

What was released from the silver gun was a blue bullet - a bullet made of magic.

When he pulled the trigger, he jumped his father's magic shield over his seventh generation of skills [warp] and pierced his armor. A slightly lower wind hole was drilled around the pigeon tail.

A flirty father heard Sabel hit the ground on a battlefield that quieted down when he let go of Sabel. Still fighting in the distance, but gradually quieter.

When my father fell slowly on his back, he touched his body with his left hand to check for blood...

"... well, I lost to you with my father, Lyell"

That's what my father said as he looked at me. I don't know how you're looking at me. Maybe he's layering his seventh generation with me with a gun.

So when I returned the gun to the treasure ball, I put the pistol in my left hand in the back holster, and I walked towards my father holding the treasure ball.


"Ma, Master Meisel!

Bail Landberg was in a panic. The surrounding information gathers through the Valkyries. Skills were used, so the surrounding terrain and the placement of enemy allies were also displayed in my head.

The Valkyries are telling me on the battlefield that I won, and what we won is spreading. But knights and soldiers like the excited Bailes moved out.

"Get out of here!

I've been trying to get close to this one with a quick move as to whether Bail used his skills. Aria was using her skills to stop it.

"Don't interrupt, I'm telling you!

Miranda doesn't shut up when her skills become available.

"Now you can be serious... see, if you don't back off, you're gonna die!

Take the wire out of your fingers on both hands and tie it up and cut it off. By the time the battlefield became noisy again, I was getting under my father.

I leaned back and saw my father's face holding down a hole in his body with his hand. It was more black than saying blood was lost in large quantities and blue. His face was dirty with the dirt smoke on the battlefield, and he seemed spicy to move.

He just looked refreshed.

"... I wonder why. I feel liberated now."


"Lyell... how old are you?"

"It will be seventeen this year"

It was around spring that I left the house. When I think of Sole, it's been almost two years since I've been out there. Things have happened. It's like it took a long time, and then it wasn't long...

"... well. Seventeen. If I don't let you go through the first line... wait, did I buy you a horse? I need to get some weapons... soon, I need to make them... and arrange for my daughter-in-law... no, was my fiancée Nowem? I can't remember much."

Are your memories cloudy or have you forgotten what happened before... my father saw me as his son. I almost burst into tears. Just look at the blood on your left hand when you reach for me.

"... isn't it a dream? Well, did I lose?"

Turning to my bloody father, I nodded. And I grabbed the stretched right hand with both hands.

"... I'm sorry, Father. No more help but this! I'm sorry I can't do this."

And my father closed his eyes when he was ready to breathe. Just a little, I was laughing.

"Say what. With all this trouble, you're still the one who calls me my father. I was the one who couldn't do it. But I can't seem to do it anymore. I can't move my body. I want to apologize. I want to tell you something..."

My father who spits blood, and the dry soil on the ground sucks my father's blood. Coughing, and when I gripped my father's right hand hard, the treasure balls glowed.

"There's something I want to tell you. But now there's something to do... La, Lyell... or raise your wings. You beat me. Stab me in the face. And... stop Ceres. That's my daughter, too. of the Walt family...... kohoo!

I snorted at my father for spitting blood and not being able to speak. And say it.

"Rest assured. I'll make sure to stop and show it to you. So..."

I didn't know what to say. But my father was laughing.

"Oh... I'm sorry. Let's go ahead and get scolded by my father. You should come slowly later. Ceres... scold me if I come to this side..."

When my father took a breath as he was, he stopped moving. When I stood up, I grabbed the treasure ball.

"Meisel Walt is... this Lyell Walt has taken over! Cease combat immediately and surrender!

And the treasure balls emit a blue light. The third generation in the treasure ball.

"Is this - anti-skill? No, I'm not. '

As the grain of blue light poured down on the battlefield, the enemy soldiers who touched it suddenly collapsed. Bail, who was fighting Aria, also stands on the spot with his eyes open. He was looking at me with a weapon.

"... Dear Lyell"

- Left wing.

It was Nowem of the same Foxz family that was stopping the troublesome Foxz family. He had a cane, and when it was shaped like a sickle, he was facing his father and brother.

I was dealing with both names who came aboard, but I was looking up at the falling grain of blue light. Nowem grabbed the blue light as if it were snow, touching it with his right hand.

"... Dear Lyell, it will be hard for you"

Nowem groaning sadly.

The Valkyries, who were beside Nowem, will report the current situation to Nowem.

"Mr. Nowem, the enemy will be powerless. When this light is related...... And those who start surrendering have begun to come out. Most of them just don't understand what's going on."

Nowem looking up at the sky.

That was the same with my father Gerard, who was facing me with a weapon in his hand, and my brother Elbert. Gerard says.

"... Has Master Meisel passed away"


Gerard took off his helmet and put a sword blade on his neck muscle as it was.

"That's good enough. I have served my predecessors and Master Meisel. The current principals take responsibility. That's all. You surrender and follow Lord Lyell's instructions. Whether you're executing me or joining my subordination, move as a Foxz."

Elbert was nodding as he leaned down. And then he sheaths his sword and throws it at Nowem and leans over.

"Nowem...... surrender"

Nowem did not turn his kindness toward Lyell, toward his family. When I take my brother's sword with my right hand, I just nod. And look at my father.

"My brother, I'll leave the matter to Master Lyell. Is there anything else I can tell you?

Then Gerard, my father, was laughing. I'm not afraid to die from this, there seems to have been something more to think of my daughter than that.

"Ahahahaha, Nowem...... you are really honest. My family dies. Be a little sad. Lord Lyell would be offended."

Said Nowem.

"I will, when I'm on Lord Lyell's side."

And Gerard slashed his own neck muscle and let the blood erupt. And finally...

"Either way... now the role of the Foxz family..."

Near the main formation's tent.

He got on Porter's carrier, which was stopping there, and watched the soldiers surrender. Everyone had an incredible look on their face.

As I lower the treasure ball around my neck, I take confirmation to the third generation.

"I wonder what happened. I thought we were going to fight like that, but all of a sudden there was light from the treasure balls... and there was light pouring down on the battlefield."

Remembering the sight I had earlier, I stumbled into a third generation. There's nobody around me right now. No, it wasn't close.

He's distracting me and escorting me a little further away.

Sapphire for me, too, huh? Well, maybe this is a treasure ball force, too. Anyway, it was the powerful septem that made this blue treasure ball. It's more than Agrissa. If you can do this, sooner, is that a luxury?... It just might be the effect of your skills, Meisel. I can't be sure. Damn, I wish Mireia was here at times like this'

The third generation is answering me as I joke, but I felt concerned. I'm crying and trying not to show everyone my swollen eyes, and I can't help laughing.

"That's true."

'Lyell, I know you want to cry, but I'm just a little more patient. I'm sorry, but that's where Lyell stands right now. Just make time for it later. Then again, as always.' Cause I'm sure I'll be busier from now on. '

From the treasure balls that used to be heard so much as May, now only the third generation can be heard. I had myself thinking I would miss that.

"... the third generation, was my father last freed from Ceres?

'Right. I think he was freed. Nevertheless, I didn't know that the means to free the fascinated was to kill... and that you, Meisel, had some influence on the treasure ball. Thanks to you, I got the means to free the fascinated people. That's boring.'

If it's true, I wanted to get my father in my hand before I put him in this hand.

"... what should I do to my mother"

'I think freeing them will punish them. It depends on Lyell, but I guess it's tough considering the future. Absolutely seek heavy punishment around. If you make it sweet, I think Lyell is sweet. Well, you shouldn't torture me the other way around. You're going to think you're going to do that to your family.'

"That's hard."

'Right. It's hard. It's really hard to balance in the world. Well, that's the thing, so Lyle needs to learn how to balance Lyle. Honestly, from now on, it's an unknown world to me. At last, there's absolutely no right answer.'

I wanted to make time for a while and sort my mind out.

Maybe it would have been easier if this was someone I hate. But in the memory of the seventh generation, I was truly loved. I could have known that. I could... that made me unnecessarily sad.

Then the third generation says:

'You can count on women at times like this. Women can be stronger at times like this, and most importantly, there's a lot of them around Lyell.'

In the third generation I say it with my usual light nori, I also said it back.

"I have too many drinks, and whoever I rely on, I get horns. Damn, whose fault is this?"

"Oh, now you're telling me."

The third generation laughed. He laughed and was comforting me in the third generation.

- Baldoor was coming under the captive bail.

Unlike the soldiers who were taken up of weapons and gathered in one place, Bayle is in a responsible position. When Baldoor turned up, there was only one.

He was in a prepared iron lattice, sitting in the right position.

"... are you here? Thank you, Baldoor."

"Uncle. I think Master Lyell will be here soon. Tell me everything then."

Bail has a tired look, but his eyes were serious.

"I can't say I don't have a face to meet now, etc. But promise me some things."

"... to the best of my ability"

Bail smiled a little when he saw Baldoor, his nephew.

"I take responsibility. If you don't, you'll pull Master Lyell's leg. Execution is most desirable. However, I ask others for generous punishment. And... as a Landberg man, you will serve Lord Lyell in the future. My brother sent you under Master Lyell with that intent, didn't he?

Baldoor nodded as he looked at his uncle, Bail.

"... Yes. We've brought close to 300 soldiers from my parents' house."

Bail laughed.

"The boulder is on my brother. You're not like me. Yes... very different from me."

Baldoor leaned down in regret at Bail.

"Uncle, what was going on at the Walt family mansion? You treated Master Lyell cold and didn't think it was unnatural?

Bail answered as it were.

"... it's just an excuse, but I thought that was right. No, I was moving as they told me. I didn't even question it. Master Ceres said the Walt family deserved it... now that I think about it, I can't explain to myself why I tried to take Master Ceres as my master. In fact, I was expecting Master Lyell, too. There were a lot of them. Really...... I was hoping"

Baldoor also sees the captivated Bansaim dead soldier of Ceres. And I had no means to help even if my own body was free from such Celes and he was talking to me like this. Somehow, the world doesn't believe such a story.

"Uncle, change your name to Lord Lyell as a knight."

"I have a will, too. Besides, Miser-sama's offerings should be plentiful. The owner of the Foxz family also harmed himself. If you take responsibility, I'll follow you."

Looks like we're ready, Baldoor couldn't convince us any more -.

- In the treasure balls, between the round tables.

There were just two seats there and a door behind them. The seats for eight have been lost and now there are silver weapons floating in the place.

"The Great Sword of the First Generation - The Bow of the Second Generation - The Dagger of the Fourth Generation - The Snake Belly Sword of the Fifth Generation - The Halvard of the Sixth Generation - and the Gun of the Seventh Generation,? Wouldn't it be inferior if it was my sword?

Mumbling such a soliloquy didn't give me a response now. I think the third generation.

(That's ironic. I can't believe I'm the only war victim in the Walt family left until the end of the day. It would have been easier if it had disappeared sooner)

It just made sense to each of us. Now, that's what the third generation looks like. The first generation made a difference in Lyell's mind. The second generation strengthened Lyell's heart. The sixth generation teaches Lyell how to behave on the battlefield, abdominal arts, etc., and the fourth generation mainly has internal affairs - the fifth generation, think to Lyell. And the seventh generation gave the fact that Lyell was loved.

'Something I can leave behind is really only as skillful... totally annoying to expect around at will'

Since the second generation disappeared. Within the treasure balls, we also discussed who would stay at the end. Ultimately, however, it was considered a third or seventh generation in terms of skill difficulty.

"I have little more to teach. Can I just give you my skills right away and finish?

No one responds, even if you make the usual jokes.

There was just a silver weapon floating between the round tables.

'... I guess you can't think that I want to see it through to the end. But they left me with the last one, and I hope I can leave something behind.'

Instead of the usual floating attitude, the third generation was spilling its true meaning.

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