Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 942: : Blackmail Day Commotion

"Everyone be quiet."

At the venue held on the Black Magic Day, the young city owner Wu Yuesheng, who was the representative of the Nanpai City, stood up and announced to everyone: "I believe you all know that I will wait for the purpose of calling you here today."

The onlookers quickly shouted: "Zhumo."

"That's right, it's blackmail."

Wu Yuesheng nodded conscientiously, and then pointed to a group of people not far away from his side, saying: "Nangong Town, the group of people headed by the Nangong family, beneath the eyelids of our Nanpai city, turned to the devil, to our biggest The opponent. Even help our opponent, raging and killing our compatriots, our residents of the ten cities of Kunlun, what should be the crime? "

"Damn it."

The onlookers yelled angrily: "They should be kept out of reincarnation."

The battle between the Demon Church and the Kunlun Ten Cities is too fierce, let alone ordinary people. Even the masters of the major families and martial arts of the Kunlun Ten Cities have been killed and injured in the long history.

So everyone has blood feuds, so they can kill their opponents, and no one will resent it. Under such circumstances, they naturally respond fiercely.

"No, we are not the remnants of the Demon Church."

"Our Nangong Town has always been a vassal of Nangpai City. From beginning to end, we have never betrayed Nangpai City, nor have we murdered the surrounding towns for personal benefit. We also asked Young Master Wu Yuesheng to be aware of what happened to us. The town is in charge! "

"Master Wu Yuesheng, we are not convinced!"

"Our Nangong family has lived here for generations. We have never violated the wishes of the Nanpai city. We do not understand why you have to die us as the remnants of the demons."

"You can kill me, you can keep me from reincarnation, but you can't let me wait for an unknown death."

The people in Nangong Town have issued fierce resistance.

They can die, but they cannot be killed unjustly.

Heard their words, went to, or learned about the residents of Nanpai Town in Nangong Town, and they all had some doubts.

Under such circumstances, Wu Yuesheng said with contempt: "In order to protect one side of the inhabitants, our Nanpai City will never forgive you, the evil remnants of the Demon Church, based on the principle of preferring to kill instead of letting go."

Hearing Wu Yuesheng's words, people in Nangong Town lowered their heads one after another.

Because they are very clear, in front of the people above Nanpai City, their residents in Nangong Town are a group of garbage, a group of waste, a group of insignificant people, and they die.

So the people in Nangong Town lowered their heads one by one, and the ones who lost their resistance were all ashamed.

"Have you nothing to say?"

When I saw the residents of Nangong Town, there was no more words, so Wu Yuesheng proudly announced: "Since that is the case, then I announce that today's Black Magic Day officially begins, and all the Black Magicians come up to take the reincarnation knife and send them to the road. "

Swish swish.

Hearing Wu Yuesheng ’s words, the excited residents jumped into the ring, took the reincarnation knife from the soldiers of the Nanpai City, and walked to the nearest resident of Nangong Town.

"go to hell!"

"Devil Remnants."

The demon raised the samurai sword, and was ready to hack the sword to kill the residents of Nangong Town in front of him.


At this time, an enchanted arrow flew out of the crowd.

Directly hit the chest of the person holding the samurai sword, Nangong Xingrui and others in black robes, killed from the crowd, went straight to the residents of Nangong Town above the magic ring: "Kill, kill this The group is ungrateful, for the sake of being rich and benevolent, for some private interests, to distort the facts, and save our loved ones and friends. "

Nangong Xingrui shouted loudly, so the guards on the left and right shot one after another, and launched a **** counterattack against the black man on the black magic ring.

Seeing this scene, an old man standing next to Wu Yuesheng actively asked: "Young Master, do I need to go up now and take them all down?"

"Not urgent."

Wu Yuesheng didn't worry at all and sat on the Diaoyutai Road: "There are only four or five people. Obviously they haven't come all, so they can wait."

"But the young city master, what if they were really escaped?"

The old man worried: "Since they have already appeared, then we can completely close the net."

"Relax, it's just some small shrimps, can't afford any big waves."

Wu Yuesheng said carelessly: "What I care about is the big fish behind them."

The big fish behind?

The old man obviously didn't know what Wu Yuesheng had in the end.

But he could hear a hint of conspiracy from Wu Yuesheng's words, so he closed his mouth calmly.

No one bothered himself, so Wu Yuesheng quietly watched the battle below.

It was at this time that Wu Yuesheng saw that Nangong Xingrui performed very bravely, and actually beheaded a number of Zhumo people and the guards of the Nanpai city, and killed a blood path for the people of Nangong town.

This made Wu Yuesheng caress his white cheeks: "Let Captain Chen go over and stop me Nangong Xingrui for me ~ ~ obey."

At the command of Wu Yuesheng, the old man immediately greeted an armored man not far away.

The captain of the **** named Chen immediately nodded and went out, and went directly to the Zhumotai, stopping Nangong Xingrui on the spot.

"The one who prevents me from dying."

Nangong Xingrui is already covered with blood, which contains his own blood and the blood of his enemies.

But as if he couldn't see it, he still held his saber and followed him to stop Captain Chen from fighting.


But Captain Chen who obeyed Wu Yuesheng's command was naturally not a weak person, otherwise Wu Yuesheng would not be able to give him such an important task.

Seeing Captain Chen's shot, he stopped the unstoppable Nangong Xingrui with a sword.

This made Nangong Xingrui's gas field one of the obstacles. At this time, Captain Chen took another step forward and counterattacked, saying: "Everything is wrong with the demons, everyone will kill you, so don't even think about it today. Leave alive. "

Bang Bang Bang Bang.

Although Nangong Xingrui tried his best to block it, Captain Wu, who was likely to be a big realm higher than himself, could only resist frequently and could not fight back.

After a few moves, Captain Chen kicked Nangong Xingrui directly and kicked Nangong Xingrui on the spot: "Waste one." Is it up to you to stop me from killing the evil spirits of Mojiao?

"You don't think about it."

Hearing Captain Chen ’s words, Nangong Xingrui stood up with his sword, and looked at Captain Chen with a terrible face: “To kill my Nangongzhen residents, you have to step over from my Nangong Xingrui ’s body. . "

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