Shadow Trails in Azeroth

Chapter 785 116. Voslag’s career crisis

The mechanical city beneath the surface of Mechagon Island is buzzing with joy.

Although the city has not yet been cleaned up, uncontrolled robots are still operating in some hidden areas, and the entire city is still in a state of severe energy shortage, the surviving mechanical gnomes have experienced riots, expulsions, wars and destruction They can't wait to start a carnival that belongs to them in the city they finally lost and recovered.

The population of these little men at their peak was only close to one hundred thousand, making them a pocket civilization that could not be smaller.

The oppression and subsequent chaos unleashed by King Mechagon killed almost half of the mechagnomes, leaving their country in danger of disaster.

It has even reached the edge of genocide.

It is no exaggeration to say that Blake's timely assistance saved these little men, so it is not difficult to understand that he is regarded as the savior of the mechanical gnomes.

However, the pirate is a person who is indifferent to fame and wealth after all. He cares more about actual interests than false fame, so he declined this exaggerated name and passed it on to a guy who liked false fame very much.

Ha, yes, I am the 'Savior of Mechagon' and the 'Nemesis of the Mechanical Overlord'! I can get two more beautiful medals.

In the largest mechanical bar in the city of Mechagon, His Royal Highness Little Star was in a happy mood, wearing a red Christmas hat-like hat and drinking the weird-tasting Rustbolt eggnog.

Surrounded and cheered by a group of small mechanical gnomes, His Highness Xingxing successfully made himself drunk.

He also kept promoting his great past achievements.

She got so drunk that she even took out her notebook on the spot and told the story of Dalaran that she had polished to the mechanical gnomes who admired her.

He praised himself so much, with his exaggerated narratives, emotional descriptions, and ups and downs of the story, that the mechanical gnomes were stunned for a moment.

The dragon guard Seianni who was guarding Little Star was much more low-key.

She sat aside, sipping the weird-tasting wine, and looked at her drunken and bragging Perfect Highness with a loving gaze.

She felt that the time spent with Little Star was really interesting.

The dragon life, which was not too long, was much more interesting than the one she spent in the Demonic Nexus.

Oh, you ask me how I defuse King Mechagon's complicated and troublesome bomb? Haha, of course I did it with my ingenuity and innate acumen for machinery.

On the other side of Seianni, Oversbach, another dwarf hero who stopped the explosion, was also surrounded by a group of mechanical dwarf girls. This extremely smart guy was drinking wine and describing it with an unknown professional name. own thoughts and actions at the time.

The girls who heard the mechanical dwarfs let out bursts of exclamations, which made Overspark even more proud.

The celebration of these little gnomes was very happy and noisy. The strange gramophones were constantly playing various styles of music, and the colorful lights shining overhead kept filling the whole bar with a cheerful atmosphere.

The invited guests were enjoying themselves.

Even little Gianna, who had always maintained her dignity as a spellcaster, was invited by the enthusiastic dwarfs to dance a passionate and cheerful tap dance on the dance floor.

The kid Tanred, who participated in such a big operation for the first time and came back victorious, abided by the rule of not drinking, but he was also honored because he had participated in such a powerful operation before.

The first time for anything is worth remembering, let alone something as great as literally saving all life in Boralus.

This expedition to Mechagon is destined to be something Tanred will remember for the rest of his life.

Come on, let's dance together, my little princess.

Fenna Jinjian, who was half drunk, staggered over and roughly picked up her somewhat cautious little brother. She violently hit Tanred on the head and said drunkenly:

Don't imitate your father, who always keeps a straight face. You also participated in the battle. Although you were only doing logistical work at the rear, you are also qualified to enjoy this victory.

You must learn the pleasures of warriors.


The little dwarf over there, Kelsey, can't find a dance partner. Go dance with her. Don't touch her, or be careful that the grumpy little dwarf beats you. Hahaha, eh? Where is Blake?

Fenna shook her head, standing out among a group of small dwarfs. She looked around and asked:

Why don't you see that guy? He always brags about his flexible movements. I also want to dance with him to let him see the flexibility of the elf.

Blake seems to have gone to the docks in Rustbolt.

Tanred whispered:

Just before the celebration started, I saw him going over there with Prince Erazmin and Trixie, as if he was going to pick up some people.

He also said that he had to talk about something important and could not be interrupted.

Hey, that bastard is making some conspiracy again. That guy will feel sick if he doesn't make a conspiracy for a day.

Fenna complained, then touched Tanred's head and said:

You can't imitate him. That guy has gone too deep into the darkness. He is beyond salvation, but you can still be saved. Oh, little star, stop bragging and come dance.

In a very manly manner, the female warrior extended a dance invitation to Little Xingxing, who was also drunk.

The dragon princess responded happily.

She held up the hem of her skirt and walked over briskly. She and Fenner held each other's waists, and the two of them kept spinning and jumping back and forth on the dance floor to the elegant melody played by the dwarf gramophone.

Fenna was born into an elf noble family, and Little Xingxing was trained by the blue dragons as the next generation of dragon kings. There is absolutely nothing wrong with her appearance.

The dancing of the two silenced the noisy mechanical gnomes.

Everyone was quietly admiring the eye-catching scene in front of them. Little Gianna chuckled, holding the juice, she squatted down and put her hands on the ground.

As the cold air spread, a layer of smooth ice was covered by the little mage on the dance floor, allowing Little Star and Fenner's dance to seamlessly transform into an artistic pair skating.

The two danced more freely and gracefully, just like the elves on the ice. The mechanical gnomes around them cheered in unison, and even took the initiative to follow the music and dance of the two to beat them.

This scene was quietly recorded by Kelsey Steelspark with a mechanical camera. She felt that this night of fun would definitely become one of the best memories in her life.

As for the disgraceful Lord Overworth Barker.

He had just sneaked out of the bar with two hot mechanical dwarf girls, looking for a quieter place to talk about the in-depth topic of how dwarfs should reproduce after mechanical transformation.

This is the celebration, the way it should be.

In the corner of the bar, a group of watchmen sat quietly in the darkness, admiring the celebration in front of them. Even when celebrating, these elven she-wolves have an air of asceticism.

Much like the heroes behind the scenes who protect the world, they relax a little in their free time, only a little indulgent, but still vigilant.

Ms. Nasa's dancing is much better than that exaggerated blue dragon.

One of the Watcher recruits whispered something that immediately won the approval of the other recruits.

But they all knew that it was impossible for Ms. Nasa to take off her armor and dance in front of so many people. The spotlight has never been the stage for the Watchers.

But Nasa, who was praised by the apprentices, had no expression on her face, except for a helpless smile hidden under her helmet.

Ms. Maiev's dancing is a hundred times better than the two of them. Unfortunately, how many people have ever seen Ms. Maiev, the Priestess of the Moon, dancing in the moonlight?

That is the most beautiful scenery in the world.

Nasa said something in her heart.

Back then, she was just a child who lost everything in the war. If it weren't for Ms. Maiev's protection and help, she wouldn't be alive today.

Just like the mother-daughter relationship between Ms. Tyrande and General Shandris, the relationship between Nasa and Maiev is not that close, but it definitely goes beyond a simple superior and subordinate.

Maybe calling her sister is more appropriate?

I'm going on patrol. I'll give you a break tonight and relax. If you leave here, you won't have a chance to have fun.

Nasa took a sip of the Rustbolt eggnog in her hand. She put on her battle helmet, got up and left with the moon blade, quickly disappearing into the shadow of Mechagon.

After getting used to hunting for a long time, it becomes difficult to even have fun.

On the other side, at the Flashweaver dock not far from Rustbolt Town, Mechagon City, Black was sitting on a stone smoking a pipe, with Trixie and Prince Erazmin standing beside him.

The three people were talking on the beach at night outside the already deserted Rustbolt Town, waiting for the arrival of some people.

When will His Royal Highness be crowned?

Blake blew out a smoke ring and said in a leisurely tone:

Although Mechagon has a small number of people, you have been accustomed to the royal society for thousands of years. Without a machine king, your subjects will feel uneasy.

Do you need me to hire a priest to perform the ceremony for you? Ms. Natalie under my command was a 'big shot' before, so she is very familiar with this routine.

Well, now is far from the time.

The honest prince sighed and said worriedly:

The cleanup of the city is far from complete. Those compatriots who have been transformed by their father and have lost their personality and emotions are also waiting for treatment. We must find a way to save them from the knowledge left by our father.

They are all my people, and I cannot use them as mere tools like my father.

In addition to the cleanup of the city's ruins, the entire Mechagon Island has been destroyed in the past period of war and is in devastation. It requires sewage treatment, crude oil purification, and the integration of the resources of the Bondo gang.

Even the cavemen who lost their leader and started fighting among themselves were troubles to deal with.

Each of them is more important than my coronation as king.

And the tracking of the King's data signal!

Trixie said from the side:

This is the most important thing. The consequences of letting a mechanical ghost wander around the island are too terrible. Once he decides to come back, without the help of the captain, it will be difficult for us to resist it alone.

Yes, this is also an urgent problem that needs to be solved.

The prince shook his head and said:

“According to my calculations, it may take us many years to transform this island back to what it once was, a technological paradise of engineering.

After that, we will consider integrating the civilization of the mechagnomes into the current era.


There is energy impacting the nearby space, and a quasi-jump channel is about to open. Mr. Black, are you your subordinate?

The prince glanced at the pocket computing device on his wrist that issued a warning. He held the coil pistol at his waist and asked. Blake moved his shoulders and said:

Maybe, well, there's a high probability that very few people can do this kind of teleportation across continents, but luckily, I happen to have such a teleportation master under my command.

The moment he finished speaking, a ball of arcane light suddenly lit up in front of the three people's eyes, and then the endlessly rotating magic power was gathered together, twisting and spinning to create a small portal.

The teleportation master Oculus, who was wearing an elf robe and with the Nightborne runes engraved on his face and neck, walked out with his staff. He glanced at Blake and bowed down to salute the fleet commander with respect.

Behind the teleportation master, a group of green-skinned guys came out curiously.

Hey! Goblin!

Trixie exclaimed, and then said to Blake with a look of disgust:

“Captain, you already have us mechanical gnomes as ‘technical assistance’, so the fleet no longer needs these third-rate engineers, so why not fire them all.

I will select a group of the best mechanics on Mechagon Island for you.

Hey, you are a mechanical dwarf, not a dwarf from Gnomeregan. There shouldn't be any conflicts between you and the goblins, right?

Blake said in a strange tone:

The conflict among the little men stems from the conflict of ideas between gnome engineering and goblin engineering, but you mechanical gnomes study the branch of Titan engineering.

Your technology is much more advanced than both of them, so there shouldn't be any conflict of ideas, right?

There is no conflict. Their 'explosive' engineering is not even worthy of our mechanical dwarves licking our shoes.

Trixie snorted, crossed her modified arms, and said confidently:

But mechanical gnomes are also dwarves. I must be worthy of my own race. When I was in Kul Tiras, I hated goblins. They are too cunning and not as easy to deceive as my flesh and blood compatriots.

And they always like to use their valuable engineering knowledge to make money.

Their pursuit of money exceeds their love of knowledge. For technology seekers, this is an unforgivable blasphemy!

Mechagon! The legend of the dwarf is true!

The chief engineering technician of Blake's fleet, Goblin Forslag, wore his own flying helmet. This cunning goblin rubbed his hands and looked at the mechanical dwarf in front of him and this polluted mechanical island with bright eyes.

he shouted:

Cool, this place reminds me of the scenery of Kezan Island. Even the smell of waste pollution is exactly the same. I can already feel the business opportunities! I can already hear the collision of gold coins!

Ha, I'm sure I could make a killing here!

Look, Captain, I told you, these greenskins are only thinking about money, they don't care about your career at all.

Trixie spread her hands and said:

So, leave it to us to develop fleet weapons, make aircraft, etc. These incompetent goblins can be fired, and there is no need to give them pensions!

I'm serious, keeping them is just a waste of money.

You've got better.

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