Shadow Hero's Everyday Life

10 10 stories "Everyday life and just friends"

The first memorable lecture was intended to confirm the students' understanding of the current situation.

The teacher standing at the podium, Mr. Sylphia, wrote carefully on the blackboard as he explained.

Six months ago, the Fourth War of Heroes and Demons came to an end when the fourth hero, Zion Vale, defeated the Demon King. However, the threat created by the Demon Lord still remains in this world. Demons, labyrinths, and demons ...... that continue to harm people even after the Demon Lord's death are called the Demon Lord's legacy.

Demons, labyrinths and demons. That is, the Demon Lord's legacy. As long as this exists, there will never be complete peace in the world.

But in reality, it was difficult to completely eliminate the Demon Lord's legacy. In particular, there are many demons and labyrinths, and although it is possible to deal with them to some extent, maintaining the status quo will eventually become the best we can do. In fact, there were still demons and labyrinths created in the Third War of Heroes and Demons.

The defeat of the Demon Lord has weakened them, but they are still a problem that must be dealt with. Last month, in the eastern end of the Kingdom of Terraria, a large scale labyrinth invasion was conducted mainly by adventurers.

Would someone please explain about adventurers?


A silver-haired girl in a black uniform raised her hand.

I think it was the student who said she wanted to be an adventurer when she introduced herself the other day.

So, Mize. Please.

An adventurer is a person who belongs to an adventurer's guild and is able to accept requests from the guild. The name "adventurer" originates from the fact that after the First War of Heroes and Demons ended, many people explored the Demon Lord's dominions and labyrinths in order to get rich, and called them adventurers. Today's adventurers are more like jack-of-all-trades, but because of past conventions, people expect adventurers to deal with the Demon Lord's legacy, such as defeating demons.

"That's a very good explanation. Thank you very much. As you said, adventurers are willing to do anything from cleaning gardens to walking pets, depending on the conditions, but most of their requests are related to the demon lord's legacy, such as killing demons. In addition, in times of need, they can be counted as a fighting force on par with knights, and in fact, during the Fourth War of Heroes and Demons, many adventurers went into battle at the request of the government.

Professor Sylphia explains.

It is probably intentional that the explanation is separated there. What is important here is that adventurers can be considered as powerful as knights, but they cannot replace them. Adventurers are like mercenaries who will do anything for a reward. Therefore, even if they can be useful, they are not to be trusted. No matter what the situation, it is an ironclad rule that knights, not adventurers, should be entrusted with the task of maintaining the city's security and internal defenses. The knight, at least in appearance (・・・・・・・・・), works with loyalty, not money.

I'm not sure what to make of that.

The blond boy in the center of the classroom raised his hand in response to Ms. Sylphia's words.

He was wearing a white uniform, which indicated that he was a member of the hero department. The boy had a confident look on his face.

"Mr. Zeke. Come in.

"Yes. This is the fourth generation of heroes, Theon Bale, the monk (healer) Sophia Terraria, the mage Witch Dolowell, and the warrior Alan Byrne. They are currently traveling around the country to commemorate the victory and to greet those with whom they had relations during the war.

That's right. So, besides the party of heroes, can you explain the people who contributed to the defeat of the Demon King?

"The armies and knights of each country. In addition to the Royal Army, the Royal Family's Kingsguard Knights and the Dukes of Tergande's Phosphorus Knights were the first to support the heroic party.

So, do you know about the knight orders of other countries?

What do you mean by "other countries"? It's that .......

I'm not sure what to say.

The number of knightly orders that have been active in the Great War is enormous. In the case of the Kingdom of Terraria, as Zeke said, the Knights of the Kingsguard and the Knights of the Right Phosphorus have made notable achievements.

In the case of the Kingdom of Terraria, the Knights of the Kingsguard and the Knights of the True Phosphorus stood out, as Sieg said. I vaguely recall the scene on the battlefield.

"So, Mr. Twight. I'd like you to continue with Zeke.

I was surprised to hear my name called suddenly.

It seems that he judged that I was not concentrating on the class because I was thinking. In reality, however, I was thinking in accordance with the content of the class, so I rattled off the names of the knights I had in mind.

The Order of the Shiro Silver, the Order of the Red Jade, and the Order of the Blue Jade of the Kingdom of Holy Arcadia. The Stanley Empire's Knights of Light. In the event you have any questions regarding where and how to use the site, please feel free to contact me.

I'm not sure if he thought he couldn't answer, but he rolled his eyes for a moment, but then quickly smiled.

"That's correct. You've learned a lot about the Order of the Dragon Hunter. As you probably know, there were some demons who rebelled against the will of the Demon Lord and joined hands with humans. The nation they formed is called the Demon Nation, and it is on friendly terms with our human nation. They cooperated with the heroic party during the great war and contributed to the defeat of the Demon Lord.

Dr. Sylphia explained.

I knew the Knights of the Dragon Hunt well, as we had crossed paths once. That was a fierce battle. It was a fierce battle. Since it was a knightly order of the demon nation, its leader was naturally a demon, but he might have been stronger than the demon who guarded the heart of the demon king.


At that moment, Zeke, the boy from the heroic department who spoke up before, glared at me and clicked his tongue.

It seems that Mr. Sylphia did not hear the tongue lashing, and the class continued without a hitch.

In the event that you have any questions regarding where and the best way to use the site, please contact us. This is why many people were saddened when the Knight Commander, Gallia-Espeland, was killed during the war. We must pass on his achievements to the next generation.

Ms. Sylphia said, lowering her eyes.

Then the chime sounded, signaling the end of the class.

That's all for the first period. Thank you for your hard work.

Mr. Sylphias wraps up the class.

The classmates began to relax and chit-chat as the recess started.


With a small stretch, a blond haired boy in a white uniform approached me.

It's Zeke. There are three boys from the heroic department around him.

"Don't get carried away, normal student.

Zeke says.

Apparently, he didn't like something I said in class earlier. Strictly speaking, he's upset because I was the one who had to clean up Zeke's mess.

"You normal students are just dropouts who couldn't become heroes. Just because you're in the same classroom doesn't mean you're equal.

Zeke smiles condescendingly at you. The three boys standing around him were laughing with the same expression.

I remembered what Chris had told me the day I decided to attend Builders Academy. She had predicted that there would probably be a sense of discrimination between the Heroic and Normal classes. Apparently, her prediction came true.

At that moment, Elysia happened to cross the street beside Zeke.

"Don't you think so, Elysia? 

Zeke's question was answered by Elysia after a brief pause for thought.

I think you might be right.

In the event you're not sure what you're looking for, there are a number of things you can do.

They silently exchanged glances with Elysia.

Elysia awkwardly averted her gaze.

...... What? You don't know what your stance is, so you didn't know what to say.

...... So that's it. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bother you.

It's nothing to worry about.

Elysia says with a sigh.

"So, are you trying to hide your abilities?

No, I'm not. I don't want to expose myself more than I have to, but I'm not going to say I can't do something that I ...... can.

Well, you're right. If you want to hide your abilities, you wouldn't have beaten the teacher in the entrance exam. I'm not going to tell you what you can do, but I'm going to tell you what you can't do. ...... I should have made it clear to you earlier that Twite is stronger than you.

...... "I don't want to be a bad influence.

He chuckles and says.

"Twight. Would you like to be my training partner?


I asked back.

"Training for what?

"To get stronger, of course.

What do you need to get stronger for?

That's ...... a lot of things. In this world, there's nothing better than being strong, right? If you have the necessary strength, you can easily deal with the legacy of the demon king that we were talking about in class, even as students. It is said that the stronger the adventurer, the better.

...... I think strength for fighting is only useful in limited situations.

I still want to be strong. I want to be strong. ...... That's what I came to the school for.

I'm not sure what to make of this. It's no exaggeration to say that she's obsessed with it.

I still don't know Elysia very well. I'm sure I'll get to know her at least a little better when I get to be her training partner. The question is, how will ...... that affect the "normal life" I'm seeking?

It probably won't be a good influence on .......

The reason is that Elysia's situation itself is probably not 'normal'.

"Sorry, no thanks.

"No. ...... Okay. I'm afraid I have to give up.

You're giving up a lot more easily than I thought.

I kind of expected it from the way you acted yesterday. Besides, I'm not so childish as to impose my values on others.

Although her words were simple, Elysia had an obvious depressed expression on her face. It seems that Elysia is quite impressed with my skills, even though I only showed off a few of my abilities during the exam. I don't regret turning down the opportunity to train with her, but it makes me feel a little uncomfortable.

"Can't we just be friends?

I asked Elysia.

I can't be a training partner, but I think I can be a normal friend. I think we can be normal friends, but not training partners. It's not a loss or a gain for Elicia, just friends.

Elysia's mouth dropped open and she was dumbfounded.

But then she let out a small smile.

...... I see. So, I'll ask you.

They both reached out and shook hands.

After releasing her hand, Elysia apologized in a small voice, "I'm sorry.

I guess I was a little impatient. I guess I was a little hasty. We've only just started our school life.

I don't know about your situation, but it's not like you need to be strong by tomorrow, is it? You can't trust the skills you acquire overnight anyway, when the time comes. Don't be hasty.

Thank you. I'll keep that advice in mind.

Elysia says.

Hey. Hey, they're still milking each other, aren't they?

Just then, a large man called out from the side.

"Gran, you're here.

"I'm on my way. Elysia-san. I'd like to be your friend, if you don't mind. ......

Yeah. Nice to meet you.

He smiled at Elysia, and Gran was completely taken aback.

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