Shut-in Magician

225 Grandpa's Roman Holidays

A letter arrived at Siu's via the Oscarius family some time ago.

The sender is Associate Baron Tomazo-Baumann. When I cut the wax and looked at the contents, it said that the magician of the first court of Berhelt wanted to inspect the king's capital.

He's finally telling me he wants to go down to the city and play.

So, while I had a proven track record of evacuating and protecting students in the woods, it was important from here, but it said something close to a plea, like wanting to ask Siu, who can have a decent conversation with Berhelt and respond, to ask for a child in the name of an escort.

I get scattered wondering if I can't heed the request of the old and the short, so I'm half pathetic, half wanting to do something because it's noisy, and the arrows of white wings stood on Xiu as a result of the discussions that the people around me discussed.

I was a pathetic person who had lived without knowing the outside since I was a kid, and I took it easy to say that, but I laughed bitterly that the ahead would be compassionate.

Because it's weird how they dress to go out with you.

"Um. It's labeled an inspection, but you're being patient, aren't you? Then whatever that outfit is"

It is only natural for Siu to point out that the court magicians, many of whom are aristocrats, dress brilliantly.

The edge of a jacket with a standing collar is licking silver thread and other common people. No, I'm licking the common neighborhood of Wang Du.

"You're not going to the aristocracy... are you?

"Can't you still do this?"

"How [Roman Holidays] are you?"


"Oh, I'm talking to myself. Uh, could you dress up a little more familiar with common neighborhoods, please? Uh, if not, should we go into the clothes store somewhere, along the way?

When I suggested it, everyone nodded in unison.

Fortunately, Daniel was attached as an escort knight this time too, so I speak to him.

"Mr. Daniel takes off his cape, doesn't he?

I have a knight's cloak, but the clothes I wear underneath were common-style. Although I know it's made of expensive tailoring because I can see it.

"I was going to take it off in the carriage, but would this still stand out?

"Uh, well, I'm not going as far as the West Central District, so I think I can handle it. I guess."

"I'm sorry. No, after this story, everybody, get on with it."

"The other knights will be dressed like them."

Exactly when the court magicians went out, it was difficult not to have a knight's escort, and five were supposed to come with them as escorts.

"But whatever the adventurer's outfit is, it's crazy..."

I don't know where or what you referenced, but there was a knight with leather armor on and his shirt's chest wide open. There are signs of deliberate charcoal contamination in order to be realistic, but why there is such a place, strange.

It's funny, so keep your mouth shut.

Reading Siu's gaze, Daniel complains with only his eyes. Is that crazy? and.

Siu shook his neck vertically and horizontally, or vaguely, in silence.

"Oh... my God..."

"Wouldn't that be nice? That one. I came out to King's Landing, and I was wearing a fur torso, and they laughed at me wondering which hunter was in the back of the mountain. We need that experience, too."

"... you're a real adventurer, aren't you? This one's the other way around. You look like you're having fun, okay?"

I was talking to the two of us in a whisper, and for now, we had a bunch of people who had put away things that were too unnecessary.

"Well, once you stop by the store, buy some clothes and get dressed, you're going around Wang Du"

When I call out, everyone looks excited and laughs.

Siu can't even say anything when you look like this. I thought they were children and decided to deal with them.

While I couldn't get it out to the prepared carriage, I didn't have time, so I managed to arrive at my first destination, exchanging carriages at a rented carriage store right out of the aristocratic district, preaching a noisy adult that clothes stores couldn't wear old clothes.

"Oh! Is this the store that deals with rumored comedy?"

It's a small shop.

"It's filled with us, is it good?

Push in the mouth-watering people and get the knights to keep an eye on the outside.

"I rented out the store. But I'll be busy for lunch, so I'll cut it up early! Choose from the menu."

I brought him to Doran's store, but he didn't tell me who was coming, but mostly he had predictions. The couple are all blue in the face.

But his wife Riera was more courageous, and when she turned back to me all the time, she raised her voice.

"There you are! What shall I do!

"Oh, what is this, tempradon?"

When asked, I will explain in detail.

The clerks were also caught by Riera and began to move. And one order after another,

"You, hold on! Come on, I'll make it!

And I got slapped in the back, and Doran went as usual.

Berhelt had asked for a bowl of tempura when he heard the explanation and what even the elderly could eat. I was surprised by the texture and the sweet and spicy sauce and flattened it all out as delicious and delicious.

Tomazo had a tonkatsu meal and was surprised by the texture of the bread flour, the deliciousness of the cutlets, and the sauce.

Even though he was young, Craffle set his meal for grilled eggs and boiled fish. I thought this was for old people and women, but I said that I had a weak stomach, so I heard the explanation properly before choosing. This one was also well received.

Tobia is a deep-fried dragon field meal. There is also fried chicken, but this one has a different texture because it is made from single chestnut flour, and it is accompanied by both tartare sauce and sweet vinegar sauce, and I was worried about eating both.

The escorts basically had no choice but to make it easy with alternation, and because they are pathetic, they prepared Heavenly Mus and handed it out. This one was very well received.

"Grandpa Berhelt, you have to eat vegetables too."


"Because this one here is delicious. I use something fresh, and the salad dressing is delicious. We're going to eat that, let's try the vegetables."

"... if you say so much, I won't even eat you"

I say it in a great way, but tears seep into its eyes.

I wonder what it's like for a good old grandfather to chew vegetables in his mouth hatefully, but this hensiu is stubborn too, so I forced him to eat it.

"... hmm? It doesn't smell blue."

"Right. And try this vegetable juice"

"...... hmm. Why not? Not good."

"It's not good. I mean, it's delicious. Why is it delicious?"

Craffle looked strange and drank up the vegetable juice that came out at the service.

Dolan started explaining it to me with a serious face.

"Siu thought about it. It's a way to feed people who hate vegetables, and they mix fruits. Of course, it's all seasonal, all delicious. People who are just unfamiliar with the deliciousness of bitterness don't think it tastes good. That's why you put herbs in it to get rid of it, or fruit in it to ease it."


"To avoid breaking the nutrients that vegetables and fruits hold, I make them just before I drink them. I think its freshness is also the secret to deliciousness."

I see, and everyone nodded.

"I also wondered if the salad was easy to eat because the dressing is delicious, but it did taste different than the vegetables I usually eat. I don't know, sweet."

Tobia said, Doran happily broke his face.

"Whether it's vegetables or meat, there's such a thing as eating time. Vegetables are important for freshness, and the way they are treated changes. The sweet thing is that the original flavor of the vegetables could be served, so I'm glad you said so."

"Right.... I've been eating without thinking about it before, but eating something delicious makes me feel good. Interesting stuff."

"The common man is a luxury, isn't he? Because they usually eat such delicious food."

He looked envious, Tomazo said, and Berhelt was nodding too.

The time was running out, so the story ended there, and Siu apologized to the drans and left the store.

Outside there was a little line of people waiting to open, so Siu bowed his head.

For some reason, the Berhelts also bowed their heads and even went back to the carriage.

He then made the carriage circle towards the main entrance square in Wangdu, or took him to a nearby beast rider.

Because I thought that's why I like riding beasts as much as I make noise when I look at Ferres and he's cute.

It was obvious that Berhelt and Craffle were making a fuss.

Especially Draco Equus was popular and Ricola was pissed off at me for trying to chase him around.

When I got here, Ferres would make a fuss, too, so the beast rider was getting sloppy.

I just kept it in my heart to apologize now in an attempt to take an apology item later.

Plus, I said I wanted to see the Adventurer Guild, so I'm taking him.

This is what one of the knights said, and it was Berhelt who rode it. It was a well-known fact that Berhelt would not stop once he had mentioned it, although the other faces had just pulled it off, and he had no choice but to take it.

Chloe came in when Siu pulled the trigger and went inside, explaining the bulletin board, etc.

"Um, what's this?

And Xiu also answered honestly because he asked bewildered.

"I'm leading people around the world who don't know the world."


While hiding his surprise, Chloe sends a sympathetic gaze at the circumstances.

"If you like, can I help you? Maybe if I explained it, I'd be convinced."

"... Mr. Chloe looks like God. Please."

"Hey, big deal. All right, gentlemen, this way."

and took me to the coffee corner in the back.

So he gave me an impromptu workshop on the Adventurer Alliance. Fortunately, there were not many others because it was past noon, and the extraordinary workshops for the adults went by without any problems.

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