Shadow Trails in Azeroth

Chapter 770 101. Your name is Bondo? Come hang out with me from now on - more updates for Wu Sangui

Chapter 770 101. Your name is Bondo? Come hang out with me from now on - more updates for Wu Sangui brothers [815]

In Mechagon, a land full of mechanical garbage and various types of pollution, Blake took the lead in driving the stolen gangster motorcycle on uneven roads that were bumpy and bumpy from air raids.

The person racing with him was His Highness Xiao Xingxing.

Princess Blue Dragon kept shouting and hitting the accelerator, full of momentum.

Just like a real young man, everything comes and goes quickly.

She followed Blake and kept trying to overtake him, but her driving skills were too poor, and it was her first time driving such a strange motorcycle, resulting in a very poor balance.

While following Blake through a forest bend at super high speed, Little Star accelerated recklessly with the accelerator and crossed a section of road contaminated by oil stains. After letting out a exclamation, she flew out together with the car.

The noble blue dragon crashed into the tree in embarrassment. Because of her strong physical strength, her neck was not broken, but she fell to the ground. When she was about to get up, she found that the wheeled vehicle that was thrown out was still running.

The motorcycle equipped with an excellent gyroscope tilted at a very dangerous angle on the ground, but after a few turns, it miraculously regained its balance, and used the automatic navigation equipped with the car key to head towards the ground. The little star on the ground crashed over.

Amidst the screams of the Blue Dragon Princess, the strong and high-speed rotating wheel pressed over her face stained with mud.

It left a black wheel mark, which looked extremely funny.


Another colorful motorcycle, painted gaudy and colorful, turned flexibly in the forest. After rounding a bend, it stopped gracefully in front of Little Star.

The stinky pirate stretched out his left leg and tilted the motorcycle to support the body.

With his hands off the handle, Shi Shiran took off the dwarf pipe and held it in his mouth. He glanced at Little Xingxing who was getting up from the ground while cursing. He said with a look of loneliness and defeat:

Tell me, stupid and overestimating little star, who is the God of Mechagon?

You cheated!

Of course, Little Xingxing did not admit defeat. She waved the mechanical car key in her hand, making the humming and spinning wheelbarrow make a beeping sound and automatically navigate back to her.

Then he randomly wiped the car marks on his face, put his hands on his hips and screamed to Blake:

This is the first time for everyone to drive such a weird thing, why do you drive so fast and steady? You must have secretly played this before behind our backs!

Are you crazy?

Blake blew out a smoke ring, took a picture of the very hard-core mechanical control platform in front of him, which was covered with control levers, and complained:

This thing is only available in Mechagon. This is my first time coming to Mechagon. Where can I play this kind of thing? In a dream? If you lose, you lose. Don't renege!

You, and everyone else involved in the racing, each owe me a thousand gold coins! Pay in full before leaving the island, otherwise the Nagfar will not carry you.

Hey, a thousand gold coins is just a thousand gold coins, who is afraid of whom?

Little Xingxing waved her hand indifferently, and couldn't put it down, stroking the gangster motorcycle parked next to her.

The look of this thing is quite punk.

The whole thing is a large wheel with a large gear hollowed out in the center, and a very high-tech internal suspension balancing system is nested inside.

Its seat, handle and console are all placed in an inner ring that can rotate 360 ​​degrees, and high-power car lights are fixed on the left and right.

When driving, people sit in the inner ring to maintain relative balance, while the large wheels on the outer ring rotate rapidly to achieve lightning speed.

Its shape is very similar to the rolling wheels in another memory of Blake's childhood, or a black-tech motorcycle in a movie about the interaction between aliens and agents.

The mechanical gnomes call this thing a motorcycle, and the name has a wheel in it, which can be said to be very appropriate.

Because the motorcycles driven by Blake's group were snatched from the dwarf gangsters, these vehicles are all armed upgraded versions. In addition to the normal driving system, two protruding sticks are installed under the driving platform. barrel.

It looks very intimidating.

But because the motorcycle itself is light and cannot be equipped with a large-caliber rapid-fire gun, the power of this thing is only to bully ordinary people.

The bullet was unable to break through the skin of a warrior like Fenner. It was about as powerful as a rubber bullet, so it could only be said to be better than nothing.

Let's go, let's have another go.

Little Xingxing happily rode on his motorcycle. He kept twisting the accelerator on the handle with his left hand, making the car roar mechanically, and the exhaust hole at the rear kept spewing black smoke.

Two seconds later, under Blake's speechless gaze, Little Star's feet had just left the ground, and she rolled several times in the car with the rapidly rotating inner ring amidst the screams. Only then was she able to stabilize her balance.

Before driving, you should fasten your seat belt and turn on the safety brake device! Otherwise, the car will not move. These mechanical dwarves have quite a high awareness of safety.

The pirate covered his eyes and said:

Aren't you very smart in learning magic? Why do you act like an idiot when you come into contact with these mechanical things? I should really take a photo of you now, show it to Dean Lanyue, and give her the tuition fee you gave her return.

It's clear that you didn't learn the wisdom you need at the Academy of Nar'thalas.

Shut up!

His Royal Highness Xingxing, who was having fun, yelled loudly, hurriedly put on his seat belt, pulled a small red lever on the mechanical control panel, and twisted the accelerator amidst cheers, and the driver's wheel swished. The car sped off.

This thing is good at everything.

Blake also got back on the road, but when driving, his magic eyes were suspended beside his body, allowing him to see the road ahead. While twisting the accelerator, he complained:

“It’s just that this design is a bit anti-human.

You can't see the road ahead at all when driving. The modified mechanical gnomes can rely on built-in radar to identify the front without vision, but other beings have no vision at all when driving this thing.

The front of the eyes is blocked tightly, and the accident rate is 100%!

Sure enough, it is another device specially designed for mechanical gnomes, and it really has the characteristics of Mechagon.

That being said, Blake is also full of novelty about the things he drives, and it is a joy to relive the joy of driving in this magical world.

But the angry road conditions in Mechagon today really make people unhappy.

There are bomb craters everywhere on the road. If you are not careful, you will be driven into it. There is still some dangerous-looking liquid left at the bottom of some bomb craters.

Let Blake call these mechanical gnomes brave.

It was just a civil war, but chemical weapons were used, right?

But this folk custom is really powerful.

The courtyard is ahead!

In a formation of more than a dozen motorcycles, Trixie, as the guide, pointed to a hill outside the forest ahead and shouted to the others:

Bondo has set up an automatic turret defense line outside the yard to guard against late-night raids by savage cavemen. Any uncertified life will be attacked. You all follow me.

Don't run around.

Blake made a gesture, and everyone else slowed down, letting Trixie lead the way.

As they approached the legendary gang compound, the child Tanred who was clumsily driving a motorcycle suddenly let out an exclamation:

Look at that tower! It's flashing! It's making lightning!

Yes, the most conspicuous building in Bondo's courtyard is a metal tower wrapped with bright arcs. It is seven or eight meters high, with ring-shaped electrodes wrapped around it. The whole thing looks like a cone. type.

Dazzling sparks of electric current danced on the metal tower and formed a chain. From a distance, it really looked like a tower that was generating a terrifying lightning storm.

That is something that is simply impossible to appear in human society.

A group of dwarves were also exclaiming. They knew what this thing was, but the largest energy tower in Gnomeregan was not even one-fifth of the size of this thing.

No, little idiot, that's a charging station.

Trixie explained disdainfully:

That's the only large charging pile on the island besides the king's area. It's what Boss Bondo relies on to monopolize the power resources of the resistance and gangs.

The rebels on Prince Erazmin's side also had to humbly hand over parts and discarded batteries before being allowed to use it.

That thing is powerful.

It only takes a few seconds to charge the clockwork giants and mechanical beasts. Once the production capacity is fully activated, it can produce enough energy batteries for ten mechanical gnomes for a year in one day.

When I lure Boss Bondo out, we will start filming, so don't make a fuss, okay?

That's right, don't make a fuss, and calm down whatever you see here.

Blake also waved his hand and shouted to everyone:

Prepare your weapons. After Bondo Hulk comes out in a while, I will talk to him first. If he doesn't know the general situation, I will kill him. We are pressed for time, and we don't have the time to improve the reputation of this mechanical gangster.

Everyone understood and secretly took out their weapons.

Under the leadership of Trixie, they passed the frenzied three-story flame turret defense line outside the courtyard without any danger.

Those cone-shaped turrets placed on the ground have rotatable muzzles on the top, driven by the black technology of the mechanical dwarves, and can emit high-temperature flames or scorching rays.

The individual damage may be average, but with so many turrets firing together, even the dragon scales of Little Star may not be able to withstand it.

Previous events have proven that these mechanical gnomes are very accomplished in creating weapons of destruction.

Although he didn't see any suspicious signs, Blake was certain that in addition to these turrets, there must be some dwarf hidden mines and the like placed around this large garbage dump-like courtyard.

If a foreign enemy wants to attack by force, there will definitely be heavy casualties.

Fortunately, they have a leading party here.

A few minutes later, a noisy voice echoed in the brightly lit courtyard. It was the voice of a very sharp female dwarf. It seemed that some special module had been added to strengthen it, making the voice astonishingly penetrating and recognisable.

Bondo! There are a group of unknown land people wandering around in the courtyard! They were brought back by Trixie, come out and have a look!

Longshot, shut your mouth, I get annoyed every time I hear your voice.

Trixie jumped off her motorcycle and cursed in a very social manner. There was a series of sneers in response from the other side. Others also got off and stood behind Trixie.

In the bright light surrounding them, a large group of fancy-dressed and very wild mechanical gnomes surrounded them, carrying big spanners with electric arcs or coil ray guns shining with strange halos.

These foul-mouthed, cursing guys are all mechanically modified like Trixie.

The worst ones have had one-third of their bodies modified. They all have mohawk-style hair, and some have messy tattoos painted on their mechanical bodies.

If it weren't for the fact that each of them was less than 1.2 meters tall, the scene in front of them would really feel like a confrontation in the wasteland.

There are giants over there.

With Little Xingxing and Fenner protecting her behind her, Jaina's observation was still keen. In a large, semi-covered processing field on the edge of the courtyard where the light could not shine, the little mage saw a rusty machine being assembled. tall giant.

That thing was nearly eight meters tall, covered with steel armor from top to bottom, and had a Cyclops-like iron head. Several rough mechanical arms were parked around it, and it looked full of heavy intimidation.

That's the Clockwork Titan, the Iron Destroyer of the King's army.

Trixie whispered:

Bondo dragged this one back from the battlefield, and he has been trying to repair it. Bondo should still have several moving Clockwork Giants in his hand, and the controllers are all in his hands.

Hush, he's coming, don't talk.

Bondo is an out-and-out violent lunatic who hates others interrupting him.

Following Trixie's introduction, a weird guy who was slightly larger than the other mechanical gnomes walked out of a mechanical palace in the courtyard carrying a metal wrench wrapped with electrodes.

What makes this dwarf different from other dwarfs is that this guy is really big compared to other dwarfs.

He was right to call himself Big Block, and the extent of his transformation was also very profound. Basically, except for his brain, his whole body had been transformed by himself.

Hey, we have visitors.

As soon as Bondo appeared, he taunted with that weird metallic electronic sound. He waved his metal wrench and shouted:

Trixie! The supplies you sent back last month were seriously insufficient, and you also sent back a big and fierce horse. That thing shocked me.

You really deserve to be punished!

You still bring these dirty flesh and blood into my courtyard, are you preparing?

Hey, your name is Bondo Bulk, right?

Before the gang leader finished speaking, he was interrupted by Blake.

The pirate stepped forward with a pipe in his mouth and looked at Bondo above, who was shaking with anger and blowing out smoke from the vents of his body because his speech was interrupted.

He admired the mechanical anger and said:

“Your place is pretty good, I’ve taken a liking to it.

So come and be my subordinate, I need someone as violent and crazy as you. I think you will definitely become a good subordinate of mine, but even though I think highly of you, the rules are the rules, so let’s start by wiping the deck.

Taunting Erlian!

Bondo's body was shaking with anger. The mechanical dwarf with shining red eyes waved the wrench in his hand and shouted:

Kill them! I'll decorate my spider tank with these stupid fleshy heads!

At the same time, Black suddenly drew out his long and short swords and shouted:

The negotiations have broken down! Prepare to attack! You have all seen that he rejected peace first. So, everyone, don't feel any psychological pressure.

Kill them!

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