Shadow Hero's Everyday Life

83 49"Trivial Happiness"

After returning safely from the labyrinth of the Tomb of the Spirit Tree, we returned to the village.

Originally, we shouldn't have returned to the village when our pursuers were in the vicinity, but now we wanted the money, even if it meant taking some risks. In order to receive the reward for defeating the ogre, I went to the guild and offered the ogre's horn as proof of my defeat.

It seems that the pursuers are not staying in the village.

I said to Mize as I pocketed the reward I received from the guild.

But we'd better get out of here as soon as possible, right?

Yeah. We'll buy what we need and be on our way.

Remembering the commotion in the labyrinth, the scene in the village is peaceful.

We have to be careful not to get carried away by this peaceful atmosphere.

We split up and bought some medicine and food. After that, we headed to the stables to get a wagon. Fortunately, the merchant was looking to replace his worn-out cart, so he was able to get one at a relatively low price by talking to the merchant privately.

So you've finished your shopping.


Mize said, holding a paper bag filled with medicines.

As they were heading towards the carriage, Mize suddenly stopped.

He stopped, his eyes glued to the accessories in the stall.

"Is there something you want?

"Oh, ......, nothing, sir.

I knew I had made a mistake when I saw Mize shaking her head a little shyly.

I was right. ...... Whenever I ask her this kind of question, she always refrains.

"Which one do you want?

Again, I ask Mize.

No ......, no, no, no, no, it's fine! I don't have any ......

I've got plenty of money left over from this reward. With Mize's help, we can afford to splurge a little.

Mize said that this getaway was a new normal for them.

Then we need to take a break like this to keep our minds occupied.

"Here, take this .......

Mize reservedly picked up an accessory from the shelf.

It was a plain, black bracelet.

It was a plain black bangle. "Is this what you want? A little more elaborate decoration would be better. ......

"It's fine. Because ......

Mize puts the accessory on his left arm.

Then she compares it to my left arm and says.

"See--they match.

Mize says happily.

If you ask me, the black bangle in Mize's hand looks exactly the same as the BF28 on my left arm.

As long as he's happy with it, it's fine.

I told the owner of the stall that I wanted to buy the bracelet and gave him some money.

"Are you two travelers?

The shopkeeper calls out to me as I receive the goods.


"If you're heading west, you might want to be careful. Yesterday, some people said they saw something strange in the western wilderness.

Something strange?

"They said they saw a strange pattern in the sky. They said that they saw a strange pattern floating in the sky, and the next thing they knew, the pattern started to glow, and the next thing they knew, they heard an ear-splittingly loud sound. The guy only saw it from a distance, so he has no idea what happened, but he should keep it in mind just in case.

Well, thank you for the ...... information.

No, don't worry about it. In a small village like this, it's important to help each other.

I thanked the pleasant shopkeeper and left the place.

Mize also bowed deeply and expressed his gratitude.

Where are we going next?

Mize, sitting next to me, asked as I moved the carriage on the driver's platform.

It's still too far to go directly to the Republic of Carnabyne from here. So we decided to go through a rocky area in the middle. That place has a lot of shielding, so it will be easier to deal with the enemy if they find us.

"The rocky area is the area shown in gray on the ...... map, right?

Mize said, unfolding the map at hand.

It's a good idea to have a map of the area.

"...... Hmm.

What's up?

"No, its .......

He closed the map and looked at the scenery in the distance.

After staying in a strange village, earning money from the guild's requests, and exploring the ...... labyrinth, you're off to a new land. It's like an adventure, isn't it?

"......Yes. Especially the other day's labyrinth exploration is definitely an adventure.

A colony of Exa. I have to admit, I got goosebumps when I saw that horrible scene. The excitement I felt at that moment was the best part of the adventure.

Perhaps that place has not yet been discovered by anyone.

If it had been discovered, it would not have been left in such a defenseless state.

Ironic, isn't it? It's ironic, isn't it, that when your daily life is taken away from you, you find what you've been looking for all along.

Mize says with a fragile smile on her face.

His face did not look very happy.


Two hours have passed since we left the village.

...... Funny, isn't it?

Next to me driving the carriage, Mize was looking at the map with a grim face.  

We should be able to see the rocks by now. ......

Oh, ...... that's weird. It looks like nothing but wilderness.

The map I got from the guild is the latest version. I'm sure the information is correct.

I felt something was wrong, but I kept the wagon going.

Then we saw an incredible sight.

"What the hell is ......?

The whole area had been carved away without a trace, as if it had been gouged out with a giant spoon.

The surface of the earth was bald, and the rocky ground that should have been there was nowhere to be seen.

I stopped the carriage. The neighboring mise-en-scene was also stunned by the sight before him.

In just one night, the entire terrain of the area had been changed.

I have an idea what caused it.

Is it ...... "extremism"?

It's a power that could be called the kingdom's ultimate weapon.

The True Detective's highest firepower. It reminds me of the person who was the most skilled at destruction in this country.

No doubt, it was her.

I remember a sighting I heard at a village stall. I saw a pattern in the sky in the wild west. One moment the pattern was glowing and the next a roar was heard. ...... All of this information is consistent with the phenomenon of "maximalism.

We didn't notice it because we were in the labyrinth, but it seems that the agency deployed the final weapon to capture us last night.

--Calm down. We've just lost our advantageous terrain.

The scene before us is horrific, but don't be afraid.

But the person who wields it has a weakness. --He can't kill people directly. He must have made sure we weren't there last night before destroying the rocky terrain here.

"Mr. Twight! Something's heading this way!

Mize said, pointing to the edge of the wilderness.

The distance is too great for me to see it even if I use my Strength. The BF28's miniaturization was deactivated and it looked into its "far-sighted crystal".

...... is the moment of truth.

A carriage is approaching.

In the back of the carriage was Oz.

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