
Ryer's Memory Room

In the treasure ball.

At the break from work, if I skipped consciousness inside the treasure ball, behind the chair I was sitting in, the door was born.

The door behind the chairs of our historical masters is where we also call it the Memory Room. It's a room where the memories of our historical masters are kept...

"Um, why is everyone wearing a tired look?

If I lean my neck and do so, the third generation has explained it while sitting on the round table.

'Actually, it was not long before this door came out. That's when I took a peek...'

You took the liberty of peeking into people's memories? I wanted to say that back to you, but the third generation's expression was serious, so I decided to wait a little.

Then, the third generation, with their hair on.

'... even though the four of us looked at each other, we could see something different. Besides, I saw something that I didn't really think was Lyell's memory. I've been in there a couple of times, and I'm also suspicious if it's a memory. In my case, I saw the sight of Brother - Brother Dewey alive. No, I guess I should say it was there'

The third generation had a tired look, which I felt was unusual given my usual attitude. Turning his gaze to the fourth generation, he took off his glasses and wiped the lens with a cloth.

"In my case, my daughter-in-law was waiting for me in Jen-royalty. I didn't come in because I was scared. '

The fifth generation heard that, shaking his neck to the side.

'Why are you scared? You're not the only one in there? By the way, when I opened the door, it was a children's room. It's a different children's room every time, but my kids are there and they're staring at me. "

Hear the sight of the fifth generation, but I don't remember that.

In the first place, my fifth generation and I lived in a different time.

The seventh generation.

'... mine is worse. Memories I don't even know...... no, I saw the sight. But there was no Lyell there. "

Without me, I could see the scenery. He looked at the door in my memory room with the look of everyone questioning him.

When I stood in front of my door, I slowly opened it.

I heard a fourth generation from behind.

'You better be prepared.' Cause you don't seem to see much good stuff. '

Slowly opening the door, wary of being told, I saw Ceres in the back there. When I was surprised, Ceres slowly looked back and smiled very well.

Cute hand in front of chest, tilted neck, shiny blonde shaking in the wind -.

"Die, scumbag"

- That's what I've been saying.

The next moment I shut the door as much as I wanted, I put my buttocks on so I could fall out of my back. Breathing disturbed by the sudden events and strange sweats appeared.

The fifth generation called out near me when I fell.

"What did you see?

I said I was forced to breathe.

"Se, there was Ceres. Look at me and die smiling... but I never had that memory. No, maybe I'm just forgetting."

Grabbing the hand the seventh generation extended to me, I stood up. In front of my memory room, I wondered how I could see Ceres.

The third generation.

'... the other rooms, they just regenerate their memories, right? I can do some things, but it's hard unless we do it. But, you know, I went into this room and I checked things out.'

The third generation sat at a round table, looking at the ceiling.

"It's like you're alive. If this one says anything, it answers that. He seemed to be talking to the real Brother Dewey.

How is that happening?

We didn't understand. It was that the blue balls became treasure balls and the memories of the historical contemporaries were revived.

But such historical principals didn't understand all of the treasures.

With the fourth generation wearing glasses.

'I've been wondering. Is Treasure Ball really a tool to remember your skills and let them inherit everything... there is also a case of Ceres. And Ceres looked at the blue treasure balls and treated them like they couldn't.'

The seventh generation leaned down with his hands on his chin.

"When it comes to photographing personalities, not just memories… I've thought several times that skills are not meant to be, but maybe personalities themselves."

The fifth generation sat in his chair, hands behind his head.

"What do you do that for? Were you going to try even eternal life? Always copy memories and personalities and take over the people in your hands... forever in a way, but I don't think that makes sense. '

It scares me to think that such dangerous tools were sold hundreds of years ago. The blue balls of the Walt family, from which the first generation bought unpopular balls and has inherited them from generations.

Unlike the yellow treasure balls Ceres had, it seems he can't do it.


"Is Ceres now being taken over by a beautiful woman from a 300-year-old inclination? Nowem said something different."

It felt like they hadn't taken over yet. Yeah, not yet.

When the third generation stood down from the round table, he turned to me.

'Either way, there's all this personality and there's nothing to take over. I don't think it's funny to do that. As a matter of fact, we're not recorded beings... so we can't live forever.'

I nodded and the third generation slapped my hand once big.

'Well, something has increased the mystery of the treasure ball, but I don't care about that. The question is how Lyell will defeat Ceres. This problem is going to be a Serbian invasion next.'

I put my arms together and gave him a subtle look. This one is ready and ready to go anytime. That's the same for Rolphis.

"That's it, but I'm leaving right away. Just..."

The fourth generation listens back.


"You really don't have to do anything, do you?

The next day.

Mr. Aura came out into the square in front of the temple in the morning as the Saints lined up and the soldiers lined up.

Prior to the invasion of Selva, to conduct a troop launch ceremony.

You're wearing a dress that's white, has body lines, and you actually like it? I thought I was looking at Mr. Aura.

Both Ms Selma and Mr Gastone refrained from going behind a short distance from Mr Aura.

"O brave soldiers of Zain! The time has come to lower the hammer against the outrageous acts of Selva!

A folk who came to see the troop launch ceremony was cheering in response to Mr. Aura's voice.

From within the treasure ball, there is a third generation of voices.

'Big name matters, but you can't get hot knowing the back. If we don't win, we can't move on.'

We were trying to crush Selva for our own ends. Unexpectedly, I remembered the words of the Holy Knights - Arman.

(Go to hell, huh? Sure would go to hell)

I just still didn't want to stop.

Aura, who gathers everyone's gaze in the square, spread her hands wide open.

"I appoint Lyell Walt, head of the Order of the Holy Knights, as general of this army. The protection of the goddess promises you and your soldiers victory."

I fell on one knee in a prominent spot and accepted to be a general. Or because we don't have the right person in the current design.

"Ha! I will definitely show it up to expectations"

The applause of the people and the screams of the soldiers struck the capital.

Mr. Aura takes his right hand to the chest position when he smiles.

"I hope so, Lyell the Holy Knight"

That's what I said. As I cheered around, I understood.

(This guy's going to make my two names holy knights. How mean!

Those who do not know the true character of Mr. Aura will think I am truly expected to be called the Holy Knight.

But I understood. I've spoken before in front of her when I was resistant to being called the Holy Knight.

I stand up and point my right hand at Mr. Aura.

"The true Virgin of the nascent design - let us certainly meet Aura's expectations"

That's what I said. When I saw her cheeks move, I screamed. True Virgin, he seemed angry at the word.

Zayn's army departing from the capital heads to the border with Selva.

Rolphis had moved his troops to a location in Rolphis that bordered Selva.

(ii) Frontal operations were deployed because the journey period would be less than gathering in one place. At first I tried to act together, but it was taking too long because Rolphis didn't move.

Next to me, Aria, with a spear, was lined up on a horse in a rushed red armor. Nowem, Miranda, and Clara. Monica is resting in the porter.

Behind me was the porter, and Eva was moving on horseback next to the porter.

But the move was a bee.

Aria speaks to Eva.

"Hey, I'm not going to fall down now. Stay with me."

Eva stares at Aria as she trembles on her horse.

"I've never ridden a horse before! You have no choice!

Aria is frightened.

"Don't sing songs or anything when you're resting, you should have practiced equestrian."

Eva is.

"Even Aria was buying and eating! I played around with Shannon, you think I don't know!

Look at the two arguing, I'm in a low voice.

"You guys, never say that to Nowem or Miranda or Clara. Look, I swear to God! It's really been tough over here!

Then the lid of Porter's ceiling was opened, from which Miranda made a leopard face. Smiling, he looked at us and waved as he came out with his upper body.

Miranda was very scared of her eyes even though she smiled as Aria and Eva were making her face slap.

"Lyell is so sweet. I would push a tough job for a while. Shannon, why don't we just walk around for about six months? Let me hold my own luggage, too. Aria and Eva... Yeah, let's study together next time. Nowem and Clara will definitely cooperate.... because I will never put you to sleep until I can"

Speaking expressionlessly only at the end, Miranda disappeared straight into the porter.

Then I heard Shannon's rumbling voice, and when the rear door opened as it was, Shannon popped out.

He came to me with his stuff on his back.

"What the hell did you guys say! Lyell, put me on the horse, too!

I remember Miranda's anger and I shook her head to the side.

"I'll just take my stuff. Walk yourself. Plus, you need to get a little more strength."

Shannon complains to me.

"Even May was playing! You coward!"

I point to the sky.

"Asshole. May is working on reconnaissance. Give it up."

Aria gave it to me.

"Hey, hey, Miranda's not serious, is she?

Eva too.

"Wow, I'm a bit of a... except for singing and dancing... and if it's music, I'll do my best"

The two of us were laughing bitterly, so I smiled.

"Don't worry. You can pinch your break."

Then both Aria and Eva drowned on the horse.

- The army in Rolphis had arrived at the border with Selva.

From Zayn and Rolphis, Selva, who was officially declared war, had recalled Dario, the second prince, to show him the structure of a complete antiwar.

The army in Rolphis surrounding the border fortifications was in a favourable situation against Selva, who was forced into Operation Two Fronts.

Looks like we've gathered mercenaries from the source, but the two countries have declared war on us. The only way to disperse the force was to disperse it, and the fort had less force.

Alette, who commands some troops, raises a great sword on the horse.

"Defensive posture!

With that said, the Wizard deployed a magic shield to cover his troops. A large shield prevents magic from flying from the fort.

When the magic shield disappeared, magic was now released from the allies and the fort side was prevented by the magic shield. But the number of shields is not enough because the number is different.

Magic hits the fort directly, slowly wearing it down.


"You're tougher to protect than I thought."

There's a deputy on a horse next to Alette.

"It's the front line. I was wondering if it would be normal to have an antimagic fort. But you don't seem to be spending much money. The fort is crumbling in a few days."

A magical shootout, in which he even used a siege weapon to attack the fort. The opponent can only endure in a fort because there is a difference in numbers.

Alette, look around.

"Mercenaries also joined on this side and the number is nearly four times different. It will be around the time the invasion even began on Zayn's side. Anyway, I want to break through here first."

Rolphis' decision to invade Selva was influenced by Lyell's behavior during his glance. attitudes that are not in our eyes, such as ourselves. And the fact that even Kirin can follow.

There was also the opinion of ministers who believed in superstition that they did not want to antagonize Lyell with a symbol of good fortune.

But Aret isn't.

It's simpler. I didn't want to fight Lyell.

I felt so many times better dealing with Selva than the bottomless Lyells.

(I don't think I'll fight and lose, but what is this anxiety...)

Follow Kirin, and Lyell was laughing even in the imminent circumstances. That, too, was a real pleasure to laugh at. I wasn't laughing in a vanity.

I was really looking forward to it.

(You're scared of that deal. really enjoying the war)

Lomboldt also decided to invade Selva by desperately convincing Her Royal Highness, Anneline, that he had noticed Lyell's madness.

(Well, I don't want to think I've been swayed by a cold love to that extent...)

Anneline relentlessly granted permission to invade so much that she wondered what the struggle had been. Finally, he had also given instructions to hold back the Selva royalty sooner than Zain did.

(You could do it if you were motivated...)

Troops surrounding the fort shoot in one magic after another to tear the fort apart.

To Aret, it seemed as if the fort was being hit with dissatisfaction on the part of Rolphis -.

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