Shut-in Magician

324 Reasons for getting busted

She insisted that she absolutely wanted it because she liked it, and in this case she presented one adventurer-spec flying board and two simplified versions of the flying board.

Then I will also give you the magic props for safety measures.

"What is this?

I'm calling it "safety ball material for falling" or something, but it's finally a magic tool for safety measures in case of falling. Instructions should be applied to the lumbar band and, if possible, around the stomach, with a pair of instruments on the object. In this case, it's a flying plate. When you leave the set distance, the magic ceremony starts without taking a second, and the alarm continues to sound for the first ten seconds. I did that because if I thought about the malfunction, if I had ten seconds, I would be able to notice it and disarm it. But it starts within the first second, so if it hits anywhere, the magic of safety precautions will be activated, and a highly flexible gel will jump out of the abdominal area to create a circular wall, protecting the body with a soft cushion. "

"... what?

"Shall I let you do it? Oh, Ferres, don't interrupt me this time. I'll do it from the low, it's okay, okay?


I nodded reluctantly and squatted on the spot. But you have all your forelegs, and you can jump out at any time.

While smiling bitterly, I took out the flying board and flew.

It was supposed to set before flying, but it mounted over the sky and jumped straight off.

"Oh, come on!!

"What are you doing,"

It was from a low position, so the ground quickly approached, and the junction magic worked at a distance of 3m, and in an instant the gel popped out and built a circle wall.

For every ciu surrounded, Po 'n Po 'n jumps loosely and stops. After stopping, Siu activated the switch to release. This must be done by opening the lid of the mounted demon prop.

Shh, the dissolving material popped out and there was a hole in some of it, so I put my face out of it.

"Like this"

"... what the hell, something"

Kilik laughed out eventually, although he was flattered.

"Whatever, make it. You're really crazy! Ha ha!!

It's something I'm going to bang on my shoulder for fun, so I avoided it painfully but now I'm hugging it.

"Dear Kilik, I hate you, please let him go"

"Uh, look, Siu, over here"

Lazzaro and the others pulled me out.

"Can you use this, wherever it falls from?

"Because we let perceived distances be determined according to height or speed. Confirmed up to 3000m so far. Also, it may blow up on the side, so I checked the trees, the rocks, the sand, the snow, the water. Oh, but the ice and the sea aren't there yet."

"You confirmed it.... I mean, 3000m?


Gotun and I were beaten.


It heals quickly, but what hurts hurts. The pain disappeared while I was holding my head down, but when I looked up at Kirik while holding him down with the flow, he looked down scared.

"You fell off that height!! I did that in an experiment, you stupid bastard."

Ferres roared when he looked at Kirik, who was genuinely angry, without a voice.

"Giggle, giggle, giggle"

I am furious with my hair upside down. Less serious, but rare to intimidate.

So depending on Kirik's attitude, we're going to fight, and so on.

"Ah? You do it, here! Keep an eye on the Lord."

Siu hastily entered and stopped between them because he was in a fight hips just as well for some reason.

"Uh, stop, stop, end. First, Ferres. You shouldn't be angry right away like that. You thought I got slapped? But Kirik was just worried and angry, and I didn't do it to annoy him. You know that, don't you?


'Cause I lay my ear down.

"Seems confrontational, but apart from that. You can be mad at me if I'm being unreasonable, but that's only after I'm hurt enough to bleed. Okay?"


Another weird squeal, reluctantly accepting.

Next, Siu faced Kilik.

"You are too short-circuited. Have you ever been told to listen to people properly until the end?

"... although I do. What's wrong with that?"

I sighed and answered.

"It was goblins or warcraft that fell from a height of 3000m. Exactly. If you experiment in humans, it's problematic."

I really tried, but I'll keep my mouth shut.

Ferres has looked up at Siu a little, but laughs and controls him with only his gaze.

Let's apologize a lot later.

"After experimenting with the corpse, I caught him alive and experimented, so, you know, he just misheard the explanation."

"Bad outside sound? I wouldn't have been mad if I'd listened to you. No, in the first place, I'd say you lifted it to that height. That's dangerous, too. I can't believe it's not a flying dragon, it's just riding a beast to a high altitude."

I complained even more. I did, but for some reason, the words stopped.

When I glanced at you because Kirik was looking at someone who wasn't there, Luca was crying as she stood still.

"Oh, shit."

When I rushed, Luca finally seemed to return to me and ran and hugged me by the body.

"Busted! Busted! Siu, Siu, Siu!

After that, I cried a lot.

Seemed scared Siu got mad.

I'm sorry, I'm on my knees, I hug Luca, I stroke my back, and I look up at the big man who stood beside me. Because I felt sorry for this one, too, but Kilik was scratching his head like a bump.

Then he comforted Luca and explained that Kirik also bowed his head and apologized, and that Siu was just scolded because he was his fault.

She returned Luca, who stopped crying, to the mansion, and when she fed her snacks, she came drowsy because she was tired of crying and warm, and it was nap time. Sorol carried me to the bedroom, so Kilik and the others were then briefed on Luca's birth.

"Were you using your children to threaten your father? Terrible story."

"So, it's like he's afraid to get hit. It's more like I don't like someone getting hit."

"I guess my father was being hit"

I'm sorry, and now I'm going to apologize to Siu, so Siu honestly apologized too.

"It was careless of me, too, because it's a word for me to worry about. I'm sorry I sounded so great earlier."

"No, neither do I. I'm gonna make it quick, and, well, it was a tattoo from the tutor that I don't actually listen to people, no."

I looked nostalgic and laughed.

"Kirik feels like a handless white boy when he was little."

"Oh, yeah."

"Siu, come to the realm. When you go to the capital, you can hear Kilik's anecdote like a mountain."

"It's good for booze knobs."

"A booze knob, dude. Mostly Siu was still a minor, wasn't he?

"Thirteen. I'll be fourteen in the grassy moon, so there's still a long way to go."

"I've been drinking since I was about twelve when I was young."

"It must be just Master Kilik, it's"

Two dragon knights are embarrassed as if they were frightened.

"... Nevertheless, he said he was eight years old, but he was young"

"Yeah. Your body's small, and your thoughts are childish. But it's improved a lot."


"Yeah. Right, Susa"

When I asked Susa, who was with me beside me, she answered me nervously but firmly.

"Yes, I was a little younger when I came to your mansion, and my body was already so thin"

You remembered. My eyes moistened a little. I hurried, shook my head, and smiled.

"I'm finally getting fat because I can eat as much as regular kids"

"Right. Everyone in this mansion seems to be good."

Susa dyed her cheeks, then bowed politely.

I guess we were glad to be praised for ourselves.

"... when invited, I guess the people here distance themselves better and are well educated amidst the many maids who do all the extras. I need you to apprentice me, too."

"That's right. You talk to Master Kilik like friends, my maids."

"... you too, huh?

"What, then, would you like something to say to the Marquis?

"I didn't like it when you were tough, so we couldn't do it."

The two of us sent him in, and Kilik got stuck in words and turned to him like that.

Lazzaro flaunted his shoulders, and Sanael overdid it. - He was grinning bitterly.

In fact, everyone but Kilik has a pretty decent attitude and language.

Here's what Kirik does, so he fits in.

My men care a lot when it's a wreck up there.

"Next time, why don't you set Kirik up with the Marquis?

When Siu jokes and holds it up to Lazzaro and Sanael.

"Oh, that's good"

"I'll think of something interesting. Hey, Lord Siu..."

He rode right in.

Of course, Kilik said.

"... no more, no more"

He whispered softly and raised the white flag.

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