Shut-in Magician

226 Coffee Shops and Markets

He also bowed his head and thanked Chloe, leaving the Adventurer Guild behind.

Next, I went to a fancy coffee sterla to say that my stomach was just starting to do the same.

Some were eager for this.

It's Berhelt and Tobia. I mean, Berhelt seems to enjoy it all.

"I prefer this, with pancakes and peach ice cream"

"I beg you with a nut tart. Coffee for a drink, I guess."

"I like peach juice!

"I serve tea with fluffy sponge cake fruit."

"I, this, sweet also with cake. I wonder if incense tea would be nice. I wonder what would fit."

"Coffee would be great. Incense tea is good, but I think it goes perfectly well with sweet tofu."

and said the maid of service, Tobia followed it.

There are also two escorts in here. They were also sitting next to each other in their seats ordering.

The other three seem to have lost their bets and are on guard outside. It's pathetic, so I'll take a look at the souvenirs later and give them to you.

By the time the order came, L'O'Neill looked out of the kitchen.

Realizing that, Siu called out his seat to the escort.

"Sorry, I took my seat when I was busy"

"No. Come anytime. And yet, you're bringing interesting people."

"Oh, you know what I mean?

"Let's see. It's a small merchant, but I need to remember about the faces of the people up there."

"Merchants are amazing."

When it comes to small merchants, L'O'Neill is counted as a big merchant.

"Information is life. We heard about yesterday."

"Wow. You're really early."

"Yes. By the way, you should refrain from saying hello, right?

"Right. Thanks for your patience, for once, even that."

When I laughed bitterly, L'O'Neill also laughed with his shoulders clasped.

If you don't say hello here, some nobles will be angry. So I guess you asked just in case.

"That sounds like a lot of trouble. Oh, it looks like Rigdor was able to fly another subject the other day, and I heard it was thanks to you, Siu. She said she was given a supplementary course because she had no more qualities than everyone else. I'm sorry I kept taking care of you."

"Terrible. Rig is studying very hard, and it's his own power. It looks like personal research is going on, and my teacher expects it, and I don't think I'm as inferior to everyone as he says."

"... thanks. I'd be glad to hear you say that."

You're welcome, I answered and broke up on the spot.

Back to everyone, Berhelt was worried about asking for another one.

"This kind of thing has a good eighth belly."

When asked what that meant, he honestly went back to trying to get back to the carriage if he wanted to hear that explanation.

Basically, he's a good guy, Berhelt. Though there is something childish about it.

While giving a lecture on the eighth belly in the carriage, we head to the last place.

It is a market.

The last thing Berhelt looked forward to was the destination, because in the morning there are a lot of people and it makes it hard to escort them.

The big deal would be focused in the morning, so the evening was for me.

There are also many individuals who are coming.

Still, it seemed difficult for them to get through.

Especially Berhelt stops and wanders about what that is and what this is.

Each time Ferres bit and pulled the hem of his clothes, taking care of him.

In Ferres, he seems to be a little girl.

I was going along as I explained, and an old woman walked in from the other side.


Say no to Daniel, and Siu ran away.

"Mr. Edra!

"Oh, it's not Lord Siu."

We've come and gone a few times, so we're already totally close.

Edra today had her first viewer on it.

Looks like some nobleman's family ordinance apprentice.

"Nice to meet you, my name is Siu-Aquila. Are you from Master Edra's offering?

"... Yes, my name is Rodal"

I looked at Siu with a bewildered, but somewhat overlooking gaze.

"Is it possible that you are from your parents"

When I asked him more questions, he pulled his jaw and stared suspiciously at Siu.

Edra looks like she's in trouble and looks at Rodal, and then she makes and smiles at Siu.

"I was having trouble shopping because I didn't have a housekeeper, so I talked to him and he came from my parents' house."


I look at it at hand as I reply.

There's a reason to go this far and listen. Because Edra had the luggage she thought she'd shopped with. Of course I have Rodal, but not a great deal. It didn't even look heavy and I was wondering why Edra was letting me hold it. Besides, from the way he walked earlier, Rodal was walking because of it, dressed as a slow walking Edra desperately following him.

Hi Edra's home is badly treated against her.

"Shall I bring that? You can keep it and bring it home later."

Though Edra seemed a little happy, she turned off her smile as soon as Rodal saw you chilling.

"... no, then I'm sorry"

"Um, maybe it's an extra thing, but isn't Mr. Edra loaded to have? You'll still be shopping."

So clearly, Rodal, who was silent, tickled his tongue in disgust and glanced at Siu directly from the front.

"It's really superfluous. Why don't you just keep your mouth shut about the other house?"

"... I can't shut up and watch an elderly woman have an unfriendly housekeeper"

"The housekeeper!? I'm a family order!

"You're young, but you're a family order. Which house are you from?"


I didn't mean to sell the fight, but it's going to be a fight. Besides, Daniel has definitely come to the position where he is listening, and other faces are intrigued to see this one.

"I know Edra because of her work, and I've been friends ever since, and I don't think there's any reason to be so vigilant."

"Hmm, what do you say? From what I've seen, it looks like a common man, but it's no use trying to. I'm noble, but I don't have any money."

My nose is rough, my tone is nasty, and I don't think it's a family order after all.

"I don't want to, and I'm not going to. More than that, your way of mouth is too nasty. I don't really think it's a word for the relatives of the house. You are the subject of my vigilance."

"Hey, what the hell. Who do you think I am?"

"I've only heard of Mr. Rodall, with anyone anywhere."

After deliberately clapping her shoulders, Rodal yelled at her face bright red.

"I am the ordinance of the Staden family, and you know what will happen to the common man."

The Staden family, I hear, is that it? and tilt his neck. I know the name very well. I'm in my classmate.

"... Could it be the Count Sturden family?

I asked him roughly, and Rodal nodded, hunched back, yes. Seems to me that Xiu was surprised to hear his family name. The corner of his mouth rises and he makes a face that he has won.

Next to it, Edra was trying to grate.

Oh, I did something bad to her.

Although I regretted it so much, I still can't tolerate this young man's attitude.

There is no compassion for women, nor for the elderly, regardless of the owner.

He doesn't like the fact that he mouths insulting content in front of him in the first place.

"It's the Earl's house with Oliver-Staeden, isn't it?

"... eh"

"He's my classmate. Really? Were you from Oliver's house?"

It's close to bar-reading, but Rodal seemed to make sense without speaking to the end. He hesitated, but suddenly stopped moving and then reopened.

"Well, what's wrong with that? You, the common man, will have nothing to do with Master Oliver! Mostly, this guy is luggage for the Sturden family. I'm in trouble, attracting all the trouble. Thank you for watching."

Rodal couldn't say until the end. Because there was someone who stopped it.

It's not Siu. Siu couldn't stop the man's mouth abruptly. Besides, I was also concerned about Edra, and all I cared about was using wind magic to keep her from hearing.

It was Berhelt who stopped it.

"Yet, you shameless!!" For the reason of the invisible world, be my eyes and produce walls, vitreous prison. "

Even though I don't have a cane, that's a first-degree court magician, trapped Rodal in a square wall. A cloudy, glassy object suddenly appeared, and Rodal was also surprised, but more so around him.

When I appraised it, it was a normal space wall. It's just glassy, so it looks easy to understand, and I think it's useful at these times.

However, there doesn't seem to be a defense or anything like that, only a strength that seems to crack about the rubber bullet of a mass projectile.

Still, it doesn't seem to break into ordinary people's rodals, panicking and slamming glass walls.

In response, Berhelt revealed his anger.

"What an attitude to your lady! Knock it off!"

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