Shadow Trails in Azeroth

Chapter 629 182. I predict your fate

Three days after the Dalaran incident, except for the severely affected Tirisfal region, the entire northern Xinjiang was calm, even too calm, which gave rise to a depressing feeling.

The news that Marshal Lothar was assassinated by the evil troll in order to save innocent people has spread throughout Hillsbrad Hills. One year after the victory of the Orc War, the civilians once again shed tears of gratitude for Marshal Lothar's sacrifice.

No one called for it, but they gathered in the church on their own initiative.

Both the elderly and children, led by the priests, prayed for the peace of their great man.

Those who did not go to church were scolded by their fellow villagers as having souls polluted by the devil, or scolded as lackeys of the nobility. Those who were scolded could not refute, because they could not deny Lothar's great deeds.

Civilians may not know the truth, but they are definitely not stupid.

The rumors and gossip that had been spread in the past were enough for them to make a judgment based on their shallow knowledge: it must be those black-hearted men who didn't want Marshal Lothar to be in the limelight, so they colluded with the trolls to assassinate him.

In order to prove their innocence, nobles from all over the country have requested the Holy Light Church to announce the news that Marshal Lothar is still alive, so as to avoid unnecessary trouble.

It is said that on the border of Gilneas, which was also severely affected, there have been conflicts between victims and officials.

The trigger of the incident was that the soldiers were a little rough when escorting the victims. As a result, the people missed Marshal Lothar.

Although they may have never met Lothar.

But this does not prevent them from seeing Anduin Lothar as a symbol of all good qualities.

Under pressure, the church finally announced the news of Marshal Lothar on the third day after the incident.

The old marshal, who was protected from death by the gods, will set sail from Southsea Town back to the Kingdom of Stormwind where he has dedicated his life, under the personal escort of the sacred Valkyrie and the Grand Knights of the Church, as well as His Majesty Varian Wrynn.

He will be placed in the North County Monastery in the Kingdom of Stormwind, where Marshal Lothar grew up. General Gavinrad Doom will command a team of paladins and will be stationed there all year round to protect the peace of the marshal.

When this news was announced in various churches, it immediately triggered waves of cheers from the civilians, who felt sad for the marshal's experience.

But the old marshal is not dead, and that's a good thing.

Many believe that great men like him will one day wake up.

As long as his beloved civilization and kingdom are in danger, he will definitely wake up, hold the emperor's sword again, and defend the world he loves.

Everyone said so.

On the night of the third day, when the holy coffin housing Marshal Lothar was escorted into Nanhai Town, the entire town was already crowded with people, who came from various areas of the hills on their own initiative.

People dressed in their best clothes, as if they were mourning on a day of mourning, followed the procession escorting the holy coffin from Tarren Mill, all the way to Nanhai Town.

The veterans who had fought in the war took up their weapons again and put on their old military uniforms. They rode old horses and cleared the way in front of the escort team.

A steady stream of people joined them along the way, including some war heroes who were missing arms and legs.

Just as they rushed to the battlefield, they would escort Marshal Lothar away from this land that made him sad and failed him.

There are more and more people, and the speed of travel is getting slower and slower, but no one scolds those who follow.

Until evening falls.

According to the ancient tradition, people held candles in their hands to illuminate the darkness for the marshal's motorcade.

Then, a spectacular scene appeared.

A long dragon composed of countless lights emerged on the forest and roads from Tarren Mill to Nanhai Town. The darkness of this night could not extinguish the light of this gathering of stars.

This scene made the paladins escorting the convoy excited. The priests also sang hymns, and His Majesty Varian, who was riding a horse and closely following the holy coffin, had tears in his eyes.

As a king, he couldn't lose his dignity, so he could only wipe his tears secretly.

But he looked at the carriage beside him from time to time, and he felt that Marshal Lothar was still teaching him some important principles. For example, the scene before him vividly explained to the young king the relationship between the ruler and the people.

He was certain that if Terenas II was unfortunate enough to die one day, there would never be so many people to see him off.

What kind of person do you want to be in the future?

A politician like King Terenas? Or a noble person like Marshal Lothar?

This idea echoed in Varian's mind until they arrived at Nanhai Town, where some local nobles and envoys from the kings were waiting.

In the surrounding lights, Varian saw the fear in the eyes of some of them.

They were afraid of this incredible scene in front of them.

Even though the old marshal could no longer scold them, even though he had become a harmless statue of a god, they were still afraid and afraid.

When they saw with their own eyes the light gathered by the people who were actively following the coffin, these guys were almost frightened out of their wits.


Varian sneered twice.

It's not over yet.

He already knew the tricks these people were playing behind the scenes from the captured Assassin Master Zack Flash, and it wasn't over yet. Perhaps Marshal Lothar would disdain this, but the young king would not be so generous.

His biological father died in the hands of orcs, but his adoptive father fell into the hands of the compatriots he protected.

This is their proclaimed destiny.

The marshal's holy coffin will stay in the church in Nanhai Town overnight. Tomorrow morning, it will be personally escorted by General Gavin Rad and return to Stormwind City on a Kul Tiras warship.

Varian didn't even look at the nobles. He rode on his horse and calmly ordered the mayor of Nanhai Town:

There is no need for us to spend a lot of time preparing for the reception. We will only stay for one night. I will return to Lordaeron and participate in my baptism of the Holy Light in the next few days.

Okay, Your Majesty, it's our pleasure.

The mayor of Nanhai Town is a young man, but he is very polite.

He was not shy when facing Varian. After delivering the holy coffin, the mayor took another look at the people gathered outside the town who were unwilling to leave. He said with some concern:

Your Majesty, do you want to persuade the people to go home? There are so many people here, just in case.

Why be afraid?

Varian asked dissatisfiedly:

Does it make you uncomfortable to be with your people? Mr. Mayor. Are you worried that these unarmed people who came all the way just to send the marshal home will hurt you?

That's not what I meant, Your Majesty.

The mayor's expression changed slightly.

He was embarrassed and wanted to explain, but was speechless.

Your Majesty! You shouldn't talk like this.

Shore, who was behind Varian, reminded in a deep voice:

Mayor Mareb is also a veteran of the Orc War. He once served under Marshal Lothar. He is not one of those people.

I apologize, Mr. Mareb.

Varian then realized that he had failed to control his emotions and spilled his anger on innocent people. He immediately apologized to the mayor, who also understood Varian's mood.

The mayor shook his head. He didn't care about Varian's attitude.

The king in front of him was only seventeen years old, much younger than him, but he had already experienced the tragedy of losing his father twice.

He was not afraid that the people gathered here would cause trouble, he was just worried that so many people gathering here would cause some unnecessary trouble, especially since the marshal's holy coffin was in the town church.

But what the mayor and the young king didn't know was that trouble had actually appeared.

In the church that was blocked by the paladins, High Knight Gavin Ladd, who was guarding Marshal Lothar with a sword, suddenly stopped praying.

He drew out the long sword from his waist and turned around to look at the shadow reflected by the candlelight in the church behind him.

A man in black hunting clothes was emerging from the shadows. He came quietly, with a trade wind crow standing on his shoulders and holding a large bouquet of white flowers in his hand.

It's like coming to mourn, more like saying goodbye.

He wears a blue gemstone seal on the finger of his left hand, and two rings of different colors. He wears red strips of cloth on his eyes, and his blond hair is slightly styled.

Open the collar of his neck, and you can slightly see the tattoo on the edge of his neck. The shape of the tattoo is like a devil's claw, adding a touch of bohemian feeling to him.

Back off!

Gavin Rad scolded and called to the paladin outside the door.

But Blake threw something into his hand.

The Lord Knight lowered his head and saw a letter of appointment signed by the Pope himself. He immediately understood the identity of the man in front of him. As one of the first generation of Five Knights, although Gavin Ladd was not as well-known as the other four brothers, he was indeed It is indeed the upper echelons of the church.

He also knew about the Templar Assassin.

I heard that you planned the disaster in Northern Xinjiang?

The great knight asked in a bad tone.

But Blake didn't even bother to pay attention to this stupid argument. He silently approached the holy coffin that radiated holy light and whispered:

Of course, you can think so. I won't explain more. The person who is willing to explain to you is already lying there. He chose a way that I don't advocate to end it all.

You bastard!

The great knight stepped forward and grabbed Black's collar, lifted him up from where he was, and scolded:

Because of you, nearly a thousand people died in Dalaran!

Because of me, only close to a thousand people died in Dalaran.

Black stretched out his hand, clasped the knight's wrist, pushed it off his collar, and said:

There are more than 100,000 people left alive, and they should all remember my kindness.

Do you know how many people would have died if Archimonde entered the material world without me? How terrible would Deathwing have wreaked without me?

You can't imagine.

Because that has not happened yet and will never happen, I stopped the countdown to the doomsday disaster by detonating the bomb in advance.

It may seem cruel to you, but

You're welcome.

After saying that, he pushed away the great knight blocking the way and handed the flowers in his hand to the Valkyrie who was guarding the holy coffin.

The two golden Val'kyr looked at each other, and under Gavin Rad's stunned gaze, they took the initiative to make way for Black.

This scene made the great knight's heart move.

The fact that the maid of the Lord of War has such respect for this legendary pirate may mean that the arrogant words he just said were not fabricated.

I'm going to ask you to leave, Mr. Fortune.

Blake touched the holy coffin covered with runes in front of him, put his hand into the golden light, and said without looking back:

I want to make one last prophecy for Anduin Lothar. Your presence will interfere with my thoughts. Stay outside the door and don't let others in.

You go too!

He said something to the trade wind crow standing on his shoulder. The clever little crow screamed twice, flapped its wings and flew out of the window.

The Lord Knight hesitated for a moment, then took a deep look at Black's back and strode out of the church.


The church door was closed, and the candlelight swayed in the summer evening wind, making the atmosphere in the church quieter.

Black looked at Anduin Lothar lying in the holy coffin in front of him. The latter was very miserable. His body was burned by the shadow flames and was covered with terrible cracks. His charred black appearance seemed to mean that he had not long left.

This man should have died before.

But he survived using this praise method.

This indicates that your fate is not over yet, Anduin Lothar, I gave you a chance to become the emperor, but you gave up on him voluntarily.

You believe that things that have been eliminated by history should not be picked up from the trash heap again. You have always been full of confidence in them and are unwilling to cause waves in the world because of yourself.

I'm touched by you.

Really, just a little bit.

The pirate stretched out his hand and helped Lothar wave the ribbon on his armor. He stared at the closed eyes and said:

Ah, you finally don't have to worry about your hair. You have no hair now. It's so miserable.

He joked and shook his head.

The next moment, he grabbed Lothar's neck, as if to strangle him completely. This action immediately triggered the two Valkyries next to him to stop him. Two shining war spears were pressed against the stinky pirate on the left and right. on the neck.

But Blake ignored it.

He just stared at Lothar in front of him and said:

As a pirate prophet, I make my final prophecy to you, Anduin Lothar. This failure is just the beginning. I feel your desire to protect them.

Look, such a great person has finally become a harmless statue of a god. They want to hang you on the wall so that they no longer have to be afraid of the changes you bring.

But the change has begun, it has already arrived, quietly seeping into every part of the world.

No one can reject it, and no one can disobey it.

They will finally see a new world.

I predict you, Anduin Lothar, the call of despair will crown you, and the black bones will eventually be king!

Go to sleep.

Have a good rest.

Waiting for the next war to start, next time, you can no longer escape.

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