Shadow Hero's Everyday Life

76 42"The Worst Enemy"

"The men we sent to the port city have been killed.

A subordinate gave a short report.

Chris let out a sigh at the contents.

"Well, I knew it wouldn't be easy, but ......

Chris sighed, and glanced out the rear window.

It's peaceful outside. Few people know what's going on in King's Landing right now.

The fourth floor of the Royal Castle, the home of the Royal Defense Intelligence Agency. A room on the outskirts of the castle was Chris's property. The third and fourth floors of the castle are used by the Royal Army and the Royal Government, which governs the capital, but the castle is so huge that it is never crowded. In addition, due to the nature of the work, most of the activities of the bureau are kept secret, and therefore, people are kept away. On the fourth floor of the Royal Castle, there are several areas that can only be accessed by people affiliated with the Bureau.

The Agency is a part of the military, but only a few people know about its activities.

To other military personnel, the people in the bureau are "military people, sure, but they don't know what they're doing.

But the reality is that they are the heart of national defense.

Contrary to popular belief. The men and women of the Agency were now more agitated than ever.

"Captain. How are you going to take responsibility?

Chris's superior, a tall, thin man, asked in an angry voice.

...... I'm thinking about it right now.

This is not the time for that! I'm not sure what to make of it, but I'm sure it's worth it. Find 28 immediately, no matter what it takes!

Chris was well aware of this.

Chris knew that well enough, but he couldn't say anything back because it was the right thing to say.

"He used to be your protégé, after all! Not only did you take off its collar, but it also bit your hand, which is a terrible mistake! I'm not sure what to do.

"...... With all due respect, I think it's premature to kill 28. His ability is a miracle for the kingdom. There may be no one like him ever again.

"This is what happens when that gem turns into an enemy! Take immediate action!

After shouting, the man left the room.

The door slammed shut with a loud bang, and the subordinate beside Chris jumped up and down.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry I showed you my weird side.

"...... This is not the Captain's fault, sir. The Captain has pointed out many times that the surveillance of the 28 should be left to more capable soldiers. The Lieutenant Colonel should take the blame for ignoring that.

At least you have your men. It makes me feel a little better.

"The wounded soldier had a message from 28. They're not going to surrender unless we stop the assassination.

"Thank you, ....... That would have been a long sermon if the commander had heard it.

I guess he read the air and didn't dare to report it when the man - the lieutenant colonel - was there.

Chris listened to his subordinate's report again, thought for a while, and then opened his mouth.

"Have all the soldiers carry military magic tools. Also, double the number of people to be mobilized.

"Double? That's a lot of ......

Even doubling might not be enough.

Chris says as he sits back in his chair.

"Listen carefully. What we're fighting right now is the worst enemy we've ever faced.

A scream echoed through the deep forest.

A canopy of branches and leaves blocked the sunlight. Even though it was still evening, the forest was shrouded in darkness.


The sound of falling leaves being stomped on told me where the assassin was.

The sound of leaves being stepped on told me where the assassin was. I instantly got behind the enemy and cut the man's body with my Instantaneous Blade.

Oh, calm down! There's only one opponent! If you attack in numbers, one day you will--

The nine assassins had already been reduced to seven.

The man who seemed to be their leader shouted in an impatient voice.

Perhaps he had regained some of his composure. The assassins all sprinted towards me at once.

All of them are using their "toughness" as a matter of course. It's not easy to move so fast in this situation with poor footholds and visibility.

In a corner of my mind, I admire their skills.

If I had lived a few more years, I would have become a very good soldier.

-- "Magic Bullet".

I fire a magic bullet at the side of the head of the approaching assassin.

He lifts the body of the dead man up faster than he can fall to the ground and uses it as a shield.

The shield blocked the sword that came from the side.

For a moment, the assassin with the sword is upset. During that moment, he cuts off the assassin's head with his shield and takes the sword from his hand.

I took the sword and immediately threw it behind me.

The spearhead of the sword pierced through the neck of the woman who was trying to attack me with remote fire magic.

f*ck you!

f*ck you!

Immediately after, two people close in on me from both sides.

On the left, a man with a dagger. On the right, a woman with a long sword.

In her left hand, she materializes a dagger and pulls the man's dagger toward her. At the same time, he grabs the arm of the woman holding the sword with his right hand and pulls it toward him as well.

The woman's sword, slashing at him from the right, pierced the man's chest as he lunged at her from the left.


The woman who had skewered her companion let out a small cry.

I'll at least make it a mutual strike so that I won't be tormented by guilt. The man picks up the dagger he dropped and stabs the woman in the chest with it.

What the hell was that? ......

"No, that's ridiculous. ......?

I am not aware of how long this series of exchanges took.

A few dozen seconds. Or maybe a few seconds. The way I was taught to fight at the Agency was one of efficiency above all else. That's what I'm good at.

Twist the dagger in the woman's chest about ninety degrees.

He then swung the dagger backwards and threw the woman's body to the men behind her.

The "magic bullet" ripped through the air, mixing with the splattering blood. One of the assassins was pierced through the head and died.

Only one remains. He lurks in the shadow of the woman thrown up in the air and pierces the man's shoulder with his magic blade.


The last assassin screamed.

The wound is light. But he can't move. It's a good thing I'm not the only one.

"So, monster .......

He shoots a magic bullet at the man's forehead, which is stained with fear.

After confirming that I had defeated all the assassins, I returned to the carriage where Mize was waiting.

I'm back.

I open the top of the carriage and call out to Mize.

This carriage was seized from the assassins who attacked us in the port town.

"Mr. Twight. Are you hurt, ......?

No. It's all blood.

...... Oh, really?

Take off your black cloak and put it in a corner of the back of the truck. I'd like to wash it with water, but I don't have the luxury. I'll just have to be patient until I can find a place to settle down.

There's only a little food left.

Mize says in a quiet voice.

The assassins who had originally used this carriage had probably intended to resupply at the port city. There was only a minimal amount of food on the wagon when we captured it.

We'll have to restock somewhere.

The assassins we had just defeated were not using carriages.

The assassins we had just defeated were not using carriages, and we decided to head for the Republic. The forest we are in now is closer to the capital than the port city. This distance can be traveled on foot without using a carriage. That's why we have to prioritize movement over rest now. It's dangerous here.

We've been moving on an empty stomach for three hours.

As we carefully made our way through the rough terrain, we saw a small village.

"Mize, let's stop at that village.

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