Seven World Martial God

Chapter 408: God's son

"How can it be!"

Seeing Ye Tian's familiar face, not only the Lord of the Great Yan Kingdom, but also Zhang Hu, Li Lanshan and others in the crowd below were all dumbfounded and shocked. [More exciting novels, please visit]

However, the blood-robed youth who appeared in front of them was indeed Ye Tian.

The familiar face has not changed at all, only the look in his eyes is somewhat different.

Ye Tian's eyes have always been sharp, like a blade, exuding a peerless edge.

But Ye Tian's gaze in this blood-robed robe was very gloomy and evil, full of bloodthirsty aura, making people afraid to look directly.

"Hmph, you are not Ye Tian. Although the appearance is the same, the aura is completely different." After all, the leader of the Great Yan Nation is a strong man of King Wu. After the initial shock, he quickly calmed down and shouted coldly.

Li Lanshan, Zhang Hu and others also saw that the person in front of them was not Ye Tian, ​​but they were very curious, who is this person who looks exactly like Ye Tian?

"You are wrong, I am Ye Tian, ​​but not the Ye Tian you know." The blood robe Ye Tian said gloomily. He stretched out his scarlet tongue and licked his lips, his face full of murderous intent.

The people below did not dare to look at him a few more times, because they had a great fear in their hearts, which was very terrifying.

Even the dozen or so black-robed powerhouses of the Beast God Sect looked at Ye Tian in front of him in awe, respectfully one by one.

"Who are you?" The Lord of the Great Yan Kingdom shouted in a deep voice. The strange scene before him made him faintly worried.

"Jie Jie..."

The blood robe Ye Tian didn't speak, but the voice of the leader of the Beast God Sect was heard.

"The Lord of the Great Yan Kingdom, do you remember the scene of the meteor in the sky in Nanlin County?" The words of the leader of the Beast God Church made the face of the Lord of the Great Yan Kingdom change.

"He is?" The Lord of the Great Yan Kingdom stared at the blood-robed Ye Tian in disbelief.

"It seems that you have thought about it. He is the child, a holy infant from the outer world, the son of God specially given to us by the Beast God." The leader of the Beast God Sect said feverishly.

"Long live the beast god!"

"Long live the Son of God!"

More than a dozen powerful men in black robe roared, shaking the capital.

In the boundless black mist, a loud roar came, making the entire sky tremble.

The Lord of the Kingdom of Great Yan had a gloomy face and an incredible look in his eyes. He did not expect that the child would survive that year.

Thirty years ago, on the day Ye Tian was born, a blazing meteor cut through the sky and fell into Nanlin County of Great Yan Nation.

This meteor is different from other meteors. It is very weird and carries an extremely evil energy that shocked both the Lord of the Great Yan Kingdom and the Great Elder of Buried Sky. (Starting)

The two peak powerhouses of the Great Yan Nation came to the landing point of the meteor together, but they only had time to see a baby wrapped in blazing blood, and then they could see nothing.

At that time, the Lord of the Great Yan Kingdom and the Great Elder of Funeral were very surprised. They had never seen this strange vision before, and it was not even recorded in some ancient books.

It's just that the leader of the Great Yan Kingdom did not expect that this baby actually existed and was acquired by the leader of the Beast God Cult.

"Why does he look exactly like Ye Tian?" Da Yan Country asked in a deep voice, he was very curious about the origin of this blood-robed Ye Tian, ​​a life from a world outside the sky, I don't know what kind of world it is?

"The Ye Tian you know is the twin brother of our Son of God, hehe, with the help of the glory of our Son of God, his talent is so powerful, he has become the first genius of your Great Yan Kingdom. However, with our Son of God By comparison, he is still far behind." The leader of the Beast God Sect sneered.

"I think it's my brother, your son of **** may not be as good as him, at least he is not a monster that is neither human nor beast." The country lord of the Great Yan said coldly.

"Huh!" When Ye Tian heard the words, his pupils shrank, and his blood-red eyes flashed with cold killing intent.

Obviously, it made him very angry to say that he was inferior to Ye Tian.

The leader of the Beast God Sect said coldly: "Unfortunately, no matter how powerful Ye Tian is, I am afraid that at this time he would have already died under the hands of the Lord of the Eastern Kingdom. And our son of God is stronger than the Lord of the Eastern Kingdom. exist."

"For the sake of you being good to my brother, as long as you are willing to surrender, I can help you get rid of the power of the beast gods in your body, and let your cultivation level go further, comparable to the leader of the Eastern Kingdom." Tian looked at the Lord of the Great Yan Country indifferently, and said proudly.

"Let me become a half-man and half-beast monster like you?" The Lord of the Great Yan Kingdom was full of mockery.

The blood robe Ye Tian and the leader of the Beast God Sect's face sank, and their eyes were full of boiling killing intent.

"I am also the lord of a country anyway, how can I be with you and other beasts? The Great Yan Nation has always only had a lord who died in battle, and no lord of surrender.

The Lord of the Great Yan Kingdom roared, and his whole body was radiant, like the same sun, releasing immortal brilliance.

Suddenly, a terrifying aura erupted from him, blasting the beast **** cult leader and the dozens of black-robed youths.

When all the martial artists of the imperial capital saw this, they shouted excitedly, their faces full of excitement.

"Blast your martial spirit, burn your blood, you have the courage!" The blood robe Ye Tian was unmoved, he had his hands on his back, and looked coldly at the great flame nation lord who was facing soaring aura.

Listening to his words, the smiles of all the warriors in the imperial capital instantly solidified, and their faces were full of horror and despair.

Exploding Martial Spirit and burning blood, this is almost a mortal determination, even if Martial Saint comes, he can't save the Lord of the Great Yan Kingdom.

All the imperial capital warriors were all sad and desperate.

The entire imperial capital was full of sadness.

"Come on, let me take a look at your younger brother, how is it better than your older brother?" The Lord of the Great Yan Nation's fighting spirit soared to the sky, without fear at all, he exploded with peak combat power and rushed towards the blood-robed Ye Tian.

Rumble...The terrifying energy made the sky tremble.

After exploding his martial soul and burning his blood, the power of the leader of the Great Yan country reached the third level of the Martial King.

From a distance, it seemed like a blazing sun exploded in the sky, releasing terrible shock waves, making the entire imperial capital tremble.

"With this strength, you want to compete with me? Humph!"

The blood robe Ye Tian was unmoved, he snorted coldly, raised an arm, clenched his fist and blasted out.


The boundless black energy condenses into a fierce tiger, stepping on the clouds, and culling towards the Lord of the Great Yan Kingdom. In an instant, the tiger's might shook the sky and the earth, like a giant beast, unparalleled in power.

"Flame Slash!"

The Lord of the Great Yan Nation didn't dare to be careless, and immediately took out his royal sword and slashed towards the fierce tiger that came.


The terrifying sword light was thousands of meters long, pierced through the void and through the sky, as if a divine punishment had fallen from the sky, and it slashed fiercely on the fierce tiger.

"Roar!" The fierce tiger roared, his momentum exploded, exuding terrifying fierce might.

The Lord of the Great Yan Kingdom was full of disbelief, because his full-strength sword was unable to repel the fierce tiger, and the opponent still rushed towards him, blasting his body fiercely into the palace below.


"The Lord!"

All the people in the imperial capital suddenly exclaimed that they couldn't believe that the strongest of Great Yan Nation was so vulnerable that he was injured by the enemy's face.

"The power gap is too big, Great Yan Country is in danger!" Li Lanshan sighed secretly.

"Brother Li, do you think we might as well take the opportunity to escape?" Zhang Hu didn't know when he touched him and got together with Li Lanshan.

Beside them, there are dozens of young talents who rushed back from the Nine Heavens Palace not long ago.

"Not at this time, the dozen or so people in black robes are very scary." Li Lanshan shook his head.

"It seems that the country lord is about to die..." A young handsome stared at the sky with horror.

Everyone looked and saw that in the distant sky, the Lord of the Great Yan Kingdom was covered in blood, and his arm was bitten by a fierce tiger.

The country lord, who was so powerful just now, fell to this end not long after.

Everyone in the imperial capital was silent, everyone's face was full of despair and fear, and the enemy's strength was too strong.

"Something is wrong, there are not many guards in the palace, and even the Shenwu King and all the princes and princesses are gone." Zhang Hu said suddenly in surprise.

"It seems that the country's lord has long expected that we will flee in chaos. Remember, don't explode, try to keep a low profile. When encountering enemies, you can only dodge, not attack." Li Lanshan said in a deep voice.

Everyone nodded.

"Where to flee?" Zhang Hu asked.

"Big Song Kingdom, Brother Yan is there, and King Shenwu is probably also there," Li Lanshan said.

"These people are so powerful, I am afraid that the ambition is not small, I am afraid that the Song Dynasty will soon face them." Zhang Hu worried.

"One step counts as one step, even if the sky falls, there will still be tall people standing on it." Li Lanshan hummed lightly.


A loud noise shook the sky, causing the entire imperial capital to tremble. As if an earthquake occurred, houses collapsed and the ground cracked.

A group of young talents looked at the sky in shock, all of them were dumbfounded, and then all their faces were full of sadness.

The Lord of Great Yan Country blew himself up!

In the imperial capital, there was a sorrow, and everyone was stunned.

For a long time, sitting in the imperial capital, the patron saint of Great Yan Country, just fell.

Many people couldn't stand the shock and fainted.

Many people screamed crazy to kill Ye Tian in the sky and dozens of black-robed powerhouses, and some fled from the imperial capital.

The entire imperial capital was in chaos, with crowds rushing out everywhere.

"Huh!" The blood robe Ye Tian didn't bother to pay attention to these people, and walked directly towards the Great Yan Nation's imperial palace, and the leader of the Beast God Cult followed.

As for the dozen or so black-robed powerhouses, they also looked down on the people below, and directly ordered the army of the beast gods behind to encircle the emperor.

However, in the end it was the imperial capital of Great Yan Nation, with many masters, the army of the Beast God Sect could not contain many people at all, and many people fled.

Li Lanshan, Zhang Hu and others were also mixed in the crowd and fled the imperial capital.

Soon after this, the entire Great Yan Nation fell and was completely controlled by the Beast God Sect.

King Wu Zhou of Wu Zhou City, with the army of the Great Yan Kingdom, and the King Shen Wu, stationed on the border of the Song Kingdom.

Following the destruction of the Great Yan Kingdom by the Beast God Sect, the entire Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea was full of rumors.

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