Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1143: : Maple Valley

Maple Valley.

In an ancient villa, the only king of the Satan group sat on the sofa.

I saw him picking up the wine glass of the coffee table and shaking it lightly.


After drinking, the only king of the Satan group said calmly: "Eternal God, since you have already come, do not show up now, plan to wait until when."

"The sun shines."

Along with the words of the only king of the Satan group, a strong light shined directly from the outside into the villa.

Immediately afterwards, a man with golden hair appeared across from the only king of the Satan group: "Bernlie, are you calling me in such a hurry, is it for drinking?"

"of course not."

Bainlie, the only king of the Satan group, smiled calmly: "Our intelligence organization of the Satan group has sent the latest news. At present, the first master of China, Ye Xiaohu, has been called an airplane and has come to Europe. So We have to deal with it carefully, so I will send you a message and let you come to discuss it for a while. "

"Are you my idiots all idiots?"

Hearing Bain Lie's words, Eternal God could not help but shook his head and said: "Bain Lie, after so many years, still so insidious."

"If I'm not insidious, when I was in the church, I was already destroyed by you."

Bain Lie snorted, and saw his eyes staring at Eternal God Road: "So you and I are half a cat, two brothers, let alone two brothers."

"I know, what you tell me now, you are willing to believe. But I still want to tell you, it was not me who reported you, when I knew it happened, for the future of the church, so I I can only stand still. "

At that time, both Eternal God and Bainlie were eager to join the church, so through unremitting efforts, they finally won the recognition of the church.

It's just that Eternal God has been recognized by the Church because of his outstanding talent.

However, Baine's talent is poor, and he has not been recognized by the church, and eventually became an ordinary church cultivator.

Since then, the relationship between the two has gradually become estranged.

But Bain Lie was born to be stronger, he was not willing to become an ordinary person, always abandoned by Eternal God behind his head.

So Bainlie continued to practice hard, and looked for various ways to improve his cultivation, and finally let him find a method of Satan.

Since then, everything has been used, and soon became the second genius in the temple after the Eternal God.

But at this time, the old host of the church fell unexpectedly.

So when the church was in crisis, it was necessary to choose a new host and take the place of the old host.

At that time, there were only two people, Eternal God and Bainlie, who were eligible to succeed the host.

The Eternal God, who only wants to practice, has a bad relationship with the inside of the temple, so it is Bainlie who has the highest voice to succeed the main position of the temple.

Under such circumstances, the woman of the Eternal God did not know where he was from, learned about Bainlie ’s cultivation of the Satanic exercises, and exposed Bainlie ’s identity in public.

The next thing, naturally, Bain was raked upside down, leaving Bain listed in the sanctuary with a bad reputation.

After no way, Bain Lie can only defeat the Satan group, and then walk the opposite of the church.

At this time, Eternal God had just left the level, and Bain Lie had already been defeated. Naturally, he would not blame his own woman for Bain Lie, so he could only stubbornly step on the position of the main hall.

So in the face of Bainlie's refutation, Eternal God is often powerless. I saw him sighing quietly: "Okay, now it's not about the past, let's talk about the serious things!"

"Forget it, I don't want to continue talking nonsense with you."

Bain Lie snorted, and then continued: "This time you invited us to deal with Ye Xiaohu, although it is a ghost, but you and I have the same goal, so I will call you over and plan to unite to deal with Ye Xiaohu. . "


Eternal God stunned slightly: "Aren't your Satan groups always alone?"

"That was the past, but the person I faced this time was the first person in China. I believe what this represents. Should you be very clear?"

Bain Lie was very cautious and saw that he looked at Eternal God Road: "To be honest, from the perspective of Ye Xiaohu's combat intelligence, I am not necessarily his opponent one-on-one. But if you and I join forces, then kill Ye Xiaohu at least There is a 60-70% chance. "

"Is that so?"

Eternal God's brow furrowed and said: "If you help the Satanic group, what is the benefit of our temple?"

"Help us, you are helping yourself."

Bain Lei frowned: "Without the assistance of our Satan group, you want to defeat Ye Xiaohu in the sanctuary.

"That's our business, what does it have to do with you?"

Eternal God smiled slightly: "And since your Satan group took over the mission issued by our temple, it must be completed unless you want to break the contract."

"My Satan group's reputation in the killer world will naturally not break the contract."

Bain Lie glanced at the Eternal God, the dissatisfied color instantly disappeared, and instead said with a smug face: "But I need to remind you that once our Satan group eats Ye Xiaohu alone, then our Satan group will kill China. , When the time comes to devour the resources of Huaxia alone, and do n’t want to distribute it to your church. "

Hearing Bainlie's words, Eternal God frowned for the first time.

Seeing this scene, Bain Lie couldn't help but smile slightly: "Well, since you don't want to continue to cooperate, you can go back."

Bain enumerated his glass of wine and made a gesture of giving away guests.

After seeing this scene, Eternal God stood up and walked for two steps, then stopped and turned back: "Since I promised to invite you to come, then the resources allocation of China, my church will naturally allocate half, you Satan group Do n’t want to go it alone. "

"It depends on your ability and the result of your contribution."

Bainlie smiled coldly: "If you want to work without effort, then don't blame me for being welcome."

"You don't need to remind ~ ~ I will arrange it properly."

Aeolus continued to walk forward: "Where is the destination?"

"Maple Valley."

Bain Lie took another glass of wine and sipped gently: "It is estimated that Ye Xiaohu is already on the way, and he will start tomorrow night at the latest."

"Is it tomorrow night?"

Zhou Shen grunted for a moment, and the whole person became serious and said: "Relax, tomorrow morning, the people of our church will definitely rush to Maple Valley."

"It's a word."

"It's a word."

As the voice of Eternal God fell, the body of Eternal God gradually dissipated between heaven and earth.

In this way, only Baine was left in the villa, so Baine was lying on the sofa, looking at the roof and saying: "If Ye Xiaohu and Eternal God died together, then my Satan group will be the real world. Invincible. "

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