Shadow Trails in Azeroth

Chapter 702 33. What the hell? Dwarf pirates?

Captain! Our flight team discovered a ship while training outside! It was turning around in the nearby waters like a headless fly.

Three days after the Black Dragon Legion crossed the Dark Portal, when Blake was studying evil magic in the Warlock Tower and catching up on the massive homework he had deliberately ignored before, the Evil Eye Warlock wearing an elf robe interrupted his study.

But the evil eye brought valuable information, and thus he escaped the wild wrath of the foul pirate.

Ship? What kind of ship?

Black put down the magic pen in his hand and looked at the evil eye with the eyeball on his shoulder. The orc stretched out his hand and made a gesture with a strange expression on his face. He scratched his head and said:

I don't know how to describe it, but it's different from any ship we've encountered before, and it's different from the Kul Tiran naval ships.

That ship is made of iron!

There is also a goat's head carved on the bow.

Hmm? Ironclad ship?

The pirate immediately raised his eyebrows.

Out of professional sensitivity, he immediately walked out of the room in the Warlock Tower and went to the top of the tower. There was a fixed crystal ball placed beside the observation platform.

This was installed by the elf mages of Narthalas College. It can be used to mobilize the surveillance magic around the island, allowing Black to take in the panoramic view of the entire Tol Barad Island.

He injected magic power into the crystal ball and checked the location reported by the evil eye. Soon, a really strange ship fell into the eyes of the pirates.

It's not big.

It is the size of a third-class battleship, but its hull is wrapped in a bronze-colored iron shell. Indeed, as Evil Eye said, a charging ram's head is shaped on the bow of the ship.

This ship does not use masts. There are two huge paddle wheels behind the hull to push forward, and an exquisitely designed stern rudder to control the direction. The most special thing is that there is a large chimney erected on the front deck of the ship.

As it advanced, huge black smoke billowed out from time to time.


The pirate blinked and said:

There is such a ship over there in the goblins, but the style in front of me is more like the work of dwarves. Are there dwarves on the deck? What a ghost!

Do the dwarves want to expand their borders now? This sea is really lively!

Don’t these earth rats hate water the most?

Blake complained like this, but he did not show the shock on his face, but turned to the evil eye and said:

Those idiots couldn't find our island, so we sent two carrier-based aircraft to guide them into the dock. The person who came was my friend, and he came to make weapons for me.

I will meet my friend at the dock and take a look at the ironclad ship.

Okay, Captain!

Xie Yan took a few steps back, summoned a big magic bat, turned over and rode it, and flew towards the newly built airport on the other side of the pier.

A few days ago, the goblins delivered the first batch of newly ordered carrier-based aircraft. Now the Air Force Commander Fuslag of the Undead Fleet and the Air Marshal and Chief Quartermaster Eudora are training the new pilots in full swing. Woolen cloth.

This has resulted in the island of Tol Barad being buzzing with buzzing aircraft these past few days.

It's just annoying to death.

On the other side, in the waters outside Tol Barad Island, on the ironclad ship.

The dwarf prince Muradin, who was wearing a long hood and wanted to cover himself completely, was holding a wine flask. On the platform of the stern of the ship, he watched the three dwarf pirates in front of him grabbing the sea chart and arguing.

Muradin looked blank, took a sip of wine, and looked at the empty sea in front of him.

He complained in a low voice:

I knew it was not a good idea to let the dwarves go to sea. They can get lost on such a small sea route from Paladin Bay to Tol Barad. How can we expect them to go to the ocean?

Dwarves and the sea, these are two words that don’t go together at all!

Hey, let me ask, are the three of you really, as you claim, old sea dogs who have been fighting the storm for decades? It doesn’t look like it to me! The fishermen in Southsea Town can find Tol Barad in a small boat, but you three old pirates can't?

Don't question our professionalism! Muradin!

The inquiry from the dwarf prince made the three quarreling dwarf pirates completely furious.

Among the three guys wearing horned helmets of different styles, the shortest and thinnest one with a lush red beard shouted:

The three of us are good men on the sea! We are the first brave men among us dwarves to go to the sea! We have swam across the frozen sea, fought with pirates in the South China Sea, and explored the elven kingdom in the foggy sea. of mystery.

There is no ocean in this world that we cannot go to


The three of us are still carrying a bounty from the Kul Tiran Admiralty!

The short, but very agile and skinny dwarf took out a crumpled piece of paper from his pocket with a swipe, and waved it in front of Muradin's eyes.

On the paper were written the names of three pirates in human language, Swift Eric, Strong Ballog and Strong Olaf, and also drew abstract portraits of them, including the Kul Tiras Admiralty. The stamped certificate.

On this bounty, the official nickname of the three dwarf pirates is the Troublesome Trio, and at the top is the bounty amount of the three dwarves.

A huge inscription of 30,000 gold coins proved that these three dwarf pirates were by no means idle people.

First of all, being on the admiralty's bounty list shows that they have indeed done something career on the sea.

Secondly, the amount is also quite shocking.

When the Black Spirit pirates robbed the battleship of Kul Tiras, they were offered a reward of five thousand gold coins. However, the reward for the pirate captains in Tordago's Black Prison was only forty or fifty thousand gold coins.

Not that the Admiralty is stingy.

Mainly because the Kul Tirans rarely issue bounties.

For the Admiralty, just sending a few random ships can kill most of the pirates. There is no need for the Admiralty to take action. The general escort fleets of large chambers of commerce can occasionally make extra money.

Moreover, offering too many bounties will cause unnecessary trouble.

Being targeted by the Kul Tiran Admiralty shows that this group of pirates is indeed powerful, leaving the Kul Tiran fleet somewhat helpless. This is equivalent to giving free advertising to the pirates.

Therefore, in the Endless Sea, at least in the South China Sea, whichever pirate carries a reward from the Admiralty Department is the most golden official certification.

A pirate with a bounty of more than five thousand gold coins can easily build a small team in the South China Sea by relying on this golden sign.

Well, let me add another thing, after the Battle of Gilneas, the rewards for the captains of the undead pirate fleet have been posted by the Admiralty, ranging from 5,000 to 10,000.

As the leader of the undead pirates, Master Assassin Black Shaw's bounty for defeating the official Gilnean fleet reached an astonishing 100,000 gold coins!

There are rumors that this outrageous bounty amount was personally set by Admiral Dai Lin, who watched the Battle of the Palatine.

The admiral also spread the word that whoever could capture Black Shaw alive and escort him to Boralus Port would be given the title of Lord in Kul Tiras.

And no matter who it is, as long as they can take the stinky pirates to Ku, all the bad things they did on the sea in the past will be wiped out.

As soon as this news came out, the entire South China Sea was boiling.

According to the news from Booty Bay, several famous pirate hunters and even pirate captains have set out from the South China Sea to the Eastern Continent.


What is Pai Noodles?

Isn't this the appearance Blake has always wanted?

I can only say that the old man really gave me face.

But bounties at sea are only popular on the sea, and not many people know about it on the mainland. Especially to the dwarves who live inland and never yearn for the sea, that piece of tattered paper has no value at all.

Yes, yes, of course you can brag like that. Anyway, I can count the dwarves floating on the sea with two hands, and no one can refute you.

Muradin rolled his eyes and poured another mouthful of wine. He drunkenly wiped the wine stains on his beard, spread his hands and said:

Let's speak with facts. Even I, a land warrior, know that such a large Tol Barad Island is the best navigation reference on the sea.

But we have been at sea for three days!

Where is that island?

I saw nothing except the endless sea water that made me want to vomit!

You have in your hands the navigation chart that we bought from Kul Tiras with a lot of money. According to the chart, there have been no storms on the sea recently, but you still succeeded in making us lose our way.

Can such a big island fly into the sky out of thin air?

This sharp rhetorical question made the three dwarf pirates in front of them, who were of different sizes and sizes, look at each other in confusion.

That's right.

They can brag about their past glorious deeds of crossing the sea, or they can use naval bounties to prove their professionalism.

But the problem was that after three days of sailing from Palatine Bay to Tol Barad, they really couldn't find the damn island.

Even if they turned over the charts and repeatedly confirmed that there was no problem with the heading more than twenty times and there was no tidal interference, they should have arrived near Tol Barad Island.

But where is that damn island?

The three dwarf pirates wearing horned helmets looked at each other, and finally they all looked at the sea in front of them.

The blue waves are flowing, the sun is shining, the sea and the sky are vast, and it is a peaceful beauty.

Where is that damn island!

The Troublesome Three are a little irritable. If they can't be found again, their golden signs that are sought after and loved by dwarf children will be completely destroyed here.

This is an offshore voyage that any landlubber can accomplish!

It's not their fault, Muradin.

After the friendly exchange between the prince and the pirates came to an end, a dwarf explorer wearing a monocle grabbed a complex instrument and whispered behind Muradin:

I have measured the longitude and latitude repeatedly. The three pirates did indeed bring us near the island. It is supposed to be here. Their course is correct.

I know.

The drunken Muradin had a glimmer of fun in his eyes.

He burped, looked at the trio of irritable dwarf pirates, and whispered:

This is indeed not their problem, but I just annoy these three guys. I paid a lot of money to hire them to go to Zandalar to pick up my brother, and even lent them the ironclad ship we just finished trialling.

As a result, they resisted and tried to raise the price cunningly. Huh, do you really think I don’t understand anything? This is to teach them a lesson and let them see their own strength clearly.

Buzz buzz

As soon as Muradin finished speaking, the sound of a noisy rotorcraft sounded from high in the sky.

Muradin and the three dwarf pirates on the stern of the ship looked up at the same time and saw two gyrocopters driven by fox men wearing flying hats and goggles spinning in the sky above their ship.

These crazy pirates also have large aerial bombs with skulls painted on them under their planes!

This seems to be a warning to the following ship:

be honest!

You have entered the territorial waters of the undead pirates. If you dare to provoke them, I will blow you bastards into the sky!

In the seat behind the second gyrocopter, a fox pilot grabbed two flags and waved them rhythmically in the air toward the ship below.

Muradin couldn't understand this.

But the three pirates who have been floating on the sea all year round can see it clearly.

They were signaling that we should follow them and disarm, and they would guide us into the docks on Tol Barad.

The thin dwarf rode on the shoulders of his pot-bellied dwarf companion, used a telescope to see the flag message clearly, and then turned back to Muradin and said:

You are the highest officer of this ship, what do you say?

Haha, I mean, we don't have to pay attention to them at all.

Muradin snorted, waved his hand, and said:

Drive our armored ship, rush into their dock, and use cannon to kill all the undead pirates!

You're crazy!

Eric, the skinny dwarf of the Troublesome Trio, screamed:

You crazy Bronzebeard, these undead pirates just destroyed the Gilnean fleet, and we only have one small ship, and our cannons can't even lift their decks!

If you want to die, go do it yourself.

Ha, you know you can't beat me? Then why do you ask me what to do?

Muradin rolled his eyes, took a sip of wine, and said:

Just do whatever you have to do.

Seal the muzzles of the guns, hang up the gun jackets, and make the pirates under your command be more honest. The owner of the island and I are barely friends, and he invited me here this time.

He won't do anything to me.

But if you mess with people, I guess the crane masts are all light.

In addition, now that the words have been said, I will no longer hide it. This time, I will ask the three of you to go to Zandalar Island to pick up my troubled brother. I just don’t want this matter to become known to everyone. .

It doesn't mean that Ironforge has to ask you to do this job.

I just don't want to get too involved with the undead pirates, but that doesn't mean I can't ask for their help.

But if you three little pirates still don't know each other and still want to ask for a high price, I will ask my legendary pirate friend Two-Face Mr. Black to talk to you about the rules of the sea.

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