Shadow Trails in Azeroth

Chapter 749 80. Two deer are in pairs, look at you again!

Hisari Crow was dissatisfied.

Perhaps it was because he stayed with Black for too long that the high-level druid unknowingly relaxed his vigilance towards pirates, or perhaps the pirates moved too fast, far beyond what his power level should allow. limit.

In short, before Miss Black Crow could react, Black had already buckled the ring carrying the power of the Falcon God on Black Crow's left talon.

It's just like the marks that pet owners put on the paws of their bird pets to indicate their identity and serve as decorations.

To be honest, this ring is not ugly.

The simple shape is also decorated with fragments of the dragon soul that shine with elegance. The dark gold interface is simple and unpretentious, yet exudes a dignified atmosphere.

But the problem is not the shape of the ring, but the power it represents.

Among the six major power systems, the Wilderness Demigod and the Loa God are both extensions of the power of life. The difference between the two is not very obvious, and sometimes even their believers cannot figure it out.

For example, the civilization trolls of Zandalari will also call the wild demigod revered by the night elf druids the powerful Loa.

In turn, night elf druids will respect the naturally born loa and learn the power of nature from them as they travel the world.

There is a saying that the Loa gods are generally weaker than the wilderness demigods in terms of strength.

It's not that they are not talented enough, but that they are not lucky enough. In ancient times, they did not have the good luck to be favored and taken in by the Titan Guardians, and naturally they were not taught some of the Titan secrets.

In Blake's understanding, Loa is a wild demigod without official certification, while the wild demigod is a regular army under the Titan power system.

The difference between the two is not big, and they are even quite consistent in terms of power: a soul that transcends life and death, a body that is far stronger than the world, has various magical animal powers, and can also give its own power to believers.

The last point is quite important.

After Silissa Black Crow was forcibly taken to the Ring of Resurrection in Akilson, Miss Raptor Druid, who was originally blessed by Aviana, the demigod of the wilderness and the mother of birds, was killed by the Falcon God. The power was forcibly transformed into a Loa carrier.

This does not mean that Hisari's faith has changed.

She is still a loyal believer of Aviana, but her power attribute has been forcibly guided into the realm of Akilshon.

Among the trolls, only the Amani clan believed in the Falcon God. It was not even considered a strong one among the Loa gods, let alone compared to the real demigod of the wilderness, Aviana.

But the problem is that Avina had already fallen in the War of the Ancients 10,000 years ago.

Although her soul still inhabits the broken branches of Garnier, the mother tree of the Emerald Dream, it is really not certain who is stronger between a wilderness demigod who has been dead for ten thousand years and a Loa who has just lost his body.

And just because Avina is strong doesn't mean her followers are equally strong.

In short, the moment she put on the ring, Hisari Black Crow was forcibly converted. In her mind, she could hear the eagle screaming in the sky and see huge wings soaring in the sky.

She even felt that her trade wind crow's body was being reshaped by divine power.

She knew something was wrong.

She was forcibly dragged from Aviana's domain into an unknown realm by this damn evil-minded pirate, where she was forcibly infused with some powers that were unfamiliar to her and did not want.

And the divine power came to force her into weakness, so that she could only passively endure the humiliation without being able to resist.

Her heart is still loyal to Aviana, the Mother of Birds, but her body is no longer clean.

And at this most critical moment, the first thought of the best lurkers and scouts of the Cenarion Order was to work hard to maintain their beast transformation!

She tried her best to control her weak and trembling body.

Trying hard not to enter human form and thus sabotage your lurk mission.

This time, I really have to endure the humiliation and bear the burden.

Before her vision went dark and she fell into a coma due to the raging power of Akilsund, Hisari Black Crow's last thoughts swirled in her heart:

“This can be considered a real ‘work injury’!

I hope that when I return to Moonglade in the future, I can still be accepted by my fellow raptor druids, instead of being scolded as a traitor to the sky like the fallen harpies.

Ah, Aviana, please save your loyal followers.

Please send down a gust of wind and call up a gust of lightning to kill this damn stinky pirate.

Gu, Gu

Under the gaze of the magic eyeball on Black's shoulder, the trade wind crow in his hand that was being transformed turned its neck and let out a cry of pain, then rolled its eyes and fell into the pirate's arms tremblingly.

Hey~ It's already like this and you haven't transformed yet? This druid has good self-control!

Blake also felt waves of surprise.

He was already prepared to witness the scene where Hisari Black Crow had to stand up and return to the night elf body due to the raging power of the gods.

He had even mentally rehearsed the shock, loss and angry that would appear on his face when this elf girl transformed, and he also made plans to ask Miss Black Crow to pay him a smart and brave little bird.

Use this request to force Hisari Black Crow to owe him a favor!

The plan was perfect!

But unexpectedly, Miss Hilisa Black Crow's tenacity was far beyond Black's imagination.

In order not to expose herself, she actually endured the discomfort of Loa's reincarnation.

What a strong will. You will do whatever it takes to get the job done. It's a real treasure for the Cenarion Circle to have a member like you.

I don't have such a qualified spy under my command, which is really enviable.

If I hadn't known your identity in advance.

The stinky pirate curled his lips and wrapped Miss Hisali, who was moulting in her arms, in black cloth, just like wrapping a baby.

This Miss Druid is very ugly, like a bald chicken.

This is because the change in the power within the Druid's body causes her trade wind crow form to transform into a falcon form. She must first drop the crow feathers on her body and then re-grow the falcon feathers.

This process can take several days.

Oh, girls all love beauty. If I saw her current ugly posture, I would probably commit suicide out of shame.

Blake grumbled while quickly collecting the crow feathers dropped by Hisari.

At his feet, the little murloc was also quickly collecting those gray-black crow feathers. It seemed to be planning to use the feathers from the druid to weave a bird feather crown for itself.

Or use it to embellish your clothes.

What a little scoundrel who exploits every opportunity.

Let's go to the mountains to play with the Wild Demigods and the Drusts.

Blake tied the unconscious druid wrapped in black cloth to his waist as if he was carrying a strange little backpack. He opened the window of the clock tower of Alom's Tower and jumped out quickly.

He also summoned the hippogryph Sky, which was flying across the sky, and grabbed Sky's front paws as the wind vulture roared by.

The little fishman also screamed and grabbed the pirate's trouser leg.

They were just carried high into the sky by the Hippogryph, and flew towards the Drustvar Mountains in the east without alerting any soldiers patrolling nearby.

The terrain of this mountain range is high in the middle and low on both sides. The towering mountains are covered with perennial frost and ice. However, after falling rapidly for a few minutes, when you reach the foothills, you can see the lush green mountains. Black forest.

Drustvar is the least developed area of ​​Kul Tiras, but it is also the area with the best environmental protection. The forest coverage rate of this mountainous area is conservatively estimated to be more than half.

Several towns of local mountain people are scattered around these forests.

Under Blake's command, the sky descended towards the lake at the source of the river just east of Arom's Platform. Blake looked from a high place and could clearly see the distant coast and the port called Butcher Harbor. Inland sea pier.

That dock is the shipping hub for the Drustvar Mountains and Sea King's Bay on the edge of Tiragarde Sound. It is also the most common way for locals to travel to the capital.

This is Kul Tiras, and no matter what you do here, you have to take a boat.

The meat sausages produced in Butcher's Harbor and the nearby town of Xiaowan are the delicacies of Kul Tiras that are famous throughout the South China Sea and the Eastern Continent. During the Orc War, these two towns had to provide meat sausages to the Kul Tiras army. Make a lot of money from military rations.

I still remember that when I went to the palace of Lordaeron to receive the reward as the 'Orc Slayer', the main course of the banquet held by the nobles was the sausage from Butcher's Harbor.

The flavor is really good.

Blake introduced the local specialties to the little murloc in his arms. Unfortunately, Benbolba was only interested in the sausage itself. He croaked and waved his claws over there.

It seems like I want to rush over now and grab some flavored sausages for lunch.

Haha, I advise you not to go.

Blake's tone became sinister again, and he said to the little fish-man as if telling a ghost story:

“Some time ago, the local ‘dark forces’ and poisonous witches were causing trouble in several nearby towns. They were later suppressed after the Waycrest family vigorously suppressed them.

Do you know what are the evil tricks that those witches who cannot be mentioned on the stage are good at?

They would use black magic to turn men who had offended them, or were simply unlucky, into fat pigs, and sneak them into pig farms at night.

Early the next morning, careless butchers would not check carefully when slaughtering, and would often send those pigs that screamed extremely fiercely to the slaughtering table.

Some witches who have a good grasp of black magic can ensure that such 'pig' will not show its original shape in a short time after being slaughtered. It is not until they are made into sausages that people will find that some men are missing in the village.

But there are also bastard witches who are not good at learning, are careless, or are deliberately trying to be mean.

They control the magic time, so that after those unlucky ones are disemboweled by the butcher, they will immediately return to human form. How about it?

Still want to eat sausage?


The little fish man waved his fist angrily in protest to the evil-minded pirate, and his ghost story successfully dispelled the little fish man's desire for lunch.

Haha, it's actually not as serious as I said.

Blake waved his hand and said;

I have read the secret report written by the Albatross Chamber of Commerce on this matter, because the witches' messy behavior once caused a devastating blow to the meat sausage industry in Butcher Harbor and Xiaowan Town.

The butchers there were suspicious all day long and many were driven crazy.

However, the Waycrest family reacted quickly, destroying all the sausages stored there while blocking the news, and only resumed the production of sausages after the witches were completely wiped out.

So, in theory, the Kul Tiras sausages we eat now are safe, at least in theory.


The little fish man angrily took out a piece of croissant from his bag and stuffed it into his mouth. He was determined to never touch any kind of sausage until he forgot this damn story.

Hmm, are you scared? You are a fish-man. You are omnivorous and can theoretically eat people.

Blake said in a low voice:

And there are more supernatural stories in the Drustvar mountains than just sausages. Do you want me to tell you another story about 'Little Girl's Afternoon Tea'?

It is said that in this mountainous area, you can occasionally see a cute little girl asking you to play afternoon tea with her, and she will ask you to help find something.


Look! I saw it, it is really as beautiful as the legend, come down, sky, come down, let's go to pay homage to the demigod of the wilderness.

Under Blake's command, the hippogryphs descended rapidly.

Landing on the edge of the river very close to the source of the local river, Blake quickly jumped down and chased after the white shadow he had just seen fleeting in the forest.

The hippogryph looked down from the sky for guidance, while the little murloc planned to jump into the water and swim upstream. As a result, when Benbolba was about to jump into the water, he suddenly heard a nice little girl's voice:

Hey, what a cute baby fishman, and wearing beautiful clothes. Do you want to have afternoon tea with me?

The first half of the voice was gentle and cute, but the second half turned sinister, like a terrifying invitation, which made Benbolba shudder violently.

The fishman didn't dare to look back.

He croaked and jumped into the water, like a turbo duck, swishing through the water and chasing his owner.

It was really frightened by this piece of Drustvar Black Forest that seemed ordinary but was actually anything but ordinary.

This damn place will never come again!

In the forest ahead, Blake was like a ghost dancing in the shadows, flashing back and forth in the forest with quick movements, always following the bright white light.

As it climbed over mountains and ridges, jumped over rivers, and finally came to a secret river valley.

Just below the source of the river, there is a hidden waterfall splashing with water.

Probably because he saw that he couldn't get rid of the annoying pursuer, the white light finally stopped.

It swung its head with huge antlers gracefully, moved its front hooves anxiously, and lowered its head in the direction where Blake jumped.

It looked like he was going to launch a powerful reindeer charge.

Oh oh oh! Don't worry! Don't be angry, the great, brave and noble 'Heart of the Forest' Asar, I have no ill intentions, I am just here for a 'pilgrimage'.

Blake spread his hands and faced the hostility of the tall white reindeer in front of him. He tried hard to show that he had no malicious intentions.

When the pirate took a step back, he felt the shadows floating behind him again, and a doe with shadows and starlight lingering all over her body also walked out of the forest gracefully.

In tandem with the big-antlered deer ahead, Blake's path was completely blocked.

Salute to you, Altaïr's consort, the mysterious and powerful 'Woodkeeper' Atene.

The pirate didn't panic and turned around to bow to the Star Doe behind him.

He explained to the two holy creatures staring at him:

I'm here to ask for your blessings on behalf of the descendants of Arom Waycrest. You two still remember Arom, right? You made an agreement with him to protect his descendants and his territory forever. .

I'm really just a messenger.

Look, I still have the blessing of the honest and noble Loa spirit Akunda, which is enough to prove that I am not a bad guy.

I maintain good relationships with many Loa. How about I summon Old Garni to prove his identity to me? You must have heard of Old Ghani’s name, right?

The one who calls himself the 'King of the Trash Heap'

Ah, you know it, that's wonderful.

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