Shadow Trails in Azeroth

Chapter 748 79. Blake’s Caged Bird (Real)

Black is hiding in the attic of the Warning Clock Tower at Arom's Tower.

He was busy writing at this time. Outside the attic, the sun had risen and was shining through the window into this small area.

In the morning breeze, the pirate's beloved trade-wind crow croaked and landed on the attic window. She also held a bug she had caught in her mouth, struggling back and forth in her sharp beak.

To be honest, every time he sees Miss Hisari Black Crow's performance working so hard, Blake will be moved in his heart.

It was really difficult for him to understand what prompted this high-level druid to follow him.

Logically speaking, after the incident of the Polluter Ruiqing in the material world ended, Miss Black Crow's latent career should have ended. After all, most of what Blake did during this period had nothing to do with natural affairs.

Whether it is the domestic affairs of Kul Tiras or the tracking of the mechanical gnomes, these should not be the concerns of the druids.

If it has to do with Kaldorei affairs, it probably only involves expelling the naga from Vashj'ir.

I don’t know how Miss Hisali Black Crow wrote the work report to Moonlight Grove during this period. I guess her boss might not be too satisfied with the results of her work during this period, right?

The pirate stopped his magic pen.

He rubbed his chin and stretched out his hand to tease Tradewind Crow's head. While helping her smooth her hair, he was thinking about whether he should accidentally leak some information to Miss Black Crow again?

Lest this little cutie be forced to end the mission by the superiors of the Cenarion Order because he cannot produce any favorable intelligence information.

I have become accustomed to having such a smart and dexterous little bird around me. If she suddenly disappears one day, I will definitely not get used to it.

But how do you lead to this topic? How do you show your power as a prophet?

The pirate's eyes narrowed under the blindfold, and he planned to dig a hole for his cute little bird and let her jump down.

While Blake was thinking, the high-level raptor druid Miss Hisari Black Crow was completely unaware of Blake's brewing evil intentions.

She ate the distinctive-tasting bugs here in Drustvar as a prop to hide herself.

On the other hand, he was happily recalling the commendation he received from the higher-ups of the cult from an eagle that flew from Moonglade to Drustvar a few days ago.

Her immediate superior, Omulon the Skyroar, the leader of the Raptor Druids, and Omulon's superior, Lord Fandral Staghelm, the current nominal leader of the Cenarion Order, all expressed concern about her Very satisfied with the work results.

Especially after the events of Dalaran.

Hisari Black Crow's intelligence work has not fallen into the trough, but has been on the rise.

Whether it was the warning about the werewolf problem in Gilneas or the report on the entire process of the King of Elements Tidehunter Neptulon's return to the world, it was a treasure for Moonglade, who began to pay attention to the connection with the eastern continent.

In particular, war reporter Hisari Black Crow's frontline report about pirates and the Ancestral Turtles joining forces to expel the Nagas entrenched in Vashj'ir spread wildly within the Druid Order.

On the one hand, the relationship between Naga and night elves is very, very bad. Although the elven druids preach the balance of nature, they all want to see Naga misfortune.

On the other hand, the detailed story recorded by Hisari Black Crow from a first-person perspective, even without too much exaggeration and embellishment, is just the simple record itself, which makes this story full of a legendary adventure feeling.

Reading this stuff is much more exciting than reading boring and obscure books on natural magic.

In fact, not only this report, but also several observation reports on demons and human civilization that Hisari Black Crow had sent to the Order had already caused a sensation among the young druids.

Became a popular read.

Not only has it attracted many young apprentices to copy and recite it, it is now the most popular popular science material for understanding the world outside the Elf Kingdom in Moonlight Grove.

It is said that this is because when the great druid of Val'sharah's inheritance was teaching the students, he quoted Hisari Black Crow's Information about the Tide Hunters and the Hydraxia Legion when talking about the relationship between nature and the elements. and Overview as reference readings, thus completely popularizing Miss Black Crow's series of work reports in the circle of druids.

Those young druid apprentices who followed Ms. Thessaly Black Crow's long-form serialized documentary literature even gave Ms. Black Crow a nickname, The Observer.

But apart from these disturbances that Miss Black Crow did not expect, to be fair, Miss Hisari's own work is indeed conscientious and very fruitful.

Those details that Black thought were not important, in Miss Black Crow's observations and reports, could always be discerned by the druids of the Cenarion Order to reveal deeper information and make use of it.

For example, after they learned that the Tide Hunters had escaped from the cage of the elemental realm, they immediately sent envoys to the sea outside the ruins of Azshara in Kalimdor to find the altar of the ancient Hydrassil Legion, trying to establish contact with the Water Elemental Legion. .

If it is confirmed that the Tidehunters are going to war with the Naga Empire, then the druids are willing to provide help to the Elemental Legion.

After all, along the coasts of the Kalimdor continent that humans are still unfamiliar with, Nagas attack night elf villages and strongholds much more frequently than their activities in the eastern continent.

If the elemental legions can be united to attack the naga, this will definitely be a very advantageous strategy for the druids.

In short, after repeatedly studying the intelligence summary sent by Miss Black Crow, the senior leaders of the Cenarion Order believe that Black Crow's long-term lurking is of great significance to the order.

According to Miss Black Crow's judgment, she has been able to determine that the target of her personal latent investigation, Blake Shaw, is indeed a prophet with the ability to predict the future.

Moreover, this pirate prophet has a lot of valuable intelligence information in his mind. A word he occasionally says can allow Miss Black Crow to deliver news to the Order and thus avoid a disaster.

For example, the werewolf problem in Gilneas had just emerged, and the Order, at the suggestion of Black Crow, strengthened the seal on the ancestral werewolves in the Emerald Dream.

They did find a disturbing loose seal there.

If no one warns, it could turn into a terrible disaster.

For another example, through the information Black Crow received from Blake, the druids of Moonglade acted quickly and tried to awaken the great druids who had been sleeping for thousands of years in their dreams.

As expected, many of them have fallen into weird dreams, losing themselves in the dream and unable to wake up.

This fact frightened the Druids and allowed them to clearly see the accuracy of Blake's prophecy.

To sum up, the importance of the lurk mission currently performed by Hisari Black Crow has been greatly increased in the eyes of the higher-ups of the Order, and her direct boss has also been transferred directly from Omulon to Fandral Staghelm.

Staghelm's new order to Black Crow is to ask her to calm down and continue to stay with Blake and bear the humiliation to inquire about information.

It would be best to find a way to solve the possible hidden dangers in the Emerald Dream.

In order to help the Black Crow lurk better, Staghelm sent his natural sentinels across the sea to deliver a Crow Feather Gem to Hisari Black Crow.

This thing is said to be a natural sacred object blessed by Malorne the White Deer during the War of the Ancients. With its blessing, the natural transformation of the Black Crow can be made more difficult to detect.

The arrival of this sacred object was also regarded by Hisari herself as a recognition and prompt. Those old-fashioned druids finally no longer considered themselves a impatient young man.

They begin to notice their own worth!

For night elves who don't have to worry about lifespan and can live forever, the biggest pursuit in an ordinary life is probably to be recognized by others.

You must work hard!

Prove your ability to those old-fashioned people, maybe you can become the youngest archdruid in the history of the Cenarion Order in the future!

Gee, from this point of view, this mysterious and smelly pirate can be regarded as the noble man in his career.

Oh, oh, spending the past few days on the boat makes my bones feel itchy.

After a few minutes, after finishing his thinking, Blake, who had devised a sinister plan in his mind, put away his pen and paper and stretched himself.

He raised his left arm like a hunter holding an eagle, and raised the trade wind crow on his arm to his eyes. While reaching out to touch her beak to tease her, he said to Miss Crow in a playful way:

We just have a few more days to wait at Arom's Stand. Why don't we go out and wander deep in the Drustvar Mountains. There are two wild demigods here that are not known to the Cenarion Order. .

Well, if I remember correctly, there should be a beast's den deep in these mountains.

It is the hermitage of a Drust Archdruid, and it is not far from here. Let's go find him and see if we are lucky enough to visit the 'hermit'.


Two strange wilderness demigods?

And the Archdruid of the Drust sect?

You stinky pirate is getting more and more outrageous the more you talk!

Miss Hisari Black Crow, who was standing on Black's arm, tilted her head, sucked the remaining half of the worm into her mouth, and looked at him with a suspicious look.

It's not that I don't believe Blake.

Mainly because these two pieces of information are a bit too scary, right?

How could a wilderness demigod be born from the unremarkable natural power of the Drustvar Mountains? Or both? Although there have always been legends of forest gods in the local area, they are most likely just the imagination of ordinary people.

There is also the Drust sect.

As a high-level druid, Miss Hisari Black Crow naturally knew about the existence of this sect.

It is a natural sect composed of a group of semi-vrykul who were initiated in Kul Tiras by Lord Cenarius when he traveled around the world more than 3,000 years ago.

The Druid heritage of the night elves also comes from the nature demigod Cenarius, so theoretically, the Drust sect is the brother church of the Cenarion order.

But there was never any communication between the two parties.

the reason is simple.

Within hundreds of years after its establishment, the Drust sect perished in time due to cannibalism.

Lord Cenarius personally came back to Kul Tiras to look for it, but he couldn't even find the inheritance of the Drusts. How dare you, a mere pirate, speak so wildly.

The black crow girl flapped her wings and made a squawking sound.

She was ready to see the pirate return disappointed.

But even if it turns out to be what the pirates said, there really are two wild demigods here that are not discovered by the world, and there really is a legacy of the Drusts, then Miss Black Crow is not at a loss at all.

This means that she can write a work report and report it to the senior leaders of the Cenarion Order.

This proves that he is not fishing, but is seriously performing latent work for the cause of nature.

Gu, Gu

Thinking of this, the trade wind crow played by Miss Hisali Black Crow shook her head shrewdly, let out a cry of joy, and jumped up and down on Blake's arm, as if she also wanted to go around.

The evil-minded one master and one servant happily reached an agreement.

But before setting off, Blake suddenly took out a strange-looking ring from his hand and tossed it up and down on his palm.

This ring is in the shape of Ravenholdt's Seal, but what is inlaid on the surface of this ring is not a magic gem, but a small fragment of the smelted dragon soul.

In front of Hisari Black Crow, Blake poured the Loa power named Ekilson Sky Wings in his power column into the ball that Dean Blue Moon used to practice before he set off. in the ring.

On Blake's character card, the entry for this ring also changed quickly:

Name: Akilson's Ring of Resurrection

Quality: Legend [Divine Power of Life]

Item effects:

After using it, the inheritance of the Loa God will be opened, and after a long period of learning and adaptation, he will finally inherit the priesthood and power of the Falcon God.

Item description:

At the suggestion of the cunning legendary pirate Black Shaw, the Falcon God Akielson gave up his plan to go to the Ardenweald of the Shadow Realm to complete his reincarnation. He resided here with his Loa power and his consciousness. On top of a strange ring.

When the wearer's strength attributes match those of the Falcon God, the Falcon God's will and divine power will be revived through the wearer's body.

Come on, let me give this little treasure as a gift to my bravest little bird.

With a dangerous smile, Blake put the ring in his hand that was emitting light from the sky on the left paw of the completely unresponsive Hisari Black Crow.

It was like a small shackle, locking up this little bird that could only express its suffering but could not resist.

The latter's fur immediately exploded, and he screamed and jumped up and down.

Don't be afraid, my cute little crow.

Black comforted the trade wind crow who was anxious and wanted to drop the ring from his claws, but also became extremely weak due to the addition of divine power.

He stroked her head and whispered:

“The reincarnation of Loa will clear away all memories and sanity, leaving only the most basic biological wildness and pure divine power, so there is no need to worry about losing self-awareness when inheriting this power.

I've already spoken to it.

It will be resurrected through your little body. This may take several years or decades, but it will be much faster than waiting for rebirth in Ardenweald.

Ekilsund will be given a new lease of life.

You will gain the power to protect yourself.

And I will harvest a future ‘Falcon God’ as a war beast.

Everyone is very satisfied.

You're satisfied too, right?

Come on, smile for me.

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