- In the woods.

The boys, who got their hands on the village gold, are counting the gold they got while guarding their surroundings.

In the dim woods, it was creepy to hear the birds chirp.

"Hurry up!

When one hurries, there's a boy who was counting.

"Fifty pieces in silver. Definitely!"

It was money collected for the village. The boys who knew where it was.

Accused of inadvertently hunting beasts by adults and imbalanced forests, they had decided to head to urban areas.

He put his hands on the village's money in order to obtain funds for it.

"Okay, if that's all you got, you can go to the city and do it."

City - they thought if we got to the city, we'd figure it out.

"It's just good to get away from the May adults. Still, you're pissed that the leftovers look great. You're not even a big adventurer."

A leftover person would mean a village chief.

From them, the village chief was a loser who spent his old age in the village. The adventurer they envision refers to an elegant life with a mansion in an urban area.

"My father and brother said," Because I'm a bad adventurer, only such a naughty guy can come. "

Expressing their dissatisfaction with the village chief, they were trying to think of a plan for the future with the money they got taken care of.

"Hey, how do we get out of the village now? Even if you only have money, you don't have food or equipment."

The trio of boys had the same answer in mind when they faced each other.

"You've made up your mind. Borrow it from somewhere."

They don't have the kind of equipment to travel.

The way I came up with it was to call it borrowing Lyells' gear.

"Take all the women, I hate him. The mayor of the village wants a beautiful daughter-in-law. Definitely bought it for gold, that one."

Being usually a weak second or third son, they were disgusted with life in a cramped village.

From time to time, when we hear from pedestrians about adventurers active in urban areas, one day we dream about ourselves, etc.

But reality isn't sweet.

The wealthy Baym villagers for 10%, but not that much money could be given to the independence of the second or third son.

The three of them, who have given up on pioneering from the start and getting their fields, have not put their main hips in agriculture or anything else to help.

There were no fields or houses to inherit, and it was the adventurers who thought of it as independence.

If we become adventurers, we have unfounded confidence that we will succeed. Most of all, it was also true that many adventurers did not know the reality as they did.

It is also one of the reasons why reckless adventurers are not reduced.

"Hey, what if I get my gear? Walking to a nearby village will take two days."

One boy purposefully lifted a bag of silver coins to his gaze and sounded jarring.

"If you go that far, you can buy food with gold though. If you put me in a carriage, the city will soon be here."

The boys were laughing at the thought of becoming independent in urban areas.

"Then do you sneak in at night? If we don't get in the back of the woods, we'll be fine."

The boys realized that the Lyells were now entering the woods and the number of demons near the entrance was decreasing.

If we hide until night, we think we can do something about it.

"Then you're free."

On escape, the bread and water bottle were brought in. The three of them tear the bread and carry it to their mouths. I ate hard bread with a mossomoso and saw a weapon lowered to my waist.

"Hey, if you collect materials and demon stones, you can sell them when you get to the next village, right?

When one says so, the other two turn their gaze to a bag full of silver coins.

It's a lot of money in their senses, but I didn't want to get my hands on it until I went to the city if I could.

This money will equip you as an adventurer.

I want to save a little and buy some good gear.

"... I'm free, and I'm going to earn about my meal"

The boys move their feet behind the woods...

When I get an extra request from the village chief, I'll put it on and get ready to go into the woods when I'm done inspecting my gear.

Miranda watched me go into the woods alone with a frightened look on my face.

"I took the request, but don't you have to force me into the woods?

When I check my hips for spare savels, daggers, and knives, I put the rope in my bag.

"I'm rolling around near the forest entrance, and I'll collect it in no time. He was found dead. It would be a pain in the ass if it happened."

Miranda looks at me because she likes people, etc.

"Take me or Eva."

Only Miranda, Aria, and Eva the Elf can move around in the woods. But it's not enough to take the three of us.

"If the three escaped go to the back of the woods, I'll turn back. Plus, I have skills."

Let me grab the treasure ball, Miranda says.

"... don't push me. And someday, tell me exactly what you're hiding. Don't listen to me until Lyell says so himself."

That's what I'm saying and I'm leaving. Look at Miranda's back, I...

(Found out...)

Put your head on and take your hands off the treasure balls, the fourth generation says.

"You lied about trying to kiss Kirin or something, but you didn't make sense. I'd better set up an environment where I can say one day. '

The sixth generation.

'Right. It doesn't have to be right now. "

I didn't think I needed to say anything, but thanks to Shannon, I had to explain. Bad timing, but we should create an environment where we can talk calmly.

It must be explained in an orderly manner, so that no doubt remains. And he said that the treasure balls I hold are different from the treasure balls Ceres holds...

That's when I thought.

(What's the difference between the treasure balls I have and the treasure balls Ceres has? Celeste is sure my treasure balls are fake or failures... isn't the real use of treasure balls about remembering skills?

I shook my head sideways and headed to the woods, and I first thought about rescuing the three boys.

Alone in the woods, I could walk alone in the woods with Eva's guidance.

I'm not used to it, but with the use of my skills, I don't lose my way, and I go back while dodging demons.

Before I went into the woods, the three of them were going back.

"You're going to catch up somehow."

Without going deep into the woods, I'm going to catch up, so I'm going straight after the three of them.

With the surrounding maps on my mind, and even knowing the reactions of enemy allies, I guess I'm fit for the adventurer's job as well.

That was also evidence that the fifth and fourth generation skills were excellent.

I'll go after the three of them, and I'll see the body I found along the way.

It was a grey wolf and only demon stones had been recovered if you had given up skinning along the way.

"That's awful."

It's not that the demon is a mess, but the material and other calves are terrible. You don't seem to know the basics.

"Fur's higher, though."

In terms of the purchase price, the fur is bought higher.

I've grown accustomed to the adventurer's life, and from what I can tell, I really didn't feel better. What's more bothering me now.

"How can we go to the back of the woods if we could bring up the village's money? No, you wouldn't be ready to get away with it in the first place."

Or are you planning it from the start and hiding gear or something in the woods? Think that far and go through the woods thinking it's impossible.

Demons begin to gather beneath the boys. The unaware boys seemed to be surrounded in some way.

"Surrounding the beast? A trap!"

The beast was there from the start, and I didn't realize the trap was installed.

Running out, he hurries ahead with daggers paying off branches and grass that are intrusive to his hands.


"... you're lying"

Understanding the status quo by my skills, I rushed to speed up.

Even from within the treasure balls, a voice of surprise was heard.

Fifth generation.


- The boys surrounding the beast sigh when they see the breathless beast.

"No demon stones."

The boy in return blood was frustrated when he wiped his hands with a cloth.

The reason it took me so long was because I didn't get results.

"I can't tell."

"I mean, why should I take care of these guys when they attack us?

It so happens that the boys, who had previously installed and abandoned them, discovered a wolf heading there.

I surrounded the weak wolf and defeated it, but it was a lot more laborious than Greywolf and others.

"How long is it with two demon stones?

"Ah, like I got a big bronze coin..."

When the three of them try to leave the scene, a sudden lightning strike occurs.

In addition to the earthquake, the blue and white light brightened the surroundings.

If you look up at the sky, the small sky visible from the branches and leaves of the tree is the blue sky.

"What. What happened?"

"Hey, you don't have a bad demon or anything."

"Let's get out of here!

Even magical demons came out? The boys, who so concluded, tried to flee in a hurry. But there's a little girl in the circle of those boys.

She was a terrible, unrealistic girl.

I'm wearing clothes I've never even seen.

White clothes are on the shoulders. No, it was a chest, hips, arms to bottom and separate parts outfit.

The cloth around the chest and around the waist are perfect for the appearance of body lines. Tight hips around, big breasts sticking out.

My butt was small.

Even though it was such an outfit, the cloth on my arms was so loose that I couldn't see my hands in the opposite direction. Underfoot is a sandal, wrapped around the knee like a belt wrapped around the mesh.

Short-haired, swinging her short blonde hair small through between the three of them, she broke the trap she devoured into the wolf's leg to hold a bloody wolf.

The three boys couldn't move their legs because of the feeling that they wouldn't even be free to breathe and the complexity of their emotions.

When I saw the girl, I thought she was beautiful.

At the same time, I thought it was impossible.

It is the two horns that are growing her hair from around the top of her ear.

Seeing a girl with a golden horn, the threesome feared as she thought it was beautiful.

Because I've never heard of a subrace with horns. Just because you don't know, even if it exists, the three of you are afraid of the presence you see for the first time.

Above all, the atmosphere is different.

One manages to squeeze out his voice.

"Oh, you, who is it? You're the adventurer who came to the village? I never saw it..."

Then, looking back, the girl's eyes were blue and clear, but at the same time she looked down at the three of them and stared at them.


When one surprised boy fell behind him, a group of werewolf companions gathered around the girl. Ignoring the boys, he leans on the girl's feet and smells his buddies.

The girl's mouth opens.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't notice you... come on, it's goodbye"

With that said, the girl puts the wolf in her arms on the ground. When his fellow wolf howled, he lay his forehead straight on the girl's leg, and the child's wolf was leaning against him.

When the girl closes her eyes, and opens them, the body of the wolf that became the body burns up.

When the blue and white flames shake, the girl...

"Come on, let's go."

Returning the wolves to the back of the woods, they stare at the boys. The girl approaching the boys avoiding the burning flames, a word.

"I don't like people like you. Ignorant, and arrogant... well, let's not let one of us disappear here again. The two return to the nearby village to tell the story of today. So this time it's over."

To the girl who says pale, the boys sweat cold and look blue at each other's faces.

The girl.

"Who disappears?

Disappear. That's what the girls say, but the boys understood.

When one of us is killed.

"Wow, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, miss me."

When one says so, the girl puts her neck around it.

"What went wrong? If you can tell me, why don't you tell me?

The boys look at each other.

"Oh, you killed a wolf."

That said, the girl laughed out.

"Ahahahahaha, you sure do. Yeah, you're not mistaken. But come on..."

The girl changes her appearance in an instant.

The girl, who was small, turns into a kirin with white scales and golden tendencies.

The two horns disappear, and instead a single horn grows from the forehead.

Offensive, sharp horns.

"Don't kill the creature, I'm not saying anything. Even I kill to live. Clarified, I have no complaints that you guys enjoyed killing. That's your problem. But..."

Stepping forward, the boys all fall back and butt cake. The first boy to fall was trying to crawl away on all fours trying to escape.

The first Kirin I've ever seen is hostile to the boys.

It looks divine, but at the same time we hate ourselves.

The boys, who found out about it, weep and beg forgiveness.

But Kirin doesn't seem interested.

"I personally don't like it though. And out of balance in the woods without darkness. That is your sin. Come on, who's the one who disappears?

It's uncomfortable to hear a girl in a big Kirin figure.

But the boys were cuter than that.

"I said I didn't want to! Because you invite me!

"You're kidding me! Though you would have enjoyed it the most!

"I don't like it! I don't want to die! I don't want to die!

I hear the boys crying and cursing at each other. Kirin hears that...

"So who disappears?

The voice asking for the forgiveness of the three did not seem to reach Kirin.

But Kirin suddenly turns his gaze off the boys and turns back.

"Looks like you're here. I've been waiting..."

What the boys saw was an adventurer with blue hair.

Did you rush me, my hair had tree branches and leaves on it? Breathe out and replace the dagger in your right hand with your left, the adventurer pulls through the sabel.

He lowered his hips and stared at Kirin as he took his stance.

Unlike ourselves, we show ourselves standing up to Kirin.

Kirin jumped straight up when he raised his forelegs wide and looked like a person when he landed.

And when you look down at the crying boys.

"Forget it. I've met my destiny. If you show up before me, I'll make sure you disappear."

The threatened boys go back the way they came straight into the woods.

I threw the luggage I had and ran desperately for the village -.

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