Seven World Martial God

Chapter 409: 50% of ice

On the border of the Great Song Kingdom, in a huge city, there are several million Great Yan teams stationed. 【First Release】

They were led by Yan Haotian, King Shenwu and King Wu Zhou.

At this time, the whole city was filled with a breath of sadness and despair.

A soldier from Great Yan Nation was full of sadness and despair and worry in his heart.

"The Great Yan Nation is destroyed!"

"The Lord of the Kingdom is dead!"

When the news came from the front lines, all the soldiers of the Great Yan Nation were stunned, and they couldn't believe it.

You know, their roots are in Great Yan Nation, and their family members and relatives are in Great Yan Nation. If it weren't for King Shenwu and King Wu Zhou, the entire military camp would be in chaos.

City Lord's Mansion.

Yan Haotian stared at the sky blankly, tears streaming down his face.

"Little Si, hold on, from today, you are the Lord of the Great Yan Country." King Shenwu placed the seal representing the Lord in front of Yan Haotian and said in a deep voice.

"Yes, although Great Yan Nation is destroyed, but the people of Great Yan Nation are still there, your duty is to protect them and lead them to retake Great Yan Nation." King Wu Zhou on the side also nodded.

These two half-step Martial King peak powerhouses were secretly tuned away by the Lord of the Great Yan Kingdom in order to help Yan Haotian regain the country in the future.

"Even Father King is not the enemy's opponent, and I don't even have the strength of Half-Step Martial King, how can I talk about rejuvenating the country?" Yan Haotian cheered up a little, but then smiled bitterly.

The burden given to him by the Lord of the Great Yan Kingdom was too great, but it was a pity that he did not have the strength to handle it.

"Father, I am ashamed of you." Yan Haotian sighed secretly in his heart.

King Shen Wu and King Wu Zhou glanced at each other, both sighing slightly, Yan Haotian was right, the enemy's strength was too strong.

"For this plan, only when Ye Tian comes back, if he is promoted to the realm of King Wu, then my Great Yan Nation will have the possibility of rejuvenation." After all, Yan Haotian is a powerhouse close to the half-step Wu King, and soon calmed down. , Analyze the current situation.

In fact, the leader of the Great Yan Kingdom had delegated power to Yan Haotian very early to cultivate his commanding ability.

Yan Haotian did not disappoint the Lord of the Great Yan Kingdom, he followed Shenwu King and Wu Zhou King, and he learned the complete emperor's way.

Forcibly suppressing the sadness in his heart, Yan Haotian squinted his eyes, and hummed slightly in the direction of the Great Song Kingdom’s imperial palace: "Give us such a big city. It sounds good to say that we value us. In fact, it is to make It’s a good calculation for us to stick to the frontier and treat us as cannon fodder."

"Between countries, there are no friends, only interests. [Starter]" Wang Wu Zhou shook his head and sighed. The actions of the leader of the Song Dynasty had long been expected.

King Shenwu also nodded and said, "Little Si don’t worry, this situation is already in the master’s expectation. At least we still have a city to defend. Moreover, Da Song Kingdom will never watch us be beasted. The religion is destroyed. At present, he still needs to use our strength to defend the frontier."

"I'm afraid that we can't resist the army of the Beast God Sect. The Great Song Kingdom will be destroyed sooner or later." Yan Haotian sighed. Although the power of the Great Song Kingdom is stronger than the Great Yan Kingdom, it is not much stronger. .

King Shenwu and King Wu Zhou also looked worried, they couldn't do anything now, they could only wait for Ye Tian to return.

However, there have long been rumors in the Eighteen Nations Middle School in the North Sea that Ye Tian had been killed by the Eastern Kingdom Lord outside the North Sea, and the corpse was taken away by the Fire Dragon King.

Yan Haotian and the others only had a glimmer of hope in their hearts.


Soon after, a messenger brought bad news: The Killer King led an army to kill him, and he was expected to arrive in the city in a month.

In the city lord's mansion, Yan Haotian, King Shenwu, and King Wu Zhou all looked stunned.

"How is it possible? Is the Lord of the Great Wei Kingdom an idiot? He didn't know that his lips were dead and his teeth were cold, so he came to attack us?" Yan Haotian cursed fiercely, his eyes still full of incomprehension.

The current situation is very clear. The strength displayed by the Beast God Sect is terrifying, a son of God who is comparable to the Lord of the Kingdom of Heaven, a powerful man who is comparable to the Lord of the Common Kingdom, and a dozen super powers who are comparable to the Invincible Martial Lord. .

Such a group of forces is enough to easily destroy any of the three strongest kingdoms. Under such circumstances, the kingdoms around Great Yan Nation should all unite.

Especially the Great Wei State and Great Yan State border, they are very likely to be the next plan of the Beast God Sect.

In this way, the Great Wei State also sent a large army to attack them, not only handing the back to the ambitious Beast God Cult, but also offending the Great Song State for this.

Including King Shenwu and King Wu Zhou, Yan Haotian couldn't guess the thoughts of the Great Lord of Wei Kingdom.

"Could it be that the hatred between King Father and the Lord of the Great Wei Kingdom is so great?" Yan Haotian secretly wondered.

Unfortunately, there is not much time left for him to consider.

King Shenwu groaned for a moment, and said in a deep voice: "In the first place, we were not opponents of the Beast God Cult, but now we are facing the Great Wei Kingdom, even if we repel them, we will suffer heavy losses."

King Wu Zhou glanced at King Shenwu and said with a smile: "It seems we have the same idea!"

"The two teachers mean we leave here?" Yan Haotian said with a flash of eyes.

Upon hearing the words, King Shenwu immediately showed appreciation and smiled: "Yes, we don't need to guard the frontier for the Song Dynasty. The Lord will not let us fight with the Beast God Sect in order to keep us strong and wait for Ye Tian to return."

"Go to Dajiang State, Dajiang State is not far from Dajiang State, and the Lord of Dajiang State was killed by Ye Tian again. At this time, he is in a civil strife. We can take a county to recuperate, and it is close to Beihai, which is convenient for inquiries. The whereabouts of Ye Tian." Wang Wu Zhou suggested.

"It's indeed a good idea, but I am afraid that Song Kingdom will not let us leave so easily." Yan Haotian was a little worried.

"Hmph, now there are two big enemies, the Great Wei Kingdom and the Beast God Religion, and the Great Song Kingdom doesn't care about us." Shenwu King snorted coldly.

King Wu Zhou also nodded.

"Since the two teachers agree with this decision, it should not be too late, and we will set off right away." Yan Haotian is also a man of courage. Once he decides something, he will implement it immediately without any delay.

King Shenwu and King Wu Zhou nodded appreciatively, Yan Haotian had the appearance of a country owner in other respects except that his strength was not as good as the country's master.

Soon after, a group of Great Yan teams set off towards Dajiang Country.

But at this moment, the Great Song Kingdom still didn't know all this, even if their people discovered this situation, they would not be able to pass it to the imperial capital in a short time.

It was not until the Murder King led the Great Wei Kingdom to easily capture this county, that the Lord of the Song Kingdom knew that he had been letting the pigeons off by Yan Haotian. He was so angry that he immediately spit out a spit of blood, and immediately ordered an army to intercept Yan Haotian.

However, before they could send an army, the Beast God Sect of the Great Yan Kingdom had already been killed, and even the Great Wei Kingdom's army was also killed.

At this time, the Lord of the Great Song Kingdom knew that the Great Wei Kingdom had already been in alliance with the Beast God Sect.

Where did he dare to send an army to intercept Yan Haotian, and immediately transferred all the army back to resist the army of the Beast God Cult and the Great Wei Kingdom, but he still retreated steadily and was not far from death.

But Yan Haotian didn't care about the affairs of the Great Song Kingdom at this time, he took the troops and finally rushed to the Great River Kingdom, and then seized a county close to Beihai as a temporary site.

Because of the fall of the Lord of the Dajiang Kingdom, Dajiang is in chaos. First of all, the major families and sects robbed the territory. There are also generals and princes who control one side. Even some independent half-step martial arts kings robbed them. A site.

The surrounding kingdoms also took advantage of this opportunity to begin to eat away at Dajiang State and annexed a lot of land in Dajiang State.

However, the biggest power of Dajiang Nation is the former royal force headed by Su Qingfeng, one of the five great arrogances. They also have the support of Hu Tianhua and Hu's family, occupying one third of Dajiang Nation's land.

For the outsider Yan Haotian, the major forces of Dajiang Nation hated him, but the frontiers were in a hurry, and there was chaos inside. They couldn't drive away Yan Haotian, they could only watch Yan Haotian take the next big one. county.

Fortunately, Yan Haotian also knew how to measure. He sent someone to make a temporary alliance agreement with Su Qingfeng, and as long as he waited until Great Yan Nation was restored, he would leave Dajiang Nation.

Su Qingfeng was afraid of Yan Haotian's forces and did not want to be an enemy of him, so he had to agree to this matter.


North Sea.

When the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea were surging, Ye Tian's cultivation in the Lair of the Fire Dragon King also reached a critical moment.

In this matter, Ye Tian had absorbed the good fortune of the Life and Death Talisman. Although he hadn't woken up yet, his cultivation base had been promoted from the early half-step Wuwang to the half-step Wuwang peak.

Not only that, but not long afterward, Ye Tian's Frost Fist was finally promoted to the realm of 50%.

this day--

The Fire Dragon King felt a powerful wave of energy coming from above his head. He woke up from sleep, opened his huge eyes, and looked at Ye Tian who was still lying on the boulder.

"Good boy, you have been promoted to the realm of King Wu so soon..." Before the Fire Dragon King finished speaking, an extremely cold domain power radiated from Ye Tian.

In an instant, including the Fire Dragon King, the entire volcano was frozen.

Even the hot magma was frozen and turned into a solid fossil.

"Roar!" The Fire Dragon King roared, his whole body exploded, opened the ice field, and escaped.

At this time, as the power of the Yetian Domain spreads out, the entire sea area around the volcano is covered by thousands of miles of ice, a vast white glacier.

It was two completely different worlds from the previous sea of ​​fire.

"This stinky boy!" High in the sky, the Fire Dragon King stared at the old nest below, and couldn't help smiling wryly.

The lair he had lived in for so many years was destroyed by Ye Tian's hands.

"Strange, this kid is still half-step to the top of the King of Martial Arts, and he has not been promoted to King Martial. This doesn't make sense!" Suddenly, the Fire Dragon King's pupils shrank, staring at Ye Tian on the boulder in amazement.

At this time, the breath that Ye Tianshen uploaded was very powerful, comparable to a third-level powerhouse of Wuwang, but his cultivation was still at the half-step Wuwang peak.

The Fire Dragon King was really surprised.

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