
Mr. Mireia.

Return to accomplish the request.

I was watching Bonyari and the ceiling on Porter's carriage.

What was requested this time was a crusade of hippoglyphs. On the way home, I made a roundabout and cleaned up my chore request.

On Porter's carrier, Aria was counting on the lantern lights in tears to calculate profit from this reward on paper.

It was Miranda who was watching, teaching all sorts of things to Aria, who had not experienced paperwork hell in Zain.

Previously, I was disciplined in fulfilling my promise to teach until I could.

(What a fun way to teach. I mean......)

"No, Aria. This is the wrong place. A simple miscalculation."

The first one made a miscalculation, and it's all a redo situation. Hear that, Aria redoing the calculations.

"Then be careful with the first one!

Miranda was smiling at Aria, who was replacing her desk with a crate.

"Huh? Why? I told you, didn't I? I'll check with you when I'm done, he said. I taught you how to do it, and I didn't tell you to be careful along the way."

Rattled and lightly wobbled porter carriers wobbled much less than before. With such a carrier, Miranda was letting Aria do a simple calculation.

It's easy, but if it's complicated and wrong, the calculations don't fit. Aria kept repeating that on Porter's carrier.

The content is - this reward, how do you calculate the net profit from it and distribute it further among your peers?

It's Shannon to May, starting with Aria, who's neglecting the financial side of the party. Eva used to travel, and some of them were surprisingly solid in financial terms.

He seems to have struggled a lot as a singer.

But I can't do paperwork.

I think I saw Miranda smiling at Aria in tears.

(... Miranda's character definitely resembles that of Mr. Mireia)

That's what I think...

"... Lyell, you saw Miranda and thought she looked like me, didn't you?

I just said I found a teasing story, and I heard Mr. Mireia from within the treasure ball.

Ha ha, I looked around and quietly rolled the treasure ball at my fingertips. To deny, is Mr. Mireia certain?

'It's okay. I'm glad to hear that you're similar to my grandson. But I'm shocked to find out how Lyell sees me.'

As you get on with it, there's a third generation.

"Ahhh, Mireia, pathetic"

Is the fourth generation free?

"Isn't that awful, Lyell?"

Only the fifth and seventh generation were on my side. No, you should say you understand Mr. Mileia's character.

"Given your belly blackness, you can't help it if Lyell thinks so"

'You're not cute where your aunt cried. Are you going to be younger to the heart because you will be younger within the treasure ball? Please stop, I feel chilly'

Then the shock ran on the treasure ball.

(... Huh?

The third generation tells me what's going on. It was a slightly trembling voice for some reason.

"... because the seventh generation will be back in a while"

'Well, I'm going to ask Septem a lot more questions this time. The last time you made a treasure ball was Septem, and you asked me about my skills.'

Before Mr. Mileia, who smiled at me the same way I always did, I glanced at the flickering and seventh generation in front of the door.

I sat in a chair and the seventh generation that was guttered was trying not to look at this one.

A niggling third generation is teasing the seventh generation.

I've smelled like a man before in the treasure balls, but Mireia's appearance gave me a slightly different vibe.

"What are you going to ask me this time?

Mr. Mireia points to me.

About Lyell.

"Me? Um, living times are too different with Mr. Septem?

Mr. Mireia then shook his neck sideways as he shrugged his shoulders with jealousy.

'You don't understand, Lyell... the treasure balls have been remembering information outside ever since they were born. And Master Septem's memory of Teng himself, who created the treasure ball. I'm sure you'll tell me a lot. Besides, you're worried about your half of the story, aren't you?

I snorted at Mireia as she smiled.

Previously, Mr. Septem said my sealed body was about to wake up. And he said it was time to face it.

I wanted to know what the hell that meant, too.

"Shall we go then?"

Knock the door together. But there was a different sight there.

It was a big city, but it was like I was lonely.

In many stores someone has a store number but is not trying to sell the products in line. People don't even talk when they come through.

And the surrounding buildings were worn out and looked like they hadn't been repaired.

"This is"

"Oh, you've got a terrible sight today."

I walk next to Mireia when she says so. It's the third time, and I know where to go, so I don't have to follow you.

Unexpectedly, a man dressed in front was walking in disregard of his surroundings.

When you step forward and walk to shelter Mr. Mireia.

"Oh, you're a very gentleman. It's a big difference from a year ago '

"... you know a year ago?

'It wasn't a year ago. I told you, didn't I? I was chosen by Jewels as a guide. If you don't know a lot, you won't be able to guide me.'

The golden eyes looked like they were looking away somewhere. And a dressed man bumped into a passerby.

"... what are you going to do! I'm a wizard! Don't you scum block my way!

"Oh, forgive me -"

The dressed man, who pointed his right hand at the man he bumped into, let the magic go from his right hand as it was.

"Wait, wait."

Mr. Mileia stops me from trying to jump.

"Lyell, this is a memory. I can touch it, I can react, but nothing changes here."

Then, the man who bumped into him was burned to the ground.

Everyone around me was looking at such a sight as to frighten them, and no one was trying to stop the man who wore it.

"... I'm coming."

I'm behind the scene with my hand behind my back. The scorching unpleasant smell or the terminal demon was too realistic.

Is it even with the memory of the treasure balls that such a sight is spreading?

When I went to Mr. Septem's room, it was different there than before.

Mr. Septem with his upper body up on the bed, but the room is stretched with a spider's nest and untreated.

There were no golems in the mansion, no people.

"Oh, you're here at this time?

Septem's expression, which seemed a little troublesome, was indescribable. Embarrassing, and sad.

I took out the dusty chair, and when I paid it by hand, I even prepared it for Mr. Mireia.

When you two sit down, you talk to Mr. Septem.

"Mr. Mireia asked about me today. What do you mean, my half?

A body sealed by Ceres.

I cared about that.

Mr. Septem opens his mouth in the light that plugs him out of his bed. Looking at the worn out curtains really made me feel a little sad.

"Half-body - Lyell's memory. Not that I can't remember much? Lyell, can you remember who you were? And the face of Ceres. - Not now, Ceres of the past. '

Whatever I did was stupid - I tried to put it that way, and I thought my memory was vague. When you hold your head with your left hand, thinking you've been filled with all your intense post-ten memories...

Mr. Mireia looked out the window.

"Oh, you look happy."

I heard my family playing outside. When I got up in a hurry, I looked out the window. There was a family there who seemed to enjoy laying their seats in the shade of a tree.

There are knights of escorts around, with their parents watching over their children.

One of the most obnoxious was a boy.

My parents were looking at the boy, and the girl who was nearby was looking at the boy - my brother.

Cold sweat came out. Oddly nostalgic, and then I can't really remember.

Reaching for the window, the girl who was turning back turns this way. But soon the garden of the lonely mansion spread outside the window.

My previous memories have disappeared and I can't hear anything when I open the window.

"What do I remember now?"

I'm confused, Mr. Septem says.

"Lyle's memory. Told you... I'm already about to wake up, I told you. It's not because of my skills that my surroundings follow Ceres. Remember, Lyell. Celeste's skills are to be taken away. I took my magic, my experience, and my parents' love from Lyell. That's how the last memory of Lyell I couldn't take was sealed. '

It's the first time I've ever known that Ceres' skill is to take something away from others. And he said it's not skills that are affecting his surroundings.

'If you're being precise, Celes' skills are imitations of the other person. And a seal followed by robbery. Lyell was kept alive because he must have taken away the magic of Lyell that Ceres had polished up. But naturally, Ceres had limits, too. "

Mireia stood up and put her hands on my shoulders. While I don't know, my breathing is messy and I can't stop sweating cold.

Mr. Mireia tells me to be nice.

"Lyell, you have continued to be taken away. But... it was Lyell who was supposed to be the monster. '

I try to look back at Mr. Mireia and she hugs me from behind. I didn't know what they were talking about.

At the same time, I felt just a little - intuitive.

"I... you think I'm just like Ceres?

Mr. Septem nodded. But at the same time, I say this.

"It was Lyell and Ceres who could be the next generation of Septem. But it was Celeste who didn't allow it. So I just took it away from Lyell. Now Lyell is without the memory or power of Septem. I envy you from me, but Lyell is just a man now. I'm sure that's why Nowem took your side. '

I didn't know what to say. I was told that I was the same monster as Ceres, and that they kept taking it from me until now -.

"Oh, that? But when I saw you before, I didn't feel deprived? Or that Ceres' skills don't work for me now?

- With that said, Mr. Mireia laughs away from me.

'I told you. Ceres has limits, too. Besides, I can't afford to keep Ceres on my own anymore. Ceres is already finished. And yet, Lyell, in a good way, you've been poisoned by the Lord of history. "

Tilting his neck, Mr. Septem was smiling, too. You thought I'd be desperate here, sounds like a happy miscalculation.

says Mr Septem.

'Lyell, know yourself. That way we can go further than we are now. "

I nod, and I get confirmation from Mr. Septem.

"Um, so what... I understand Celes' skills. But then what skills are in Celeste's treasure balls -"

Mr. Septem looks at me and says it with a serious look.

'There is only one skill to activate. But, Septem is the goddess who created the skills? You can have as many skills as you want. I can't even say that's a skill. "

I thought.

(That's surprisingly shocking. Goddess, so I thought it was more vicious)

However, even if you know it's a shobo, it doesn't make a difference that the other person is vicious. In fact, I had no hands or feet on Ceres.

"So now you're using skills that appeal to your surroundings"

Then both Septem and Mireia shook their heads to the side.

Mireia says.

'Listen carefully, Lyell. Dear Septem - Septem, the goddess, is most revered by man. Don't you remember looking at Nowem?

I was suddenly told about Nowem, and I tilted my neck. Mr. Septem just says, "Listen to the details when Nowem talks one day."

And, says Mr. Septem.

'Cause it was the goddess, the Septem, who once made people.'

When I heard it, I wondered. I did grow up hearing that the goddess created people. But the goddess that concerns people is [sexy].

It is the sixth goddess.

"Um, it was Sex who created it - not the sixth goddess?

Mireia says as she exhales.

'That's a mistake. But it's a mistake you can't help. In fact, Master Septem treats the goddess of wisdom. In other words, the part of wisdom is only the service of Master Septem. Originally, Master Sex was responsible for waking people up.'

I wondered if I meant anything differently. But the rhetoric of waking up if you created it is certainly a little different.

And the story was a little too fantastic, and I didn't know what to do.

(I don't care if they talk about that past...... well, I'm in trouble)

Mr. Mireia continues.

"It's the same thing that Nowem is liked by the subhumans. Because it was Nowem who once created subhumans, divine beasts, and demons. Nowem, who handed down his memories in colour, has such an impact. '

Mr. Septem shrugged as he looked out the window.

"It was Septem who made people. And the sexes with evoking roles... were killed by Nowem. That kid... Nowem destroyed all the plans. '

What should I do?

(Ma, not good. What am I supposed to do...)

I can't go about talking.

In the meantime, Nowem understood that he had betrayed Mr. Septem and the others.

(Oh, with that said... Mr. Octo betrayed you, too? this, if you ask mr. Septem, don't really ask mr. Octo a lot)

I felt a little cute, but I didn't think I had anything to do with Mr. Octo.

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