Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1056: : 1 person wins the sky

Chapter 1052: One Man Gets Them

"Are you also coming for the medicine spoon?"

"You Li Sanmin are all rising stars, how could I not come."

"Don't be noisy, all a family, and don't know what you noisy every day?"

"We are not arguing or chatting, we can't stand still, can we?"

A group of Yejia Farm core management classes rushed to Yejia Farm's base camp.

Because the business continues to expand, in fact they have not met for a while.

So when they met, they chatted and farted one by one, and they were very happy.

At this time, as Ye Xiaohu's left arm and right arm, he was stunned. He came out of the Lingxiao Baodian and came to this square.

Seeing that everyone was communicating, they came over and said: "Everyone is assured, this time is definitely a good thing."

"Good thing?"

Hearing Er Leng Zi's words, Uncle Dog Egg came up and asked curiously: "What a good thing, Er Leng Zi you tell us in detail, it also gives us a mind.

"Well, since you want to know, let me tell you!"

Ye Xiaohu had disclosed information with Er Leng Zi before, so Er Leng Zi knew what Ye Xiao Hu was going to do.

Under such circumstances, seeing everyone is paying close attention to themselves urgently, there is no **** stunned, and nodded cautiously.

In order to explain this matter well, Erzengzi is ready to perform at once.

I saw Er Lengzi's eyes looked around for a while, and finally chose a huge stone.

I saw Er Lengzi pointed at the boulder, and said to everyone: "Cultivate to see the boulder for you."

Look at the stone?

What's so good about this?

Isn't it the same as in the past?

Hearing Erzongzi's words, they looked at the employees of Yejia Farm in Jushi, one by one, wondering in their hearts.


At this moment, a loud noise came from behind them, and then Erzongzi's body took off and landed directly on the boulder.

Look at that height, at least ten meters.

Look at that distance, at least thirty or forty meters.

Look at the speed, almost comparable to the speed of the car.

This surprised everyone, but they rubbed their eyes one after another.

Even one employee shouted: "Is this the legendary light work?"

"Holding the grass, Er Leng Zi turned out to be a master of martial arts?"

"This is really incredible."

An individual can't believe the current picture. In such a situation, Er Leng Zi continued to say: "No, this is not light work."

Not light work?

Everyone was puzzled, so they looked at Er Leng Zi one after another.

"You continue to look back and you will know. Because this is just me practicing, I am afraid that you will be scared away, and I will show you some true skills when you can accept it."

Er Leng Zi responded briefly, then took another deep breath.

I saw Er Lengzi stomped gently, and the whole person flew towards the sky, and flew directly for thousands of miles, caught the flying bird in the sky, and returned to the ground.

Immediately after waiting for everyone to turn around, they disappeared directly in the same place, leaving only the captured bird struggling in the sky, but there was no way to escape.

When he appeared again, the whole person was already inside the boulder, only his limbs were still exposed.

The changes in this scene made people feel incredible and overturned their worldview.

Under such circumstances, they don't know what to say, they can only spit throat.

"Erhu, are you a human or a ghost?"

"Although Kung Fu is awesome, there is no such thing as flying to the sky?"

"I think this is more like a Western ability, like a Hollywood blockbuster."

"Not necessarily, I feel more like a fairy fairy."

I don't know who was the first to break the tranquility and take the lead in making his own voice.

"Actually, you are right, and you are not right."

I saw Er Lengzi gently let go of his hand, and the bird that caught him could fly away with confidence.

Then Er Leng Zi stepped forward step by step and said seriously to everyone: "Actually, I am not a power man, not an immortal, but a legendary immortal. Of course, if I reach the extreme, I am immortal and live the same life with heaven and earth. The fairy is just a long and difficult road. "


Hearing Erzongzi's words, they all took a breath. Apparently, they surprised them.

"Wait a minute."

I saw Liu Cuicui came over and asked Er Leng Zi seriously: "Er Leng Zi, is Mr. Ye also a fairy repairer?"


Er Leng Zi nodded and said cautiously: "He is indeed an immortal, and he is an immortal who has been infinitely close to the immortal."

Some people were surprised when they heard Er Lengzi's words, and some people's expressions were clear.

"Then this time the boss called us, is it to point us and make us a fairy?"

"I wipe ... such a good thing, actually fell on my head?"

"Sure enough to join Yejia Farm is the wisest decision in my life ~ ~ After all, there is no good job that can make a person a fairy cultivator.

"It's really exciting, I don't know how to practice in a while."

Under the eyes of everyone, Ye Xiaohu followed Sister Xiang Qing step by step.

However, when walking up, Ye Xiaohu was walking and climbing, and was talking to Sister Xiang Qing to introduce her to how to practice, and some issues that should be paid attention to. everyone.

At first, Ye Xiaohu was planning to teach an appropriate method to no one, but then Ye Xiaohu thought it was a little unrealistic. After all, each physique is different.

What's more, let them all practice different exercises, so even if there are so many construction methods in Ye Xiaohu's mind, it may not be enough.

So Ye Xiaohu was a little confused, but when Ye Xiaohu didn't know how to decide.

Ye Xiaohu looked up and saw the Lingxiao Temple on the top of the mountain. He couldn't help but light up, and then smiled slightly.

"Xiaohu is here."

"Xiaohu heard that you are a fairy?"

"No, it's the cultivator of immortals."

Seeing Ye Xiaohu and Sister Xiang Qing came up, they asked one after another.

"Yes, I am a fairy cultivator. Next, I want to lead everyone to practice together so that none of you can become a fairy cultivator. It is not a problem to live each of them for eight thousand years. You can even be a bridegroom every night."

Ye Xiaohu made a joke, facing each employee, and said cautiously: "If everyone is mentally prepared, then I will start teaching the recipe."

Everyone nodded quickly, indicating that they were ready.

In this case, Ye Xiaohu took a deep breath and said, "The name of the law I teach you is called Ascension. Everyone must recognize it.

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