

Fortress walls.

The part situated in the middle of the first wall was made a little higher.

It's also to show everyone I'm in command there, but I would have liked to be in command in the rear.

It is more efficient to do so, and it is also faster to communicate information if you place people with connections in important locations.

However, this makes sense.

Before the great army of demons looming in front of me, I raised my voice with my right hand in front of me.

"Let go!"

The soldiers are not the only ones on the wall. A wizard is placed in the knight. The number was three thousand.

The magic was unleashed against the demons storming for this one from the top of the wall.

Powerful magic was shot in one after the other, dazzled by light and explosions in front of him. explosion noise, and the earthen smoke was rising, and the sand was dyeing brown all around.

But Mae, standing next to me in a kirin, raised her neck a little.

"Come on."

Then, the demons stormed by stepping on the demons who were blown up and stopped moving. To the demons who have broken through the earth smoke, cannons placed in the middle of the wall shoot shells in.

On the wall the wizards were lowered, and soldiers with bows and crossbows lined up.

When the field commander orders one shooting after another, the arrows pierce the demons.

From the treasure ball, there was a fifth generation of voices.

'That's a hit situation if you shoot me. Let them attack one after the other rather than aim. Let the magic shoot in moderation. Before you shoot the next magic, even from your enemies...'

Before the fifth generation was finished, demons floating in the universe from demonic armies to goblins and oaks with canes and robes with creepy appearances. A reptile-type demon opened his big mouth and was about to shoot a magic brace in.

I paid my left hand from front to side and I gave instructions to Miranda and Eva.

"Prepare for defense. The attack..."

We decided to divide the walls into several large categories and deploy a magic shield to protect them. To cover the entire wall, there are not enough wizards and above all, they are severely depleted.

Magic released from the army of demons, and ranged attacks came against the wall.

The pinpoint prevents Magic Shield from doing that. I couldn't prevent it, and even through it, the surface of the wall was coated with materials that had been specially processed against magic.

One or two blows withstand easily.

I look up into the sky, and I speak to May.

"May, please. I'll cover you from the bottom."

"Ha ha! You're up!

Mae, in a kirin, who swept out into the sky, went toward a herd of demons coming this way from the sky.

Griffon on hippogriff. And the small but bird-like demons gather towards May.

I grabbed the treasure ball with my left hand, and I thought I'd let the silver bow change its shape.

As he unleashed an arrow towards the sky, dozens of little arrows struck the monsters flying troublesome skies. I have May, so I can deal with the miscellaneous fish.

But Mae and I can't support each other alone, and the flying demons go over the walls one after the other.

On the sky, May was blasting the surrounding demons with blue and white thunder from the golden horns stretched out from both sides of his head.

As one demon after another fell to the ground, Eva's voice was heard.

"Lyell, we're all set over here. You can always do that. '

I'll check with Miranda.


Then Miranda replied asking me to wait a little longer.

'This side was targeted intensively earlier. Wait a minute.'

I'm in charge of Miranda on the right, Eva on the left. As soon as I try to wait, the fifth generation will.

'Let them shoot alternately. Come one after the other. Respond ad hoc.'

I got your advice, and I'll give Eva the information on the left.

"Let go first. Let Miranda shoot you afterwards'

On the left side, wizards and knights came forward, each unleashing a magic they were good at. It lacks more impact than earlier.

But when Miranda was ready, she could strike a good deal of magic on the other side in a row.

However, some enemy demons deploy a magic shield, which looks less damaging than earlier.

"I was thinking of alternating left and right attacks, but are they still not powerful enough"

Though I didn't think I could blow it off, I made sure the enemy was trying to prepare a long-range attack and gave instructions to do the defense immediately.

- Second wall.

In that place, centrally located as a whole in front of the fortress, Aria was waiting.

Fighting had already begun on the front lines, with magical attack sounds reaching under the Arias. When you also confirm that the sky has glowed, you confirm that Mae has retrieved some demons.

With the spear on his shoulder, Aria on the wall.

"Lyell's guy, he broke right through."

Next to Aria, Alette Bayer, seconded by Rolphis, was in a condition where she took off her helmet in armor.

"Not at all. That's not how the commander feels. You better watch your language."

The frightened aria saw the sight between the first and second walls as she reflected and closed her mouth. Quite a distance away, ready to wait.

However, dealing with the demons of the sky is not the Arias.

"Work, Monica"

Looking back and saying that to Monica, Aria saw Monica's fit.

Monica was carrying something creepy, metallic with white, spidery feet on her back.

Monica, who was told, was dressed like that but dropped her shoulder.

"Though I'm more useful...... ha, it's time for work"

Monica, who said so and looked up into the sky, spread her hands and stretched her chest. When the machine moved out, not knowing if it was the eight legs or hands on his back, the red light glowed with tickles.

And one demon after another, who was on the sky, falls to the ground.

Alette looks at the sight.

"Why aren't you on the front line?

I had great doubts. However, Monica said to lower her shoulder again.

"Yes, I'm done. After that, I'd like you to deal with the remaining demons."

That's what I was losing my temper to say.

When Aria looked at the sky, there were about three hippoglyphs left.

"I know it's a good idea to scatter miscellaneous fish, but it doesn't make sense when you're a little resisted, does it? Besides, if you use it too much, Lyell's in trouble."

When Aria explains to Alette that it is restricted, Alette looks at Monica.

"So back there. But it's still amazing enough."

There is also a distance. Above all, exorcise the flying demons in an instant. Monica's performance was incredible to Alette.

Hippogriff is on his way to Monica, where he defeated his people. When the soldiers with guns gather, Damien comes out on the wall.

"Oh, that sounds good. Just bring it to the exam."

Damien, who is Nico, is in private clothes with three maids. It's an incompatible sight for the battlefield, but if Damien has no choice, he's also giving up his surroundings.

Maids I to III of Automaton brought something like a coffin over the wall.

Aria turned her suspicious gaze to Damien.

"You're sure Sole's gonna help, aren't you?

Aria and Damien who are not very close, but Damien smiles.

"I'll be more helpful than you, and I'll guarantee you that I'm more beautiful than you. Well, I'm ready. We should have a line with Lyell. Let me get it up and running here."

An unwilling Monica approaches looking at the coffin the maids put on the floor. Touching the coffin, I laughed with my nose.

"Is that my degraded version? I'm good enough on my own for a chicken bastard, but I'll use you as a choreographer here. But you have trouble not having a name. That's right! From today on these guys are Poyo Poyo II and III, and IV! You guys are awake."

- Wake the fuck up.

That's what I tried to say, Monica, but I was breaking through the lid of the coffin and the fist of the machine glanced straight at my head.

"Ko, all of these punks!!"

From the gap between the skirt and the apron, I watched Monica take out the spanner and start swinging, as Aria shrugged.

Damien's maid number two stands still so that she can't attack Monica with a thin smile on her face, and three golems emerge from the coffin through it.

Head as if it were a human girl, and torso. Shoulders and thighs are people themselves. From beyond, he has metal hands and feet and is wearing slightly flashy white and blue armor.

Aria also saw her biological figure in the mansion's warehouse, which was incredible.

"This is really the Golem."

Alette also looks at it surprised.

"You're a little incredible. Isn't it people themselves?"

Damien says happily.

"You went for it there! This time I also achieved meaningful results. I can't thank Lyell enough! Well, you guys - it's work."

When Damian said it was his job, the three golems - no [War Maiden (Valkyrie)] looked up. Valkyrie, in the center with golden hair, has red eyes with twin tails. While the other golems were straight long with dark hair, their appearance was quite different.

Anyway, I have little or no breasts. Even though the other two have a firm chest.

But the golems...

"I don't need to listen to your orders."

"Let your husband out. Your husband."

"I firmly reject such awakenings"

Unlike the Monicas, the Valkyries, with a slightly stiff tone, suddenly refused Damian's orders.

Monica saw the sight and hid her mouth with her hands.

"What is it, these ponchos? Isn't that a total useless crap? I'll report you to the chicken guy, right? Chicken bastard, your trump card refused to fight"

To Monica, who is happy to report to Lyell, a blonde twin tail - Valkyrie, similar in appearance to Monica - slapped her fist close with a big crotch.

"My hand slipped. It's a glitch. Glitch."

"Ko, this pompous trick is ah!! It's a scrap on this occasion!

When Monica set up the spanner, the Valkyries raised their faces.

"From earlier conversations, the enemy is Hippogriff - good. Let's see what we can do."

Blue and white armor had mechanical wings on their backs.

Alette turned her eyes slightly as she had hoped.

"And you fly!

Then Damian laughed with his nose.

"Ha. There's no way you're flying. Are you stupid?"

When Alette sees Damian and has an indescribable look, the Valkyries confirm their right arm.

The twin-tailed fuselage looks like a trio of leaders.

"You don't seem to have any glitches. Okay, let's go."


"First line, right? Let's do our best, believing your husband will be watching."

(I don't know about the glitch just now... forget it)

As the three Valkyries stretched their right arm into the sky, their right arm jumped out of the two arm sections and caught the hippogriff in the sky.

The arms are fitted with wires and the Valkyries wind up the wires as they are on the ground.

A nail-like tool on their feet pierces the floor.

"Come down with me."

With that said, the hippogriffs were drawn under the Valkyries resistantly - the Valkyries took their weapons out of the winged storage box on their backs.

When I take the spear out, I stick it through the hippogriff I pulled as it was. In return blood, the three Valkyries pulled their spears out of the knocked down hippogriff.

Aria looks at Sole.

"Wow, I don't."

That's what I said. Monica looks at Aria...

"You're just like them."

On the second wall, Valkyrie seems to have handled it well.

I have registered as my husband in Core in advance, but thanks to this, I am able to form a line and convey information.

"Damiens did it for me. I don't have a problem putting it through a little..."

I wanted to sigh at the sight in front of me.

"Doesn't look like we've lost count at all"

Then a third generation of voices came from the treasure balls.

'Cause it's actually just the beginning. We're going to deal with it from here on out. It's time to do it flashy again. "

There are a number of measures available. But the timing of using it still seems to be good.

One arrow after another, magic.

And the battlefield began in the form of fierce shooting at each other, shooting at each other by magic and long-range attacks that also flew from the enemy.

A demon, neither magical nor frightening, stormed against the wall.

It's a troll. The hairy giant has swung round and stormed to destroy the wall. I am not frightened by arrows or magic, and I stand with a silver bow as a long bow.

Setting a target on Troll's head, when he released the arrow, Troll was blown off his head and fell to the ground. In doing so, he crushes a number of small demons, but the demons around him step over the fallen trolls and go for the wall.

Not very much, but we wouldn't be able to have this much breakthrough in humans.

"Is this the rampage of the labyrinth"

The fifth generation heard me whine.

'That's the thing. Many countries have perished by this breakthrough. But as far as I'm concerned, I think the scariest person is a human being.'

While listening to the fifth generation, I confirm my magic.

If I cut off my magic, which is the command tower, I'll be at a disadvantage at once. That was all I had to avoid, and I couldn't do everything I could to deal with the great army in front of me.

Then I heard Miranda.

"Lyell, you can always do this."

I also heard Eva.

"This way too."

Before I announce the start of the attack...

"An enemy sets me up before that. All of it - you're not going to be able to prevent it. Prevent only critical parts with pinpoints"

- When I felt a dazzling light from enemy forces, a number of powerful magic came out towards the fort.

You thought the boulder didn't taste good, Mae comes down in front of me and shelters me.

When the explosion broke out in front of me, the deployed magic shield was easily blown away, and there was damage here as well.

Some of the walls are starting to break. And there was also damage to the soldiers who were on the wall.

Turn your right hand forward.

"Shall I give it back?...... let go!!"

This magic, unleashed only in return, struck a great army of demons. With these magical shootings, my first day was about to pass.

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