Shadow Hero's Everyday Life

11 11 stories "Heroes and Ordinary Studies"

A week has already passed in the school life.

Today, the students of the first year of high school, class D, were gathered in a large room called the exercise room.

In today's magic practice, you'll be doing target shooting to practice your remote shooting style.

"Today, you will be doing target shooting to practice the remote firing method," said Professor Sylphia, the magic instructor.

A circular target was clearly drawn on the wall of the training area. It seems to be a training to hit the target with remote fire magic.

Students are free to use their wands as they see fit. Of course, you can use your bare hands, but if it doesn't work, I recommend that you try using your wand.

The teacher explained.

At that moment, one of my classmates raised his hand and spoke up.

One of my classmates raised his hand and said, "Sir, I'm better at melee combat. "Sir, I'm better at melee combat, do I have to learn marksmanship too?

"Not necessarily, sir. I'm better at melee combat. It can be used as a check against distance and as a backup for your friends. It's a good skill to learn, and I recommend you learn it while you can.

It was a very sensible explanation. The students who raised their hands nodded their heads in understanding.

Then another student raised her hand. It was a girl from the regular course.

She said, "Oh, um... What's the point of practicing magic for fighting even if you're a normal student?

This was a question that was probably being asked by the other students of the normal course.

Nearly half of the classmates were waiting for Professor Sylphia to answer.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I must have misled you a little. This target practice is not only for you to learn remote fire magic, but also for you to learn the correct control of magic. Target practice is a good way to test your magic control skills. For example--

Ms. Sylphia moved her mouth and took off the silver bracelet around her wrist.

Her fingertips glowed faintly. The bracelet instantly changed its shape and became an elaborate bird figurine.

The girl who had asked the question earlier marveled at the beauty of .......

This is a magic called Alchemy. For convenience, it is classified as a close combat type, but if anything, it is preferred by production workers rather than knights and adventurers. It is also a spell that is very useful in people's lives. And to learn this magic...

Putting the bird model back into the bracelet, Dr. Sylphia looked at the target.

From her outstretched palms, five "waterballs" were simultaneously released.

All of the water balls hit the center of the target.

At the very least, you have to be able to hit the target with this much accuracy.

The students applauded. Ms. Sylphia bowed her head, looking a little embarrassed.

She is very skilled. I wonder if she is the magic master of the ...... heroes.

The fourth generation of heroes, Theon Bale, has masters in both sword and magic. The sword master is probably Professor Farnese. The master of magic may be Professor Sylphia.

Then let's start the target shooting. There are targets of all sizes, so use the one you like. Be careful not to run out of magic power.

After explaining this, Dr. Sylphia added as if she remembered.

And the magic you use in ...... should be of D rank or higher. Of course, if you can do it, you can use C-rank or B-rank magic.

Magic is divided into E and S ranks according to the difficulty of learning it.

D rank is a spell that can be used by anyone with training.

The students here are all fifteen or sixteen years old. At that age, they usually know a few D-rank spells. Since it was their first practice, Professor Sylphia probably didn't intend to give them difficult instructions. But...

"Professor Sylphia.

As the students began to guess the target, I approached the teacher and called out to her.

You can't use the Bullet, can you?

Yes. ...... "Bullet" is the easiest of the remote-firing spells, E rank. In this class, let's practice a higher level of magic.

...... I understand.

If that's what this class is about, then so be it. I nodded and turned on my heel.

Rank E is a spell that even a beginner can learn in a few days. This is the kind of magic that a six or seven year old child - a child who has just entered the primary school - would learn first.


This may stand out in a bad way.

As I was caught up in my negative thoughts, I heard the students talking.

They were looking at Elysia with respect as she worked on her target guessing.

"Wow, ...... Elysia, you're good at ranged magic too?

I'm sure you'll be able to understand why. I'm not sure what to make of it.

It's no wonder you're considered the strongest freshman. It's true that you beat the teacher in the entrance exam, right?

It's true. Because I was there. It is rumored that there are not many people in the Kingsguard who can compete with that sword instructor, Farnese Sensei, with a sword.

Apparently, Elysia has already become quite a celebrity in the school.

While listening to these rumors, I stood in front of the target.

I take aim and unleash the D rank magic "Fireball".

However, its shape was so unstable that it disappeared before it could touch the target.


I'm not sure if it's a good idea, but it's a good idea.

"Hey, did you see that? I'm not sure what to do.

You can't even use D rank magic?

That's why they're called normal schools.

They say what they want, but ...... can't help it. This is my lack of ability.

As I told Elysia before, I'm not trying to pretend that I can't do something that I can do. It's just that I really can't use the "fireball".

It wasn't a matter of controlling magic or anything like that.

I've simply never used a fireball before. It was a spell that I had learned about, but I had probably used it only once or twice. This is mainly a failure due to lack of practice.

Personnel evaluations at the agency were based on the success rate of the work. As a secretive organization, there was no need to worry about appearances. Therefore, as soldiers, we were required to work efficiently, rather than with appearance and splendor.

In other words, the necessary magic was thoroughly drilled into us, while the unnecessary magic was not taught at all.

For this reason, not only me, but also the soldiers of the Agency have two types of magic: magic that they can use extremely well and magic that they cannot use extremely well. The ratio of the latter is overwhelmingly greater than the former.

"Stand down, general class.

A student comes from behind and suddenly pushes you away.

It was Zeke, a boy from the Heroic Department. He's the one who told me not to get carried away a few days ago.

"Hey, that's not right.

Zeke forced his way into the line, and Gran, who happened to be standing beside him, said.

"Two-eight is still practicing.

What? It's a waste of time, no matter how much the regulars practice.


What?" Zeke's haughty attitude was met with anger from Gran.

Mr. Sylphia is instructing the other students in the distance. He doesn't seem to be aware of the noise.

I quickly grabbed Gran by the shoulders.

"Gran, stop. I'm fine.


"It's true that I'm not good enough.

He then dropped his gaze, his teeth chattering, and moved away from Zeke.

It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.

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