Shut-in Magician

234 Artificial underground labyrinth

All the dirt that came out of the hole digging, Rigdor made it the core of the rubber bullet.

Rigdor is a great addition to this artificial underground labyrinth because it has soil and wood attributes.

When the hard rock formations come out, they ask Rafe to put them out and work together to build a maze.

It seemed difficult because I also built a diagonally stretched aisle, but I was straining that it was extra fun than an AC meeting or something.

"How do you do reinforcements?

"Ask someone with fixed magic to fix the soil"

"... that's how you use it?

I was surprised because it's usually the magic I use to fix traps and other sorcery ceremonies.

"It's a change of mind. Don't bother to reinforce it with wooden planks or metal, it's easy."

"Yeah, right."

"Is the rig creating Ts, doing well?

"Oh, you're an easy winner. I practiced making tsu whips quite a bit. Just"

"That hurts plain..."

Next to Rigdor, Antony was zeroing his stupidity with a seemingly complicated face.

"But if you make it here, it'll help you later in class."

And when I zeroed my black grin, Antony laughed.

"If I didn't, I wouldn't help. Hehe."

"Oh, my God, it's evil."

"... you know, sometimes you say weird things, Siu"

Normally, Norinoli's rigdor just cut me off.

With Karina with Summoning Magic coming, Alice with Summoning Magic seemed happy as well. Everything else was the boys, so it seemed hard to work with them.

Together with Tomas, a teacher of Warcraft magic, the two practice summoning magic that invokes little warcraft. If it can be freely done, wake it up to a magic ceremony, undergo a final inspection, and grant the magic ceremony to the Demon Stone. It's a trick to throw this into the event room.

It is the will of the person to enter the room, keeping the boundaries in the room itself. For the sake of safety, we are also going to keep magic tools in the corner that only people can transfer.

The metastatic magic is also first tried and erroneous by the students, then compared to the provided magic ceremony, then imparted to the magic prop and fixed.

He had checked his user-friendliness many times and repeated experiments to see if he could safely transfer.

Siu was also mostly in the arena as an adjunct to the Grand on the morning of Water Day, so more than half stood as site director of the artificial underground labyrinth.

It's good to go easy because it's next door to each other.

Occasionally, the students went in to help, not even in tactical tactics classes.

Grand said this is also part of the class, but it is clearly a lie.

Even in the afternoon of the water, I even helped dig dirt because there was only one subject in the barracks department and it was vacant after that.

Where reinforcement is not following, it is secretly solidified. The air holes and emergency escape routes were made separately by standing pits, and this one was reinforced by metal walls.

The overall aisle itself gets the students to build it, but where it's going to be a big deal of construction, Siu does it.

I also made a foundation part that would make the building, and then I went to school the next morning and I said, "There's a dwarf!" and was making a scene.

Even in this world, I suddenly felt strange about being treated like a "dwarf" if something was ready.

The creation of artificial underground labyrinths has formed a festive body with each day to follow.

I thought it was about tactics and warriors, but other teachers wanted to use it, so I started participating.

As helping would lead to evaluation, the students would participate actively, and if they started doing it, it would mean that it would be interesting - a real 'hands-on' class at any rate, but also safe - and a diagram could be made that they would gather in their free time.

When this happened, the Dean of the College also began to wonder if it would be better to build the ground part of the building in earnest, so he put in the vendor and worked on creating both.

The building on the ground has a facility that can be described as a small version of the guild, such as a reception desk or a treatment room in the event of an injury.

A lot of ideas came out of the students, and the student council began to put together.

When Siu was also out working on his day off, a student who heard rumors came with a potpout. Especially since the dormitory group is on the premises, I heard from senior graduate students who are immersed in the school building all year round, and they seem to have come.

"Siu, were you doing this alone?

Dino and Cornelio, Boris and Lamberto are coming.

Lamberto had a ton of food in his hand and he plugged it in.

"Because I didn't seem to have any impending work in the Adventurers Guild, and I did some hasty work last week off"

"You were free at last?


"When I'm free, I usually play"

"I'm playing."

"... you'll be addicted to work in the future, won't you?

Dino cautioned me. There seems to be a bad habit of former Japanese. Siu scratched his head and decided to take a break.

"Fun, with"

"I know how you feel. Why do guys like this?

They also know Dino.

"My classmate said he had fun making traps and couldn't help but make them in class."


"The child with production magic was obsessed with the development of mobile doors. Sure, you're thinking of turning the maze into a number of shapes?

"It's a maze."

If you get used to it, you're done, so the maze is a mechanism that can be transformed into many patterns.

"I'll make athletics, too."

"Oh, a new thought facility for everything? I don't know."

"Artificial forests, underground waterways, wooden practice areas, etc."

Depending on their purpose, they also make spacious rooms. It's not as big a space as a real underground labyrinth, but it's bigger than a classroom, about the size of an auditorium.

"I'm thinking. But I guess it's okay to use magic."

"If you're too aggressive, you'll collapse. For once, I plan to perform a magic ceremony of shock absorption or inhibition. But that could be a normal underground labyrinth, right? It's just right for you to learn those things. Because it's highly aggressive, there's no such thing as a good place to use cancer, actually."

"You can tell. Even on the battlefield, there's no such thing as no one around."

"We don't rely on magic, we use tactics to win, that's what we're after in the first place."

I'm going to forget my original purpose, but I'm going to use it here in class for once.

For this reason, even if the wall breaks down after being attacked, we can try to create a trick that automatically reverts back to normal.

Siu thought he could make a golem with the same mechanism.

I feel I can do it because it has soil and metallic properties and because I can use production magic.

Too much might piss me off, so I figured I'd do it again.

The following week, it continued to be clear about the creation of the underground labyrinth, and it was Saturday that was completed.

It will have taken almost two weeks.

I was happy to complete it in the evening and long live with the students I was helping at that time.

There's still some cleanup left, and I haven't checked it out, but I finished building it anyway as planned.

That night, due to considerations on the part of the school, the students who participated received an understanding that they could stay late, so the launch began quickly.

There was also almost a building built on the ground, so it's a party there.

"Doors, I worked so hard to build them!

"That door is good."

Next to the production group's delight, the dark attribute group seemed to enjoy talking about the trap.

"Mr. Siu, we were able to summon Flying Rabbit!

"I didn't think I could really summon you. Hey, Mr. Alice."

"You look happy"

"That's already! Though I'd like to summon the Spirit if possible. I can't because I'm level one."

"Can't you even be small? And rare beasts?

"Even small spirits are spirits. There must be at least level four. But if it's a rare beast, maybe we can do it. I was able to summon the Warcraft this time."

"Ooh. Then you should be able to call a rare beast."

"Yeah. But rare beasts mostly have lords, don't they? You'll rarely be there because you've been contracted."

"I wonder if you're surprised."

In fact, Siu, who knows a rare beast without the Lord, answered so vaguely.

It's fun to work together.

They had fun with the students, and they were wrapped up in noise late that day.

The rest is checked early in the week to see if it's safe, in Siu with the college directors and teachers, and if it's okay, start using it in the advanced class of the Tactical Department of Tactics on Water Day.

If I can run it well, I will incorporate it in other classes, such as Warrior's Department.

Since there was an exercise case, I guess I got lucky because there seemed to be a voice from among teachers that it would be better to include more practical classes as well.

Siu decided to do her busy weekend schedule while looking forward to next week.

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