
Her Royal Highness the Princess of Rolphis.

A room that is becoming my work room in Zayn.

So I was, like, screaming.

Work that never ends.

And an increasing number of jobs.

How did this happen? The kind of work I think.

"Why aren't you moving? We're getting ready."

The great name for the Selva invasion, as well as the number of troops and supplies needed, were in order. No, I'm just reusing exactly what Zain had in place for the Rolphis invasion.

The scale is four thousand.

That's all we had soldiers to fight for, and we had almost the same number of backward support available. At the same time, mercenaries are being hired and ready to invade.

Less than half the size of Zayn's contemplation of the Rolphis invasion. But that was enough.

Due to the diplomatic situation in Selva, reinforcements cannot be expected. In the vicinity of Russowerth, Galleria, behind Selva, the larger countries are also staring at each other and there is no sign of reinforcement. Or Cerva and I were not diplomatically enemies, but we were not allies.

I guess I'm not interested.

With all the paperwork getting better, me, Nowem, Miranda and Clara gazed at May sitting in the center of the room.

May is eating a meal prepared by Monica.

"Did you get the letter again? But he said he was still in a meeting. It's a long time."

May laughing, but we couldn't laugh.

I get up, I tell Nowem.

"... I'm going to check with Mr. Gastone. I'm not going back for a few hours because I need Aura and Selma to write the paperwork too."

Nowem smiled at me.

"Yes. If you're working, I'll move on."

That's what he said and sent me out. Miranda and Clara had a look that looked complicated, and Monica represented the feeling.

"You're running away, you chicken bastard"

One room in the temple.

It was a more restful place than any other.

The room, where plants are planted and water flows, has a luxurious construction. The four of us surrounded the white and round table, but all four had a tired look, unlike the atmosphere in the room.

A tired Mr. Selma was taking confirmation from Mr. Gastone, who was still about to fall.

"Gastone, what is your current situation?

Mr. Gastone, I think he's done better than before. Her eyes were running bloody with a blue expression and she held a cup with tea in her trembling hands.

"Except for the Rolphis thing. No problem. No, there's a problem, but it's a level we can handle."

Guttering Aura was eating sweets with her right arm on her back and her body turned against her. It's a treat prepared by Monica.

"I mean, why don't you call me back soon? If we call back the clerics scattered throughout the province, we'll settle this soon, won't we? Oh, this is delicious."

Aura, who looks happy while eating sweets, also looked pretty tired.

Selma did.

"Calling it back isn't enough clerics to send it out. Besides, change your current way of governing, so think of yourself as busy for the time being. You have already become the official Virgin. In the future, we will also incorporate invasions to prevent interference from other countries."

The way Zayn governed with the interference of other nations until now, waging war. I change that, so I'm pretty busy.

Several clerics had fallen, more numerous than those who had fallen in the war. When they fall, the priests get treated and go back to work.

This is hell.

Mr. Gastone is looking at me.

"So Lord Lyell was headed out to Rolphis. I'll also have the paperwork and stuff ready right away, but I don't know what to say...... why not because Rolphis doesn't work? Even as it stands, it's a lot of money to maintain soldiers."

The number was less than half. But still, we need both money and supplies to move and sustain the army. If Rolphis doesn't move, I can't move this one first.

"I'm going to ask you that, too. I'd like to get this over with right away."

Look at me, Mr. Selma.

"Anything else you can do?

I grabbed the cup and shook my neck sideways with my eyes down when I had tea.

There was a fifth generation of voices from within the treasure balls.

'I went out odd because there are no numbers, but if you have all the numbers, a positive attack is the best way. I'd prefer less damage, but numbers are more than enough.'

Matching numbers also has power. If we could do that, we didn't have to implement a policy of contouring.

"It's nothing. We usually go to war. Besides, I only won because I had you. I couldn't win much alone."

Then Mr. Aura looks at me like she suspects me with her jitsu eyes.

"Is that true? The witches said that in the city, the Knights of Saints are treated like heroes. He said he was a hero who defeated the army in small numbers. It's ironic that you haven't fought a single great army."

I'm laughing.

"If we fought the great army, we would have won the war, but we lost the war."

While Mr. Selma shook his head to the side.

"So you can win. But then why doesn't Rolphis move? Are you questioning our strength? He said it was an army that lost to a few."

I thought that was possible. Since I won too much, Rolphis might have thought Zain's army was weak.

I need to rely on you.

"Either way, Rolphis needs you to move. I'll be right back, so be ready."

When I said that and stood up, Mr. Gastone said something.

"Please come back as soon as you can. Otherwise there will be a dead man."

- Mr. Gastone has threatened me with a tired smile.

When we arrived in Rolphis on May, we headed out to the royal castle.

It is a form of speaking to the Chancellor, Mr. Lomboldt, before seeing Her Royal Highness. As my guide, Mr. Allette has been chosen.

While walking in the royal castle, I had a conversation with Mr. Allette.

"How's Rolphis doing?

Mr. Alette, a little nervous.

"I'm calming down. Most people think the war has been averted."

Apparently, he was passive about the war.

"In Zayn, we officially announced that this one incident was a Serba leap. I'm in the middle of getting ready to move, so I'd like you to move as soon as possible if you can?

Then Mr. Allette looked back at me.

"I'd like to move with this one. My opinion broke at the Heavy Towns meeting. And I hope you're not too angry."

When I get up, Mr. Allette looks delicate.

"Her Royal Highness Princess Anneline said she would forgive Selva for this one incident. He wants Zain to leave without breaking his engagement."

When I was surprised and there was no voice, I heard a laugh from inside the treasure ball.

"What a terrible thing!

'It's impossible now that it's time to attack!

'I'm glad you didn't move on Rolphis' side. What do we do, attack alone?

'It's hard to manage. It's easy to destroy, but Gastone will die'

Even though I was frightened, the historical masters seemed to enjoy themselves.

I knew I was in love, but I didn't think I'd get this far.

I'm with Mr. Alette.

"Um, I made the announcement that I was officially going to attack you?

Mr. Alette is nodding.

"Oh, I know that. But Her Royal Highness... wants to move with us. But I can't move without orders."

The seventh generation seems to be having fun.

'Hahaha, I hope to crush Rolphis too at last. Do you crush it if you have to?

The fourth generation in that opinion.

'Rejected. I can't maintain it with the Lyells today. If you take it away, it will take time. I have to wake Her Royal Highness somehow. It's a virtue to be kind... but it hurts not to recognize the status quo.'

The third generation, with a lower voice than usual.

'If you're decorating, you have to be decorative. What happens when you pull your leg... Speaking of which, there were other people in this country who had the right to inherit the throne, right?

The fifth generation denies that opinion.

'It's a small country. His Royal Highness the Princess is also popular. If you die, there will be a noise. "

Unfortunately, the third generation says.

'Oh well... but I'll marry Dario in person, so if I tell you to give me the throne, I won't be happy to give it to you?

I can't seem to give up yet.

(I wonder why it sounds like fun)

I shook my head to the side and walked down the hallway in the royal castle. I'm a little nervous about Mr. Allette seeing me like that.

Between glances.

There was Dario staring at me.

Her Royal Highness, Anneline, is looking at this one and showing a little nervousness. By contrast, Dario was scared to look at me.

I am here as a messenger, so I am indirectly passing on the matter and waiting for a response. Between the sights were the knights, and Mr. Lomboldt and the ministers were aligned.

Everyone was nervous, but the frightened Dario was so out of place in it.

For some reason, the seventh generation laughs out.

"Damn it! Instead of hiding the Prince of Selva, I'm putting him forward...... aren't you even willing to negotiate! Shit, my stomach hurts!

They say something's gotten in my bump. Indeed, Dario felt out of place.

(I mean, there's been a little bit of a strange tension in the recent history of the Lord. I'm not even tired, unlike me... is something wrong?

After some time, Her Royal Highness opened her mouth.

"... I guess I should congratulate you on one thing in this design"

Hearing that, the third generation laughs out.

"Oops! Suddenly it's a fight, you little girl! You're too honest with yourself about honestly not even being able to celebrate!

The fourth generation calmly.

'Isn't that why you chose a man over your country?

The fifth generation calmly.

"That's right."

That said, everyone laughed out in unison within the treasure ball. I don't understand the laughing bumps of the historical lord.

As I hear the laughter of the historical princesses, I am said by Her Royal Highness the Princess with a serious expression.

"But that's it for the war. Isn't that enough? I do not want any further expansion of the war. Zayn needs you to pull your hand from Selva."

Historical masters laugh out. My stomach hurts.

The seventh generation.

'No, you were right to join in on Zayn's side. At the top of this one, I couldn't help but be frustrated'

The fourth generation.

"Well, even if it's funny from a third party's point of view, there are things the parties can't laugh about."

How do I feel at this time?

(With the laughter of our historical contemporaries, I don't feel any tingling air at all. No, you're gonna laugh at me)

I guess the others don't hear the laughter of the historical contemporaries or anything. He was waiting for my response with a serious look on his face.

But I can only feel the atmosphere in this place in comedy when I hear laughter.

"No, we've also made an announcement to officially attack, and when we withdraw, we have a lot of problems in our position. Besides, Rolphis and I already convinced each other by attacking."

Her Royal Highness leaned down and seemed a little remorseful.

"Then you don't have to return the land that Rolphis once took. Isn't this reassuring you?

Mr. Lomboldt.

"Your Highness, it's not!

I'm explaining the current situation to Her Royal Highness, but it's getting tough for me to laugh. Anyway, the historical principals make comments every time.

Seventh generation, etc.

"You didn't do anything, but you said you could give it back? Is this through holding Zain back from attacking? How convenient '

The third generation.

'It's a really convenient princess, isn't it? No, is she a convenient woman?

He was laughing at Guerraggera again. Then the fifth generation.

"You guys, if you had a daughter-in-law, you'd never say that."

The fourth generation.

'Stop it. Stop saying that now... you're sweating a little weird'

Historical masters - all didn't seem to get their heads up on their daughter-in-law.

I'm usually strong, but I'm sure I was a taffeta in front of my wife, and I'm going to laugh. No, I laughed.

Everyone was looking at me as I hacked my gaze around. The look is serious in itself.

Cough it up.

"No, excuse me. The... Well, now let's rude each other into the water. So, can Rolphis send out his soldiers? Or won't you let it out? No way... you wouldn't say you'd cooperate with Selva, would you?

If I manage to fix it desperately, I will regret speaking in a hurry and without choosing a word.

The fifth generation.

'What, Lyell stirs it up, too? Alone in the enemy formation... or you won't. Your liver's sitting on it. "

Actually, I made a hasty mistake, I couldn't say, etc.

Her Royal Highness is.

"Do a threatening imitation. Rolphis can't commit outrageous acts! If you want to talk to each other with a spear, I'll take it and stand!

Everyone on the spot tried to stop Her Royal Highness. But I hear the laughter of a historical contemporary, and that makes it look like a comedy.

I can't feel the tension at all.

(No, I can't laugh!

I was tired of the paperwork I was unfamiliar with, and I was tired of not going forward. I was mentally tired and made an unusual failure -.

When my voice sounded during the sight, my surroundings became quiet in opposition.

- I laughed a lot. You decided it was bad for boulders, and the fourth generation was going to follow you.

'Lyell, I laugh too much just because it's funny. You have to make them read your mind without changing your expression. Okay, let's give it a hand because it's not good for boulders. No, in this case, mouth...'

I remember being put on the fourth generation before and about to dictate Mr. Selma, but I decided to believe the fourth generation that I wouldn't do that here.

Following the words of the fourth generation.

"- I call it outrageous, but wasn't Rolphis and I used to use Zain? You don't think I know? The Virgin three generations before Zain was a person on Rolphis' side. At the time, there were records of invasion and looting of Selva."

- When I was sorting out the paperwork, I was also looking at that kind of information. Because there is such a past, and reports have come up that there are problems at the borders.

Border zone bordered by Zayn, Selva and Rolphis. The line draws are vague, so there were many skirmishes.

I never thought paperwork would help here, but I'm not too happy.

"You think we're not outrageous? Plus, one thing about this Selva. Something to put Rolphis under control. In other words, they set up an invasion. You think I'll shut up and forgive you for that? As for Zayn, we can't overlook such a country increasing its national power."

When Dario, who had been silent until now, stood up, he yelled at me with an awesome sword screen.

"Don't worry, I won once! Unlike Zain's weak soldier, you think you can win before the Selva's strong!

I smile.

"Yeah, I guess so. So now we have all the troops. I'm going to be ready to win. His Royal Highness the Second Prince is apparently familiar with the battlefield. Why don't you go home and do some battle support? I'd like you to guide me on this battlefield, Lyell. Come on. You must be strong. I can't help but look forward to it now. I don't have a lot of opponents in Zain, and I was just bored."

"Ahaha, that's a great look around you."

I was in a hurry as I continued.

(These glasses! Don't let people get away with it, you stirred it up here! I thought I'd fit in a circle, and on the contrary, I stirred it up!

As Dario gives me a blue look, I'll be ready to get away with it whenever I want. I told May, connected by skills - connections - to be ready to escape.

"May, the clouds have become suspicious. Please... get ready to run!

May doesn't seem to like it.

'... it wasn't Lyell who incited you? Well, fine. Then I'll go and help you.'

In addition to the sharp gaze around him, the knights were likely to still lay their hands on the weapon. I won't stand up, but I can move quickly with my hips down.

Then Dario crashed onto the floor and buttocks.

Her Royal Highness the Princess.

"Dear Dario!... Catch this lunatic!

He turned his right hand towards me. When the long, purple hair that seems to reach the floor moves wide, where the knights are about to pop out, the window between the glances breaks through and May breaks in.

In Kirin's appearance.

The ministers around him, and the knights, were looking at May and his hips were retreating.


"Kirin's here to help? No way......"

"Duh, what can I do!

May in Kirin approached me as my surroundings panicked. I've been shaking my head to get on my back, so I try to get on.

"Wait! You guys, put down your weapons!

Mr. Lomboldt lowered the knights around him and told me to wait. Dario had lost his mind and incontinence where May had entered.

Her Royal Highness's hair was also wet as she leaned in and embraced Dario, and she stuck Dario when she noticed it.

"Cah! Buh, disrespectful! My precious hair! Somebody get me something to wipe."

I saw Dario fall to the floor, and the third generation.

"I Saw A Moment Of Love Getting Cold"

Historical masters make a big laugh again.

I was just trying to figure out what to do with the cold sweat.

Hours later.

I was on May's back for Zayn's capital.

He also keeps detailed documents on the Selva invasion in his writ on Rolphis' side. After that, I promised to invade Selva.

Of course, since Rolphis promised not to be hostile to Zain.

Detailed meetings would continue in the future, except for me, but I held a bag of paperwork and sighed.

"What was that, that look..."

I don't know if it's crazy or why I did that... I'm sure it had something to do with being tired and mentally unstable.

But normally, no.

And the historical contemporaries were also depressed for some reason.

In order.

'Yeah, I'm sorry about something. I can't stop laughing... there's been a lot lately. I'll explain tomorrow. "

'... when I finished, why did you do that? I regret it.'

'I didn't have a problem with it if I just looked at the results. That's it, that... I was tired'

'It's disrespectful and embarrassing to think back. Let's forget about it already.'

Was there something in history that made my lord tired?

With that in mind, I went back to Zain's room, where there would be more work to do while I was weak.

Feelingly, I thought in my heart that I didn't want to go back.

(But I might want Nowem to comfort me...)

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