Shadow Trails in Azeroth

Chapter 628 181. Crazy transactions of crazy people

The pirates came to take advantage of the excitement, but returned in despair.

Rexxar's taciturn orc wanderer actually ran away one step ahead, which was really in line with his behavior pattern. According to Brox's instructions, after defeating the demon, Rexxar disappeared with his pets. In the Silver Pine Forest.

At his speed, he would probably have climbed over the Alterac Mountains.

Not being able to see their powerful comrades made the pirates very disappointed, and they also lost interest in staying here and dealing with a group of green-skinned orcs.

But before he rode away on his loyal hippogryph, he mysteriously said to Red and Brooks:

I know that there have been conflicts between you Blackstone Tower and the Dark Iron Dwarves. Coincidentally, I recently needed to get something from the Dark Iron Dwarves that only they have.

We have common interests

We will not start a war!

The old orc frowned and said:

The current tribe cannot start a war. Compared with the Dark Iron Dwarves, you humans will not let us go. From our interests, perhaps maintaining friendship with Shadowforge City is the best choice.

That's what I say, but those Dark Iron dwarves have gone too far lately.

Reid had a different opinion.

He wiped the black plate armor he had just obtained, snorted to the old orc, and said:

You warriors just don't know how expensive firewood and rice are! If you go back and look at the quartermaster's account book, you will know that the prices of the materials and equipment sold to us by the Dark Iron dwarves have increased in the past two months.

They regard us as weak and easy to bully, and they are sure that without their help, we will not be able to survive in Blackrock Spire and the Burning Steppes.

I was thinking before that maybe it’s time to flex my muscles and let those black iron dwarves see the price of forcing us!

This time we have obtained so much wealth from Lordaeron and Dalaran. I don't want to throw it all into the Dark Iron dwarves' dog hole. I want to use it to buy enough weapons and supplies from the goblins.

Regardless of whether you participate or not, I must teach the arrogant Black Iron dwarves a lesson.

Who asked you to start a war? Is this how you orcs think about problems? There is no other way of thinking in your mind except fighting and killing, right?

Brooks and Red's answers made the pirate sneer. He grabbed the hippogryph's reins and said:

I originally planned to share my evil plan with you, but now it seems that I have to forget it. Your brains are destined to be unable to understand my dark wisdom.

I will contact you when I am ready, please be patient and wait for the news!

Especially you, Red.

I understand your desire to make achievements and stabilize power, but you people are no match for the Dark Iron Emperor Thaurissan. People look down on you not out of arrogance, but from the perspective of strength.

All-out war will only make your orthodox tribe crippled. In short, be patient!

Okay, Captain.

Red immediately replied with a playful smile, causing the pirate to shake his head. Before leaving, he took out Zul'jin's head from his bag and threw it to Red, saying:

Take this thing back and ask Ner'zhul to make you a warrior amulet to prevent you from being assassinated by the Dark Iron lunatics.

I have no use for this, Captain.

Red rejected this good thing. He stroked his black-hand warhammer and whispered to Black:

I am not a good warrior, I know this very well. To be honest, if I didn't need the 'black hand' to stabilize my rule, I would have given this war hammer to my brother.

Maimu is better suited to hold it than I am.

Captain, please give this amulet to my brother.

By the way, I told him that I had spent a lot of money in Shadowforge City to order a warhammer very similar to the Blackhand for him. Once it is forged, I will ask Old Garni to send it to him.

Let him work hard at sea without having to worry about the clan inheritance. I have taken over this responsibility, and my brother should be free to pursue his destined wonderful life.

You guys have a deep brotherly love. I don't know what happened to my two brothers.

The pirate snorted without saying anything else, waved goodbye, and flew away from Atonement Island amidst the roar of the hippogryph, towards the Hillsbrad Hills, and soon disappeared above the sea.

Have you known the captain before?

Red watched Black leave. He looked back at Thrall. The young orc nodded, but did not say more about the story between him and Black.

Then why didn't you tell me earlier? The beating you just received was in vain.

The warchief shrugged and looked at Thrall with a somewhat friendly look. He said:

Since we are all serving the captain, we are all our own people. When we go to Blackstone Mountain, anyone who dares to bully you will tell me my name.

After saying that, Red left the sea cliff in a swaggering manner.

He couldn't wait to show his new treasure to his subordinates, so that they could call him Great Chief with all their heart.

Wearing Orgrim's black plate armor is equivalent to gaining a strong claim.

No one can question his identity as war chief anymore.

After Red left, Brox also left, leaving Thrall alone on the sea cliff. This young orc really needed to think about his future life plans.

After he was taken out of Durnholde Castle, he didn't have time to calm down and think about this problem.

Now his emotionally complex General Blackmore has a new life, and the sister Taresha he cares about has also been rescued by Captain Black and has entered a new stage of life.

Two people close to him have said goodbye to the past, and he should probably give himself a small ceremony to complete this growth.

Brox took Doomhammer and Orgrim's ashes to the beach of Atonement Island, and walked into the tent that Ner'zhul had set up for himself.

When he entered, Ner'zhul was doing a handicraft that required concentration.

Well, take the magic items brought out from Dalaran one by one and use the elemental emblem of the djinn to extract the magic power imbued with them, and then convert them into air coins.

When Brox entered the tent, Ner'zhul was already surrounded by several piles of strange air coins that were between reality and reality. The old orc was holding a magic lamp in his hand and was putting the elemental emblem in a slightly obscene manner. Rub it on the lamp.

Are you returning to Draenor?

Brox sat cross-legged in a tent that smelled of weird incense. He said to Ner'zhul, who had his back turned to him:

Perhaps it would be better for you to stay in Azeroth.

You can teach Sal. I saw your conversation with him before. The child respects knowledgeable people. I think it might be possible for you to be his mentor.

I don't have time to raise another Warchief, Brox.

Ner'zhul simply rejected the warrior's proposal, and the old orc said in an old voice:

I'm dying, my body is decaying, and my soul doesn't know where to go. This world is good, but it doesn't welcome me.

Don't worry about Thrall's growth. Drek'Thar, the prophet elder of the Frostwolf clan, is a very good shaman. He is enough to take on the responsibility of teaching Thrall.

In addition, I have another suggestion for you about Thrall.

you say.

Brooks nodded and listened attentively.

Ner'zhul continued to extract air coins, and said in his weak, unhurried tone:

Don't rush to support Thrall to snatch Red's position as warchief, and don't manipulate Kor'kron to resist Red. The more stable Blackstone Mountain is, the greater the benefit will be to you.

Especially after the Frostwolf clan also went to the Burning Plains, only Red had enough fame to suppress and mediate the conflicts between the three of you.

You keep saying that Red is a puppet supported by others, and he is.

But to be honest, with his qualifications, it is beyond my imagination to reach this point. He is not the traditional chief we know, but he is indeed a qualified leader.

It depends on how you view the current situation.

Red has his ambitions. He is not as ignorant and shallow as you think. Maybe you should let go of your arrogance as a soldier and get to know him again.

I believe you will see the bright spots in him.

This is an internal matter between you orcs who have decided to stay in Azeroth. I don't want to interfere too much, and you don't have to doubt the intentions of a dying person like me.

I do have my purpose, but it has nothing to do with you.

Thall is not even an 'orc' now. Even if I want to support him, I can't get the support of the soldiers. Even his clan may not accept him.

Brooks sighed and said:

“He still has a lot to learn.”

The ancestors are protecting him, and he is destined to learn quickly.

Ner'zhul whispered back, but Brox did not answer. He handed the gem urn in his hand to Ner'zhul and said:

Since you are going back to Draenor, please bring the last traces of Orgrim back to his homeland and send it to the sacred mountain of Washu in Nagrand. He is qualified to be buried with the glorious chiefs. .

Or send it back to the wilderness of Gorgrond and hand it over to the people of the Blackstone Clan.

In addition, Thrall said that in the near future, he may go to the world of Draenor and visit the hometown of us orcs. If possible, I hope that you will be his tour guide and take him around our world.

Take him to Frostfire Ridge to see the ancestral land of the Frostwolf clan, take him to Gorgrond to see the scenery of the endless wilderness, and then take him on a pilgrimage to Nagrand to let Grandma Gaiaan see this outstanding young man. people.

Finally, take him to the ruins of Skyreach Peak and Shadowmoon Valley, and let him see with his own eyes the sins we have committed.

It's too difficult for you to do this to a dying person.

Ner'zhul sighed.

After a few seconds, he nodded and said:

Then I will pray to death again, hoping that death can give me more time. Go, go, don't disturb me until tomorrow morning, I have to perform an important ceremony.

Also, invite Chief Red over. I have something to talk to him about.

Brox nodded, stood up and left the tent, and told the surrounding Kor'kron guards to stay away from the tent to avoid being affected by Ner'zhul's ritual.

Although in the perception of their generation of orcs, Ner'zhul is an out-and-out loser.

He failed to see through Gul'dan's plot, nor could he prevent the establishment of the Shadow Council, nor could he stop the orcs from drinking demonic blood and falling.

But Brooks respected the old shaman.

Probably out of the same mentality, Brox could feel Ner'zhul's mind at this time. Like him, this old orc was also using his own methods to make up for his mistakes.

After Brox left, Ner'zhul began his own ritual.

He rubbed the elemental emblem in his hand, and in a gust of breeze, the strangely dressed djinn Al Abbas appeared quietly in Ner'zhul's tent.

As soon as the elemental demigod saw the pile of air coins in front of him, his tone became a little more enthusiastic.

It rubbed its paws and said:

I know that my friend Black Shaw is very reliable. The customers he recommends are all high-quality customers. Tell me, old orc with a death wish, what do you want from a generous element merchant?

Pay off my debt first.

Ner'zhul pushed a large pile of air coins in front of him.

Al Abbas laughed and put all the coins into his pocket with a wave of his paw. At the same time, Blake, who was flying in the sky, had a small pocket full of air coins in his hand.

That is a debt that is repaid.

The pirate opened it, counted it, whistled, and Ner'zhul gave him a thousand more handling fees. Tsk tsk, you are worthy of being a person who has had a good time. He is really particular about what he does.

After repaying the debt, Ner'zhul proposed his own trading conditions to the Djinn Elemental:

I will use the remaining air coins to ask the great elemental demigod to personally transform my soul.

The old shaman narrowed his eyes, and the white skull emblem on his face seemed to come alive at this moment. He said:

I want to ask you to transform me into a semi-elemental creature that is immune to all pain.

Well, this request is quite rare.

The well-informed element merchant was stunned for a moment, and it said:

Are you trying to escape death with this?

No, quite the opposite.

Ner'zhul smiled and replied mysteriously, but did not explain much. Before the ritual of transforming the soul began, he proposed a second deal:

I want the cores of four elemental lords, one for earth, fire, water, and wind. They cannot be repeated, and the level must be high enough.

This is big business!

When Al Abbas heard the old orc's request, its reminder suddenly expanded and shrunk, representing its own excitement. It rubbed its paws and said:

Such a big business requires a deposit, and the air coins you have here simply can't afford the deposit.

I have collateral!

Ner'zhul said in a deep voice:

I have a junior who claims to save his world as a means to win over people's hearts. But from today on, everything he does will no longer be a slogan, but will become a real promise!

In this way, I can claim him as the true orc warchief.

I pledge everything I own to the entire Orthodox tribe!

If I cannot come up with the payment for the elemental core within three years, then everything in the entire orthodox tribe will belong to you!

Whether it is wealth, power, materials, or the bodies and souls of all creatures who join the orthodox tribe, they all belong to you. If you need it, I can ask him to sign a contract with you.

You will have the right to take a portion of all the trophies captured by Red Blackhand and his warriors from now on.


As soon as he walked into the tent, the beaming Chief Red suddenly widened his eyes when he heard this.

What the hell?

Even before he, the great chief, has spoken, his foundation has become a mortgage?

You evil-minded Ner'zhul!

What are you planning to do?

Want to rebel!

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