Shadow Trails in Azeroth

Chapter 743 74. Everything goes well, except Xiao...

Chapter 743 74. Everything goes well, except Shore

He touched it, and not only did he not trigger a counterattack from the holy object, he even used the holy scripture that sung the tide to make the energy of the holy hammer resonate with him with holy healing.

His analysis of faith doctrines is still as superb as in the past, and his words are full of compassion and leading people to do good. The Tide Sacred Book cannot find any shortcomings or stains on the faith level in his explanation.

He was a true believer, just like me.

His heart was filled with the power of faith.

After the welcome banquet, in the chapel specially set up by Yu Delin for the Pope's crown in the palace, Alonsos Fao, who was half-kneeling in front of the Holy Light icon to pray, was not at peace in his heart.

The old pope turned the rose rosary in his hand while recalling the interaction between Lord Stormsong and the Silver Hand Holy Hammer just now.

There were more and more doubts in his heart.

If I believe Black's prophecy, it means that Lord Stormsong or other Tide Sages have the ability to hide their true self in front of the Holy Light.

But it is a bit too shocking to be able to hide the Holy Hammer's perception so easily. Or maybe Blake's dark prophecy of omnipotence is a little wrong this time?

The Church of Storms may be related to the power of darkness, but is Lord Stormsong still the pure one he once was?

It is really unimaginable. If he is a servant who succumbed to the power of darkness, with the influence of the entire Church of Storms in Kul Tiras and his power as a secular noble, once Black and I choose to expose this secret, this country will Will instantly become turbulent because of him.

But Lord Stormsong paid no attention to my arrival.

Does he really know nothing?

Or do you regard the illumination and warning of the Holy Light as ordinary things that do not need to be paid attention to?

Under the shadow of the storm, what is the way to protect the pure ocean of our country? Or is it an unsettling dark evil?

Holy light, these questions are really heart-burning.

His Majesty let out a long sigh.

He knew that he was bound to get no answers to these questions just by thinking on his own. Maybe he should go to the Temple of the Church of Storms to check it out in person.

After seeing the things of the abyss with his own eyes in the dark caves beneath Tirisfal Glades, the Pope became more determined to eradicate these dark things that polluted the soul.

He can mobilize the power of the Holy Light Church to protect the souls of fellow human beings, as Black expected, but this must be based on the fact that he has enough evidence to prove that things have become irreversibly bad.

This is war.

The battle of faith, which is a hundred times more ferocious than ordinary war, must not be careless in the slightest.

And just when the pope calmed down and prepared to start today's prayer, a sudden thunder made the old pope raise his head. In the sky outside the chapel, a storm was already brewing.

Black clouds were billowing over this bustling harbor. Before the heavy rain came, the strong wind had already announced that this night was destined to be uneventful.

This is the unpredictable and unpleasant weather in Kul Tiras.

As an island country close to tropical waters, storms are really common, but fortunately, the weather here is at least not as rainy and humid as Gilneas.

After a heavy rain, the whole city will shine like washed coins. The rainbow in Kul Tiras is also a beautiful scenery famous throughout the human kingdom.

And praying in the rain at night can always bring peace of mind to the sincere people, and it has a unique flavor.

Just as the old Pope began to recite the first scripture, before the storm fell, the entire Huifan Market near the pier was temporarily closed.

The local merchants cursed the damn weather for interrupting their efforts to make money, but they quickly followed the port officer's instructions and put away their stalls and closed and locked the doors.

They had long been accustomed to this situation. After ten minutes, the entire lively market became deserted, but similarly, Mariner Street in the southwest became more lively.

Businessmen and dockworkers with nothing to do flocked to the taverns to have fun. Even lightning and thunder storms could not disturb these islanders' enjoyment of life.

If the storm lasts all night, they will spend the whole night happily and relaxed in this street.

Come on! This way.

In the storm that swept through the city, a small guy covered himself with a long hood and poked his head into the dark alleys of Sailor Street. Finally, he waved his hands and whistled in a lively rhythm, as if to convey a message. .

While he was looking around, he soon saw guys wearing hoods coming from all over Sailor Street. There were men and women, and in addition to humans, there were dwarfs and a few vixen.

The last rumored location of a 'mechanical thief' in the city was in the last warehouse on this street.

The hooded Tanred Proudmoore said excitedly to the people gathered around him:

That's the territory of the Sailor Gang. The locals don't like those nasty guys. They always try to blackmail everyone who strays into the dark alley. They have been eliminated by the Navy several times, but they always reappear.

Just don't go in, tell us the terrain there.

Shaw, who was wearing a hood, looked around and made a gesture. The surrounding Uncrowded Assassins immediately dispersed, jumped into the shadows under the storm with great skill, and headed towards the dark alley of Sailor Street.

Xiaoer said to the little prince who ran back to be the leader in front of him:

You should go home now.

Hey, I gave up hunting with my sisters and sneaked back from Kenings Camp just to go home and be a 'good boy'.

Tanred waved his hands dissatisfied and said:

You need me. This alley is very deep and extends in all directions. It is said that there was a maze underground because of the earthquake a few years ago.

I had heard from the guards before that there was occasionally a black market in that underground maze, but the things sold there were not interesting, at least I didn't like them.

The villains in the entire Port of Boralus who have not been caught by the Admiralty will be operating around these few blocks, and you outsiders will not be able to eat here.

If no one leads the way, you will get lost.

I don't think so.

Xiao, who had a mask on his face, rubbed his chin and said:

But how come you, a prince of Kul Tiras, are so familiar with this low-class place where good and bad people are mixed? Do you come here often? Well, it seems that our Highness Tanred is not a 'good boy' after all.

Shhhh, don't talk nonsense.

When Tanred saw that he had missed the mark, he immediately silenced himself and said to the guy in front of him who he didn't know but looked very powerful:

If others find out, I won't be able to sneak out and play.

Come with me quickly, the storm is getting bigger and bigger. If the mechanical gnomes you are talking about really exist in this city, then they should come out and be active at this time.

After saying that, the little prince ignored Xiao behind him, turned around and ran towards the dark alley of Sailor Street in a familiar way.

Xiao shook his head. He sensed his surroundings, tightened his hood, took a step forward, and disappeared into the alley under the rain.

Hiss. Shore? Hey, can you hear me?

The leader of MI7, who was advancing in the shadows, and the temporary commander of the Uncrowned Ones, Shore suddenly heard voices coming from his ears, mixed with bursts of weird electric sounds.

He pressed his ears with some discomfort, pushed the dwarf communicator inserted into his left ear, and answered:

This thing was not so noisy when it was tested! Kelsey, are you sure it won't have any problems?

“It’s the storm that interferes with the signal hissing. Don’t worry, this is normal.

This engineering communicator has become popular among our Gnomeregan secret agents. Its safety is very high. As long as you are not struck by lightning, it will not cause any harm to you.

The sound of Kelsey Steelshine chewing raspberry gum echoed in Shore's ears as she said:

I saw the little prince. He was running towards the target warehouse. He was really energetic. I am now at the commanding heights and observing the surroundings. I have a wide field of vision and can shoot at any time.

But heavy rain will affect my accuracy, so you'd better be careful. I won't be responsible for hitting you. Just kidding, don't be afraid, my shooting skills are very good.

The cheerful style of the optimistic dwarf agent made Shore uncomfortable. The assassins of MI7 and Ravenholdt were not in such a happy mood when performing their missions.

In fact, most people who choose to become assassins have a story of bitterness and deep hatred.

The storm became more rapid.

Heavy raindrops hit the uneven ground in the dark alleys of Sailor Street like a bad symphony.

The heavy rain seriously interfered with sight and observation. The field of vision looking around from here has been reduced to a few meters, and nothing can be seen further away.

Shore and the assassins waited patiently on the spot, searching everywhere silently, while Kelsey Steelshine, lying on the commanding heights, used her engineering skills to create a temporary hiding place for herself.

Without affecting her vision, she set up a weird tent to keep herself and her weapons dry.

The little dwarf agent chewed gum and put his finger on the trigger of his astonishingly long sniper rifle.

The gears of the mechanical goggles on her eyes kept beating, and she was changing the optical refractive index of the goggles so that she could maintain a good field of vision in such heavy rain.

But after thirty minutes of waiting without finding anything, Shore felt that tonight they were probably going to be in vain.

Tanred, who was hiding in a warehouse that had been stolen once before, even yawned.

The little prince found that this secret operation was not as exciting as he imagined, and even boring. If I had known this, I might as well have stayed at Kenings Camp and hunted with my sisters.

But just as Shore left his post, he suddenly spotted a strange thing rising into the sky in the increasingly rapid rain curtain at high altitude.

It was something like an upright box.

There are propeller blades whirling silently at the top, with a triangular grappling hook underneath, clinging to a packed box like a sharp claw, rising through the rain like a ghost.

A very special paint was applied to its surface, making it almost completely blend in with the background of the heavy rain. If Shore hadn't had abnormally good eyesight, he wouldn't have been able to spot that weird thing.

Kelsey! Look at the sky at your nine o'clock position! Can you identify those weird things? Are they products that your engineering can produce?

Shore immediately contacted Kelsey using a communicator.

The dwarf didn't answer, and seemed to be observing. After a few seconds, she exclaimed:

Oh my god! This kind of stability and speed, as well as its powerful load weight, our current engineering technology cannot achieve this. It must be equipped with a very powerful gyroscope and energy core.

At least three levels more advanced than what we are using now!

That’s right, it’s a mechanical dwarf!

Go in that direction quickly!

Shore, just down the block from us on the bay! I saw several aircraft taking off again, my God! Why is there a horse tied to it?

Do they even want such a tall and fierce creature?

Under Kelsey's guidance, Shore and a group of Uncrowned Ones acted quickly.

Tanred was also awakened when he heard the sound. The little prince grabbed a net bag for catching cicadas and rushed out of the warehouse. He yelled and ran towards the coast after the assassins.

As a result, a fox assassin took out a bandage and wrapped it around his mouth, telling him not to make any damn sound that would alert the target.

This is a secret operation!

Soon, Shore and Black's assassins discovered their target.

In an open space hidden in the middle of some large boxes piled up on the coast, a weird guy was constantly flying those strange and advanced aircraft.

While the little thing was skillfully operating the complex aircraft, it was still making the iconic giggles of the gnomes in the rain.

This thing will definitely scare them! It's so edible, and I don't know that it won't retain such a good appetite after being transformed into a machine.

While letting out a happy and evil laugh, she let go of the aircraft next to her hand. In the grappling hook of this aircraft, there was a big fat pig of calico color that was still struggling.

Fly, fly.

The weird guy waved his weird hands and cheered in the storm:

Take my letter home. I'm going on vacation next month. Let Bondo, that bastard who only exploits employees, replace me with the irritable Naino.


There was a gunshot, and as the mechanical dwarf watched in astonishment, the aircraft that had just taken off was blown up by bullets flying in the rain, and the big fat pig that was held in the air also fell to the ground.

The poor guy was terrified.

Howling, he rushed out along the coast, knocking over the unlucky Prince Tanred who was caught off guard.

Ah! It's been discovered.

The mechanical gnome forerunners who were hiding in the city to collect various supplies for their hometown responded quickly.

She screamed, turned around and pulled out two weird coil pistols from her waist, and fired continuously at the assassins rushing behind her. Amidst the strange vibrations of his body, he created two lifelike optical projections to try to disrupt the rhythm of his pursuers.

Combat analysis starts! Find a way for me!

She screamed words that Shore couldn't understand and prepared to escape from the siege of assassins, but Sniper Kelsey Steelspark gave her no more chance.

A precise shot hit the escaping mechanical gnome in the leg, causing her to howl and fall to the ground with sparks flying.

The leg must have been broken.

Shore rushed out of the shadows and accurately stepped on the body of the struggling mechanical dwarf. As a result, the surge bomb thrown by this weird guy exploded in the center of the two of them.

Xiao felt that everything around him was rapidly amplifying.

It seemed that some kind of evil magic had been cast on him. When he came back to his senses from the dizziness, he had been shrunk to one-tenth of his original size.

Became a little man through and through.

He raised his head and saw the giant mechanical dwarf in front of him gritting his teeth and punching him down, as if he wanted to crush him with a vicious look.

But despite being shrunk, Shore's deadly skills are still there.

With a flexible dodge, she rushed forward like a bullet and punched the mechanical dwarf in the head. The bang made her fall to the ground, and she was dizzy and lost the ability to fight back.

Cool! Stable release of 'World Amplifier'!

The people around quickly gathered around, and Kelsey Steelshine, who was holding a gun, quickly grabbed the unconscious mechanical dwarf with handcuffs. She took another look at the little Mathias Shore at her feet.

Giggling, she picked him up with her hands, held him in front of her eyes and stretched out her hand to play.

You're so cute when you're so small, Chief Shore.

Kelsey took out a glass bottle filled with bugs from her arms, put it on Xiao's head maliciously, and sealed the mouth of the glass bottle.

He knocked on the wall of the bottle and said:

I have to pack you up to prevent you from accidentally being trampled to death. Oh, don't be angry. I will find a way to recover you. But we have to send this prisoner to Black first.

He will definitely be very happy when he sees you like this.

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