Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1097: : Chest branch

I miss the days of heaven, and I miss the time when I told jokes to the gods and made them happy. -

When Ye Xiaohu came out of heaven, because he was not familiar with anyone, he lived a very miserable life.

Under such circumstances, at the beginning, he could only work in a slack manner and complete the task of 'interpretation' every day.

But when working late, Ye Xiaohu found out that the gods are also humans. If you take care of them, they will be happy to communicate with you.

So when Ye Xiaohu broke through the relationship with Broom Star for the first time, Ye Xiaohu told a funny story to Broom Star.

At that time, the broom star was teased by Ye Xiaohu, because he was a broom star, and few gods in heaven were willing to talk to him, and they were afraid of bad luck.

There are also Li Tianwang and Erleng in the back ... Waiting for the cold noodle fairy, Ye Xiaohu relies on jokes to get them done.

As for those who love love stories, the gods of rare human stories, Ye Xiaohu adopts various methods to get closer to them.

"I don't know, Nezha, Sun Dasheng, Erlang God, where are they?"

Taking a deep breath, Ye Xiaohu could not help but sense the situation around him, and then murmured in a low voice: "When I left, I couldn't say a word to them. Now I think it's really depressing!"

Ye Xiaohu smiled slightly, and then walked forward.

As a result, Ye Xiaohu walked over and found that the world in front of him had changed.

"Interesting, actually mixed with fantasy."

Returning to the first glance of Heavenly Court, Ye Xiaohu found that this place felt no different from the past.

But after walking for a while, Ye Xiaohu discovered that the world around him had undergone a huge change in the world, and he could no longer find the direction of the past and the location of the palace.

Obviously Juling really ignored it, or deliberately didn't tell this question.

But no matter which one, this will be more of a headache for Ye Xiaohu. I saw Ye Xiaohu frowned and looked around: "I have just noticed the breath of Er Leng Zi and others. Find them calmly. But now that this real illusion appears, it is more difficult to find them. "

Ye Xiaohu is embarrassed. After all, everything in front is too weird.

In the past when he was in heaven, he also entered a real illusion.

But those real illusions are all venues for fairy play, but this real illusion is full of various crises. This is Ye Xiaohu's biggest concern.

"Real illusions should have their own weaknesses, as long as you find that point and defeat him, you can return to the real heavenly space."

Ye Xiaohu knows the real illusion very well, so after thinking about it, he relies on his memory to refute the direction of the weakness of the real illusion, so Ye Xiaohu walks forward step by step.

As soon as he walked away, the surrounding trees immediately attacked Ye Xiaohu.

Worthy of heaven, every tree trunk has the ability to respond.

Perceiving the attack of the surrounding trees, Ye Xiaohu could not help but sigh slightly.

Obviously this real illusion simulates heaven, and the simulation is in place.

So Ye Xiaohu took out the big sword, before the small sword was cut horizontally and vertically.

Wow wow

All the trunks were cut off by Ye Xiaohu.

When Ye Xiaohu was about to take back the sword, he found that the sword in his hand had some red 'yan' and 'yan' places, which made Ye Xiaohu slightly surprised.

So he took the big sword to his eyes and took a closer look.

It was found that the Dabao sword face had a drop of bright red blood.

Ye Xiaohu was taken aback, so he hurried forward and carefully looked at the tree trunk he had cut off.

As a result, the trunks, like human limbs, were also bleeding.

Is it human, animal, life?

Ye Xiaohu raised his head well, and came to the big tree in one step.

But Ye Xiaohu looked carefully for a long time, and there is still no way to show the life signs of these trunks, nor is it changed from humans.

If you give them an identity, perhaps the name of the plant monster monster is more suitable.

However, the monsters of the plant department do not have red ‘color’ blood, and most of them are green ‘color’ liquids after being injured.

This is obviously slightly different from the situation in front of me.


This is definitely not what Heavenly Court should have.

Real illusions are illusions created based on what happened.

That is to say, the trunk in front of you, or the illusion ... all exist, but they are only used to make it into a illusion.

But such a tree monster, Ye Xiaohu has never seen.

"It seems that some time after I left Heaven, those fairies became boring, and they created some new games."

Ye Xiaohu vomited about the gods, because when they were bored, they often researched some weird things ~ ~ Those things have some fun and some things are fun.

Ye Xiaohu was tortured many times in the past, which made Ye Xiaohu very speechless.

So Ye Xiaohu deservedly put the situation before him side by side with what the gods bored to develop.

After the Tucao ended, Ye Xiaohu went on.

I saw a few trees along the way, and Ye Xiaohu still chopped them off in the same way, and the result was the same, all bleeding.

And there is a trace of fairy power in the blood. Obviously, their bodies nourished by the heavenly fairy air are also changing.

I have to say that heaven is a treasure, not to mention a tree, it can be regarded as a stone, it can also cultivate a touch of aura, and even become a fairy and a god.

Sun Dasheng is the best example.

In this way, Ye Xiaohu walked forward for a while, and then Ye Xiaohu's ear flicked, and he heard some human voices.

This made Ye Xiaohu overjoyed, and after seeing him for so long, he finally saw the person, so Ye Xiaohu walked over quickly, and he saw one person after another in embarrassment.

"Where is this place, why are some trees so arrogant?"

"Damn, why did my sword cut a branch when there were no branches, but my sword saw a gap."

"My mother! You save me quickly, I feel that the branch behind me seems to be a pervert, he actually" touched "my front" chest "."

"No, I feel that all my mana is being pulled out of my body a little bit, so I will become a person and do it."

Hearing their comments, Ye Xiaohu was a little surprised, he never thought that these branches actually have such a "fuck" action, which is really eye-opening.

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