
Redant Fortress

That's where it used to be a fort.

But now it was a fortress to hold triple walls and 10,000 armies.

Fort Redant was again, and Fort Redant was beginning to take shape.

Grabbing the treasure balls and riding May in Kirin I was looking down at the fortress from above. He did not grasp the 3D map by skill, and was in conversation with the historical principals who were in the treasure balls looking at the fortress.

At a time like this, I'm thankful to have May who knows the circumstances.

While the fifth generation checked the fortress.

"The only defense against magic is the surface. I don't have time for this one, so make sure you use it once. If you only keep in mind the last wall, the other two won't have a problem breaking '

Apply material that has been thinly treated to reflect magic on the surface. This alone is a lot different, but we don't rely on hundreds of thousands of troops against us.

I would have preferred not to build a fortress with all the magically resistant materials. But we don't have time, so we're dismissed.

Confirm the trap. It was assumed that the first and second walls would be breached, and a trap was to be set up between them.

Looking at the fortress that the third generation is becoming able to do.

"Arrowballs on gunpowder in oil... not enough, but there's a lot to do there. The problem is the sky. '

When dealing with these great armies of demons, they say the most problematic thing is the demons that can fly through the sky.

I haven't been in battle with the great army yet, but there seems to be a big difference between demons and people.

That means the demon has no retreat.

People can leave if they think they can't win. But demons don't have such ideas, they push forward to the end.

I can trap you for that. But breakthroughs are outrageous.

Trouble with such a breakthrough army of demons are the demons flying in the sky. It passes over the walls and can attack the rear.

If it had risen high in the sky, it would have been a difficult opponent to reach here. Above all, if even a powerful griffon is something to come on top of the wall, it won't just be the soldiers against it.

I turned my gaze to the place where the army of demons awaited me.

"You can sharpen it with chimatima. Still, there doesn't seem to be much damage over there."

The first time, Shannon's eyes were also borrowed for reconnaissance.

The second time he moved to sharpen a nasty demon with May.

Third time - I unleashed hundreds of arrows of light on the demons, but they were prevented by demons who were good at magic.

There will be thousands of flying demons alone. The only thing I could defeat was less than a hundred demons in it.

I wanted to keep sharpening, but I have another job to do, too.

"As far as I'm concerned, I want to keep storming and crushing you. What's the point of my appearance on purpose? Humans are obsessed with that."

A fifth generation called out to Mae, who shook her head like a shudder, for connecting with her in a connection.

'Patience me, May. What, morale is more important than anything at a time like this. Demons don't have that, but humans need the will to fight.'

Without it, the human side would easily collapse.

No matter how many times you say this one wins, it's pointless if you don't believe it.

"Good luck, me!

I laughed bitterly when I saw May motivated by the fifth generation.

I checked the trap on the path.

I prepared as much as I could, but to this extent, I won't reduce the number that much, says the Historical Principals.

Says it's better than not, to the extent? You think a lot of demons, like pitfalls, can be buried quickly and the road can be done? For hundreds of thousands, slaughtering thousands in traps is only an error.

Plus, this time the great army of demons - the worst part is that it's well balanced.

Many demons have power in the sky and, in addition, are good at magic. There would be no collaboration, but it was visible that concentrating and magic would strike the fortress.

It was salvation when it came to salvation that only the fortifications were positioned and there were cliffs around them and restrictions on the opponent as well.

The seventh generation opened its mouth.

"It's better to stay in the fortress. It's more than ten times the target."

If we think only of force differences, we're going to be definitely broken through.

"I did what I could."

Looks like the fourth generation is snorting ununung.

'Yes. I did most of what I could in this short period of time. Collect gold to boost your power. The fort will be a fortress and anti-bansaim measures in the future. He also takes in the elves and advertises Lyell as a hero in the face of an overwhelming disadvantage. Ma, I wanted more power.'

Zayn, Rolphis - I borrowed some help from there.

Try two countries, it would be an annoying story. Upper management will be happy with the debt reduction, but from the end of the line, it's a hell of a story.

Mercenaries and adventurers were rallying for defense battles in urban areas and behind Baym to consolidate their protection.

From villages near the border, we recruited volunteers, but not a thousand have arrived. More to gather from here, how much to gather… Besides, they are not very helpful as soldiers.

I have weapons, but I'm not trained as a soldier.

(Ma, it's not really about you fighting.)

At times like this, Baym does not gather the inhabitants as soldiers. So it was a bad gathering.

Third generation says.

"Well, Lyell. The situation is hopeless. It's wrong to challenge a fight in a situation like this! Everyone would think so. '

"You'd think. But..."

'- I like that!

I could somehow imagine a third generation with a belly-black grin.

- Baym East Alliance.

At the reception counter, Marianne was exasperating.

"You're saying no! You are not obliged to participate. [M] There's no point in throwing your life away for nothing!

The Airhardts are the ones who are dealing with them. The adventurers and airhardts around him were also puzzled by Marianne's anger, which was always poignant.

My colleagues at the reception were also surprised to see Marianne.

"Ke, but Mr. Marianne. We're outfitted... and if you join, you'll get paid, and if you're out of the city, the amount will jump."

Even the always mighty airhardt was bewildered and elusive before Marianne's wrath.

"We just got our gear together and we're going to be alone? I'm not stopping you, am I? You know, if you had that idea, you'd definitely die! What you guys have been doing is chores and dealing with demons outside in between. How strong did you get in a few months? You really don't seem to understand."

It's Marianne's job to always say kind words to newcomers, but this time she forgot her job, too.

The airhardts.

"Hey, what is it? We can do this, too! Besides, you said Mr. Marianne was talented!

Marianne bit her lower lip as she leaned down. And when I make a clenching fist, I almost cry, but I endure to make the most disgusting grin.

"I'm telling everyone that. Nothing special about you guys. There are many adventurers like you. [M] If you complimented me, I would just have made it loving because that's the only thing that would do me a bad job"

Haired up, Marianne turned her ridiculous grin to the airhardts.

"Yes, that's what you've been thinking! Thank you, Marianne."

"What? Don't be complacent, right? So what? Will you just pick a job you can do and leave me out of my way?

What Marianne gave the Airhardts, as it were, was a request for hard work in urban defense. It was a request to treat non-combatants.

The airhardts were leaning down. Some of Airhardt's companions were weeping.

You look terribly shocked by the words of Marianne, the kind sister you can count on.

Airhardt slapped every paperwork hand at the counter when he silently signed the paperwork.

"- I believed you!

Marianne handed the envelopes to the Airhardts when she processed the documents in a way that was too gruesome. The airhardts, who received the envelope to take it, walked away from the counter.

Seeing how it was, Marianne safely dropped her shoulder.

Soon, Tanya will come to Marianne's side.

Marianne, call it in.

Thinking he had done it, Marianne stood up with a thin grin and went straight to the room where her boss was.

When Tanya enters the reception counter instead, she deals with the adventurers -.

- My boss's room.

My boss wasn't so angry with Marianne for reporting the incident.

"Marianne, I thought you were smarter. You just have to send him to the front line for one or two adventurer parties, if you want. I'm not talking about you feeling responsible."

Marianne was leaning down.

When I reported it to my boss, I was just laughing a little bit.

"Yes, it is. Still, watching me makes me feel good. Those kids still have a long way to go. Let me die here..."

My boss also sighed, wondering if he understood Marianne's mood.

"I'm putting you in charge of the rookie because that's you. But today's case will soon spread. If it is taken in bad faith, it will interfere with your work. [M] From now on, I want you to turn to the third floor supervisor. The rookie is done.... Well done so far."

To her boss's words, Marianne almost wept. Happy, not. I just held my mouth down because it was going to flow.

"... thank you. Excuse me."

When Marianne replied, she left her boss's room...

- After a paragraph of work, Tanya headed to the break room, where she ran into Rhue.

"Ah, good job, Mr. Tanya!

Reuer doesn't take a big attitude toward someone who is bright and energetic, has a slightly larger attitude toward the eye, but should never defy him.

That's how well I spent my time at work.

"Good day. How are you?

Listening as Tanya sat in her chair, Rhue smiled happily.

"We have decided on adventurers who will be able to safely go to important facilities outside the city. The reward was good, and if it was my favor..."

Tanya remembered when she saw Ryue talking happily. A generation still young and unaware of previous labyrinth rampage.

That's the Lewes.

"- So when I asked the adventurer who was doing me well, he took it on! He said he had something to say when he got back!

Looks like a very friendly adventurer, based on how Lewey looks. The officials of the old stock who were listening to it had a sympathetic gaze on Leue.

Tanya can almost predict what kind of adventurer she's dealing with. I would be classified as a good adventurer, but that means excellence from the guild.

If he asked me if I was a very strong adventurer, I would have had to shake my neck to the side.

Rhue talks about Marianne.

"Still, were seniors finally at their limit, too? Because you have a really nasty gaze at adventurers with only that lower heart of your hand. I feel sorry for you."

It was about Marianne that Tanya and the employees of the ancient stocks around her thought when they saw Rhue.

Marianne was also beautiful and young and popular when she became an employee. He was thistled and behaved like a lewyer.

Tanya thought.

(Let's hope you don't become the second Marianne, Rhue)

Tanya felt a kind of generational shift about to happen in the rush of the Alliance as well -

Redant fortress.

Standing in that high place, I was flying the flag. Some belonged to Baim, but there was Zayn, Rolphis - and also the Walt family flag.

The kind of flag that silver craftsmen supported the blue treasure balls was a proprietary creation.

Wearing the blue armor I had asked the blacksmith to finish, I held my helmet to my right side and looked back.

The personnel gathered reached 26,000. It was less than planned, but I don't think I can help this.

And when the morning sun rose, I saw a black shadow across the horizon. A demonic army.

"Gentlemen! This is what many of you think. Why would we risk our lives for Baym? And... I was wondering why you would listen to orders from a kid like me."

Raise your voice, and raise your left hand, the armed legions remained silent.

"This battle. Sure, it's only Baym's gain. Baim is moving on the assumption that this fortress will be broken through. Just turn down the adventurer dispatch and focus on urban defense, placing adventurers and mercenaries where they matter!

It's a terrible story at all. Of course, Baym will have a lot to say, but there are no Baym officials here, so no problem.

I didn't even lie.

"It sure is unreasonable. You who give your lives for your country are fighting for another country.... but can I abandon Baim! Is it right to draw to your own country and watch Baim suffer! Beim isn't the only one unreasonably trampled by demons! The people who live there! I can't let that happen!

From within the treasure ball, a fourth generation of voices was heard.

'Yeah, that sounds good. Unlike Ceres, we have to promote it here.'

Mr. Mileia came to see me there.

'Ma, even if there's a difference, it's subtle. I'm not lying, but I'm not telling you everything.'

This speech - not just directed at the soldiers. Rather, this is addressed to the gathered Baym inhabitants.

I try my best, but Baym abandoned this place, which is an appeal.

As I continued my speech, I pulled a sword like that out of my waist. It's not a knife, it's a double-edged sword that looks good. Raise your voice in heaven.

"If Heavenly Fate is upon me, the Goddess will surely answer! I swear I will protect this place for the ravaged people!

Then Mae ran from the sky looking like Kirin. Soldiers looking up at the sky are raising their voices when they see Kirin.

"Oh, hey! Kirin!"

"You're lying. Are you sure it's heavenly destiny?"

"This could be, could be..."

"You can win. You can win!

"Oh, we have Kirin!

That's a token of rock luck.

I hid Mae's presence so far, but decided to use it here.

Positive opinions come up, but naturally it's a sakura. Historical masters cannot help these trivial manipulations either.

As May stepped down beside me, the soldiers shouted and cheered. I can see morale is rising. The heat is going to reach me.

"We have the blessing of the goddess! Make this Redant Fortress the graveyard of the demons! Follow me, people!

When I raised my voice, the voices of the soldiers calling my name overlapped tens of thousands and became magnificent.

(Damn, I feel bad because I'm cheating)

Because of my morale, I hated myself for giving speeches.

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