Shadow Trails in Azeroth

Chapter 769 100. The return of the crazy machine

The surface of Mechagon Island was extremely noisy at night, with shining lights everywhere.

However, it did not give people the feeling of bright lights. Instead, strange lights of various colors were dancing everywhere, resulting in a chaotic feeling of optical pollution.

It is especially serious in the respective places where the three parties on the island are located.

The various colors of lights from the three crowded areas of the island, the Electric Chip Transportation Station in the west, the gang compound in the center, and Rustbolt Town in the northeast, almost completely dispel the frightening darkness.

The various machines running all night in the three areas also made the night very noisy, even to the point of being noisy. This was a rare night scene in the entire Azeroth.

Probably only Gnomeregan, the mechanical city of the dwarves, can compare with it.

The energetic little gnomes were really noisy. Three gnomes were noisy like ten ducks quacking, and the gathering of so many mechanical gnomes in Mechagon was enough to make the place noisy.

In such chaotic sounds, the buzzing sound of motorcycles approaching the forest from below was no longer noticeable. The group of dwarfs from the Bondo gang were heading towards where Blake and his party were, but they were not far away from reaching the place. It will take some time.

After seeing Blake and the little fishman kill a big raven and get a cool motorcycle key, Little Star also started his own adventure.

Blue Dragon felt that his luck was no worse than Black's.

Take a walk around here, maybe you can find something interesting.

However, there is no special area in this forest for His Highness Xingxing to play. On the contrary, while searching around, he accidentally found some strange things.

Hey! There are actually spider eggs here?

Little Xingxing pointed to the white spider eggs scattered under a big tree in the forest and shouted to the others:

Look, those things are so big and glowing. Dwarf over there, didn't you say that there are no wild creatures on the surface of Mechagon?

No more.

Trixie was above using her electronic eyes to calculate the distance to the gang members below. She didn't look back and said impatiently:

Those are the eggs of steam spiders. Don't touch them. They are completely different from the spiders you remember. These steam spiders and the metal mad dogs on the scrap iron mountain are the only ones on this island that are difficult to deal with.

But her reminder came a little late.

Little Xingxing, who is bolder than a whale shark, has already grabbed a stick found on the ground and ran to poke those strange spider eggs.

These things were fixed under the branches with a strange substance that looked like spider silk, but was wrapped with electric arcs. Each one was half a person tall, and they were shaking together, making people feel chilling.

It's like there's something weird inside trying to break out of the egg.

When you get closer, you will find that there are sparks of electric ions beating on the surface of the spider eggs, and you can even hear some buzzing sounds.

It's like some kind of gear moving at high speed, but it doesn't look like a normal beast.

These spider silks are so tough, they emit light like metal, and they have these strange energies. I haven't seen anything like this anywhere else.

Is it unique to Mechagon again?

This place of mechagnomes is so strange.

Little Xingxing used the wooden stick in her hand to poke the spider eggs, but she couldn't break them no matter how hard she poked them. This made the curious Blue Dragon more and more interested. She also took out her notes and began to record her findings like the mages who were doing the research. .

Soon, the pair of spider eggs discovered by Little Star attracted the attention of other dwarfs. Overspark came forward with a strange engineering device to measure it.

The great inventor frowned, looked at the readings of the device in his hand, and said in a sharp tone:

Be careful, this thing is emitting strange radiation energy. And why does this sound sound so like an engine running?

Hey! You guys, don't get too close!

At this moment, Trixie, who was on the edge of the cliff, turned around and saw Little Star and a bunch of gnomes studying the spider eggs. She immediately became furious and took out her coil gun and shouted:

Don't lure the Motorcycle Spider Slicer here, that thing will be difficult to deal with.

Don't worry, let me listen first, I won't get it wrong.

With the enthusiasm of a researcher, Overspark ignored Trixie's shouts. He lay down on the metallic spider eggs that were beating more and more violently, and listened.

But the blue dragon had already noticed something was wrong.

She dropped the stick in her hand and moved her pointed ears as she transformed into an elf, as if she heard some weird sounds echoing in the forest.


The black falcon Hisari Black Crow flying over at low altitude screamed loudly to warn them. She saw movement under the forest in the air, and something huge rushed over.


Little Xingxing also felt the danger approaching. She suddenly raised her left hand and threw a magic shield on Overback, who was studying the spider eggs.

Before the great inventor could react, a small missile whizzed down at his feet. The explosion was not very powerful, but the air concussion caused the dwarf to fly away.

The magic shield protected him from harm, but the burst of energy smoked the dwarf's face black and gray.

When he landed screaming, the attacker finally rushed out of the forest. The weird appearance frightened Little Star. He was teleported behind Blake with a whoosh, hiding behind the captain and shivering.

He also stretched out his hand, pointed over there, and said tremblingly:

Weird. Monster!

It's embarrassing for a blue dragon to be so frightened.

Blake curled his lips and said something, and then smoothly drew out the long sword from his waist. The magic eyeball on his shoulder rotated and locked on the attacker who rushed out of the forest.

A large spider standing four meters high.

Spiders of this size are rare in other parts of Azeroth, but it is not impossible. Trolls can cultivate such large spiders with strange voodoo.

The descendants of Shadra, the spider Loa god, are all bigger than this thing.

Such a spider would not scare Little Xingxing. What really frightened the Shameful Blue Dragon was that the big spider in front of him was a mechanical creation.

No part of the body is made of flesh and blood, and its shell and various organs on the body are all made of metal.

Eight slender legs support what appears to be a fat, heavy and thick body, six walking legs on the side, two sharp forelimb spider legs in front used for attack, and two cutting saws in the mouth that are constantly cutting like scythes. .

The most peculiar thing is that the large spider compound eyes on its flat head have been transformed into lampshades like car lights.

There are two giant gears on both sides of the metalized abdomen that rotate at high speed to provide power for it. There are actually three exhaust pipes behind the tail. With every move of the mechanical spider, black smoke will be sprayed out.

If this thing was really made entirely of technology, its weight would be absolutely astonishing considering its size.

But it moved surprisingly briskly through the forest.

When approaching the intruders who were trying to destroy the mechanical eggs it laid, the thing called the Steam Spider raised its slender legs high and dropped from the sky like a spear.

With a whooshing sound, it grazed Kelsey Steelshine's body and stabbed it, leaving a dark hole in the ground. The dwarf agent was so frightened that he dropped his gun and ran away.

She's a very smart agent.

Just looking at the comparison of the two's body shapes, one can tell that this thing is definitely not something she can deal with with a gun.

Damn it, you still lured this 'Cutter' out. In the past few months, it has slaughtered many robots under the king's command. It is because of its existence that this group of robots dare not come over in this forest.

Well now, we are going to become its prey.

Trixie cursed loudly and shouted to the people around her:

Quickly, hit the capacitor under its body! Don't let it enter energy overload. Once overloaded, it will enter an overclocking rage and use high-energy current to deal with us.


As soon as Trixie finished speaking, Blake flashed over and landed directly under the giant mechanical spider. He raised his sword and stabbed the three capacitors placed side by side on its abdomen.

With a loud bang, the warp-slicer stabbed into the capacitor.

The leaked electric energy rushed towards Black along the metal sword, making the hair on the pirate's body stand up for a moment, and he disappeared with a strange scream.

When he reappeared, he had thrown out the hook lock and jumped onto the head of the car spider that was waving its forelimbs wildly. Black, whose arms were still a little numb, pulled out the double-barreled shotgun from his chest and opened his compound eyes against the light tube on the head of the car spider. gun.

Amidst the violent impact, the compound-eye bulb shattered, and black engine oil gushes out from the big spider's wound like blood.

It seems to still retain the emotion of pain that belongs to flesh and blood creatures.

After his eyes were blinded, he jumped up and down in pain, trying to shake Blake off his head, and then turned around and fled back to his lair in the forest.

Come on! Monster!

Fenner watched the pirates in danger, and rushed forward with a battle ax and a heavy shield. She struck the front leg of the giant spider with an axe, causing the warrior's mouth to go numb due to the shock caused by the impact of the steel.

But then she aroused her own anger, and the anger that had surged up like a tidal wave stirred up. Fenner jumped up on the spot and launched a city breaker combat skill towards the spider's opening and closing steel jaw.

Wherever the ax blade landed, the front jaw and spider legs of the steel spider were completely severed.

Quick! Little Star, freeze it, don't let it escape!

Seeing that the spider was about to go berserk under the severe pain, Black shouted at the blue dragon not far away. Little Star blinked and glanced at Jaina, who was also a little scared next to him.

Girls are always afraid of these spiders, snakes and the like, but there are still people blocking the way, so the two mages immediately started casting spells under the pirate's order.

Large swaths of ice were attracted to cover the body of the giant steam spider, causing the mechanical spider with broken legs to escape back into the forest more and more slowly.

Seianni also jumped over, transformed into a dragon in the forest, stood in front of the Motor Spider, opened her big mouth and sprayed out ice breath, freezing the mechanical monster into a shiny block of ice in a few seconds.

Even though it was frozen in ice, the mechanical spider-slicer's compound eyes still had lights flashing.

It means it is not dead.

This thing is really resistant to beating.

Fenna picked up the ax that had been knocked away, stood in front of the ice and raised her head to look at the huge monster in front of her. She felt quite happy about defeating a powerful enemy.

Then he turned to look at Blake, who had withdrawn the sword from the spider's abdomen, and said:

Hey, do you think this thing was made by dwarves out of spare parts, or was it twisted from flesh to steel? I had a strange feeling when I was fighting it just now.

This thing seems to be very angry, the same kind of anger as a living creature, not quite like an emotionless robot.

It can feel pain, what do you think?

Blake wiped the oil on his sword and replied to Fenner.

Okay, this 'Gnome Destroyer' has finally been subdued. From now on, there will be one less scourge on the island. We only need to kill the remaining 30 or so same scourges, and Mechagon will have peace.

Trixie, who was running all the way, saw the Slicer being subdued, and the Mechanognome also cheered. She shouted:

As for the question you asked, I can tell you the answer now.

This cutter, as well as the 'Spark Queen' entrenched on the Cape of Flashweaver and her mecha wolf spider guards, were once the most powerful biological specimens among the large spider individuals on the island.

There were thirty samples of them in total. They were captured by the king more than ten years ago and sent to Mechagon as samples for the mechanical origin test. Twenty-seven of them died, but the experiment of the three steam spiders that survived was very interesting. success.

As you can see, these giant spiders have been 'returned' to become real mechanical creatures while retaining their biological characteristics.

Their organs have been transformed into metal, as if they have 'evolved' from inferior creatures into higher creatures. Both their senses and destructive power have been enhanced tenfold.

But it can no longer be tamed.

There were once bold gnome technicians who used mechanical emotional matrices to try to connect to their spirits, but concluded that these things had gone crazy.

The mechanical return to origin transformed their forms, but their already fragile souls were also messed up by the return to origin experiment.

In other words, as soon as your king's big bomb explodes, we will also become such robots?

Jaina asked with her eyes widened.

Trixie sneered and replied:

You must survive first before you have a chance to transform back into an Iron Vrykul, the delicate little princess of Kul Tiras. We captured so many beasts for experiments, but the chance of successful transformation was less than one-third.

Using this probability to calculate, two-thirds of the flesh and blood life in the entire world must die first. Even if you are lucky enough to survive, it is not a lucky thing.

You will be driven crazy by the pain of returning to your source.

But they can still lay eggs!

Little Xingxing walked over boldly. She took a look at the frozen mechanical spider, and then at the spider eggs that had been affected by the battle. Some of them had been broken.

A disgusting liquid that resembled a mixture of engine oil and sewage flowed out from the spider eggs, and the corpses of some seemingly underdeveloped mechanical spiders fell on the frost-splashed ground.

The blue dragon kicked the corpses of the mechanical creatures. She turned to look at Trixie and said with question marks on her face,

What is the principle of this? Do big robots lay eggs and give birth to small robots? Although I don't know much about engineering, but in your words, this is not scientific in any way, right?

Those little car spiders are not 'born'.

Trixie waved her hands with disgust and said:

“Just go and remove more spider eggs and you’ll find out.

These giant spiders capture unlucky mechanical dwarfs or mechanical dogs, dissolve their bodies with a special oil, find suitable parts and seal them in their eggs, and assemble those parts by relying on their mechanical properties.

This is not a reproductive process.

This is an ‘assembly line production’ process.

The king originally planned to use these steam spiders as weapons of war, but they were all crazy and uncontrollable, so the king had to give up this plan.

They were supposed to be destroyed, but when there were riots in the city, they escaped.


Little Xingxing made a vomiting motion and said with disgust:

That sounds really disgusting. Why would you mecha gnomes make such disgusting things?

It's not our fault, this is how technology develops.

Trixie retorted. She glanced down the cliff and said:

Those guys are coming on our motorcycles, hurry up, prepare to ambush them and steal the bikes!

Hold on.

Blake made a gesture, pointed at the frozen mechanical spider cutter in front of him, and said to Little Star:

You and Seianni use teleportation to send this thing back to Tol Barad. Don't you think such a cool big spider would be perfect for guarding the gate of the academy?

This is a ready-made ‘demon’.

You only need to engrave some magic runes on its body, and it will become magic resistant. Naturally, a prestigious school with ten thousand years of history must have a unique appearance that distinguishes it from other colleges.

Tsk tsk, the dean will definitely praise me for this.

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