Shut-in Magician

233 Princess Troubles and New Events

Strong sense of responsibility, or someone who grew up held up from above, etc., quickly becomes self-denial with a little failure, and falls into some sort of obsessive attitude.

Is Carlotte highly conjectured, or, perhaps, has a lot of standing in the royal family?

Is the position at the college also subtle?

"Did they say that studying is the object of contempt?

"... I'm a princess, so I didn't need to be so encouraged to study, I was laughed at"

"Yeah, so?

"... there's no point in a woman being able to study," he said. One aristocratic man said to give a woman a gem because it is troublesome to give her wisdom. Of course, they didn't say anything to the face in the presence of a woman, but all the gentlemen there were laughing. "

"Yeah. There's gonna be some nasty people like that in the world."

"Even if you try to study in the college library, the boys students come and get in the way. I was told in a friendly tone that it was better not to waste time because the princess could live gracefully without doing that."

Looks like I remember, holding my fist. I knew it was a recoil.

"... me, I want to learn more. More, I wanted to learn. But I didn't have the courage."

"The truth is, you wanted to enroll in magic school, didn't you?

Carlotte nodded quietly.

"It's strange how royalty works, isn't it? No, nobility, maybe. I don't understand."

"Siu, you are so irresponsible."

"It's okay, Master Argio. I think the same thing."


Carlotte leaned down, but immediately raised her face.

"I didn't want to be born royal or anything. I wish I could have lived freer."

"Wouldn't it be nice if you understood the weight of the word?"

"... some people in the world have difficulty even eating what they wear, right?

"Did they put you out for a meeting? Let me tell you something. Let me give up."

"Wow, you know very well"

"If you read the story, for the most part, that's all. The more I feel like eating. What do you say, Master Carlotte? Would you like to read" Princess Smina's Story "or" Princess Henrietta's College Life "that I have?

Half a joke, half a joke. I asked him seriously, and Carlotte let his eyes shine.

"Well, I was hoping to read it! Are you sure?"

"Siu, you, such a monstrous book."

"Argio, you say it's a monster, but you know what it's about?


"I know. Wow. That's a totally female novel. Oh, Master Carlotte, I have a lot more. If you're going to read it courageously, I'll lend it to you."

"... yeah, I want to read it. I want to know a lot about you. I want to study!

Siu chuckled.

"Now that we're going to visit you to the castle at a later date, I'll give it all to you then. But you need my permission to lend you a book."


I got pale as soon as I could. Did you think they might scold you again and disagree?

"It's okay. Let's try our best. Worst case scenario, it doesn't matter."

"... I wonder if they're suggesting it."

I just laughed a lot smaller, and Abyss broke in.

At last, I can see blue muscles floating around in such a way that I can't stand them.

"Princess! You must not ride the sweet words of such a bad man! Be alert!! If you think you're a little girl and you're looking sweet, just tell the princess something you don't hesitate to say! I'm gonna confuse the princess and cage her!

"Ro, what's a cage?

"I'm going to answer that!

"Oh, excuse me. It's nothing.... So, Argeo, this is out, after all? Is there a problem?

Argeo did his hand on his forehead and seemed to be thinking. Hearing Siu's inquiry, exhales a deeper sigh.

"First, the escort woman. You should obey the Lord's life. It's just a little deviant. Siu was just a friend of Princess Carlotte's and was consulted. Your attitude goes too far."

"... Ha"

He looked remorseful, but Avis knelt down to show his acceptance.

"Princess Carlotte, Siu lacks the knowledge of courtesy towards the royal nobility, and says the right things with swallowing, but I am convinced that the essence is a good man. I'm just the only one who protects himself. You cannot protect yourself from believing too much in the words and deeds of this person as well as those around you. Please be careful and don't think about it. As I was asking, the princess seems to have more wisdom than studying. Please, I hope you judge me by that wisdom."

Finally, looking at Siu, Argheo said away as he pulled his cheeks.

"Let me preach when I get home. If you're a friend, you deserve it. Right?

"Oh, yes."

Whether it was because he snorted honestly or not, Argheo turned neat.

"Now let me give you a tour of the stable"


Then the four of us visited a stable with no horses or people.

My classmates were quite surprised to see Siu and Argheo back from the AC meeting and getting along completely.

Even though Sioux has been preaching to you about getting along.

The wind and light days, when the school was closed, were spent transferring around Grandpa's house and playing around Lake Cordis.

Fire dragons and underground dragon dwellings we sneaked out for a peek, but the child was not yet born.

Col and Elle seemed fine, but that's all I was worried about when I serviced out the perimeter of the underground labyrinth where they would be able to do new things, because people's signs would be closer, even though they were off the road.

If he was willing to move, he also introduced the cabin he had built near Lake Cordis. Though the beast was relaxed after seeing how things were going and then deciding.

Another major event awaited at school in the final week of the windy and cool month at dawn.

"What, are you going to do it at the end of class?"

"Siu must be the one who put forward the proposal."

"I told you to write, Dr. Grand."

At the end of the exchange, free time students, nominated students, etc. were to be gathered to create an artificial underground labyrinth.

There is a plan, but administrative work such as who will come in and help is cumbersome, so the teacher Grand and Lituara, and Siu, alternately became on-site supervisors and instructed the students each time.

Though I thought you were a dick, if you did as planned, you'd be fine! Apparently, it's a judgment.

Just in case, the school buildings and grounds should not be affected, so a less popular place in the school was chosen, a square near the arena.

"I'll make you a makeshift cabin. And later, we'll build a building on the ground, so we'll build a foundation."

"Whoa, I asked for it!

And well, it's almost a round throw to Siu.

So Siu rang from one end to the other to someone he knew.

Arestro, for example, has production magic, so they can make fine things.

When I help with this, my teacher tells me that I will also be subject to evaluation, so surprisingly, everyone, I am on board.

At least in the first class of freshman year, Shiu's classmates have mostly expressed their participation.

"Children with dark attributes are especially invited to join us."

And when I hung around, Arestro's squire raised his hand. It was a magic school I didn't like, and the study seemed like a bad idea, but I am motivated by the fact that I have level two dark attributes.

"So will you join the trap-making squad? That would help."

"Oh, yeah?

Emil was smiling for the first time since enrolling in magic school, as much as the Lord's Arestro tells her, a haunting grin.

In addition, he also spoke to the owner of rock magic previously active in the cave he evacuated during the exercise incident.

"Rafe, you're the main digger. Help me!"

"Ugh, yeah, okay"

The children of earthly attributes, who usually didn't have much place to play, were also strained. Anyway, if you're going to dig a lot of ground, you're not as competent as they are.

"To hold fixed magic, go to Dr. Urhala and check again. Note the size of the place to plant the tree attribute!

"What do you do with subpoena magic?

"The summoner, the fixer and the grantor want us to throw a party. Have a simple transfer magic ceremony set up using magic props as well"

"What, such a big deal, can you make it?

"Because I got someone I knew involved for that!

Heh heh, and I laughed, and the people around me looked weird.

"... I don't want to hear that, who?

"First level court -"

"Ah!! I'm not listening, I'm not listening!!

"Me too. I didn't hear you either. Let's get to work."


They got away.

"I was going to ask the summoner to do other little warcraft summonses,"

"Oh, you do that?

It was Karina who showed up. We haven't seen each other in a long time, but we remember each other and we'll meet.

"For once, it comes with the guidance of Dr. Tomas. Anyone who doesn't want to do it has the right of veto. A nobleman can't defeat a warcraft."

That's what I said when I practiced my summons, because it came out that I needed to defeat the summoned Warcraft.

"… but if you have that experience, you won't have a problem when you have to"

and a rare dialogue popped up between the women of high nobility and others.

She also seemed to have some thoughts about the stampede of the Warcraft that took place near the King's Capital. This time, he was called as a summoning magician, so he was determined to try that power.

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