it in or something, and instead of putting it in, nobles are in and out.

"The Brad family is a noble family in another country, so we can gather our votes in very thankful circumstances without the lay of our nobility"

I smiled and was told why people had increased, but I just thought it was bad for the Brad family, so I looked for Roland.

I tried to apologize, but out of his mouth,

"I am very relieved that there still seems to have been a noble thought nobleman in this country. Fang has instructed me to use it to the fullest, and I have been contacted by the main house to be as good as Uncle Oscarius Borderline. Wonderland, we want to do our utmost to treat you so that you do not denigrate the name of the Brad family!

"Oh, really..."

After a cheerful statement, Siu just had to answer that.

Kind of like a rambling cow that ran out and couldn't stop, and I felt like I was stepping away from the Siu personal story, but well I got on with those moments.

But it's convenient if Siu's name is going to be so sumptuous.

If the result was good, what a surprise. Siu was a party but did not participate, so he went to the kitchen to make rice, etc.

Kirik looked down at dinner, so I got a little pathetic.

I know you didn't think you'd see him like this, but Theodoro said he had no hands to not use when the big guy came, and he seemed to be moving vigorously using his name to the fullest.

For this reason, Kilik, for play purposes, was kept in the mansion all day long, and in a greeting followed by a greeting of nobility.

By the way, the Lazzaros seem to have slipped out alternately.

"I just went to see how Fei Long was doing. Because I'm worried about Luna and Saul."

"I've given you a proper escort."

They both said that shiatsu.

But he was too relieved and unfaithful. Kilik was pathetic, so Siu suggested it was there to cheer him up.

"It's specially amazing, shall I sneak you up on it?


Feeling like an evil deputy, I borrowed Kilik's ear while staying in.

"Don't tell me. 'Cause it's definitely not gonna work if I tell anyone, right?

I was surprised, Kirik, but I heard Siu push and gradually started to do it.

Lazzaro and Sanael, who were sitting nearby for some reason, are bluing their faces.

"Are you suggesting something? Mr. Siu?"

"Lord Siu?

"Fair enough. It's a reward. You two have been breathing, so no."


They had a hindsight, and they were both holding their breasts.

In the meantime, I whispered to Kirik.

"I'm keeping it for myself, I think Kirik can eat it"

Whoa, I raised my voice and looked happy.

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