Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1057: : Farmers become geniuses

Chapter 1057: The Farmer Becomes a Genius

Ascension tactics.

Looking at the name tall, in fact, this is the law of heaven's system.

It's a fairy from the heavenly court, specially created for those heaven soldiers and generals, as well as some descendants of the gods.

That is to say, the goods are spread in the heavens, basically everyone can practice.

And this recipe does not require talent, as long as you practice,

But this method also has limits. Generally speaking, being a fairy is the ultimate, and it is impossible to exceed the level of ordinary fairy.

But this is already very good for ordinary farmers.

"Ascension Tips? Tall as soon as it sounds."

"I look forward to it, I want to become a fairy."

"Xiaohu, how should we practice?"

"The boss is like in the novel, you just send us directly into the South China Sea, can we directly master the practice?"

"Is the boss like this?"

Some employees who often read online novels have made various quirky moves.

Seeing this scene, Ye Xiaohu couldn't help but let out a trace of cold sweat.


I saw him embarrassingly cough, and then explained to them: "I think you think too much, there is no love in the world, and there is no law that will be practiced, so you have to follow me early. Come, only then can you go deeper into cultivation, as to whether you can succeed or not, it depends on your luck. "

Ye Xiaohu also practiced this method, but Ye Xiaohu's body was not strengthened at that time, so progress was very slow.

However, Liu Cuicui and others are not easy to say. After all, they have trained Ye Xiaohu for so long, and their bodies have also been transformed.

In such a situation, Ye Xiaohu was very much looking forward to saying: "Everyone follow me, flying to heaven and earth, becoming a man, going to heaven and earth, turning to yin and yang ..."

The exercises are not very mysterious. In fact, they are very common sentences, but for a farmer, it is also a headache.

Fortunately, Ye Xiaohu also made corresponding movements while reading the exercises.

In this way, they can learn in a detailed way, so as to master the mystery of the law.

After a long time, I did n’t know that after a few rounds, Ye Xiaohu said: "The world changes, the sun and the moon change, everything goes to the world, and I am alone."

With the last sentence read, Ye Xiaohu immediately completed the absorption of a heavenly spirit.

For a time, the vitality of the world surged toward Ye Xiaohu, almost centered on Ye Xiaohu, forming a huge storm.

"Brother Xiaohu's cultivation has improved a lot, and has reached such a horrible level."

"The master's cultivation behavior has been infinitely close to the fairy, so it is understandable to have such a situation."

"And you found that no, Mr. Ye's cultivation practice seems to have been suppressing, otherwise it will form a bigger storm of heaven and earth aura."

"There is no way. There are too many people in this place. If there is too much aura of heaven and earth, then for Xiang Qing, it is also a huge crisis."

Erzongzi and Longyi and others have their own exclusive laws, so they did not follow Ye Xiaohu to practice.

Therefore, when others practice, they are now side by side, enjoying the pictures of Ye Xiaohu and others when they practice.

"Someone is going to break through."

It was at this time that Long Yi, who had the highest cultivation base, suddenly sensed something, so he quickly looked over and said: "You see that person's cultivation base, directly from an ordinary person, to the early days of the day after tomorrow."

"It's really a powerful exercise. It turned an ordinary person into a cultivator in an instant."

The feeling of a Kunlun demon next to him also read the past, and said with indignation, "I am afraid that only the supremacy of this teaching, only the master can only practice the exercises, can be comparable to such exercises."

"Not necessarily."

Erzong shook his head, he knew Ye Xiaohu too well.

If it is a general exercise method, then Ye Xiaohu will not take it out, which is a bit of a loss to Ye Xiaohu's face.

So he took a closer look, and sure enough he saw a peasant employee stand up again.

Seeing this scene, Erzhuang said clearly: "If you look closely, you will find that everyone is breaking through."


Hearing Er Leng Zi's words, the masters of the Kunlun Demon Sect turned around and looked at it. Sure enough, they saw one breakthrough after another.

"What's going on, actually broke through two small realms in a row."

"Not only that, you see there is another person who has broken through a big realm and reached the innate realm."

"What is innate, you look at that man, it seems to have reached the realm of a half-step guru, and the speed of this progress is really appalling."

"If we can have such a magic formula, why should we be oppressed by the hypocrites of Kunlun's ten cities to this day?"

The demon masters from the Kunlun world were all disappointed.

Such a huge change shocked everyone.

But there is one person in the crowd that has not changed at all.

This person is Sister Xiang Qing. I saw that Sister Xiang Qing was sweating all over ~ ~ but she couldn't get started.

At this moment, Ye Xiaohu had completed a set of practice exercises, so he opened his eyes and glanced at them. Without him, he could continue to practice, such as Xiang Qingjie.

At this time, Ye Xiaohu's eyes fell on Sister Xiang Qing, and she couldn't help but frown and said, "Is it interesting, do things conflict?"

With the help of Western masters, Xiang Qing's soul awakened the powers of the West and was already a master of cultivation. So when she was practicing the Eastern Method, she had some problems.

If the average person encounters this problem, then there is no way to continue.

But Ye Xiaohu is different. He has also seen some talented gods above the heavenly court, and awakened his ability.

Such as Lei Zhenzi, Yang Jian, Sun Wukong ... and so on.

So Ye Xiaohu naturally knows that this problem of East-West conflict should be resolved.

So Ye Xiaohu went to Sister Xiang Qing and pressed directly on Sister Xiang Qing's head: "Sister Xiang Qing doesn't want to do any resistance, she is still lucky that Dantian will do it according to her own ideas."

Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words in his soul, there were already some anxious sister Xiang Qing, who immediately stabilized and did what Ye Xiaohu had ordered.

I do n’t know how long it has passed yet, and I heard Ye Xiaohu shouting loudly in Xiang Qing ’s mind: “Do n’t be stunned, hurry to summon the power deep in the soul, and let him integrate into the cultivation method The two of them blended together perfectly. "

Sister Xiang Qing immediately followed Ye Xiaohu's instructions to do the same while operating two forces.

Under her operation, snow-white wings were released from her body.

Otaku welfare, you know !!! Watch online: !!

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