
Father and Son

Gunshots and artillery sounded on the battlefield.

It was a measure to divide the enemy, the best I could do with a gun that restricted the use of my skills and lacked power.

"Enemy split. Horse confusion caused by gunshots... so much so that you might be right to keep it warm for this time. Well, with these, we could've stopped our opponents in more defense."

General Blower, who was nearby, shrugged his shoulders as he said so. But it's not without flaws. Do something...

"Rejected. There are limits to maintenance costs and securing ammunition, even if you get funding from Baim and hold large quantities of craftsmen. I mean... if I couldn't get the baim, it would be a means I would never have used. Because it's limitless, it's the best place to use it."

Even ammunition is made one by one by the craftsmen, and even if they have money, they don't have all the numbers. My father didn't pick a gun, not considering the battlefield. But as a lord, it was also a reasonable choice from the point of view of internal affairs.

Before the disjointed and confused pursuit force, I gently slapped May's neck next door. I'm carrying a horse in Kirin's figure, and it's a situation where I can always get out.

Looking back, troops of allies who deliberately retreated and restructured refrained. He showed his enemies he was retreating, lowering them to where they would compete.

Normally you would suspect, but the opponents are the ones who honor the strongest. We were used to winning and our opponents running away.

... I have to be careful too.

"Come on, get ready for the assault. No matter what you think of the power, this is the top one. While we're splitting up - I'll have Meisel Walt's neck!

When I pulled out the katana and put it up, my surroundings raised their voice and responded to me. On Mae's back, I lead the troops into preparation for the assault.

While General Blower gave a troubled look.

"I don't want the general to be on the front line. I think I've had enough martial arts names."

I'll tell General Blower with my helmet on.

"There's something I want to tell you.... I can't give up."

- Meisel ate her teeth when she saw that the rear couldn't come about us.

(Pulled out! Have you got guns or cannons by now! By now -)

In fact, the problem, even for Meisel, was not realizing how awesome Baym was. Baym, who has become so huge that Lyell and his historical contemporaries have a sense of crisis - their productivity and funding were more than I could have imagined.

In addition, Lyell has destroyed Baym once, but has allocated much of its ability to secure funds and craftsmen to fight.

We have prepared ourselves to win even more than we would normally have done. Meisel was insulting Lyell.

"Dear Meisel!

Bayle was trying to regain his posture by gathering the knights and soldiers around him, but when he heard the ground rang and looked around, he saw the enemy storming and shouting.

When Meisel pulls through the servel, she says to Bail.

"... I don't surrender. Keep eating them, we're gonna shoot Lyell in the neck!

Bail heads to the knights around him.

"You heard me, you guys! Show me what the Walt family is up to! Assault Position!"

Myzel's troops, which were less divided, set their aim for the most frontal troops in the midst of being surrounded. Because I saw a flag there that seemed to belong to Lyell.

Meisel turns the sabel blade to the front...

"Well done. You've cornered me so far. I'll give you a compliment. But I'll take that neck! - Assault!

A unit of my surrounded father has rebuilt himself and set up an assault.

I get on Mae's back, I storm as she sees how it goes, and I give directions. Aria, Miranda, refrained on both sides, with many elites on the front. The Valkyries on horses, as well as Nos. 1, 2 and 3, are around as my escorts.

"Assault. Sounds like your father? Well, I thought you were coming!

A magic shield unfolded in the front of the unit as it pulled out the katana and hit the enemy from the front. The opponent is expanding the same way, and this prevents bullets from being fired on magic and arrows. I kicked Mae's belly lightly as we clashed from the front of each other.

"You're going forward, aren't you? I'm serious."

"Don't worry! I don't have time for this!

What Mae is worried about is not getting serious. It is the Walt family's elite who are in front of us. I mean, you know my face, too.

"... then I'll take you to Lyell's dad!

When May ran out, he pulled out the horses around him and jumped to the head. He's holding the reins with his left hand, but he's about to be shaken off. Accelerating so much, May took a corner out of his forehead to generate violet electricity. When the purple electricity interfered with the magic shield and a wall made of thunder was created, enemy knights were seen in front of them.

"... ugh! Kick it!"

I'm not saying there's no hesitation. Anyway, I've seen it. Once upon a time, the knights and soldiers of the Walt family, and their servants, whom I was glad to be born.

In the memory of the seventh generation, everyone was really laughing. But now he's an enemy, and I don't have the means to free him.

Our troops wrapped in purple power collide with enemy troops - and the enemy is blown away.

I usually buy and eat and nap, but the boulder is Kirin. If you storm Kirin first, you won't lose brilliantly.

If you always work so hard, I guess you shouldn't say, etc.

And May finds it.


I was ahead of Mae's gaze - and there I found my father.

"Aria, Miranda - please don't let me get in the way. Use the Valkyries as you please!

Run May, slashing and tearing approaching knights with katana. The knight, slashed and torn with every armor, fell straight off the horse. Without looking back, the knights and soldiers flock to me when I head under my father.


"I won't let you!

When Miranda comes forward, keep dealing with one knight. And......

"Out of the way!!"

Aria, swinging her spear on the horse, had prepared my way as she really kicked the knights and soldiers. The Valkyries will cover such arias and Mirandas.

That's how May ran down the open road, and I jumped off the horse and swung Katana down towards my father.

My father, who took it at the Sabel, collapses and falls straight off the horse. But as soon as he took his passion and stood up, he set up a sabel. If you look at your left hand, the wind is blowing.

"To get out in front of me is to imitate me licking. But you saved me a lot of time looking."

My first voice in a long time was still cold everywhere. It's not meant for my son. Everywhere was cold, looking at me as an enemy, not a child.

A knife was erected and lightning struck his left hand in the same manner.

"Long time no see, Father. No, Lord Meisel Walt."

"... the Walt family's defilement. Give me something I should have died of!

As my father stepped in, Bail on the horse screamed.

"Dear Meisel! Somebody help Master Meisel!

But Aria popped out in front of such a bail. It makes sense that I pulled from the right wing into the center and brought him to this place.

"I won't let you get in the way!

To Bail with the great sword, Aria made him stop moving by waving a spear on his horse. Around us allies are catching up and gradually getting less in the way.

"Aren't you ashamed to be protected by a woman! This, I can't do it!

My father, who had turned his left hand, was turning from it to me a lump of wind. Run right to the side to avoid it, but my father has been ahead and sticking out the sabel. The blade had intent to kill.

When recirculated with katana, the blades rub each other and spark. And I said it back, too.

"Which is embarrassing. I'll tell you what, though the Walt family has been protected by women for generations! If you think you've been protecting me - it's a big mistake, you fucking father!!"

I kick my father in the ass, but the feeling of kicking him was very heavy. I didn't let it kick in the way I thought it would, and when my opponent stepped in again, I took it in Katana because slaughter was imminent. But for my father's sudden retreat, I was just a little out of shape.

My father's fist, holding the Sabel pattern as it was, hits me straight in the head. When my helmet blew up, I made a fist out of my empty left hand and punched my father in the face.

When my father's helmet also blew away, there was a blue line of light running around my body, pale but also to my father. The light, as if it were a pattern, was similar to what I saw when I fought for it.

Me and my father, who had the same weapons and fought in the same style with each other while the smoke was dancing on the battlefield, took a distance.

My father, who I haven't seen in a long time, still inherits the blood of our historical contemporaries or something similar. The most similar, is it the fifth generation?

That's what I think, my father disappeared from right in front of me. You must have increased your physical abilities and tried to carry out an attack from my blind spot. But how many times do I get an attack like that? Over and over - yes, over and over.

... I'm sure you might want to show me a lot for this time.

When I took Sabel's poke in Katana, I was very close to my father. I can see the other person's face well. On top of the frustration, I was surprised it was special.

"Take this!

"I've had it many times. Besides... I've been trained by strong people. If you lose to this extent, you don't have the face to make me see you!

When I poked my head and frightened my father, I paid my left hand to the side to produce thunder. My father put his left hand on the ground when he jumped...

"The kid! Sandwall!"

As the dirt wall jumped out of the ground, I lifted my left hand to the sky in reverse.


A thunderbolt strikes the battlefield, destroying the dirt wall as it is and blowing the perimeter. When I discover what my father looked like when I tried to get around him, I'm going to be slashed.

My father, who takes it, has tried to play my katana and, conversely, pierce my head with a sabel. Trying to avoid it, the blade hits me like a creature.


"Sweeter than the fifth generation!

The fifth generation snakebelly sword really sucked. Avoid it, or accept it, and you'll bleed here. If I had received it many times, I would have been unable to move this one first because of the bleeding.

Take it with your left arm. The metal on my arm is specially ordered and finished with a special metal that Grandpa Latata prepared for me without a shield.

But a scratch goes into such a special metal.

"Come on, are you hard?"

Distance was taken to roll over the ground. Then my father slashes me with a sabel. I'll take that in Katana...

"You said I was sweet, didn't you?... I'll give that word back to you just like that!

Sliding through Katana, the tip of the sabel poked a gap in the armor and pierced my right shoulder. Not deep, but I don't know what happened.

He hastily tries to get away from my father, but he has unleashed a series of thrusts that slip through him as he is.

"Look, what's going on! Take it!

Are you increasing your physical abilities and subtly shifting the blade's orientation to illusion? When I turned my left hand back to my hips, when I pulled my pistol out of my holster and fired, my father put his left hand forward and deployed his magic shield.

... the bullet could not even penetrate the magic shield.

"To that extent, my shield won't pierce. You and my father rely too much on guns. But that's it!

My father tried to step in, but I felt the moment - the line with Monica recovering. When my father's sabel shines out, I take it in Katana, but it breaks easily. I try to tow it with my left hand gun, but my father moved too fast to hit it.

"An idiot! Did you think it would just restrict the use of skills! He said he showed you on the first day that it was easy to release only moments!

Restrictions were lifted and I guess I went into battle all at once using the magic tools I wore on them, etc. When the gun in my left hand ran out of ammo, I threw a katana pattern and grabbed the treasure ball.

I heard a third generation.

'- Come on, Lyell, I'll deliver it to you. Seventh Generation Gift.'

The silver decorative part, which is a jewel ornament, swells up and shapes wrapped around my right hand.

When I felt a hot stream in my body, the lines of light formed by the rays shaped the pattern just like my father did.

I remember with my right hand pointed at my father.

- It was in the memory room of the seventh generation.

What the seventh generation asked Lyell, who found out about the past he was loved.

'Well, here's the point. Lyell... you mean you already absorbed everything by disappearing from me? You think you don't need my teaching?

The seventh generation doesn't seem dissatisfied. Instead, if that's what Lyell thinks, he was honestly trying to disappear and entrust his skills to Lyell.

But Lyell shakes his head to the side.

"No. If I'm serious, I don't want you to disappear. There are still a lot of things I want you to tell me. And... I knew the seventh generation was my grandfather."

To Lyle, who says so, the seventh generation.

Then why are you passing on your skills from me here? In the battle against Meisel, I wonder if there are occasions to use it. '

Given the skills of my son, Meisel, it didn't make much sense to let him inherit the seventh generation of skills at this stage. The third stage of the seventh generation of skills was [shuffling] - changing the placement of myself and others.

"... to be honest, skills are not the reason. The seventh generation has had a hard time. Troubled with my relationship with my father, and still good luck."

From the seventh generation, both father and son were excellent. I've embraced and adored Meisel, even though I've been pinched in the middle of it.

That's why Lyell made the decision.

"I don't want you to see me and your father killing each other."

When Lyell said that and smiled sadly, the seventh generation was still stuck in words.

'... I am ready. Still, it makes no difference to support you. That Meisel would be the other guy.'

Lyell, towards the seventh generation.

"I will kill your father."


"But I don't want to show it to my grandfather, even if I can call that a memory. About the end...... smile at your grandfather...... it's my selfishness. But can't you do me one last favor?

When Lyell said in a squishy voice, the seventh generation looked up into the sky. The sky in my memory was clear.

'Right. My grandson cared about me until the end... and I was a bad grandfather. I left you a problem, and then I couldn't finish it. Even though all the culprits can't help but say I am... Lyell, you are excellent. And kind. You are beyond me.'

In the seventh generation laughing powerlessly, Lyell says with a smile. There were just tears in my eyes.

"Don't worry. I'll take care of any problems your grandfather has left. You've taught me a lot. Well, I twisted it more than before."

To Lyell's joke, the seventh generation laughed.

'Right. You didn't rely on me at first, but you were an honest, good kid. But I was a little happy. Meisel was brilliant and untouchable. So all the things I wanted to do, all the advice... Lyell, you made it happen. I'm so glad you relied on me. "

Lyell and the seventh generation faced each other with a smile, and skills were inherited. Grains of light develop from the seventh generation and gradually fade away.

Lyell, you were my grandson.

"For me, Grandpa was fine. Kind and strong and... it's my pride."

'Right. Then you don't need me anymore. Come on, go. Just do what you want. Go where you want to be. "

As the surrounding sights collapsed like sand, there was light around the seventh generation. There, Xenoa was leaning in.

And my mouth was moving. Lyell didn't hear that voice, but it seemed to be heard in the seventh generation.

'Right. We have to keep it to ourselves. Lyle, you...'

The treasure ball in his right hand took the shape of a gun.

The silver gun is embedded with treasure balls in the gripping area and glows blue. The muzzle was large, and the gun was fitted with a knife. Somewhere, it's shaped like the gun that the seventh generation had combined with the gun that Mr. Mireia had.

And I thought I heard the seventh generation.

- Lyell, you sure were loved. Everyone loved and was born. Claire, your mother, loved you, too. And - '

Turning to the muzzle, my father was sometimes approaching and looked surprised. No way, you didn't think I'd pull out the second gun after I approached it.

But I'll take care of it right away.

You thought it was inevitable, he was rolling out his magic shield with his left hand in front of him.

"My shield has to be pierced by guns and so on and so on."

It could certainly be prevented. Even a silver weapon would not easily pierce my father's magic shield. But there's no need to pierce it.

"... you're in a hurry. You had a better chance of winning if you kept your skills sealed. - This gun belongs to the seventh generation. You... your father beat us, no... Broad Walt!

"Father? What are you saying..."

confusing father, but I guess there was a verse that came to mind. Tactics with guns. And it was also a gun that I prepared to stop...

"And I really loved you, too, Meisel."

I pull the trigger. Then, the blue light could be bounced at the gunpoint, and the blue-white glowing bullet was fired at my father.

I heard the last words of the seventh generation, and I remembered in a moment what I saw of my father and mother in the memory of the seventh generation. But after I've pulled the trigger already.

- [Warp] -

Using the second stage of the seventh generation of skills, the bullet jumped over the shield with a warp of skills. And I pierced a big hole slightly below my father's chest. The pierced bullet hits the ground as it is. Fly.

The battlefield was instantly engulfed in silence.

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