Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1098: : Sister, your relatives are here


How to do?

I'm so desperate!

The female monk who was hit by a tree branch on her chest did not know how many years she had practiced, and she finally reached the state of infanthood, and she was given the opportunity to land in heaven.

As soon as he came to heaven, he encountered such a thing.

The most hateful question is that it is not a person who attacks the chest, but a tree trunk that looks very soft and still very strong. How can she let her go out in the future?

"Don't make trouble."

At this time, Ye Xiaohu came over, and after a brief command, began to revolve around the tree branch.

Seeing this scene, both the people on the tree branches and the people under the tree were dumbfounded.

They didn't know what Ye Xiaohu was doing, and they didn't dare to mess around at random to avoid any problems with their sisters.

So they stood quietly one by one, watching Ye Xiaohu's movements.

"Have you finished?"

But after a long time, Ye Xiaohu still didn't mean to stop.

The nun hanging on the tree could not help but ask, "What the **** are you looking at?"

"It's nothing. I'm studying it. Why is this tree so spiritual."

Ye Xiaohu is telling the truth, this is the first time he discovered such an operation.

But Ye Xiaohu turned round and round around the tree trunk, and still didn't find any features, so Ye Xiaohu said with some disappointment: "Everyone else gives way, and let me put you down first."

Ye Xiaohu greeted him and flew directly with his big sword.

Uh, uh, uh.

After two or three swords again, the trunk echoed right.

The female monk trapped in the trunk immediately fell to the ground.

"Oh, my old waist."

Whether it is in the cultivation of the fairyland or in the earth's China, in short, if you want to cultivate to reach the state of infant success, then it will take a lot of hard work and accumulation.

Under such circumstances, the female monks practiced for at least a few decades before reaching the present state.

Although with the improvement of her cultivation practice, her face has not changed, she still maintains her peak face, so after landing on the ground, she immediately asked: "If you take a look at my face, is there any damage?"

"This one……"

"Sister, your face is fine, but you have to change your clothes."

"Sister, you are so old, and there are relatives?"

"Sister, have you brought your equipment with you? Bleeding can be more troublesome."

What play?

Who doesn't have a relative yet?

The female monk who was rescued by Ye Xiaohu looked at her fellow brothers with a brutal expression.

As a result, he found his teachers and brothers, one by one, pointing behind him.

So she glanced back, and she found blood on the trunk.


The female monk felt a cold behind her, a part of her body was directly clamped, and then looked surprised: "I haven't been here for many years?"

"Who brought the equipment, please give me one, I will change it."

Obviously the nun was not equipped, so her expression became more panic.

With so many people in her eyes, she was ashamed.

"No need to change."

But at this time, Ye Xiaohu walked behind her, staring at the branch that had just struck her chest, and after looking closely, she said, "That's not your blood, but the blood of the tree behind you."

Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, the nun turned black on the spot.

Not his own blood, but the blood of the branches?

Who are you blinded to?

The female monk looked at Ye Xiaohu angrily. If he was not embarrassed to kill a large crowd, he would have killed Ye Xiaohu already.

"You can't kill me."

Feeling the murderous intention of the female monk, Ye Xiaohu smiled and said: "But what I said is the truth, the blood stains on your body and trunk are indeed not your blood stains, but the trunk bleeds itself."

Seeing Ye Xiaohu's sincere expression, the female monk couldn't help but stunned a little, and then she took a closer look, and she found that the blood of the trunk was different from her own.

Because the blood in the trunk has a fairy, the blood in her body is much purer.

"It's really Sister's blood."

"That's really weird, this tree will actually bleed?"

"It's really earth and earth. It turns out that the trunk can also bleed. It's a strange thing. I have to write it down."

"Be careful, heaven is so weird, even a tree can bleed."

"Heaven is different."

The fellow monks and fellow disciples had a lot of discussions, obviously they felt good about everything in the heavenly court.

At this time, the brother-in-law's brother seemed to be the leader of this group of people. He stood out from the crowd and walked across from Ye Xiaohu: "Dare to ask the little brother, which martial art are you from?"


Ye Xiaohu shook his head and said: "I'm nothing more.

"It turns out that the little brother is a casual repairer?"

When saying this, the elder brother of the nun could not help but lifted the corners of his mouth slightly, only to see his gaze wandering around Ye Xiaohu's body and the big sword.

Ye Xiaohu noticed his gaze ~ ~ could not help but glared at him.

Seeing Ye Xiaohu's expression, he smiled and said: "Xiongtai, we are going slowly, we will encounter many dangers. I wonder if you can lend me the magic weapon of your hand for the time being?"

"Sorry, this is a family story, so you cannot borrow it."

Hearing what he said, Ye Xiaohu suddenly knew why he had such a gaze.

So Ye Xiaohu sneered: "If you have nothing else, then I will say goodbye first."

"Wait a minute."

When Naicheng wanted to hear Ye Xiaohu's words, the brother-in-law's master waved and greeted him, so his brothers immediately surrounded Ye Xiaohu.


Ye Xiaohu clenched the Dabao sword: "Do you want to do anything to my benefactor?"

"That's not true."

The elder brother of the female monk looked at Ye Xiaohu and the big sword of Ye Xiaohu's hand, and said uneasyly, "But you know, Xiongtai, there are countless dangers ahead, and we are here for the first time. , So if you act alone, it is difficult to rescue when you are in danger, so you might as well go with us, as there is a mutual care. And our Nanhua Xianmen also has a special positioning system to find our companions Where, as soon as possible to the place where the main hall is located. "

Originally hearing the words of Brother Nan Hua Xianmen, Ye Xiaohu was about to turn around and leave.

But when he heard that the other party had a positioning system and could find the direction of the main hall, Ye Xiaohu immediately withdrew his inner heart, and instead smiled slightly, and took the initiative to stay and say: "This brother, you said earlier! Positioning system, then I must go with you. Can we learn from each other? "

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