
Additional Request

We noticed that the sky was stained with cedar from the woods.

If you look out from the dim woods, the cold wind blows harder than usual.

Blood and mud, we wanted to go back and wash our bodies.

Re-take charge of the material packed in the leather bag, and when you start walking, follow it with Miranda, Aria and Eva.

I saw the look on everyone's face.

Eva's tired of leading us through the woods.

Both Miranda and Aria were tired of going to the woods where they couldn't be.

(Will you take the day off tomorrow? I'll have to finish the Greywolf crusade next time and get out of this village)

I decided to spend the day restoring everyone's health across the holidays and inspecting their gear.

However, because my people are tired, it's not even true that I'm off.

(I mean, I'm tough too)

The unfamiliar environment is terribly tiring.

The first day, the second day and movement are getting better, but the clothes were worn out.

Walking around in the woods and down roads without paths is a great struggle.

Sweat, and we rush our heavy bodies to a building where we sleep in the village, wanting to wash our clothes quickly into a sticky body with mud and blood.

That's when Eva did.

"Hey, report it properly, right? Otherwise, one day this place will be filled with demons."

Eva, who felt so few beasts in the woods, pressed me to report it to the village chief.

I can't even say that Eva can say it in person, etc.

The village chief is good, but I don't think the villagers will listen to Eva. Elves are a species in a weak position compared to humans.

And this was my job as a leader too.

"I know. I'll go to the village chief when I get dressed. But you come too. I can't explain myself, so I need your advice."

It was Eva who noticed the discomfort in the woods. But I can't pin it if they explain it to me. And I was anxious to be able to explain that well.

In some cases, the village celebrities may gather to talk. At that time, I was worried that I would be able to tell her well.

"I want to lie down because I'm tired, but I can't do that either... Fine"

Eva convinced me to stay put.

"I'll take the day off tomorrow. My body is tight after two days on the boulder. Let's see how it goes and take a day or two off. Do you want to report tomorrow?

Eva's staring at me.

"I want you to hurry?

Seems more serious than I think, and I apologize for saying I was bad.

Aria did.

"Then I'll finish inspecting my gear by the end of the day when I get dressed. Tomorrow I want to be a non-virgin."


"I hope there's somewhere to look around. With that said, Eva sang a song on her first day, didn't she? Are you gonna do it again?

Eva looks a little difficult and puts her hands on her forehead.

"Now that you've been noticed after that, you need to get permission from the village chief and celebrities. Something tells me there was a villager who left his job and came to ask. It was a mistake."

When the kids sang to me, apparently the adults got together.

Thanks to this, Eva seems to have been cautioned.

(You didn't come to me to talk like that)

Eva, someone may have paid attention to the individual.

"Then get permission when you get to the village chief."

Then Eva smiles.

"It's okay!

"Well, if not to the extent that I can't force it. I can't complain later if you can check your gear and rest your body."

From within the treasure ball, there is a fourth generation voice.

"That's it at last. In the beginning, Lyell grew up completely indifferent to others and annoying Nowem. '

He was making a sound like he had deliberately cried.

Conversely, the third generation laughs.

'But there's a lot you can't grow up with. Because the first rating is low, you can feel the growth in a few things. "

The fifth generation.

'... as far as I'm concerned, I don't think it's a good idea to go too deep. Look, just keep everyone on the lookout. Speak up, or you think you care about your health? Really don't forget.'

I am very worried.

Surprisingly, I went for the building I was staying in.

When I take Eva to the village chief's house, apparently after she finishes her meal.

I thought it would be annoying during meals and preparations, and they targeted me when I did, but they were right.

Upon entering the house, the village chief told his wife to prepare a drink and she was to listen to us.

"Well, what's up? Have the fools worked peeping and stealing again?

I'll explain the situation with Eva.


I was listening to that with a serious look, village chief.

At the end of our explanation, your wife serves us a warm drink, as if you were just after her.

When received with gratitude, the description includes a hot drink in the tired mouth as a chick.

Eva was either hot or breathing hoo-hoo.

"... well informed. That makes more grey wolves. I've never been like that before."

Eva doesn't seem to be the only one sensitive to forest anomalies.

It was equally important to the villagers who lived near the woods.

"Is the number of beasts low? Sure, if you ask me, I haven't had a chance to run into you lately."

The village chief, who looks convinced, apparently knows.

I have put my hand on my chin and nodded many times.

"Do you have any idea?

"... there were some idiots after your gear. They've been going into the woods lately. That's not uncommon in itself, but these days, you can even carry a weapon. There is no nobility here, so you just have to deliver a set amount of food to the city. I'm wealthy for 10%, but a lot of people buy weapons with those kinds of money. He must have carried a weapon in the house..."

Baym's peasants were wealthy, and it was checking when they entered the village that they were armed.

The village chief looks disgusted.

"A trap. I told you not to leave it alone when you use it to catch prey... Damn!"

Listening to the village chief, he apparently thought of taking down demons to grow.

In Baim, it is believed that defeating demons can make you stronger. It would be proof that there are just so many adventurers and so many who are realizing it.

And -.

"I did the beast, not the demon. It's dangerous when the forest is out of balance, so I said don't touch it... can't you tell?"

- What's the difference between a creature and a demon?

It is the presence or absence of demonic stones that many respond to when asked so.

Demonic stones if they come out.

Otherwise creatures.

If you want to be sure, you can take down and take out the Demon Stone.

As a result, he must have defeated many beasts, not demons.

It was disastrous that I only lived near the woods and was familiar with the traps I set in the woods, etc.

They would have defeated the captured wolves and others in a group as they were.

If I can take the demon stone, I'll take it back, otherwise I'll leave it.

By the looks of it, it may seem like he's been knocking down demons.

The village chief regrets it.

"It's my mistake. Sorry, thanks for letting me know. But the guild has sent a good adventurer."

There's a separation of stories, and I try to get Eva permission to listen to the song. But the village chief shook his head to the side.

"I'm sorry, but not tomorrow. It's not because you don't like it, or because you're an elf. Tomorrow we will gather the celebrities and villagers to hang the fools together. We need to make sure the same people don't leave."

(You gonna do that much?

With that in mind, the third generation seems to have noticed my doubts.

A third generation of voices came from within the treasure ball.

'... I can't help but let the folks who do the fools out, but if you make a mistake after that, the village or something will perish easily. You'll do it differently depending on the village, but you'll keep the same idiot from coming out.'

The sixth generation.

'And so you do the same thing when generations change, even when you see terrible things, don't you? If I tell you, he's a fool.'

In the sixth generation like that, the fifth generation is with Bosoli.

'... even if you said you ran away, you would have said many times that you were unconvincing'

Listening to the conversation of the historical lord, I saw Eva as chilling.

He doesn't seem to think he has a choice, and he doesn't look like he cared much. Instead, that's all serious, seems like a pleasure to the elves.

"I'm sorry. This is life, or life is at stake, so give me a break."

That's what the village chief told us. We went straight back under our people.

The next day.

For the first time in a long time, I slept slowly without a serious battle with the Historical Lord. When I woke up, the sun was high and there was a voice of my companions around me.

When I got up and stretched my back, I still felt a little heavy about whether my body was tired or not.

"Have we finished discussing the village?

When I go outside whining like that, Monica spots me and approaches me.

"You're a hell of a guy to wake up before lunch. Think about me cooking and cleaning. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

Are you angry, or are you happy?

Monica will give me the luggage she had in her hand.

"What, this?

"We have time until lunch, so it's a snack. If you eat it, give it to the little girl hiding inside the porter and tell her to wash it."

I took it and opened the lid, and there was a sandwich in there.

When I tried it for my hands, it was damp but delicious.

"What, is Shannon hiding?

"Pfft, it's not fair that I can't just rest when I say I don't have time off for chores... I'll do my best for the chicken bastard for lunch though!

I thanked Monica for finishing her sandwich, thinking it was good as usual.

Grab the container that was in and go to Porter's.

Looking around, the Nowems seemed to be out.

The door to the carrier portion of the porter is open, where Clara sits back and reads the book.

It's one of the many books I've been buying in to read on the move.

But Clara had deciphered them all.


Speaking up, Clara nodded.

And look at the container I have in my hand and gaze at Shannon wrapped in a blanket at the back of the carrier.

"I'm asleep. Mr. Miranda asked me to look around the village, long after I got back on the way."

He seems to be back alone, hiding and sleeping.

I go under Shannon when I get on the carrier.

Then Aria ran back.

Head over to Monica's, shout out.

"Monica, is Lyell awake?

Did Monica look at Aria and think it was a sudden errand?

"I went into Porter's carriage? Is something wrong?

Approaching where Aria is stopping Porter. Monica was with me.

It's cold, but Aria's sweating at me.

"Lyell, I hear the guys you said yesterday escaped. Besides, he went into the woods. So the village chief wants to talk to Lyell."

I'm getting out of Porter's carriage.

"The village chief? What are you doing to me?

I told Clara and Monica to wait.

When the two of us were aiming for the village chief's house, the village adults seemed to be in a hurry as well.

When I arrived at the village chief's house, I joined Nowem and Miranda, who were already there, and Eva, to listen.

The house of the broad village chief also gathers and feels narrow.

The mayor with the tired look on his face tells me.

"I'm sorry, you have to come. Actually, I'd like to make an additional request."

I asked for a favor, and I looked around.

The celebrities were outraged and the Nowems had a subtle look on their face.

"What's in it?

If you don't ask me what the request is, I can't accept it, so I'm going to check it.

The contents.

"I want you to bring back all the fools who escaped. I've seen it all the way into the woods, but it's hard to get in and look around with the villagers"

Celebrities raise their voices.

"With more demons, what are you thinking, those guys"

"Village chief, isn't the response too sweet? So I said," You should banish me. "

"Run away with the village's money... because it's the village chief's responsibility to manage it"

The voices of dissatisfaction with the village chief are rising, and the celebrities seem to be looking at me and taking a price for it.

"Are you all right with these adventurers? It's just girls and kids."

"When I was the previous village chief, you sent me a more capable adventurer."

Our age and appearance certainly don't look like adventurers in the war.

But it doesn't feel good to be told.

When the village chief exhales.

"I'll get you an extra reward. I'll clean it up later, so you can go back today."

The celebrities leave the village chief's house complaining about Gucci.

Several people saw their wives as flickering.

All that remained was a man a little younger than the village chief and us...

When the village chief knocks on the desk, he stares at the door.

"Damn! You don't usually do anything, but only when it's like this! Whose daughter-in-law are you using your eyes on, those motherfuckers!

I'm about to regret it, and most of all, I don't seem to like the people who were watching my own daughter-in-law.

The rest of the men look like thirties.

"Village chief, we need to move on now. I'll go out with you at night."

"Wow, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, can I ask for it? Worst of all, we just need to get the money back from the village that was taken away from us. That's fine when you can't, but if you remember when you go into the woods, look for it."

Looking for young people in the wide woods would be tough even for adults in a situation of increasing demons.

The reward was offered more than the amount carried away. Because if you don't, you won't come back.

Finally, if we bring back the escaped young man, we seem to get extra rewards.

I'll take it, I'll tell the village chief.

"It's tough, the village chief too"

"Hmm? Oh, the usual. You know they can't send an adventurer to satisfy themselves, but they can't send an adventurer... only at times like this can they blame me for my former adventurer. You can treat a bunch of idiots too harshly because they're leftovers. That's why I didn't want to do it."

Whatever I did, I wanted to feel sorry for the environment in which they complained.

How did you know to live permanently in this village?

I doubt it a little, but it reminds me of my conversation with the village chief.

He said if he made more money, he could have had a mansion in a good place, etc. I need to be able to make some money.

"Couldn't you have had a village other than here?

Did you understand the meaning of my question, the village chief shook his head to the side?

"It's the same everywhere. Popular places also cost money. So much so that some places make you pay a fortune to live. Instead, I chose a village with no money... damn it, don't get angry even if you know it"

Thirty men.

"If you're an adventurer too, make some money."

When we checked the details of the request, we went outside.

Then I heard the village chief yelling.

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