Shadow Trails in Azeroth

Chapter 784 115. Don’t look at me like that, who doesn’t have some hobbies yet?


There was a loud noise at the extreme altitude, and a purple-black light pillar penetrated the clouds, causing the first parasaurus on the Nagfar on the sea to raise its head and look in that direction.

A few seconds later, she saw an aircraft swirling with black smoke falling from the clouds, which made Sephiel let out a sigh of relief.

Well, it turns out that no matter whether he is facing flesh and blood enemies or tough steel, his captain is still that magical and invincible man.

Once again he was victorious.

Lean closer!

Sephiel waved his arms and shouted to the ghost ship at his feet:

Salvage the fallen object. Although it has started to smoke, it should still be usable after repairing it. The Nagfar also needs its own escort aircraft, and that thing is very suitable.

Ghost Ship agreed with Seifer's suggestion.

So it quickly dived into the seabed and rushed towards the direction where the aircraft fell.

High in the sky, a white parachute also opened in the clouds. King Mechagon, whose face was dark and gray, extended this special parachute from the machine behind him to ease his high-speed fall.

In the end, he failed to dodge the beam that Black shot with the Skull of Thal'kiel. Not only was his beloved aircraft penetrated from top to bottom, but he himself was also injured.

The carefully modified mechanical body was cut off by one-third by high-energy magic rays, causing him to lose his arms and left leg. There were still smooth cuts on the cut wounds.

You can even see the various modules still running in the body.

Drops of black engine oil and white lubricating fluid continued to drip from high altitude, like a bleeding wound.

But such an injury is not fatal to a mechanical dwarf at all.

He just needs to find a suitable hiding place, find some parts and piece it together to repair it, and then he can return to its full glory.

But unfortunately, His Majesty Mechagon knew very well that the life-seeking ghost rushing down at high speed from above was unlikely to give him this chance to recover.


In the higher clouds, Blake folded his wings and rushed towards King Mechagon's parachute like a falling cannonball. The latter also waved his remaining left arm and used the ray gun on his arm to fight back against the pirates.

But Blake easily dodged it.

After a flash, Black, who had canceled the demon transformation, made a funny gesture, folded his hands and feet, and lay on King Mechagon's body like a koala.

With quick hands and feet, he took off his parachute module amidst Mechagon's scolding, tied it to himself, drew out the legendary long sword, and slit his throat with the sword falling, and slit His Majesty the King's throat with sparks flying. The mechanical head was held in his hand.

The abandoned mechanical body fell downwards and exploded with a roar a hundred meters high, splashing beautiful and gorgeous fireworks above the sea.

I see you not only stole Titan engineering, but also took terrible inspiration from Goblin engineering, right?

The pirate suspended in the air enjoyed the experience of parachute gliding. He held up Mechagon's mechanical head with his left hand. He looked into the big eyes like light bulbs and said:

Everything you create seems to explode. This one is very good. It's full of crazy deterrence.

I am immortal.

King Mechagon only has one head left, but he still has a tough mouth.

His mouth moved up and down like a real life, and drove the precise vocal module, shouting to Blake:

My body is just a dispensable embellishment for me. My consciousness has been uploaded. As long as Mechagon is still there, I can continue to live.

My great plan of purity will come to pass, and you poor flesh and blood cannot stop it!

Is that what you mean by 'unstoppable'?

Blake lifted the mechanical head in his hand and let it see the origin bomb sliding down to the sea in the distance. The thrusters of the thing were all destroyed, and more than half of the bomb itself was frozen.

It is like a sparkling gem, shining with colorful light under the sunlight.

But it no longer had the ability to fly, and finally drew a perfect arc in the sky, crashing into the sea, splashing water all over the sky.

The dwarfs behind the aerial vehicle and the blue dragon were celebrating, and the sweaty Overspark was holding a weird module high, accepting the cheers of the dwarfs with pride and glory.


The Mechanical King was strongly stimulated, and he let out a scream of impotence and fury. Blake patted his head again, turned it back, and looked up and down.

Finally, the pirate rubbed his chin and said:

The shape of your head is great. I mean, your head is not suitable for being made into a magical weapon to carry around, but it may be a perfect mechanical 'ashtray'.

You're humiliating me, you bastard pirate!

His Majesty Mechagon screamed loudly, but then he was choked by the pirate and couldn't speak. Blake looked at him, reached out to adjust the parachute, and said in a strange tone:

How on earth did you perform surgery to strip yourself of your humanity and emotions? Why do I feel that you are more easily provoked than the average mechanical dwarf?

I have a lich friend who is truly stripped of his emotions.

Compared with him who is always calm, you are far behind, Your Majesty.

Look at you, you have failed so much in stripping away humanity, how can you use yourself as a template to promote this experiment that is so unreliable at first sight?


King Mechagon could not answer this question. Faced with Black's provocation, he finally chose to turn off his last source of energy. As the light in his big bulb's eyeballs dissipated, the mechanical head in Black's hand completely stopped making any sound.

Did he commit suicide?

The pirate asked the Sakir skull floating beside him. The old man's skull moved close to the mechanical head and rotated left and right for observation. It said:

No, not really. He just went into sleep and can still be awakened.

Then wake him up!

The pirate whistled and said:

He fell asleep before I finished speaking. How rude! Wake him up, let me finish all the sarcasm in my heart, and declare to him that his city belongs to me.

What I love most is watching these guys’ faces after they fail.

You are really a wicked person.

Thal'kiel chuckled and touched Mechagon's mechanical head with his own skull, using magic power as energy to impact the energy battery in the mechanical skull. It said:

Destroy the bodies and careers of losers, and torture their souls. You really have the potential for evil.

Well, failed.

Black tossed Mechagon's head up and down in his hands like a toy, and said in a long tone:

Who doesn't like failure? That terrible feeling of being so miserable and desperate that you want to blow up the whole world to die for failure is really fascinating.

Yo, you wake up, my dear majesty.

We had a good chat just now, why don't you wait until I finish saying my thoughts before going to bed.

Besides, you have to face your son later.

Summarize your own failure experience and pass it on to your favorite son.

You villain!

Amid King Mechagon's angry roar, but unable to do anything about Black, the pirate staggered towards his treasure ship.

It was floating on the sea. The ghosts and sea knights on the ship, as well as the fish-man pirates, were all sent out to collect the broken aircraft that sank to the bottom of the sea.

Ten minutes later, in the captain's cabin of the Nagfar, Prince Erazmin opened the door and saw Black holding his father's mechanical head and stroking it with a lonely look on his face.

It's like losing something important.

What's wrong with you? Mr. Black.

The mechanical prince asked doubtfully.

The magic eyeball on Blake's shoulder glanced at him, then handed him the mechanical head that could no longer speak, and said:

I have regrettable and sad news to tell you, Your Highness, your father committed suicide.

Unable to bear the pain and despair of his failure, he shattered his data consciousness in a self-destructive rage and won back his last dignity in this painful way.

The pirate wiped his eyes playfully and said:

I kept chatting with him, trying to persuade him to give up this terrible attention, but my chat skills still need to be improved, and I couldn't save him.

Alas, I deliberately kept this head without breaking it, just hoping that you and your son could have a good chat.

But unfortunately, my efforts failed.

Prince Erazmin took over his father's mechanical head with a complicated mood. He did not answer immediately, or thank him, let alone scold Black.

Instead, he looked at the things in his hands with a very serious attitude.

After a few seconds, he raised his head, and the ~ symbol representing regret appeared on the modification module of his eyes. He said to Blake in a helpless tone:

Thank you for helping us stop my father's crazy plan. I completely feel your courage, responsibility and kindness. You don't need to be disappointed by my father's 'self-commitment'.

As a mechanic, I have to tell you responsibly.

My father is still 'alive'.

He was not killed by you.


A dull showman's expression appeared on Blake's face. He pointed at the mechanical head and said:

I clearly saw him end his mechanical life with my own eyes, and I also checked it with my pocket calculator. He shattered his consciousness and completely formatted the memory database.

I asked Trixie before, this form basically announces the complete death of a mechanical life.

Yes, that does mean the death of the mechanical dwarf, but after all, my father has completed the extreme transformation of his body.

The prince pointed to his head, which was still flesh and blood, and explained to Blake:

His existence can no longer be viewed in terms of ordinary life. According to my father's theory, after he completed the decoding of his soul, he possessed a characteristic that can be called 'immortality'.

When you kill his body, he transfers his soul to a backup body in a way you can't imagine. It's difficult for me to explain this complicated principle to you in a sentence or two.

But you can understand that my father gave up all his current mechanical enhancements and was reborn in another way.

He may now exist on any machine with a data chip on the island, or hidden in a program in the Mechagon database.

He turned himself into a 'ghost'.

Having said this, His Highness the Prince glanced at the mechanical head in his hand and said:

This is a secret that only those who have experienced the 'Mechanical Return' know. It is a forbidden technology among all Mechagon's inventions. I also learned about it from a previous chat with my father.

I can't even fully understand the principle of this transfer. It should be the advanced technology that my father mastered from the knowledge of the Titans.

Then can you detect him?

Blake coughed and asked:

If you can't kill him once, use it twice. I don't believe there is a 'reincarnation' without side effects in this world. As long as you kill him enough times, he will still die, right?

Well, it's true. Every time memory data is transferred, a part of the core information is lost.

Prince Erazmin explained very rigorously and academically:

According to my father's calculations, after at most five reincarnations, an imperfect data body like him will completely forget his identity and memory.

But as long as Mechagon continues to produce chipped robots, he can live, and just live.

At that time, he will become a mechanized walking zombie and no longer pose any threat.

You have done so much for us, you have saved our country and our civilization, and you have prevented the Mechagnomes from becoming known to other races as the Destroyer.

This kindness is enough to make us grateful, and we cannot be rude enough to ask you to do more for us.

So track down my dad and we'll take over.

Now, please come back to Mechagon with us, Lord Black. We will hold a grand celebration banquet for you and your companions on our island.

Also celebrating that we finally took our city back.

Banquet? Okay.

Blake complained in a weird tone:

“Although I don’t think it’s a good thing to hold a banquet when your father has just ‘died’, but since you have decided, I will attend.

After all, we can still talk about a lot of things, such as my remuneration for this trip and so on.

In addition, I have a heartfelt request, dear His Royal Highness Prince Erazmin, if you can see, in addition to being a pirate, I am also a 'collector'.

Black took out the Skull of Gul'dan and then the Skull of Tha'kiel and placed them on his desk. He supported his chin with both hands and said to the Mechanical Prince:

“I like to keep the heads of powerful enemies I have encountered and defeated as collections to commemorate my life experiences. Therefore, this request may be a bit excessive, but I hope I can collect your father’s skull.

A head of mechanical life, this is definitely the only one in the collection of all skull collectors in Azeroth!

My treasure house will be more 'tasteful' because of it.

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