Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1144: : Talkative Eslan

In the nearest town from Maple Valley.

A car was driving fast. At this time, Eisland broke the silence and stared at Ye Xiaohu curiously: "Xiaohu, can you talk about your past?"

"my past?"

Ye Xiaohu, who was driving, shrugged his shoulders and said with a boring face: "My past was boring and there were no bright spots."

"How not?"

Eslan puzzled: "You have such a strong fighting ability, how can there be no special stories? I heard that the big brothers in our parliament will experience some special things more or less, such as possessions , What fell into the water, magma ... wait, and then get a special super power. "

"That's just one of them."

Ye Xiaohu shook his head and said: "In fact, with the help of external force, that is the most stupid way. To truly become strong, you need to rely on your own ability, a little bit of evolution, and only in this way can the peak fighting power erupt A flash in the pan. "

"Is that right?"

Aislan didn't know Ye Xiaohu was right, but Aislan looked at Ye Xiaohu's eyes with a trace of intriguing color: "Xiaohu, I want to practice with you, and I want to be like you. The strong. "

"Then you have to pay a lot."

Ye Xiaohu looked back at him and said, "It may even lead a boring and boring life."

"I do not care."

Eslan shook his head and said: "As long as you can become stronger, then you will let me do what I want."

While speaking, Eslan also licked his lips and made a imaginative movement.

Seeing this scene, Ye Xiaohu couldn't help but smiled and diverted the topic: "Eslan has also known us for more than a year. Have you been eating our Yejia products for more than a year?"

"Naturally, so delicious, how can I not eat it?"

Eslan thought carefully: "But I prefer the taste of women's volleyball, but unfortunately the production of livestock is too low, so the steak cannot be eaten often."

"If you often eat our Yejia products, then your body itself has reached a very strong point."

Ye Xiaohu glanced at Eslan, and then said: "In such a situation, you are much stronger than your peers."

"But I can't feel anything at all?"

Eslan clenched his fists, moved his hands and feet again, and then said with a brutal face: "Speaking out, I'm not afraid of Xiaohu, you laugh at me, I can't even beat the waste like Slick."


A special smile appeared in the corner of Ye Xiaohu's mouth, and then answered Eslan said: "The reason why you can't beat him is not because your fighting power is too low, but because you don't use your own power, so when you talk to He will only be suppressed when he is dueling. "

Won't you use your power?

Eslan muttered in her heart, but still couldn't find the source of the outbreak, so she looked up to Ye Xiaohu and said: "How should I quote my own power, so as to quote the power in my body, rather than let them exist in my body , But there is still no way to release it. "


Ye Xiaohu thought for a while, and then said: "I can teach you a recipe, as long as you insist on practicing, not only can you stimulate the power in your body, but also can make you go further. As for what you can achieve in the future, At this point, it depends on your efforts and luck. "

"What exercises?"

Aslan immediately said: "Quick pass it to me, I want to practice."

"no problem."

Ye Xiaohu glanced at Eslan, and then silently recited the content of a recipe.

Hearing Ye Xiaohu's silent meditation, Eslan remembered the words one by one in his heart, and then he followed the instructions of Ye Xiaohu and practiced cross-legged in the car directly.

During this practice, Eslan felt that he was hot all over, and there was an unspeakable force in his body that was constantly rolling.


I do n’t know how long it took to practice. Suddenly, Eslan felt a strange smell emerge, so he opened his eyes and said, "Xiaohu, where is this, why is it so stinky?"

"Maple Valley."

Ye Xiaohu stopped the car and glanced back at Eslan. "As for the stench, it's not the smell coming from outside, but the smell of yourself."


Eslan glanced at his body, and he saw layers of dark skin, and then he sniffed it together, and immediately smelled a special smell.

As a woman, how could she not take care of her body, so Eslan screamed directly: "No, I have to find a place to take a bath."

Hearing Eslan's words, Ye Xiaohu pointed calmly and said, "There is a spring pond, you can go there to clean your body first."

"Thank you ~ ~ Eslan rushed straight ahead, taking off his clothes regardless of three seven twenty-one and washing his body in the spring water.

After a quarter of an hour, the washed Eslan put on her clothes and returned to Ye Xiaohu: "Xiaohu, can you smell it and see if I still smell?"

"Relax, no taste."

Ye Xiaohu glanced at Eslan with an intriguing eye, and then said tentatively: "You are waiting for me here, where I will go next, it is estimated that war will break out, if you are involved, that will Very troublesome. "

"No, I want to go with you."

Eslan rejected Ye Xiaohu's proposal, and then said cautiously: "Here in the wilderness here, I am more afraid to stay alone in this place, but it is better to go with you. And I am alone, always Can help you a little bit. "

"Since you don't want to, then follow me in."

Instead of sticking to his own ideas, Ye Xiaohu sorted out his clothes and walked directly into the depths of Maple Leaf Valley: "First of all, if there is a war, I am afraid there is no way to estimate your comfort."

"rest assured."

Eslan said lightly: "If there is any danger, I won't be bothering you."

"That's good."

Ye Xiaohu smiled slightly, and did not continue to struggle on this topic.

I saw them walking inside step by step, and quickly walked to the edge of the underground pit, so Ye Xiaohu took out his mobile phone and took a photo, and sent Xiaohong a look through WeChat.

The result was Xiao Hong, a positive expression, and Ye Xiaohu patted Eslan's shoulder and said, "Jump."

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