Shadow Hero's Everyday Life

77 43"Wounds of Each Other"

I made my way through the dark forest towards the village.

I had never heard of the village.

It was a very small village. It wasn't too far from the capital, but it must have been underdeveloped due to its location surrounded by the forest. Despite the fact that we were on the verge of an escape that we couldn't let our guard down for even a moment, the scene before us was peaceful and relaxing.

We'll have food by tomorrow morning, but medicine might be tough.

The owner of the cozy store said with a difficult look on his face.

After listening to the villagers, Mize and I went to the store, but the selection was not very good. The reason we came to the village was to rest and replenish. If possible, we'd like to replenish not only food but also medicine, but it seems that it's not possible right now.

The medicine is scheduled to arrive tomorrow around noon.

"...... Okay. Then we'll take the medicine on the shelf first.

It's the only way.

I sighed and went to pick up the medicine on the shelf, when Mize came walking towards me with several medicines in his hands.

"This is it, right?

"...... Oh.

After showing me the medicines she brought, Mize placed them in front of the shopkeeper.

She was so thoughtful that it was hard to believe she was a princess.

We leave tomorrow at noon.

We'll have more time than I expected.

After purchasing the bare necessities, we walked out of the store.

The worst we could do for food was to hunt in the forest, but not for medicine. Some supportive magic can cure diseases, but unfortunately neither I nor Mize could use it.

Shall we go to the inn? 


According to the villagers, this is a small village, but there is only one inn because merchants occasionally pass by.

I entered the small, old inn and went to the counter.

Do you want one room or two? Or would you like two?

The old man sitting behind the battered counter asks, and I glance down at my wallet.

"Two, please.

"One will be fine.

The old man and I both widened our eyes as he said it clearly.

"Are you sure?

You said you didn't have any money on the road. Besides, we've been in the same carriage for days now, haven't we?

It was true that he had often mentioned on the way that he was short of money. He had not been able to prepare in time because of his sudden departure.

After working together for the past few days, Mize had come to trust him in many ways. It's not hard to see why, since they've been sleeping in a cramped carriage, crammed into each other's bodies. ...... You may just be numb to it.

I thought you were asking me out.

I'm not asking you out!

"No, I didn't!" Mize turns red and gets angry.

We decided to rent a room and spend the night there.

You're lucky to have a place to stay.


"Yeah," Mize muttered, shaking his head in agreement.

--I'm really glad.

Although we didn't show it to each other, spending days in a cramped carriage was quite mentally exhausting.

It's fortunate that we were able to get into the inn at this time. I'd like to rest my body and soul today if possible.

I've done what I had to do. I've finished what I had to do. From here on, I'm free. ...... But it's already night.

We had already had dinner in the carriage before visiting the village.

There was no need to go out anymore.

Should I go to bed?

"If I can sleep, I'd better.

You're both exhausted. You should get as much rest as you can.

Slowly, Mize climbed into the bed.

I turned off the light in the room and lay down on the bed too.

Moonlight shines in through the window.

I close my eyelids for a while, and soon sleep comes. I was quite tired from the daily battle.

But Mize, who must be equally tired, was tossing and turning in bed, looking as if she was having trouble sleeping.

"Can't sleep?

"...... Yes.

Mize replied and sat up.

I sat up on the bed as well.

"I'm dreaming. I have a dream. ...... I see in my mind's eye the memories of all the people who have passed on the Wisdom Road. ......

Looking down, Mize speaks.

This power was developed during the Second Demon War. The purpose is to assist the brave in the war against the brave,......, not only in the second war against the brave, but in all future wars that may occur, to produce an excellent assistant for the brave. If all goes well, the family of the Path of Wisdom will have a solid position as a family that supports the heroes for generations to come.

But as you know, this power was not used in the Fourth War of Heroes and Demons. It was decided that the ...... "Path of Wisdom" should be used for the good of the country rather than to assist the heroes.

During the Fourth War of Heroes and Demons, the name of the magic "Path of Wisdom" was not heard.

If this magic had been used for its original purpose - Mize might have been standing next to the heroes on that battlefield.

After the Arcadia royal family took control of this power, the owner of the Path of Wisdom was imprisoned. They were not allowed to go out, but only to have their knowledge drilled into them. ...... It was like being told to keep living only for the sake of the next generation.

You can feel the will to be a stepping stone for future generations to blossom.

It's a way of life that conveys such a will.

I've been thinking about the grief and suffering of those who once owned it. ...... Even now, when I close my eyes, I can hear their voices. I want to be free, I want to be free, I want to be free. ---- I can hear their mournful cries like a ringing in my ears.

Mize says, looking like she's about to burst into tears.

"Is that why you've been having nightmares lately?

"...... have you been having nightmares?

She didn't tell Mize, but she had been having terrible nightmares in her sleep lately. That's why I suggested a rest in the village.

The memories of the previous owners of the Path of Wisdom. It might be like a nightmare for Mize now.

"Am I really seeking freedom of my own will?

Mize asks in a whisper.

Perhaps it is because of this ...... memory that I have become an adventurer.

Perhaps that is the true nature of Mize's problem.

The memory of a stranger may be rewriting her will. She suspects such a terrible thing.

I've heard that the ...... "Path of Wisdom" doesn't even pass on personalities.

I remembered what Chris had told me, and told Mize.

I remembered what Chris had told me and told Mize. She rolled her eyes and I continued to ask her questions.

"Have any of the previous owners been adventurers?

...... No. I don't recall any at this time.

I know that Mize has studied hard to become an adventurer. I know that Mize has been studying hard to become an adventurer. He seemed happy all the time when he was asked to kill demons and when he explored the labyrinth. At least, I think the emotions I felt at that time belonged to Mize himself, not to ...... anyone else.

"......, but maybe that's because successive owners have longed for adventure. Maybe I was just happy to be able to relieve them of their pent-up longing.

Longing doesn't keep you from trying.

You can't keep trying with longing," he says to the anxious Mize.

"Maybe Mize is right, maybe he started out longing for adventure under the influence of the previous owners. However, the owners of the past may have longed for adventure, but they did not know the hardships of adventure. Mize must have been in danger when he defeated the demon and explored the labyrinth. The previous owners might have stopped their adventures there. Even after knowing the hardships of adventuring, he is willing to continue his efforts for the sake of adventuring. ...... This is undoubtedly the will of Mize himself.

He had been silently listening to our opinions, but before he knew it, his eyes widened.

After wiping the tears from the corners of his eyes with the back of his hand, Mize smiled.

...... I think I'm going to sleep well tonight.

That's good.

Now me and Mize are a tripod. If one of us collapses, the other will have to stop.

Aren't you worried, Mr. Toate? Aren't you worried, Toate?

Suddenly, Mize asked.

As I look out the window at the moonlit night sky, I answer.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't worried, but ...... this isn't the first time I've experienced something like this. It's just that it's not as bad as the mise-en-scene.

"...... Not the first time, huh?

Mize mutters quietly.

I don't know much about ...... Twite, come to think of it.

I'm not sure if you've ever heard of it, but I'm sure you have.

If you don't mind, I'd like to know. If you don't mind me asking, how have you been living your life, Toate?

"Well, .......

I'm not going to tell you everything.

But Mize has some certainty about my circumstances.

I'm willing to talk about it if it's not too sensitive.

"I was what you call an abandoned child.

Mize gulped.

I was abandoned in an orphanage and then picked up by a soldier in the Kingdom of Terraria. ...... I was five years old at the time.

At that age, you joined the military ......?

I've been in the military a lot longer than that.

I smile at the saddened Mize.

I'm sure you'll be able to understand what I'm talking about. ...... In fact, when I was first thrown into battle, it was a fierce journey. I was still inexperienced at the time, but the enemy had no way of knowing that. I was hunted many times and almost killed many times.

......So you've had it tough too, Mr. Toate?

I don't know. I think in my case I was just desperate to survive.

When desperation becomes too much, the days become mundane.

Emotions wear out, and you don't even move an eyebrow at the death of others. That's why I felt no sense of accomplishment when I killed the Demon Lord.

Did you have any friends? Did you have any friends who could support you at that time, ......?

I'm sure there were some ...... friends, but more than half of them are already dead.

When I answered in a small voice, Mize moved from her bed to mine.

Then she hugged me with her slender body.


Do you hate licking each other's wounds?

A girl who had just lost her place in the world was trying to comfort me without healing her own wounds.

Then shouldn't I at least heal her wounds?

Good night.

"...... Oh, good night.

We slept slowly, feeling the warmth of each other's skin.

I've never had the feeling of missing someone's skin before, but now I think I finally understand what it feels like.

More than when I was sleeping in the school dormitory. More than when I was sleeping in the agency's dormitory. I felt safer than I have ever felt in my life.

But those times don't last forever.

"Mize, wake up.

I shook the girl sleeping in front of me to wake her up.

"...... To Eight, sir?

We're under attack.

I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not.

"The traps we set along the way have been activated. I'm sure there are enemies lurking nearby. ...... We'll be leaving the village soon.

As I got out of bed and began to change my clothes, Mize hurried to get ready as well.

There are several "explosion traps" around the village that have been activated. They were placed on narrow and steep paths that no animal or demon could pass. There was no way ordinary people could pass through that. Only those who wanted to hide themselves and get close to the village would take that path.

We still have a few hours before nightfall.

We must take advantage of the darkness and get as far away from here as possible.

We went downstairs, hiding our footsteps, left the key to our room on an empty counter, and left the village.

"Mr. Toate, the carriage is at .......

"There's no time. Let's get rid of it.

Even if we retrieve the wagon, we won't be able to make much progress in the dark.

Besides, if the enemy has come this far, they'll be on the lookout for a path that the wagon can take.


As we were running through the forest, Mize stumbled over an uneven surface.

I held her body as she was about to fall.

"Are you okay?

Yes, I am. I'm sorry. ......

I was actually going to spend the whole night resting.

The fatigue in my body is still there. In addition, I woke up in the middle of the night, so I guess I'm not feeling calm.

"Rest will come a little later. Right now I want to get as far away from that village as possible.

"...... Yes.

By now, people from the Bureau should have started investigating the village.

Mize is already breathing on his shoulder. But this is not the time to be concerned. He continued to move at a pace just fast enough to keep Mize from collapsing from exhaustion.

If we make it to the Republic of Carnaven, will we be safe?

"Will we be safe if we reach the Republic of Carnabyne?" Mize, her clothes and body stained with dirt, muttered in a faint voice.

To be honest, I don't know. The Republic is currently in hostile relations with the Kingdom of Arcadia. ...... Normally, when the royal family of an enemy country gets into your pocket, you would use it as a diplomatic card. Depending on how you do it, you could be ...... trapped for the rest of your life.

That's ......

That's just a hypothetical. When we flee to the Republic, we will conceal our origins as much as possible. We will not enter the Republic in the form of asylum.

The Republic has too strong a history with the Kingdom of Arcadia.

The Republic has too strong a history with the Kingdom of Arcadia. If we reveal our origins, there is a good chance they will protect us, but there is also a good chance we will be taken prisoner again. But that's not going to make things any better for Mize, who left the Kingdom of Arcadia in search of ...... freedom.

"If I want to run away ...... after I reach the Republic, will you follow me ......, Mr. Toate?


I'm not sure what to do, but I'm going to do it.

I'm sure you're not the only one.


When I answered immediately, Mize dropped his gaze and asked again.

"...... together until death?

That's a bit of a leap.

I replied while keeping an eye on my surroundings.

But if this is a journey that doesn't end until you die, then ...... I'll die with Mize.

I've never had a good life, and saving Mize is not an arrogant option for me.

But I can at least be determined not to betray her.

I continued on through the forest, aiming for my next resting place.

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