Shadow Hero's Everyday Life

50 16. "The Royal Capital Is Completely Peaceful"

On the way back from the Adventurer's Guild, the four of us headed straight back to the dormitory.

After some discussion, we decided to make our first memorable request tomorrow. Fortunately, tomorrow is a holiday. We will gather at the guild in the afternoon and complete the request while it is still light outside.

You should regain your energy today for tomorrow.

I'm tempted to celebrate getting my adventurer's license, but I'll save that for tomorrow.

--You've convinced me quite easily, haven't you?

As I walk, I remember the test I just took.

In the basic combat test, I did something foul by defeating a golem in an instant, under the watchful eye of my master. The master probably didn't know what I did, but he still gave me a pass and didn't ask unnecessary questions.

Was this an act of mercy? Or do you think this kind of foul behavior is part of your ability? Either way, it's lucky for me.

While I was feeling grateful for Master's concern, I sensed a disturbing presence.

I suddenly stopped, and Gran and the three of them turned to me curiously.

"What's up, Twight?

...... Sorry. We just remembered a few things.

After a brief refusal, I left them.

What's up?

The three of us, Elysia, Gran, and Mize, were stunned for a while as Toate went off on his own, saying only that he had a sudden errand to run.

After a while, the three of them headed back to the dormitory, having lost the thread of their conversation.

"Mr. Toate is a mysterious person, isn't he?

Mize said in a quiet voice.

"It's not strange, it's suspicious, you know.

"Well, he's not normal. He knows a lot of strange things and leaves out a lot of strange things. ......

Elysia and Gran agreed with Mize's words.

I talked to Toate a while ago about family.

As they walked, Gran told them.

I told him about my family a while back," Gran told them as they walked. "I told him about my family, but ...... he told me about the people who took the place of my parents and the people who took the place of my sister. ...... both of them were substitute(...).

I'm not sure if anyone with parents would create a parent substitute.

I'm not sure I'm going to be able to do that.

It's hard to tell if it's a good idea to go into something like that.

That's true. But in his case, there are too many things you can't know until you step in.

Although Toate doesn't realize it, Elysia, Mize and Gran have always felt uncomfortable with Toate's sometimes inexplicable behavior. And each time, they wondered if it was okay to pry into it.

It's okay if you don't understand something,

Elysia said.

At least I don't think Twight is hiding things to keep us apart. Then we should be more relaxed about it. If she wants to tell us a secret, we can listen to her. If she wants to keep it from us until the end, it won't cause a rift between us.

Even if he doesn't tell us anything, we both know how he feels about us, don't we?

Mize and Gran nodded slowly at Elysia's words.

Although it had only been two months since they had met, they each understood that Toate was trying to deepen their friendship. As Elysia said, as long as that fact was there, the rest might not matter.


Mize smiled.

"What, Mize?

I'm not sure what to say, but I'm going to say it.


I'm sure you'll be happy to hear that.

This was due to embarrassment and impatience.

As a matter of fact, Elysia knew more about Toate than anyone else in the room.

Elysia would never forget the last month's incident, the revenge against Roberto.

Elysia's words earlier were also based on the fact that she somehow understood Toate's situation.

It's a kind of heart-to-heart communication. I'm hot.

I told you that Twite and I don't have that kind of relationship!

When you've been together for two months, your first impressions of each other are updated.

I'm not sure if it's a good thing or not.

"By the way. I'm sure you'll be happy to hear that.

Suddenly, Gran tells me.

If you listen carefully, you can hear an unfamiliar sound coming from behind you. Sometimes you can hear ear-splitting metallic sounds, and other times you can hear explosions echoing in the pit of your stomach.

You're right, I can hear it.

Is there construction going on?

I can hear the sound of metal clashing.

I could hear the occasional scream mixed in with the sound.

"Hey, didn't you just hear a scream?

...... Are they having a fight? The security of the capital has fallen.

Elysia muttered with a sigh.

But it's still a lot better than it was during the Great War,.......

I'm not sure what to make of that.

At the time of the Great War, every city was in shambles. Because of the shortage of manpower, the knights and guards who were originally entrusted with maintaining public order were deployed, and as a result, the crime rate in the city increased.

Even if security did not decline, the city was filled with the endless sound of mourning for family and friends who had died in battle.

The three of them had experienced that heavy, painful atmosphere.

Compared to that, it's much better now.

"Yeah. When I think about that time, I don't mind a little quarrel.

Yeah. I think it's healthier this way.

Gran says as he looks out at the city.

Even though it was almost sunset, the castle town was bustling with activity. It's only been half a year since the end of the war, but people's lives are becoming more and more prosperous.

It's peaceful.


It's peaceful.

The three of them return to the dormitory with light footsteps.

They walked back to the dormitory, unaware that there was only one person who was not enjoying the peace.

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