Shadow Trails in Azeroth

Chapter 742 73. Ah, the great Holy Light has finally arrived in Kul Tiras

Blake's reaction was pretty quick.

The moment Nat said there were eyeballs watching behind him, the pirate activated the void power belonging to Xalatath in his body to wrap his spirit.

But the moment he jumped into the shadow, in the intersection of shadow and reality, he saw in a trance that in the dim and gloomy light, like the perspective of a drowned person, a large monster with connected eyeballs was looking down at it from high in the sky. .

The pupils of those eyeballs rotated, focusing all eyes on Blake.

Ywaq ma phgwa'cul hnakf. (You are just a trembling whisper in the wind)

Ruowu's reciting sound echoed in the pirate's various perceptions with waves of ancient divine words. Without Xal'atath's void divine power to protect him, just this corrupted word that played in the soul would be enough. Draw Blake into N'Zoth's vision.

The Demon of Thousand Beards is the best at this.

This was how Deathwing was driven crazy back then.

However, with the protection of the power of his loyal servants, the pirate only felt slightly dizzy at this moment. Just a moment after reclusiveness, he completely hid himself from the gaze of the ancient god.

After a few seconds, he felt N'Zoth's gaze fade and reappear from the shadows.

In front of him, Nat had passed out with twitching hands and feet.

Natalie Serling, who entered the void form and used a dissipation magic to temporarily drive herself out of the material plane to avoid N'Zoth's whisper, also weakly reappeared from a dissipating black light.

poor guy.

Natalie looked at Nat who was unconscious, and she said to Blake:

N'Zoth used him as a carrier to convey a voice of corruption to you. Is this a warning? Does it want you to stay away from its territory? Or is it something else?

It just sees me as another of Xal'atath's servants.

Blake rubbed his wrist, then his aching forehead, and said:

“It just ‘says hello’ to me, a believer in the void.

Don't be frightened by it. Among the ancient gods currently sealed, N'Zoth's cage is the most stable. With the entire sleeping city of Ny'alotha blocked, the only thing it can do is So scary.

It thought it was a demonstration.

But it only exposed its weakness.

It can extend the thoughts that even Nat Pagle, the magical fisherman, can't suppress, and it has no power to invade me.

Take Nat out and use your void ritual to cleanse him of the remnants of the ancient god's thoughts. He will not be affected and will be weak for a few days at most, but the Hals and children beside him cannot withstand this. The erosion of thought fragments.

Nat has potential.

The pirate said to Natalie:

You have to help him discover his potential. I don't want him to just be my 'chief fisherman'. It's such a waste. He can even succeed me and become the real 'crow prophet'.

During the conversation between the two, Nat, who had been knocked unconscious by the impact, slowly woke up. The poor unlucky kid's nostrils were bleeding and his eyes were full of bloodshot eyes.

He almost had a nervous breakdown from the corrupt words just now. When he was helped up by Natalie, his hands and feet were still trembling, and he couldn't even control his expression well.

However, before being taken away, Nat still told Blake another news in his vague voice:

Captain, I. Before I left the Temple of Storms, the priests were preparing a gift. I heard Brother Pike say that it was a gift for His Majesty Daelin.

It is said to be an ancient sacred object of the Church of Storms, which has been reused today. Some priests said that the sacred object can make Her Majesty Dai Lin the true king of the sea.

They planned to give the sacred object to His Majesty Dai Lin when he held the title ceremony for Princess Golden Sword.

A holy relic from the Church of Storms?

Blake blinked.

He nodded and said:

Well, I probably guessed what they were going to send. This news is very important. Nat, thank you for the reminder. I will pay attention to it. Now go and rest.

If you have a dream, you must tell me immediately.

Captain, I know the Tide Sages are not good people.

Nat struggled and said:

But my mentor, Brother Pike, is really a decent man. He is different from those gloomy and lonely guys. You believe me, he is really a good man.

He can be a good guy.

Blake comforted:

As long as he recognizes the situation, as long as he can confront evil, then he can be a good person. I mean, as long as he doesn't interfere with me.

His survival does not conflict with what I want to achieve.

Blake watched Nat and Natalie leave their house.

He looked back at the fresh shrimps on the kitchen table, shrugged, picked up the delicious food, walked back to his study, and continued to calm down with his work.

Nat's return is a surprise, but it can't change the Pirates' slowly advancing career.

The story of Kul Tiras has not really begun yet. If this is an opera that is about to open, then not even the leading actors have arrived yet.

Everything is still being prepared, so there is no need to rush.


While the pirate and his friends and family were enjoying a wonderful relaxing time at Kenings Camp, a grand yet low-key welcome ceremony was taking place in Port Boralus today.

The ceremony took place in Proudmoore Fortress, the royal palace of Kul Tiras.

There were not many people attending the meeting, but everyone had distinguished status.

In addition to Daelin and his two wives, there are also the heads of other great noble houses in Kul Tiras, Lord William of the Ashvane family, Lord Stormsong of the Stormsong family, and the ruler of De The old earl of the Waycrest family in the Ruswa Mountains.

The four major families of the Kingdom of Ku arrived, as well as the nobles attached to them.

For example, the head of the Norvington family located in the middle of Tiragarde Strait, the lord of Heatherford Town, etc. are not many in number, but they are full of gold.

To be able to bring together these big figures who control the center of power in Kul Tiras, the identity of the guests visiting today must be extraordinary.

I pay tribute to you, Your Majesty the Pope. I heard that you were ill some time ago, and I planned to visit you, but what happened in Dalaran is really too scary.

But looking at how energetic you are now, I think you have recovered your health, which is really a good thing.

Dailin, who was wearing a king's robe and rarely wearing a crown, was holding a glass of wine and was clinking glasses enthusiastically with Alonsos Faol, who had just arrived in his country through the portal.

Of course, His Majesty the Pope abides by the precepts, and he is holding a glass of water in his hand.

This is all the blessing and grace of the Holy Light.

The old pope chuckled and said:

It seems that I have not yet been summoned by the Holy Light. I heard on the road that you have found your daughter? Your Majesty Dai Lin, this is really an exciting and happy event.

Who says it isn't?

Queen Caitlin next to Dai Lin saluted the Pope with great respect. With a decent smile, this very skillful Queen said to His Majesty the Pope:

Fenna's return to the Proudmoore family is enough to dispel some of the shadows that have shrouded my family. The arrival of a heroic warrior princess will also make the hearts of the people surge.

I know that your Majesty, you came to Kul Tiras this time to officiate the wedding of young Arthur of the Waycrest family, but I take the liberty of inviting you to stay in our country for a while.

I hope Fenner can also receive your blessings during the title-closing ceremony.

Well, I personally would like to.

The Pope hesitated. He glanced at Lord Stormsong, who was holding a wine glass and chatting with Lord William. He asked in a low voice:

But Kul Tiras has its own national conditions. Are you two sure that I will bless you, will it make Fenner girl more acceptable to the people? Or, you can invite the Church of Storms.

No, this was Fenner's request.

Dai Lin sighed and said:

“When children grow up, they always have their own ideas.

Although Lord Stormsong was willing to bless her as the high priest of the Church of Storms, she grew up in Quel'Thalas, and she obviously preferred the blessing of the Holy Light.

Well, if that's the case, then I will attend her title-closing ceremony.

The Pope solemnly made a promise, which made Dai Lin, Queen Caitlin, and Lady Golden Sword very satisfied.

At this time, outside the small welcome banquet, in addition to the palace guards, there were also a group of fully armed paladins patrolling back and forth.

For His Majesty the Pope, who brings the Holy Light Church and the Holy Light’s orthodox faith, to visit a country that does not regard the Holy Light as the state religion is a risky act in itself.

Therefore, the safety of His Majesty Faao's trip has been raised to the highest level by the church.

In addition to the close protection of the high-level paladins commanded by the two great knights Dathrohan and Uther, there are also several high-level priests from the church's top ranks who guard the Pope at all times.

They may not be the most famous priests, but they are definitely the most capable, loyal and fanatical ascetics.

In order to ensure the absolute safety of the Pope, this time the church even broke the rules and mobilized a team of hunters and stalkers to serve the church, and also invited the Archmage Modera of Dalaran to accompany them and join the defense team.

To put it roughly in perspective, when the Pope came to Kul Tiras, in addition to being a legendary priest himself, he was accompanied by at least six legendary guards and a handful of sacred objects originating from ancient gods.

This level of defense has far exceeded that of Marshal Lothar in the Northern Xinjiang incident.

If you also include the power of the Templar Assassin who is secretly operating in Kul Tiras, then the gold content and combat effectiveness of this Fall Guards are high enough to make N'Zoth sad. The church wept when they saw it.

Want to commit an assassination?


Let's be prepared to lose most of the Church of Storms' elites first.

What is the foundation and appearance of the first church in the human kingdom?

This is it.

Your Majesty Fao, we met a few years ago during the birth celebration of Princess Jaina and Prince Tanred. Your analysis of the teachings of the Holy Light is something I will never forget.

I'm still thinking about when I can go to the mainland and discuss doctrine with you again.

After the Pope and Old Earl Waycrest agreed on the itinerary, Lord Stormsong, the high priest of the Church of Storms and also a great nobleman of Kul Tiras, also came over with a wine glass.

This is a middle-aged man with outstanding appearance.

He was wearing a red Haixian sacrificial robe and a Haixian crown on his head. He had an excellent demeanor and a dignified appearance. It was rare that he spoke without any arrogance and was very approachable.

It makes people feel good.

Faced with his compliment, His Majesty Fao responded flawlessly. The old man raised the water in his hand, smiled and said to Lord Stormsong:

Your analysis of the doctrine of sea and storm at that time also surprised and refreshed me, a loyal servant of the Holy Light. In fact, it was after that doctrinal debate with you that the Holy Light Church's canon was re-examined. Compilation.

I have been looking forward to meeting you again, Your Excellency.

This time I come to Kul Tiras and become a guest in this welcoming land. Maybe we can take time to explain and discuss each other's beliefs.

This couldn't be better!

Lord Stormsong acted very sincerely. He rubbed the seal on his finger, thought for a few seconds, and said:

Exactly, I just heard you say that you are willing to attend Princess Fenner's title ceremony. Maybe I can ask your majesty to move the ceremony from Boralus to Stormsong Valley.

There are many people in the hinterland who believe in the Holy Light, and you can hold a large church service there. After your ceremony, you can also visit our Temple of the Storm.

There I will prepare a debate on doctrine and belief for you, while also showing you the history of the Church of Storms.

Will this disrupt His Majesty Dai Lin's arrangements?

The Pope hesitated.

Lord Stormsong laughed and said in a sly tone:

I will be responsible for persuading His Majesty. You are the most distinguished guest of the Church of Storms, and we will provide you with all conveniences.

Oh well.

His Majesty nodded, and he and Lord Stormsong chatted a few more words, and the conversation extended to the dark things that happened in Gilneas recently.

The Pope exclaimed:

Dark evil has been born in that forest, and the people are terrified. Every dark night will make their fear-ridden hearts worse.

We have been trying to appease the people, but with little success. The development of the situation is really worrying.

Gilneas has a long coastline.

Lord Stormsong took a sip of wine and said thoughtfully:

Perhaps, in the face of such a disaster, the Church of Storms should also contribute to our fellow human beings. If His Majesty Jean allows it, I will be happy to send a team of high-level sea sages there to help those in need.

Oh, by the way, I heard that the Church of the Holy Light sheltered many homeless people in Gilneas with a holy artifact. It was said to be a war hammer of the gods?

Yes, we call it the Silver Hand.

The Pope chuckled and said:

This trip to Kul Tiras, in order to complete the church's 'Holy Light Parade' and let the local believers feel the warmth and greatness of the Holy Light, we also brought the holy object.

Do you want to come with me to observe?

The Pope certainly did not ask this question casually.

He had been observing the changes in Lord Stormsong's expression, trying to capture some information from it.

But the count's response was flawless, and he said with joy:

Of course, I am interested in all holy things. If possible, I would like to touch it with my own hands. Please lead the way, Your Majesty.

The debate you and I have today under the Holy Light and Sacred Relic Seat will surely be a good talk. This will also shatter those vicious rumors about the conflict between the Church of Storms and the Church of Holy Light.

We all have beliefs that extend from the history of human civilization.

Although we walk different paths, we should have a friendship like brothers.

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