
Damian and Grandpa Latata.

To do the guild's request, I withheld my departure tomorrow, and I was listening to Grandpa Latata and Damien discuss their visit to the mansion.

I tried to look at the face-to-face, but I felt I had failed, not in a bad way.

At the reception table, Damian was spreading the blueprint and telling Grandpa Latata enthusiastically.

"I knew it... I think we need individual differences. As it is, Lyell is obsessed with big opiates, so I think it's important there. I want to make an individual difference in the biological body part."

Grandpa Latata tells Damien, who speaks with a serious look, as if he was frightened. He wants me to put this freak through.

"Isn't that obvious? I'm tired of all the same faces. But a living body? You're out of my jurisdiction. I can make him a skeleton like he told me... but he covers his whole body with a living body?

(Oh, naturally!?)

"You can't. The mechanical part is really exposed. Ancients are great, aren't they? Automatons, they're totally like people. Don't you think you can replace your hands and feet?

When Damian reluctantly compromised, Grandpa Latata was also nodding.

"You have no choice. If you pay too much attention, it won't be complete while I'm alive. When that happens, even this part..."

Shannon looked funny at Grandpa Latata drawing a line on the blueprint. Shannon, who is usually blind, seems interesting, so I'm curious to ask.

"Is something funny?

"Right. The blueprints prepared by the maid are interesting because you can see the lines. I also see letters and numbers. I can see the part where I fixed it, so I'm already messed up."

View blueprints when told. On the line written by Grandpa Latata, Damien was drawing the line again.

"Can you even see the extra minutes? Like the line I just drew."

"I can't see you."

Looking at Shannon, who answers instantly, it looks like the seventh generation came up with something.

'Hmm. This is quite... Lyell, could Shannon have written letters or numbers? No, can you understand that?

Asked, I rolled the treasure ball at my fingertips when Shannon, who was blind, asked if he could read and write. When he shows the will to deny, the seventh generation says unfortunately.

But it doesn't feel like I'm giving up.

"It will take a while, but I can't help it. Reading and writing will be added in the future."

(Read and write to blind Shannon?

I was wondering what the seventh generation had in mind, but I got a little nervous when I saw the two of them heating up in front of me.

"This is how you do it, and then you create a prototype... the first two to three months."

Damian nodded satisfied with Grandpa Latata's predictions.

"Right. The budget is...... about 5,000 pieces in gold coins? A little over the top, but that's good, right? Then let's repeat the test and build a second one from there."

I'll listen to that.

"Oh wait... I'm over two thousand pieces in gold coins from the first budget?

I tell them both in cold sweat, but they both smile.

"There's no environment where all these conditions can be met. I'll cooperate as much as I can. But it's gonna cost you money. Basically a thousand or so pieces of gold in one piece, even when you're ready to mass produce"

"What I said before is a minimum amount of money. If we don't do this, we won't be able to live up to Lyell's expectations. Good luck collecting funds again. I'll try to climb higher with this craftsman! Okay, look next."

"Would you rather have more adventure? Not bad for a beauty in armor, but I want more playfulness."

"Playful...... yeah! That's important!

Watching the two thriving people make me anxious to get enough money in cold sweat.

(No. If we keep this up, we're definitely underfunded again. But I can make some money on a regular request, but this is water on the baking stone)

He was admitted to the Alliance to some extent as an adventurer and was able to sort out more challenging requests. At the same time, I had higher rewards for success, but still not enough money.

"Huh, both of you, weigh in more."

Then, while Damien looked at me.

"I am. I'll tell you what, if that bothers you, the whole thing is 10,000 sheets of gold for a course. That, but... can I do that anyway? A prototype is still a boy's romance."

Grandpa Latata shook his head to the side.

"I prefer mass production machines. What about the actual problem, brother? It's not like you can spend money on something you want, but you've never been over it."

When they tell me and I try to choose the cheaper one, the fourth generation is here unexpectedly with a serious voice.

'... Lyell, shall I spend 10,000 gold coins? Then we'll have the two of you write a contract. Lyell has every right to the technology he's gained here. Damien can only fish with future support. Tell your grandfather you'll have the best environment.'

When I thought the fourth generation was not May in gold, Mireia's voice came from the treasure balls.

"Oh, Grandpa. Did you come up with money again? It's the same. '

With a happy voice, the fourth generation.

'Naturally! Whether you have personality problems or not, the two of you here are the best brains and the best people with arms! That's all these guys can do about not weighing themselves!... because even if we fail, it's not our money. I wasn't planning on it, and it doesn't hurt to scatter a little bit'

(Not at all!

That's right.

It is Vera's money. So I wanted to use it as important as possible. But the historical contemporaries apparently agree with the fourth generation.

The third generation doesn't seem interested.

'If you're making money, you're the fourth generation. I got it.'

Is the fifth generation not interested?


Only the seventh generation seems to have guessed what the fourth generation was thinking.

'A monopoly on technology...... no, so you prepare it for sale. Are you still going to do what you did here at Aramsarth? I see. That being the case, not even 10,000 pieces of gold are bad. Baym is rich.'

I'll tell you both while I cover my face with my left hand.

"In 10,000 sheets course. However, I will take care of the technology I get this time. I'll pay you what you deserve."

Damien then rejoiced with his hands up.

"It's a boulder lyel! You know perfectly well!

Grandpa Latata seems happy too.

"I hope you don't mind about the money. It's been a long time since I've been funny!

When I saw the two happy people, Shannon called out to me dropping my shoulders.

"You're in trouble, too."

I put my hand on my mouth and saw Shannon laughing at me. I smile, too.

"You're practicing reading and writing today."

That's what I told him.

"Why not! You're not ashamed of hitting eight or anything!

I left the golem to Damian and Grandpa Latata, and I visited Mr. Launo, the informant, before I left.

He took Miranda as usual, and paid off Nome's inice as Mr. Launo's assistant as usual.

In Mr. Launo's working room and bedroom, we get the report.

Miranda, look at the report.

"You've done a lot of extensive research. Are you out of your hands?

Mr. Launo waved his left hand as he fell asleep.

"I don't think so. I asked my colleagues to dive in with me. We have a good economy. Sometimes it's important to turn your work around so you don't get jealous. Relationships are tough everywhere, right?

Then Miranda was smiling as she narrowed her eyes.

"I guess you're right if it's not for the reason that I want to make things easier. I hope the information is accurate."

When I read the report, I get my gaze on one of them.

The content is that there is a problem with neighboring countries in the extended Kingdom of Rolphis. The two countries of Galleria and Russowerth are still fighting on both sides.

But Rolphis, bordering a territory on such two countries, seemed to have no idea what kind of distance to go with the other country.

"Have you been driven back even if you let out a messenger? No deal, either."

As I read the report, Mrs Launo explains it with an extension.

"I've been dealing with Baym like that for a long time. Don't get our hands on ourselves, it looks like they threatened us both with crushing it if we did. Sounds like the war maidens love war."

The report also stated that damage had been done to both factions this time. But I also feel calm for my neighbor to perish.

(Maybe, I thought you'd attack me)

If you attacked me, it was my plan to work with one of us to crush one side and form an alliance and coalition in the three countries.

(... maybe there's something there)

When I looked at different materials thinking so, it said something about Bansaim. They're all terrible information.

"Is Bansaim still in a terrible situation? No, it's getting worse."

When I said that, Miranda seemed concerned.

"... even though Bansaim is in a mess, Baim doesn't see much movement."

Then Mr. Launo laughed niggly.

"I don't know about other countries. I'm just thinking about business partners. Instead, you might think it's time for more wars and more mercenaries to make money. And the people up there will be thinking about how to make money."

This is the country where civil unrest took place. The collection of demon stones and so on won't do what I think.

When that happens, Bansaim needs to buy demon stones from the surrounding countries. But neighboring countries also don't sell demon stones to Bansaim nowadays who don't know when they'll bite. When that happens, the place for me to sell is about Baym.

From within the treasure ball, the third generation shrugged like it didn't seem interesting.

"Fire across the shore, is that him? Instead, you're thinking about how you can make money using that fire. As far as information goes, there are many things I can't trust, but don't you care?

It's mainly a celestial relationship.

When I met Ceres, I was fascinated and it was about giving everything away. Other than that, the cruelty of genocide and looting in the territory you attacked.

Even though they were passed on as information, Baym looked relaxed.

"Mr. Launo, the information about Ceres has reached Baym, right?

"It's arrived, but it's up to you to trust it, right? In fact, war is a terrible thing. If you don't believe me, I think the report is wrong. Besides, rumors get bigger. I think so, too. No, I wonder if you want to. Finally, Baym is proud to have ruled out many other invasions. We think we're gonna be okay. We have a basement."

If it were war, the Alliance would rally the adventurers without shaping them. Merchants suffer their opponents in the economy, and hire mercenaries.

It was a really troublesome place with Baim.

Miranda was looking through a different report as she reassembled her legs.

"Hey, there's a country between Baim and Bansaim... something's wrong with the move, but what do you mean?

To Miranda, who gets a serious look, Mr. Launo says a little abominable.

"... They've got an economical village. I don't care if that's about it, but apparently it collects quite a few demonic stones and materials. The villagers are now starting to skew that way. Bansaim is raging around in a civil unrest. Sometimes the amount of Demon Stone purchased is up... I think it's suspicious. Maybe he's hiding it in the labyrinth."

Mr. Rauno laughed at the end to make jokes about "my own imagination," etc., but it seems to smell really bad.

I can't interfere in another country.

"Can you circulate information or something?

Then, Mr. Launo...

"I have no proof. But even I have a message for the great Baim. Indirect, but I gave him the information. But this is..."

With Mr. Launo looking at the ceiling.

"... a lot of times you don't make it when you realize it"

- As the Lyells left the office, Launo called Innis to the room.

And I was letting Innis read all the information I collected.

"What do you say, Innis?"

Little Innis looked like a child reading difficult paperwork when sitting on the couch.

Adorable, but Innis' body was pale and glowing.

Close the window, it's a dark room but bonkers and bright. In the room, Rauno was waiting for Innis' answer.

A woman named Innis is skilled. That's a special skill, too. Skills that are completed at the stage expressed, without, for example, a second or third stage.

The skill is [Information].

It was my skill to scrutinize the information I got and to make future expectations. Skills such as those situated at Clara's top, Rauno has survived as an informer also because he had Innis skills.

"... you're going to hide it well, but the labyrinth is likely to have occurred. Partly, there is also a stream of undetected demonic material around there. Maybe he thought it was okay because we have the same kind of demons. And it is possible that the lord is already flexed."

Said, Rauno confirmed to Innis.

"Well, the situation in the neighbouring countries, and the situation in Beim - what happens in the future, Innis. The labyrinth runs wild, doesn't it?

To Launo's question, Innis...

"There is a high probability that it will run wild within close proximity. I was wondering if I could dispatch an adventurer in time. Then some of the great army of demons will flow into Baym as well"

Rauno is pale.

"Can you prevent it? How much damage does Baym do"

"... the damage to the runoff itself is thousands of scales. But then there's the problem."

"After that?"

"Neighbors are likely to collapse. And after that, it is likely that Bansaim will rule the neighbouring country. Baym will definitely get involved, too."

That is.

"- My neighbor is going to be Bansaim. That's troublesome."

That's what Rauno grumbled about.

(Well, how does my client work?)

"Innis, how do you think the Lyells move?

Then Innis was in trouble. I can predict most things with my skills, Innis, but I've been removing a lot of them in the Lyell relationship.

I anticipate many times considering my personality, abilities, etc., but they all fall out of anticipation.

"... I can't predict. Insufficient information. Because Lyell's behavior is diagonally up or down my expectations."

Launo laughed bitterly.

"Again? I'm a client who never gets tired of me."

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