Shadow Trails in Azeroth

Chapter 732 63. I unilaterally declare this place to be called Free Town!

Later the next day, Kelsey personally piloted a Goblin gyroplane. After flying for three hours, he finally arrived at the location agreed upon with Blake.

On the edge of a desert island in a natural bay in the southernmost part of Tiragarde Strait, Kelsey, who had stopped the plane, carried the heavy box and walked to Blake who was sitting on a rock waiting for her.

The little dwarf threw the box in front of Blake proudly and kicked it away.

this is yours!

Kelsey took out a few gold cards from inside and threw them to Blake. Then she picked up a heavy bag of gold coins and gems, threw them into her luggage without ceremony, and said:

This is mine.

That's not right.

Blake tilted his head, looked at the little dwarf in front of him, and said:

Didn't we agree that we should get 50% of the money from selling information? I should get a share.

That money was used to rent this desert island.

Kelsey folded her arms and said plausibly:

I asked our Gnomeregan ambassador in Kul Tiras to get this done. Fortunately, this place has been uninhabited for many years, and the surrounding terrain is not suitable for large ships to dock.

It is said that there are dangerous sea monsters roaming around, and the Kul Tiras navy looks down on this poor place, so I can lease the right to use this island for five years from the official.

The little dwarf looked around. Her dwarf compatriots were preparing to set up camp on the nearby plains. Several dwarf aircraft were being assembled by Overspark and his assistants.

There were also several goblin rotorcraft supported by the fox-man fleet that were fixed in a leeward place.

For a while, this became the base camp for this expedition.

Kelsey coughed and said to Blake again:

Your ghost ship also needs a secluded docking place. This island is said to be rented for the dwarfs, but in fact, after we completed the expedition, you used it.

If you use our name to do things for you, the 'handling fee' must be paid off, right? What do you think?

Okay, okay, I'm convinced by you. You're such a sharp-tongued little man.

Blake took a sip of wine and waved his hand, not caring about Kelsey's quibbles.

As she said, this desert island located in the southernmost part of Tiragarde Strait is a ghost place known to the locals. It is located in the mountains with inconvenient transportation, and there is no human habitation for dozens of miles nearby.

This mountain jungle is full of poisonous insects and poisonous weeds. There are also poisonous lizards in the area. There is also a large swamp where wild beasts gather, and there are also savage cavemen.

Kul Tiras officials have never made up their mind to develop this remote area. For a long time in the past, it was even a place where the official exiled prisoners.

Kelsey's cost of renting this island from the official government for scientific research was definitely not as exaggerated as she said. Although she had to pay rent every year after that, it was basically equivalent to half buying and half giving.

This is a great place.

Blake stood up and looked around.

With a hint of nostalgia in his tone, he said to the dwarf agent who summoned a mechanical chocobo and rode on it to keep her and Blake equal in height:

“The terrain here is indeed not suitable for berthing a large fleet like the Kul Tiras Navy. In fact, even second-class warships cannot find a berth here.

It is not a natural harbor.

However, the waterways here are narrow and complicated, and there are three outlets to the sea, which is very suitable for small ships to gather here. Moreover, because of the strait terrain surrounded by mountains on three sides, it is easy to defend but difficult to attack.

It’s really a great place to do some ‘illegal activities’.

If there is a strong enough guy to connect them, maybe within a few years, this place can become lively and develop into a prosperous and chaotic town.

You mean, a pirate stronghold?

Kelsey is smart.

From the information Blake analyzed for her, she immediately concluded what the pirate meant, making Blake nodded with satisfaction.

He took a sip of wine, stretched his hand back and forth on the deserted island, and said:

Look, build a wooden bridge there to connect the coast to the island. Then build an overlapping structure like Booty Bay in the center of the island, which will provide at least a few hundred pirates to stay here.

On the hillside on the edge of the island, you can also use a pontoon bridge to create a small independent area, and then set up artillery defense. Even if a whole Marine Corps comes, it will be difficult to rush up.

This is really a natural pirate base.

Too bad it showed up in Kul Tiras.

Kelsey pushed up her mechanical goggles and replied maliciously:

If you lend those pirates ten courages, they wouldn't dare to come and build a nest under the eyes of the Kul Tiran Navy. So even if what you say is right, it is of no use that this place does have the potential to become a pirate holy land.

As long as the Kul Tiran Navy lasts, it is destined to become a desert island!

Yes, with the navy here, it is impossible for this place to develop as I want.

Blake also nodded and said with deep approval:

But as long as the navy starts to weaken, a God-given opportunity will come here. I decided to build a trading station here for Eudora's Wharton Trading Company to rest and rest.

After they reach a cooperation agreement with the local chamber of commerce, the place can still become prosperous.

Moreover, it is very close to the famous attractions of Tiragarde Strait, the Vanishing Glacier and the Spring of Silence. As long as you go over the mountain and pass the local hunting ground Kenings Camp, you can reach the hot spring area near Bridgeport.

It’s the locals’ favorite way to relax and have fun, and there’s nothing better than soaking in the warmth.

Wow, you are really familiar with this place.

The little dwarf exclaimed:

It's like a treasure trove.

Nonsense, I was born here.

Blake rolled his eyes and said:

When I was a child, I often went to hot springs with my family. There is a legend about the 'Guardian of the Spring' at the Spring of Tranquility. It is said that it was a very majestic white unicorn.

Only the purest virgins are qualified to touch it, and only the luckiest girls can ride it.

Moreover, I think you also need to go to a hot spring.

No, I don't like water.

Kelsey pouted and said:

Most gnomes don't like water, and we have no interest in bathing in hot springs.

Who asked you to go to the hot spring? Your thinking is a little too active, right?

Blake rolled his eyes and said:

“What I mean is that your first stop when you come here to look for traces of the mechanical gnomes is right on the side of the Vanishing Glacier, not far from the hot spring area.

I've already marked the location for you.

There is a large abandoned garbage dump there that all the locals know. No one knows when it appeared. It seems that when we Kul Tirans discovered that place, the garbage mountain composed of strange metal parts had already appeared. exists.

I think that if the rumors of mechagnomes being active locally are true, then that's where you're most likely to find their traces.

The stinky pirate pointed to the northwest direction confidently, and said to Kelsey, who was picking up a notebook and recording next to him:

But if you want to go to that place by land, you have to go over the mountains, which takes at least three days. If you fly, it's much faster, but you also have to cross the cold evanescent glacier.

Therefore, I suggest that you set off after breakfast. When the sun is at its best at noon, you will just cross the glacier zone, and by the afternoon you will be near the mechanical garbage dump.

It would be good to set up an advance camp or something there.

You're such a good guide, Blake!

Kelsey nodded with satisfaction. She looked at the records in her notebook and controlled her mechanical chocobo to run to Overspark to discuss tomorrow's action plan with him.

Blake walked leisurely up the hillside at the highest point of the desert island. As soon as he walked up, he heard the roar of a magic saber.

Windrunner's mother was admiring the scenery that was different from the eastern continent. At her feet, the armored Saber Minnie was holding a rabbit in its mouth.

That is its prey and its lunch.

Won't you take me to visit your palace? Your Highness.

Windrunner's mother stood on the edge of the hillside, letting the sea breeze blow her hair. After sensing Blake's approach, the chief retainer said in that special cold and empty voice:

I think that as your chief retainer, I should also visit the place where you were born and raised. I heard that Proudmoore Fortress is the most magnificent building in Boralus.

The Naval Academy, which is famous throughout the eastern continent, is also there.

There's nothing to see there, mentor. It's just an ordinary stone house.

The pirate curled his lips, walked forward and stood with Windrunner's mother. He looked at the sea in front of him and said to General Lyresa beside him:

I'm not in danger here, so you can actually give yourself a holiday. In my memory, the scenery of Stormsong Valley is the best in all of Kul Tiras.

Why don't you go there and have a look?

The headquarters of the Church of Storms is also there.

Windrunner’s mother brushed her hair and said:

You want me to investigate?


Blake nodded and said:

I have been away from this country for a long time. The distribution of the Tide Sages in Stormsong Valley in my memory is probably no longer consistent with the facts. I need to learn about their distribution there again.

A portion of my Uncrowned Ones have also infiltrated that area.

But they are leaderless, and I hope you, mentor, can help me lead them. Establish a stronghold in Brennadam, the largest town in the valley.

After I attend the wedding of House Waycrest, I will take the gnomes to Mechagon to complete the expedition, and then I will join you in the Vale.

Okay, that doesn't sound difficult.

Windrunner's mother nodded.

But the pirate shook his head and reminded:

No, it's a lot harder than you think, and you'll know what I mean in the past. Plus, all reconnaissance can only be done in the interior of the valley.

Stay away from the Temple of Storms until I pass!

Even the sea area near the big island is not allowed to take a step closer! The scope of eastward reconnaissance is limited to Mariner's Beach, and no one is allowed to cross that narrow strait.

He reminded in a serious tone:

I don't want to take the risk of losing you and conduct a reconnaissance that is destined to fail. I am familiar with the internal structure of that temple, and there is no need for you to take risks.

Please keep this in mind.

I've rarely seen you emphasize one thing so seriously.

General Lilesa said in a strange tone:

Even in Dalaran, you were never so serious and cautious when facing Deathwing. Is there something more dangerous than Deathwing hidden on that island?

In terms of destructive power, they are certainly far inferior to Deathwing. Their power is not worthy of even licking the shoes of the World Destroyer.

Blake explained:

“But the trouble with them is that they never fight head-on like the World Destroyers, and by the time you realize you’ve fallen into their attention, it’s already too late.

Even for a powerful ranger like you, once you fall into that nightmare and I rescue you as quickly as possible, you may lose all of yourself.

Your understanding of the world will be shattered and rebuilt in the illusion of disaster.

And after you escape from your misfortune, whether the soul carried in this body can still be called 'Lilesa Windrunner' is a question.

You may feel like you're still awake.

But the fact is, once you are changed by them, you are no longer you. No matter how much I respect you, I have to end your cursed future with my own hands.

Facing such an enemy and facing such a situation, one cannot be too cautious.

General Lilesa was silent for a few seconds, then she said:

Your compliments on your enemies scare me, Blake.

Hey, mentor, I feel scared now. To be honest, it's a little early.

Blake curled his lips, waved something, and carefully placed it in Windrunner's mother's hand. The Ranger General looked down and saw that it was a broken black dragon scale.

This is.

Lilesa looked at her disciple in confusion.

Blake closed her fingers together, clenched the cold scales, and said seriously:

These are Deathwing's scales.

It contains the deepest corrosion and depravity residues originating from the void. Precisely because it is a creation of the void, it can help you share some of the pressure on the spiritual level when it is corroded by the void.

And because you are a powerful undead, your will has been strengthened by death, and your resistance to the void will be stronger. The combination of these two should be enough to grant you immunity to all Void Blasts under Tide High Priest.

But don't be superstitious about them.

Once the scales move abnormally, give up the mission immediately and retreat!

I don't want to have to explain to three whiny, raging Windrunner women why their mother turned into a giggly idiot who had to be taken care of.

So, try to take care of yourself, okay?

The way you talk to me is as if you are the mentor and I am your disciple.

Windrunner's mother glanced at the dragon scale in her hand and said:

I had some speculation about the situation in Kul Tiras before, but now that I hear you say it, I think the problems in your country are the most serious among the seven human kingdoms.

Are you sure you can handle it alone?

I can handle it, I have to handle it!

Blake took a deep breath, faced the tide in front of him, and said:

And I'm not alone.

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