Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 941: Kill 1 grand

In order to celebrate such a large-scale blackmail day, Nanpai City issued a message for people in the surrounding towns to rush to Nanpai City to hold a grand rally.

For a time, the Nanpai City was overcrowded, and everyone was curious about how to hold this black magic day.

"Why not start yet?"

"I am looking forward to it. It was very exciting when it was the last day of the Black Devils, especially when the demon gangsters were killed. It was very cheerful."

"When I grow up, I also want to be an immortal repairer and kill all these demonic gangsters."

"Never imagined that the group of hypocritical gentlemen in Nangong Town was actually a gangster of demons."

Hearing the comments of these people, a black-robed man among the crowd, clenched his teeth tightly, clenched his fists tightly, and then left without looking back, and walked a short distance away. Dark corners.

"How is Xiaoqi outside?"

When the masked man walked in, there was a taller man who also wore a black robe, but led a group of people out in secret, and said nervously: "How are we going to get family?"

"It's not good, their faces are pale and they have obviously been abused a lot."

This group of people in black robes is naturally above Nangong Town. They walked with Ye Xiaohu all the way to Nangong Xingrui in Nanpai City and others.

I saw Xiao Qi's face serious and sacred, "Young Master, what shall we do next?"

"Parents give birth, nurture, give us the status, body, reputation ... so I can't accept it anyway, they die in front of me."

Nangong Xingrui bit his lips tightly and said solemnly: "So anyway, I must vow to defend the family, even if I die on the spot."

Since Ye Xiaohu left, Nangong Xingrui and others secretly left Nanpai City.

Originally they planned to return to Nangong Town immediately and let the whole family, the whole family, and the whole city move together.

But they never imagined that by the time they returned to Nangong Town, the butchers of Nanpai City had already rushed to their destinations, and they escorted all their relatives and friends to Nanpai City like slaves. .

"But young master, if only us, it is impossible to defeat the masters of Nanpai City."

An Nangong family guard said with a worried expression: "Young Master, can you contact Senior Ye, only then will we have a chance of winning."

"I also thought about it, but Senior Ye entered the ruins of Kunlun and it would take at least a year to come out."

Nangong Xingrui smiled bitterly and said helplessly: "And Senior Ye has helped us so much, I am really embarrassed to ask him for help."

"But ..."

This **** had some worries, but at this time, Xiao Qi, who had been stunned by anger next to her, said angrily: "Seven, are you afraid, so you dare not go to rescue with the young master Your loved one? "

"Fart, is my seventh like that?"

, Known as the guard of Lao Qi, said with an angry face: "Lao Tzu is considering for the young master, otherwise Lao Tzu will go desperately with them with a knife, and will definitely not give you a kid a chance to mock me."

"I will also say these words."

Xiaoqi sarcastically said: "You are a coward."

"You are the coward."

Hearing Xiao Qi's anger, Lao Qi almost roared and said: "Xiao Qi, Lao Tzu is dueling you."

"The duel is duel, who is afraid of who?"

Xiaoqi is not afraid, she must carry out her weapon directly, and she will fight against the old seven.


Nangong Xingrui who saw this scene couldn't bear it, so he growled angrily: "Noisy, noisy, are brothers of his own family, is it fun to fight together in the nest?"


Seeing Nangong Xingrui was angry, Xiao Qi and others lowered their heads one by one, daring to resist one by one.


Nangong Xingrui sighed and said to them: "Many of you are orphans, so you don't have to go through the muddy water this time, let me rescue my loved ones this time."

Xiaoqi and others quickly said: "Young Master ..."

"You listen to me."

Nangong Xingrui interrupted them, and then said to them: "Our Nangong Town is definitely not the evil of the Demon Church, so I need to prove my innocence and let everyone know that the Nanpai City indiscriminately killed the innocent plot."

"But Young Master, then your situation will be very dangerous."

Xiao Qi quickly shook her head and said, "And Master, your current behavior is completely unbearable in front of the big brothers in Nanpai City. You have no chance to say what you are saying, so let me go with you Right. "

"me too."

"Count me."

"And I."

Everyone was thinking about how to solve the problem. After they had finished the decision of Nangong Xingrui, they suddenly had the backbone, so they vowed to follow Nangong Xingrui one by one.

"I know everyone's good intentions, but this time, we must leave some kind of fire to avoid the destruction of the whole army."

Nangong Xingrui glanced around, then said to Xiaoqi: "Xiaoqi, you are the youngest, I am one of our group of people with excellent talents, so you definitely have to live."

"Young Master ~ ~ I don't ..."

"You have no right to refuse, because this is my last order."

"May ..."

"Nothing but."

Nangong Xingrui interrupted Xiaoqi, who was still trying to fight, and said with a determined face: "This matter is so settled, besides you, there is Xiaowu, Xiaoyu ..."

Nangong Xingrui nodded a few names on his face, and asked them to leave.

Xiaoqi, they are not reconciled one by one, but they can not violate the orders of Nangong Xingrui, so they can only turn around and leave.

After Xiaoqi left, Nangong Xingrui said to the rest of the people: "If you are afraid of death, you can leave now. I will never blame you. If you are not afraid of death and don't want to leave, then you and I will start now It ’s not a servant, but a brother who lives and dies together. In the future, he can also be a companion on the way to the capital. "

"We are not afraid of death."

"We are willing to accompany the young master to Huangquan."

Hear Nangong Xingrui's impassioned words, all people are perverted.

Nangong Xingrui's eyes swept over everyone, seeing that they had no one's feelings, and that no one was forced.

This made Nangong Xingrui very proud, and saw him with a smug face: "Since that is the case, then put up the banner of Nangong Town, let us kill it back and let the residents of the city know my people in Nangong Town It ’s still bloody, it ’s not the aftermath of the demons in their mouths. "

Lao Qi and others immediately prepared. After an hour, all the equipment was ready, and Nangong Xingrui proudly said: "Kill, kill a grand universe."

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