Shadow Hero's Everyday Life

51 17"Camouflage"

On my way back from the guild.

After I left Elysia and the others, I was busy dealing with the bandits.

What the hell?

What the hell are you doing?

After defeating the two bandits with the Magic Bullet, I immediately started to deal with the rest of them.

At the very least, I needed to take care of any enemies that sensed my presence immediately.

Apparently, the bandits had hidden a large number of people in this castle town while we were taking the test at the guild.

These numbers are a pain in the ass. But we have to do it.

I put on a black cloak, hiding my face and body, and started to deal with the enemy as quickly as possible.

"d*mn it, I knew the guards--

I kill the man before he can even speak to me.

I wiped the blood from my dagger with the man's cloak.

...... will they know that you have an escort?

I'm sure they haven't figured out that I'm an escort yet, but they've figured out that Mize has an escort.

The bandits are probably in the process of trying to figure out who the guards are. This is the critical moment for me. I'll have to be more careful than ever.

After defeating the bandits lurking around the area, go into the alleyway, downsize your cloak and put it in your pocket.

I walked out to the street and headed for the dormitory.

...... Oops.

I walked through the castle town for a while.

I felt a strange sensation from the sights and sounds I saw and heard, but I soon realized what it was.

I was being pursued by someone in the midst of the crowd.

Apparently, one of my enemies suspected that I was an escort.

--Good guess.

I don't mean to be too rude, but ...... maybe someone remembered my repeated contact with Mize a few days ago to investigate her life cycle.

I thought I had defeated all the bandits that were hiding around.

So it's probably one of the reinforcements that's tracking me. He may have come to the scene because he was suspicious that he had lost contact with his friends. They may have found me on the way and started tracking me.

After this, I'm going to stay near the girls' dormitory and keep an eye on Mize to see if she goes out.

But I can't act as a bodyguard when the enemy is watching. I need to get them off my guard somehow.

I could take out the tracker here and now, but it won't do any good if there are more reinforcements coming.

The fundamental solution is to convince ...... the enemy that I'm not an escort.

"Hey, general.

As I was pondering what to do, I suddenly heard a voice from behind me.

When I turned around, there were three boys from the heroic department that I had just met at the guild. I'm sure Zeke was with them a while ago, but he's not here now.

--Just as well.

The idea came to me when I saw them smiling provocatively at me.

This is just a coincidence. Let's use them for our advantage.

You cheating bastard. How did you pass the exam?

The heroic student was plainly angry.

"What proof do you have that I cheated?

"Pull it out. You can't even use D-rank magic, so how can you have B-rank magic without cheating?

It was a claim that could not be said to be out of line.

It is true that this may be true in the common sense of the world. Gran, Mize, and Elysia knew about my magic bullets, so they must have conveniently interpreted my magic power as well. But the people in front of me were students who knew nothing about me.

A simple apology might have been enough.

But I'm not going to do that.

It's not nice.


That's what the guildmaster said. As the guildmaster said, don't be so hard on people just because you didn't pass.

With that, the man went into a rage.

"What the hell--!

Magic power densifies in the man's palm.

You'll be able to find a lot more information on this subject in this article.

It's a remote fire magic, the Wind Cannon.

I'm not sure why you would use a rifle at this point in time, but ...... I'll take it with all my might without evading it.

I'm sure you'll agree.

It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.

I'm not sure what to do, but I'm sure I'll be able to do it.

"You! Don't get carried away! Don't get carried away!

Before I could regain my position, the man gave chase.

I guess he's not calm. The wind bombardment was not as powerful as it should have been, and it was very unstable, but there was no way I could withstand such a series of shots at close range. As I listened to the screams of the passersby, I felt my consciousness slowly fading away.

"Hey! That's too much! You're attracting too many people!

The cronies beside him stopped the man from firing his magic endlessly.

The man who had stopped attacking breathed on his shoulder and smiled lowly.

Remember that. This is what happens when you get carried away as a normal student.

After looking down at me as I collapsed, the three heroes turned on their heels and disappeared.

I slowly stand up and pat the dirt off my clothes as passersby shout in concern.

Well, I guess that's it.

I headed for the dormitory, frowning at the pain I felt as I walked.


In the middle of the crowd, there was a man who was carefully observing the fight between the two boys.

After watching the end of the fight, the man went into a nearby alleyway, avoiding the eyes of the people around him.

After confirming that there was no sign of people in the area, the man took out a piece of "communication paper" from his pocket.

Passing the magic power through the paper, the man contacts his friends.

It's not an escort. It's too powerful.

"Well, then pull it up. I don't have time to deal with small fry.

"There were two other potential guards. What about them?

They've got alibis. They're both out.

d*mn. We're back to square one.

The man clicks his tongue.

He's getting frustrated because things aren't going his way.

"Switch it up. Tomorrow we're going to make a big move.

Yeah, I know .......

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