Shadow Hero's Everyday Life

84 50-story "Battle Begins"

It looks like the maximalism did its job.

Chris said, looking around at the scenery as the carriage drove by.

At his side, 02 (Oz) sighed with a bored expression.

I'm not sure what to say, but I'm not sure what to say. I'd like you to not favor me so much.

I'm not worried, I'm just cautious. I'm not sure what to do, but I'm sure I'll be able to do it. I think it would be better for me to be by her side. ...... I know her well.

I'm an idiot, anyway.

02 says in a sultry tone.

"Well, well, well, both of you. If you two keep arguing, your plan won't work.

There was a man who smiled at them.

The man standing on the other side of the cart was wearing a silver knight's armor. Although it looked heavy, the material was so light that it would not be a burden even if it was carried on a carriage.

This man is a knight of the Kingdom of Arcadia, who has been assigned to accompany us on this mission.

His muscular appearance is matched by a general personality that is ...... a bit lacking in delicacy.

Don't worry. Don't worry, this kind of exchange is a regular occurrence between us.

I'm sorry about that. ...... So, this is the Terraria way of boosting morale, is it?

It's not like that.

It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're doing.

You know what? I'm not sure what you mean by that.

What do you mean by that?

You said that the other side is the strongest agent in our organization. I thought we requested assistance in defeating it and retrieving His Highness. ...... Are you sure you can handle this on your own? I don't think this is the time to be stingy with personnel.

Don't worry about it. I'm one of the three best in the Arcadia Kingdom.

The knight says, holding up three fingers.

And if that's the case, I'd like to know the intentions of the Kingdom of Terraria. The only one who will be going into battle is your 02, right? Excuse me, but is an opponent that you alone can defeat called the strongest agent?

It was an annoying comment, but 02 calmed himself down.

The knight doesn't really understand how many knights this 02 alone is capable of fighting. The fact that he is one of the top three is also questionable.

The 28 is the strongest, but not the most versatile.

The knight rolls his eyes at Oz's statement.

The essence of the 28 is assassination and surprise. I'm stronger than you in a head-to-head fight. I'm a better fighter when it comes to head-to-head combat. ...... The people in my organization all have their own specialties. The curriculum is, uh, ...... assassination, capture, espionage, escort, torture, assault, and so on. And I'm an assault agent. Under the circumstances, I think I'd rather--


Chris interrupts 02's explanation.

The knight in front of him was Chris.

The knight in front of him thought of Chris and 02 as mere soldiers.

Perhaps he can see that they are in a special position among soldiers. The Kingdom of Sacred Arcadia also has an intelligence agency. You have to be prepared for the fact that the knight in front of you may have some information through that agency.

I'm not sure if it's a good idea, but it's a good idea.

The knight crosses his arms and says.

Assassinations and raids are only the schemes of the weak. It's a good thing that you're not the only one who can't afford to buy a new one.

That is -- ostensibly -- the story.

Maybe this knight doesn't know much about the truth of the last war. The Kingdom of Terraria pretended to be focusing its efforts on the front lines to use the heroes as a billboard. In reality, a more advanced battle was being waged behind the scenes, but only a few people knew about it.

I don't care what you say, but you'd better not show your face from the carriage too much.

02 said to the knight, who was looking at the scenery outside.


We'll get shot.

"You mean through this small gap?

The knight tapped the wall of the truck with the back of his hand.

The carriage that 02 and his friends are using right now is a special order of the Bureau. In addition to the performance of the horses, the back of the carriage was also equipped with a sturdy wall to guard against snipers. During the Great War, the soldiers of the Agency often used these carriages.

However, the walls had small gaps to allow for ventilation and visibility.

If the knight is right and the person on the back of the wagon is to be shot, the only way to get a bullet through that gap is.

......28 can easily fit through that gap.

Hahahaha! You're being too cautious! Even our country's best snipers would have to get within 500 meters to shoot through this narrow gap! There's no need to be afraid yet.

02 and Chris gave a complicated look at the knight who casually divulged his country's strength.

I'm sure there's no one in the vicinity at the moment. I'm sure you'll be able to understand how I feel about my ex-colleague, but why don't you relax your shoulders a bit? It is unprofessional to overestimate your enemy. ----

With a short thud, a hole appeared in the knight's forehead.

The armored knight fell to the back of the truck with a loud thud. The fresh blood that poured out of his forehead quickly spread to the floor.

I told you so. ...... You're so dirty.

The 02 moves away from the puddle of blood.

"Chris. "Chris, the longest sniper range of 28 is 3700 meters, right?

Yeah. I miss ....... It was his first solo mission, and it broke the record for the longest sniper shot in the Kingdom of Terraria. ...... I shuddered when I saw that.

Chris says, remembering what happened many years ago.

The carriage stopped at a safe position, calculating 28's location backwards from the angle of the sniper. After getting off the cart, 02 activated his "toughness" and quickly approached the target.

The sniping of 28 is indeed astonishing, but once the shot is made, there will be an interval before the next shot.

Dodging the first shot was the biggest obstacle, but the knights of Arcadia took care of that at the cost of their own lives. With 02's strength, he could approach 28 with only one interval.

"Hey, 28, how are you?

To the boy who looked as unconcerned as ever, 02 also called out to him with his usual cheerful attitude.

"Yeah. Thanks to you, I'm having a pleasant trip.

"Yeah, yeah, that's good.

Shaking his head, 02 looked around.

The 28s were already preparing for close combat and had miniaturized the BF28. In the background, the carriage used by 28 and the others was parked.

"So where's Mize?

She's in the back carriage.


02 instantly released a huge amount of magic power from his fingertips and destroyed the carriage.

In the midst of the roar, 28 did not move an eyebrow.

You're lying.

Of course not.

If Mize had really been in the carriage, 28 would have immediately taken cover.

Apparently, Mize had escaped in advance.

Well, they were working together a few days ago, so they can't be too far away.

02 held up one TD02 "Tyrant Dragon Autu" in each hand.

The only way to track down Mize from here on out is to overcome the obstacles in front of you.

I'm not very good at holding back, as 28 knows. ...... Don't hate me if I die, okay?

It's a mutual thing. No one in the ...... agency is good at taking it easy.

I'm sure you'll be pleased to hear that.

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