Shadow Trails in Azeroth

Chapter 703 34. Is this how you talk to the big pirate with a bounty of 100,000?

It is normal that the trio of dwarf pirates cannot find Tol Barad.

They are just experienced pirates, not magicians. They cannot sense the flow of magic power and cannot see through the disguise of concealment.

In particular, Tol Barad Island has just undergone a round of version upgrades.

This time, the Fan Ye Shadow Light Camouflage Device was installed, realizing the product iteration of the pirate base camp's security system and planning a new approach to the pirate industry.

I can’t remember the slang after that.

All in all, it’s awesome!

Dean Lanyue personally deployed the defense center on the magic network node of the South Island to mobilize the powerful power of the Shadow of Fanye, bringing the entire island and the surrounding ten nautical miles of sea into the scope of optical concealment.

Sunlight and all lighting rays will only pass through the Atama crystal barrier and be refracted on the sea surface to achieve complete invisibility.

Of course, the power of this crystal goes beyond just disappearing magic.

Combined with the large-scale labyrinth formation that was popular during the Elf Empire, Nathalas Academy can completely transform the optically hidden sea area into a death maze using fog and tides.

Any ship that breaks into it without permission will be permanently lost in the fog.

This is not a big deal.

The real problem is that there are five sea giants in this sea area who are semi-starved at all times and can walk silently under the sea.

And the North Sea sea monster Leviros, who was placed by the little fishmen and slept soundly in the trench of Cape Lost Hope.

Recently, Lord Baku, the demigod from another world, has temporarily stayed here.

It can be said that under this configuration, even if an entire Kul Tiran fleet rushes in with a full complement of tide sages, it will end up with no bones left.

The only regret is that the Kurdish navy cannot be stupid enough to rush into the pirate base camp for a decisive battle, so such a classic configuration can basically only be used for defense.

It's amazing!

As the dwarf ironclad ship, guided by two rotorcraft, slowly sailed into the offshore Tol Barad from a foggy window quietly opened in the sea, all the dwarves and gnomes on the ship raised their heads and looked at the sky.

They thought they would see a large eggshell-shaped magical barrier, just like the Great Barrier in Dalaran.

After all, that's how their muscle heads imagine magic works.

But they were disappointed.

The light, sky, and sea seen from within the Leaf Shadow Barrier are no different from the outside.

But entering here is like entering another dimension.

The huge and obvious Tol Barad Island stands in the sea ahead, just like before, but now under the influence of this strange invisible barrier, it adds a touch of mysticism to it.

Look! The Nag'Far! The ghost ship that is said to have defeated the Gilnean fleet head-on!

On the deck of the dwarf ship, a group of dwarf pirates yelled and lay on the side of the ship, staring at the black ghost ship parked outside the dock.

They all talked about all kinds of outrageous news they heard on the sea about the Battle of Palatine and the Naqfar.

Some ghost ship knocked over Gilneas's flagship head-on, frightening the entire fleet and retreating out of control.

The Nagfar and Dai Lin's ship dueled, and finally succeeded in forcing Dai Lin back. Others swore that Dai Lin was not forced to retreat, but was beaten by Two-Face Blake and his ship and fled in embarrassment.

As we all know, pirates are always the most superstitious and gossipy group of guys.

Like Little Star, they are very good at exaggerated rhetorical techniques. Any number coming from their mouths must always be divided by ten to get a more reliable conclusion.

And you can’t believe even a single punctuation mark in the words that come out of their mouths!

In short, the rumors are outrageous.

In addition to the free play of word-of-mouth by the pirates, there are also mouthpieces placed by the Immortal Fleet and the Uncrowned in various places, who are tempted by money to spread some exaggerated Yidi Diao news.

But Blake finally wanted to show off.

He finally didn't spread the word that he pushed Dai Lin on the deck and beat her face until her nose was bruised and swollen, and made the admiral kneel down to beg for mercy.

As the ironclad ship approached, the elegant and lady-like Nagfar, which was floating alone on the sea, seemed to feel the buzzing discussions of those stinky pirates.

She felt the greedy and evil gazes of these bad guys, so she lost her temper. Amidst the exaggerated exclamations of the pirates, the ghost ship pushed away the surrounding water and disappeared into the sea as quickly as a diving whale. superior.

The legend is true! It's a ship that can travel under the sea!

Among the Troublesome Three, Strong Olaf, who carries a large shield, wears blue chain mail, and wears a blue winged helmet, is holding a chicken leg in one hand while lying next to the railing on the stern of the ship.

This fat dwarf, who had his beard braided into double braids, had small eyes but was big, with a big belly that could accommodate another dwarf, shouted to his two brothers:

We can't lock it at all. We can't even run away when it's staring at it on the sea! It's such an evil and scary ship.

But it doesn't have any cannon, just like the legend says.

Carrying a heavy sword, a short bow and a pot of arrows, wearing a green chainmail and a horned battle helmet, the muscular macho man Ballogo blinked and said:

This means that the ship cannot engage in an artillery battle with us. It can only use sneak attacks to rush out of the water, board battles or ramming battles. We are not afraid of either of these!

Even if a ghost ship has its own consciousness, it's not scary. What's scary is the people on the ship.

Between the two big and tall dwarves, Swift Eric, who was thin and short, but extremely flexible and had the best brains, touched the row of daggers and daggers stuck in the belt of the red suit, and took out another one. He took down his beloved slingshot and waved it.

He said:

If we encounter 'Two-Face' Black, I will definitely run as far as possible. It is said that that guy is a crazy warlock! In addition to destroying the Gilnean fleet, he also cursed that country with terrible black magic.

Have you heard about it?

The skinny dwarf said in a sinister tone:

It is said that terrible monsters have appeared in the forests of Gilneas, and some of our compatriots doing business there have been evacuating in the past few days.

They madly said that Gilneas during the day was the world of humans.

But at night, when the moon rises, it becomes a paradise for monsters.

Although monsters are now only found near forests, their numbers are growing rapidly. Lordaeron's soldiers and mages have set up checkpoints at the border of Silverpine Forest.

Some people also saw the druids of the pointy-eared elves wandering in the forest, as if they were looking for something.

those monsters

It was released by Black Shaw with his magic. I have connections in Dalaran!

My friend said so himself.

I also heard that Black eats a heart every day. His favorite is the heart of the Gilneans!

Olaf, who was eating chicken legs, told another rumor angrily.

But he was quickly overruled by the tough guy Barlogo. The tough guy shook his body and retorted:

That's not the case. He doesn't eat people's hearts. You got all the information from drunkards. There is no credibility at all.

My news is true!

I heard from one of my alchemist friends that Black Shaw's black magic is very powerful, but it comes at a price. He must use blood to activate the dark power.

So he drinks three glasses of human blood every day!

It is said that what he likes most is the blood of the elves, which is why the elves hate him so much and even choose to join forces with the Gilneans.

Stop talking nonsense.

Eric, the leader of the troublesome trio, stopped this meaningless argument. He grabbed the binoculars and looked at the dock, and vaguely saw a human being standing there surrounded by people.

He whispered:

You should listen less to gossip in the future, those exaggerated stories will burn your brains. Bu

Lake Shaw neither eats human hearts nor drinks human blood.

The reason why he is so evil is because he is not human at all! My mage friend told me that Blackshaw is probably an evil blue dragon disguised as a human!

This would explain why he wanted to provoke such a terrifying creature as Deathwing.

Because blue dragons hate black dragons, and blue dragons' magic is generally amazing.

This would also explain the curse spreading in Gilneas Forest. Damn it! He saw me, I felt it, that guy was so far away that he could see us and hear us.


Stop saying anything about him.

This is on his territory, so the evil guy only needs to move his fingers and we will be tied up by his crazy pirates and sent to be fed to the sea giants.

Hey, pirates are really a bunch of cowards.

The three dwarf pirates were so shocked that the dwarf prince Muradin, who had been eavesdropping on their conversation and listening with great interest, curled his lips. As someone who has actually been in contact with Black, Muradin certainly knows that these claims are nonsense.

Black doesn't eat people's hearts, he doesn't drink human blood, and he's not some blue dragon in disguise.

He is just human.

An ordinary human being with evil wisdom and some capriciousness.

The dwarf prince touched his beautiful beard. He pulled the camouflage hood on his body again and wrapped himself tightly to prevent others from discovering his identity.

The Undead Fleet has just destroyed the Gilnean Navy. At this sensitive juncture, if the news of a Bronzebeard Prince's visit to Tol Barad gets out, it will definitely have a terrible impact on the diplomatic relations between Gilneas and Ironforge. .

And I came here to do business.

He wished he could quickly finish what Blake asked him to do here, and then go and pick up his trouble-making brother Brian from a distant civilization.

Damn, that guy had gotten him into a lot of trouble.

Their brother, Magni Bronzebeard, the current King of the Hill in Ironforge, could no longer stand the reputational crisis that Black's willfulness had brought to the Bronzebeard family.

He asked Muradin to act immediately.

Bring the guy back to Ironforge and lock him up before Brann causes another mess!

Soon, as the large paddle wheel of the ironclad ship rolled over driven by the steam engine, the small ironclad ship slowly sailed into the dock in front of it, which had obviously been recently repaired.

Muradin was the first to step off the ship. Black, who was wearing a pirate king suit, stepped forward with a smile, leaned down and hugged his dwarf friend.

The two whispered a few words.

As if he had received some assurance, Muradin's expression suddenly became much better.

The three dwarf pirate captains of the troublesome trio walked off the deck with their group of pirates under the unexplained gazes of the arrogant generals under Black's command.

Hand over your weapons!

The fox-man Eudora, who carried several muskets on his belt, wore a pirate captain's hat decorated with green parrot feathers, and an eyepatch, said rudely to the group of visiting comrades in front of him:

No weapons are allowed here. Your safety on Tol Barad Island will be guaranteed by us.

Don't even think about it!

Eric, the skinny dwarf, snorted.

He didn't want to show his timidity in front of a group of fellow pirates, so he hugged his shoulders and said in a bad tone:

The fate of the pirates can only be held in their own hands. Our fate rests on our weapons. You don't want us to give up our power and let you slaughter us.

Hmph! Is this how you talk to his powerful and loyal subordinates in the territory of a legendary pirate? How unruly!

The evil eye warlock who was standing next to him said something strangely.

Next to him, the troll Zarak and the skinny boy Kanrisad sneered and pinched their fingers at the same time, and balls of dark light twined around their fingertips.

The orc Maimu, who also wore a captain's hat and had become stronger and stronger these days, almost becoming a devil muscleman, held the dark warhammer behind his back with an expressionless expression.

Captain Nightborne, Amares Yuejun, who was dressed as gorgeously as a noble queen, moved her hair, and the surrounding Nightborne pirate arcanists immediately dispersed quietly.

Only Rilas Windrunner, who had just joined the gang and was not quite used to the pirate style yet, so he put on a mask for himself, did not move.

But looking at the way he holds the war bow in his hand, as long as there is a conflict, this guy can immediately shoot a fatal arrow.

This group of bastards who are afraid of chaos in the world seem to be deliberately provoking the dwarf pirates in front of them. The greedier guys have not concealed their desire for this dwarf iron-clad ship.

Regardless of whether it can be beaten or not, at least it looks bluffing and powerful on the surface.

What are you doing?

After finishing chatting with Muradin, Black looked back at the fierce confrontation, immediately lowered his face and scolded:

Incompetent bastards! Put away your pathetic faces, you are embarrassing me in front of my dwarf friends! Tol Barad finally got a visit from his peers, and he wanted to leave a good impression on them!

Make me laugh!

If you don’t smile well, hang it on the mast!

Under Blake's scolding, a group of captains immediately performed a stunt of changing their faces.

From being fierce and helpless, he has become extremely well-behaved.

The pirate nodded with satisfaction. He walked forward and looked at the three dwarf pirates in front of him. He rubbed his chin and said:

Troublesome trio, I heard about your name. It is said that you robbed and burned a Kul Tiran warship in the South China Sea more than ten years ago?

Haha, they are all rumors.

Swift Eric breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Blake being so gentle. The dwarf with a good brain smiled and said:

It was just a very small warship. We didn't intentionally provoke the Kul Tirans. They just accused us of piracy in the South China Sea and took away all the supplies on our ship. They also captured Our people.

We are also helpless.

What we have done is nothing compared to the great deeds you have done, powerful and evil Lord Two-Face.


Upon hearing this nickname, Blake's originally smiling face immediately turned gloomy.

He said coldly:

Rude guy! Is this how you talk to the legendary pirate with a hundred thousand bounty? If you dare to mention this humiliating title in front of me, you are deliberately provoking me, right?

very good.

You succeeded in irritating me!

He waved his hand and shouted to a group of bastard subordinates behind him who were showing all kinds of evil smiles and sneers, drawing their weapons and eager to try:

Asshole! My nickname is obviously 'Crow Prophet'.

I can even remember my name wrong, and you don't respect me at first glance! Throw these damn bilge rats into the arena! Let Blade Fist teach them a lesson!

Teach them what politeness means!

This turn of events made the dwarf prince Muradin shrug his shoulders and show a helpless expression towards the three pirates of his own race. Muradin didn't want to cause trouble, let alone get into trouble with Black over three cunning fellow pirates.

The most important thing is that he just asked Black Little to teach these three arrogant guys a lesson.


Let me tell you, Black Shaw is very capricious.

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