Shadow Trails in Azeroth

Chapter 731 62. Kul Tirans! Come out and wash the floor


The Nasrezim demon with dark blue wings flew across the sea like a dragonfly on the water, and then landed on the deck of the Nagfar with a light movement.

Under the trembling gaze of a group of dwarf engineers, the ferocious demon walked a few steps forward and then transformed back into a mortal form in the storm of shadows.

Black, who was wearing a red eye patch and a pirate costume, waved his left hand, and the five people tied up in chains were thrown to the deck.

Immediately, a team of immortal sea knights wearing rusty armor and with obscure auras rushed up and took custody of the five prisoners. First mate Seifer wisely gave a bottle of wine to the victorious captain, and she glanced at the two burning ships on the sea in front of her.

It was like two dying behemoths surging in the tide. Their hulls and masts had been ignited, and sinking was only a matter of time.

But Black kindly gave the pirates a way out, and he did not kill them all.

Why leave a ship behind?

The dwarf agent Kelsey Steelspark, who was carrying her heavy sniper rifle, looked at Blake who was tasting the wine of victory, and she asked:

Those pirates took the initiative to attack you. You should kill them all to show your majesty as a big pirate.

Or I can not kill them and save those poor people's lives.

The magic eyeball floating on Blake's shoulder turned and looked at the little dwarf. He said:

Those guys are no threat to me. They can survive, flee back to their lair in embarrassment and terror, numb their fears with strong alcohol, and at the same time use their mouthpieces to spread what happened today.

In the stories told personally, they would exaggerate my evilness and cruelty, and try their best to elevate my strength to prove that their failure was not because they were a group of weak people.

They will spread my fame throughout the South China Sea.

My dear Kelsey, do you know how much it would cost me to hire a group of minstrels to sing my praises to achieve the same publicity effect?

Ah, so that's it! I understand.

Kelsey grabbed the ends of her pink hair and said:

Achieve maximum publicity at minimum cost. You are really a cruel clever guy, Blake.

Huh? Cruel?

The smelly pirate shrugged, turned around and looked at the two burning ships on the sea behind him and the panicked fleeing pirate ship. He poured a sip of wine into his mouth and said to Kelsey:

No matter by any standard, my trip today is not brutal. I didn't even kill more than five people. Most of their casualties were self-inflicted.

Some jumped into the water and drowned, some ran into the fire in a panic and were burned to death, and some couldn't withstand the aura of fear and scared themselves to death.

I've been really kind today.

After speaking, Blake waved his hand and said to Sephiel:

Among the five guys I brought back, there is one chosen by Hela, and the other four are pirates with bounties on their backs. Before we reach Kul Tiras, pry open their mouths!

I want to know specific information about other Hela Gods chosen in the South China Sea, as well as the hiding places of the big pirates they know.


Sephiel rubbed his little fists and eagerly accepted the order.

She waved her hand, and several immortal sea knights carried the five pirate leaders who were dragged from the sea and were only half alive to the cabin.

I can help!

Kelsey took the initiative to ask for help. She took out a familiar gadget from her waist and said to Blake:

Just in time to practice the 'interrogation techniques' I learned from MI7.


Blake stretched out his hand to stop Kelsey.

He looked at the strange-looking black metal rod in Kelsey's hand called the Dwarf Self-Entertainment Rod with a strange look under the eye patch, which was constantly flashing blue electric sparks.

He said in a strange tone:

Is this thing originally used for interrogation? I thought

Then what do you think I'm going to do with it?

Kelsey raised her head in confusion, the metal gears on the goggles spinning, and she said:

I searched for it for a long time before I found this thing in Gnomeregan's laboratory. Although I don't know what its previous owner used it for, I modified it.

The strong current stimulation of 1000 megavolts is perfect for interrogation.

Ahem, then you'd better change its appearance.

Blake reminded tactfully:

Perhaps it would be better to make it into a fighting stick or a dagger. Also, when my chief maid Taresha was cleaning your room these days, she noticed a set of very exciting books on your bedside.

As a little girl, she was at the age where she was curious about these things, so she secretly copied it.

I don’t mind my chief maid learning more knowledge and growing into an excellent independent woman, but you know, she is still a child after all, so...

Ah, those dirty books with weird contents.

Kelsey slapped her forehead and said carelessly:

It's okay, I will take care to put them away. I have always regarded it as a textbook for studying the weaknesses of women in humans, dwarves, dwarves, elves and other races.

I think some of the ideas in those books are very suitable for agents to use to gain the upper hand in battles or interrogations.

You are really amazing.

Blake waved his thumb and praised duplicitously:

I really should let all my incompetent subordinates come and see what it means to be professional! Since you are willing to help with the interrogation, that's the best thing.

But there is one more thing I need to ask you for help, my brave and wise friend Kelsey.

Don't worry, I will reward you.

After saying that, Black knelt down and babbled a lot in the dwarf's ear. After hearing the pirate's request, the secret agent commander of Gnomeregan blinked her eyes, tilted her head and thought about it, and finally agreed.

But she also has her own requirements.

She held up three of her fingers and said:

I want 30%!

Wow, you little guy has greed that doesn't match your size at all.

Blake pouted and said:

Well, you see, I captured the people after all, so all the rewards on them belong to me. As for the money you can earn from the information you tortured out, we will split it 50-50.

Therefore, how much you can earn depends on how much you can torture and how good your eloquence is.

How about it?

You’re not losing money on this deal, right?

make a deal!

Kelsey planned the gains and losses, and then stretched out her hand towards Blake, holding the big and small hands together and shaking them up and down to signify the establishment of the contract.

As Blake watched, the little dwarf grabbed the electric shock device and walked into the cabin excitedly.

A few minutes later, amid the undulating waves of the sea and as the sun set at dusk, the Nagfar quietly fell into the water like a giant diving whale.

As for the mines dropped by pirates.

They had long been recovered into the cabin of the Nagfar by the honorary tide fish knight Benbolba and his murloc pirates.

Yes, Blake has his own frogman unit, and they are definitely more professional than any other frogman unit in the world.


Six days later, Port Boralus.

The fox fleet consisting of seven merchant ships sailed into the commercial port of Boralus City in a mighty manner after paying the port entry fee.

Under the command of the arrogant Captain Eudora, the elite fox sailors quickly docked and anchored, and hired local dockworkers to unload all the cargo from the ship.

Next to this commercial port is the largest seaport trading market that is very famous in the entire human civilization. The locals call it Huifan Market.

All commodities from the seven human countries are concentrated here, as well as precious goods from the South China Sea and even the North Sea. There are at least 400,000 people in the local area who rely on this huge market for their lives.

Its daily cargo throughput is four times that of Booty Bay!

The gross profit it can generate every day makes all the goblin plutocrats eager to replace it.

The fox people are also well-informed, but they are still shocked by the prosperity of this huge market with four floors and thousands of stalls and shops.

This market alone occupies one-third of the area of ​​Boralus City, which shows that the Kul Tiran people attach great importance to business.

At the edge of the market is the Sailor Street, the best and most famous Golden Grotto on the Endless Sea. The entire street extends from the port area to the main city of the city.

There are no less than two hundred pubs of various kinds on that street alone.

There have always been rumors on the Endless Sea that pirates who have never been to Sailor Street to see the world and live in style will always be fledglings.

That's right, pirates are not actually prohibited from entering Boralus Port, as long as they cannot bring ships in. As long as you keep a low profile and obey the rules, the charming charm of Sailor Street will be open to you.

As for those stubborn pirates who don't follow the rules and insist on causing trouble, their end is bound to not be good.

Because in the middle of Huifan Market and Sailor Street is the location of the Kul Tiras Admiralty. For those who dare to cause trouble around the Admiralty, Tordago Black Prison will be their warm home.

The shrewd Kul Tirans are eager to squeeze every penny out of these stinky pirates, throw them into prison, and finally put on their best clothes to watch these pirates being hanged on the docks on a lively afternoon. scene.

Holy light, this country and this city are really unfriendly to pirates.

Papa pa pa

Ten minutes after the Vulpera merchant fleet entered the port, there was a knock on the side door of the Kul Tiras Navy Department, and soon someone wearing Kul Tiras navy uniforms opened the door to check.

Then, they saw a low-key dwarf wearing a hood, leading a group of fox sailors, escorting five muddle-headed pirates with shackles and handcuffs standing in front of them.

I am Kelsey Steelspark, the secret agent commander of Gnomeregan. I am here today to hand over the pirates I captured at sea and collect their rewards.

Kelsey took out her ID and identity card and handed them to the naval officer in front of her. After the two inspected them carefully, they straightened their backs and gave Kelsey a military salute.

The little dwarf in front of him had a much higher military rank than either of them.

And he also has the title of Hero of the Alliance.

After verifying her identity, Kelsey was immediately invited into the office. The female secretary made her a pot of tea, and a major on duty came to greet her.

Chatting with Kelsey about the war years in the office, he also gave his subordinates enough time to verify the identities of the five pirates.

Ten minutes later, the major's secretary walked into the office with several documents. The major of Kul Tiras frowned after taking one look at the documents.

He said to Kelsey, who was holding a teacup in front of him:

Colonel Gang Shuo, the identity verification of your prisoners has been completed. They are indeed several vicious guys who have been wanted by our Navy Department for a long time.

But our interrogator also noticed that the sanity of these five pirates had been irreversibly affected. Their hand bones were smashed and their tongues were pulled out, making it difficult for us to get any valid information from them.

It was because we were too harsh during the interrogation.

Kelsey stuck out her tongue and said something to the major with some embarrassment.

She took out another set of interrogation texts from her bag, jumped off the sofa, stood on the chair in front of the desk, and handed the documents in her hand to the major.

She said in a serious tone:

We have completed their interrogation on the ship. As a maritime pacifist who does not want to be named, I now officially submit this pirate information to you.

What is recorded on it is all the specific information I 'asked' from the mouths of those pirates about their vicious bastard companions, as well as information about the areas where the pirates are currently operating.

There are also several pirate information that I have highlighted. Please pay attention to the Kul Tiran Navy.

As far as I know, these pirates belong to an evil organization called the Chosen Order of Hela, and they serve the legendary God of Death and Queen Hela.

Everyone possesses magic of mass destruction that is suspected to be the power of death.

They are extremely dangerous!

And they are secretly colluding in an attempt to challenge the order established by the Kul Tiran fleet in the South China Sea and your majesty. Such evil deeds must be taken seriously!

After hearing this, the major looked at the documents at hand again, and his expression became serious. If what the little dwarf colonel in front of him said was true, then the importance of this information would be greatly increased.

It must be submitted to His Excellency the Admiral immediately!

And use this to reset the key objectives of the clearance operation that the First and Second Fleets are about to carry out in the South China Sea.

Thank you for your support of the Kul Tiran Navy, Colonel. This is your reward.

A few minutes later, the Major from the Navy Department handed Kelsey an exquisite small box, which contained several Goblin Gold Cards and part of the bounty paid in kind.

He said seriously:

In addition to the bounties on these five pirates themselves, we will give you an additional 20,000 gold coins because of the important information you provided and thanks to the Gnomeregan secret agents for their assistance to Kul Tiras.

The Admiralty is also happy to engage in long-term intelligence cooperation with Gnomeregan agents, and if you are interested, you can station a representative in our city.

Ah, let's talk about this later. I need to submit a proposal to the Crafts Council for approval.

Kelsey was carrying the heavy small box. She stood on the chair and said to the major with satisfaction:

However, I personally am happy to maintain a good relationship with the Navy. If I encounter the same thing at sea in the future, I will still choose to side with the Navy.

Report evil pirates to the Admiralty to maintain a good environment on the sea. Everyone has a responsibility!

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